Win Your Heart

Chapter 492: Loon


Just as he was about to send someone to take him away and behead him, he saw Hsiao Shu-shen smiling creepily.

Shen Qingwan watched with wide eyes as she pulled out the golden hairpin on her head and stabbed it straight into her heart.


She subconsciously called out Fu Yuheng, and the next second there was someone waiting for her.

"My dear, is there anything wrong?"

Fu Yuheng's eyes were full of concern. Shen Qingwan didn't answer, but pointed at Xiao Shushen, whose mouth was bleeding, and said tremblingly: "She is so strong-willed."

Fu Yuheng disdained to comment. What was there to say about a woman like this showing so much courage

At this moment, Xiao Shushen seemed to be hurt by the actions of the two people. Before she died, she struggled to tell how she had framed Shen Qingwan all these years, as if this could save some of her lost face and allow her to ignore the intimacy that was faintly flowing between the two of them.

In the end, she lost. This man never belonged to her. Even if she respected him, it was only because of the Queen and the grace of saving her life.

Outside the hall, Fu Mochen suddenly ran in crying, hugging Xiao Shushen with tears streaming down his face.

"Mother! I don't want you to die..."

Xiao Shushen caressed the young face, rubbed his forehead lovingly, and said gentle words that she would only use on her son in this life: "Live well, don't be blinded by desire like your mother, be reborn into a good family in the next life, and don't be born into an imperial family..."

Without waiting for a response, I lost my temper.

The only sound left in the hall was Fu Mochen's crying. The previous unhappy disputes became so insignificant in the face of life and death. He just wanted his mother to be alive...


Shen Qingwan watched all of this while hiding in Fu Yuheng's arms. Xiao Shushen was dead, everything was settled, and from now on no one would be able to interfere with their lives. Shen Qingwan just wanted to stay in Fu Yuheng's arms.

"Carry her away and bury her properly in the outer mausoleum. This will be a way of giving her a final dose of dignity and repaying her for her past kindness."

Fu Yuheng looked at Fu Mochen for a long time before saying, "Crown Prince Fu Mochen condoned the Queen's rebellion. Now his status is revoked, he is demoted to a commoner, imprisoned in the Taihe Bureau, and is not allowed to leave for life."

When Fu Mochen was dragged away, his face was wooden and expressionless. He didn't care about anything in the world. Only when his eyes swept across Shen Qingwan did they show some liveliness, which then disappeared.

Shen Qingwan felt a pain in her heart.

Fu Yuheng stopped me and said, "I will banish Hua Zhaoyi to the cold palace. When the palace is cleaned up, it will be your coronation ceremony. From now on, you and I will guard the country, and you should give me a child."

Shen Qingwan's aching heart was healed by Fu Yuheng and her face blushed.

After avoiding this topic, I thought to myself that maybe I should visit Taihe Bureau more often in the future.

April, the thirty-seventh year of Daliang.

It is a great time of year with bright sunshine and mild weather.

Since the end of a palace infighting last month, Queen Xiao was killed on the spot, the crown prince was deposed, and Daliang returned to Fu Yuheng's hands.

At this moment, he was worshipped by all the people and moved into the Yonghe Palace with his new queen. From then on, there was no more queen's bedroom. She and the emperor lived in the same palace, without any distinction between you and me.

Later, some people recalled the grand occasion at that time. The plague and disasters had been handled thoughtfully, and the refugees were properly dealt with. Only then did the people have the mind to admire the elegance of the new queen of Daliang. The sight of her was unforgettable for the rest of their lives, especially the tightly entwined hands of the emperor and the queen, which can be regarded as a story that will be passed down through the ages.

In the imperial garden, Fu Yuheng walked beside Huo Langqi holding Shen Qingwan's hand. Recalling the scene of bravely fighting the enemy, the emperor of Okong was still grateful.

"Your Majesty, if it weren't for you, Odo wouldn't have been executed so quickly, and we in Okon wouldn't know how many years we would have to endure the war. Langqi is very grateful."

