Win Your Heart

Chapter 51


"Stay away from him." Fu Yuheng glared at her with a cold face, left after saying this.

Shen Qingwan just felt that she was innocent. She clearly didn't say anything, but she was dragged into it. However, she could only pout helplessly.

When he looked up again, he felt a cold gaze behind him. Turning back, he saw it was the person from the Liu Family.

After lunch, the afternoon hunt soon began. She didn’t know if it was an illusion, but she always felt that someone was staring at her, but every time she turned around, there was no one there.

In a short while, she had killed a few more prey, but although it was said that there were deer in the forest, she had not seen one even now.

After hesitating for a while, he looked up and happened to see a dark shadow running past.

"What?" His brows relaxed, and he squeezed his legs together and chased after the black shadow.


She didn't know if God heard her prayer or she was just lucky, but she saw a stream in front of her and a little deer drinking water on the green grass, looking around from time to time.

Her eyes narrowed, and a determined light flashed in them. She must catch the deer.

But unexpectedly, just as he raised the bow, the deer was suddenly startled and ran deep into the woods.

"Go!" Shen Qingwan chased in the direction of the deer, but after chasing for a long time, the deer kept moving and stopping, but every time she drew her bow or shot an arrow, the deer ran away.

The further they walked in, the more desolate the scenery seemed. There were no other people around. Only then did Shen Qingwan feel that something was wrong, both with the deer's alertness and her current situation.

Her premonitions were usually very strong, and she felt increasingly uneasy. Suddenly, she felt a little dizzy, and shook her head, realizing that she seemed to have been tricked. "Who's there?" A rustling sound suddenly came from behind her, causing her to panic for a moment.

"Hehe, I saved your life again." Fu Huaiyu jumped out from the bushes with a half-smile.

But she was a little confused by the meaning of the words. What did he mean by saving her life again? When was it

"Why are you here?" Shen Qingwan turned her horse's head and walked towards Fu Huaiyu. Only then did she realize that there were two men in black lying in the bushes behind him. She immediately understood what was going on. "Thank you very much, Ninth Prince."

Fu Huaiyu walked around her and sighed silently, "You are really hateful! These people must be from the Liu family!" He clicked his tongue and looked at her with some interest in his eyes, as if she were some kind of interesting toy.

"If I hadn't rescued you this time, you would be the one lying on the ground right now." He said sarcastically, with a look on his face that asked for a beating. "You didn't repay me last time, and now you owe me another favor. You better remember this, because I will ask you for it."

He was not polite at all, but he heard her twitching her lips.

"The Ninth Prince is such a generous person, would he still care about those material things?" Shen Qingwan also raised her eyebrows, and her actions and style were obviously exactly the same as Fu Yuheng's.

"Let's go back." Shen Qingwan suddenly accelerated, turned around and left him behind.

"Hey! Woman, you are not only ungrateful, but also ungrateful." Fu Huaiyu chased after her, talking all the way.

On the other side, next to the man in black