As he said this, he was about to bow, but was stopped by Fu Yuheng.

"Now that you've said that, I should also thank you for helping me get rid of the rebels. It's very troublesome to go back and forth. Why don't you toast me three cups of sake? I hope your kindness will be remembered in the process of friendly diplomatic relations between our two countries in the future, and it will also be passed on to future generations so that peace can last for thousands of years."

"Your Majesty is right. Langqi has exactly this intention."

At this point, three people suddenly appeared in the front yard, walking together, looking quite relaxed and comfortable, like people strolling in a garden. Seeing this, Fu Yuheng was neither angry nor smiling.

"You three are too ostentatious. After all, Concubine Qi was once my favorite concubine. You are too bold to disrespect my dignity in front of the Emperor of Okong. Guard Ye."

Ye Feng looked unhappy, which was rare.

"Your Majesty, you have already released Ruotong from the palace. I will marry her in three days. Why are you still calling her 'Qipin Qipin'? I... I cannot agree to this."

Shen Qingwan laughed so hard that her body shook. She pointed at Fu Yuheng and said something funny: "Your Majesty, who told you not to use your power to scare Guard Ye? If you allow him to be so presumptuous, then don't blame me for committing a crime."

Fu Yuheng was helpless and didn't feel like pretending to be an emperor. They were all close friends who had been through thick and thin together, so it would be tantamount to being polite to talk about those things now.

Looking at Concubine Qi's slightly bulging belly, Fu Yuheng said with relief: "Wanwan and I will go to watch the ceremony in plain clothes. There is no need to cause a sensation."

Unexpectedly, Concubine Qi curled her lips, looking down on his hypocrisy: "It was because the Queen said not to disturb you that you agreed. What do you mean it's unnecessary? You obviously want to cause a sensation. It's a good thing that the Queen is watching over you."

The group of people laughed so hard that Fu Yuheng almost got angry and embarrassed. He smiled and pointed at Ye Feng with his finger, then calmed himself down under Shen Qingwan's gaze.

"Wanwan is already half a month old. Your Majesty, please take good care of her. If you give birth to a boy in the future, our family will be his study companion. It will be another example of brotherly love."

Fu Yuheng's eyes were gentle as he stroked Shen Qingwan's belly with anticipation. He turned around and saw Concubine Shu avoiding Huo Langqi's gaze rather uncomfortably. He found it interesting and pulled Shen Qingwan's sleeve to motion her to look.

Although the 28-year-old Concubine Shu had experienced the upheaval of the court and the country, she was still fragrant and undefeated. Since she was sent out of the palace with those concubines who had fallen out of favor, her life has become more and more smooth, and her fair and smooth skin is like the best porcelain, shining with brilliance.

No wonder Huo Langqi was attracted to her. Such a beauty should bloom in her own right.

Shen Qingwan then gave Fu Yuheng a look, and the four of them found excuses to leave, giving the two who got along well enough time and space to get along.

Concubine Wu Ling was quite annoyed. She stared at the backs of the people walking away, gritting her teeth in confusion.

"The emperor has become more and more unruly under Wanwan's guidance. It's too much to just leave me with a man like this. After all, I have been a great contributor to his turnaround..."

There are so many silver bills in the bank, but Fu Yuheng is just destroying the bridge after crossing it. I wonder if she won't complain to Qingwan.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around, Huo Langqi grabbed his arm and pulled him into his arms, making him unable to move.

She couldn't help but feel ashamed and annoyed: "Let go, what are you doing?"

Huo Langqi showed no shame at all, and with just one sentence, he made the woman's face turn red: "The emperor intends to help you and me, how long are you going to be so awkward?"

The sparrow on the branch saw the beauty getting angry, and heard the hearty laughter of the man below, and was frightened and flew away, passing through the inner wall of the palace and flew to the outside of the palace, where there was a prosperous scene.

From then on, Daliang's century of prosperity was just around the corner, and the emperor and empress were remembered through the ages and became a legend among the people.


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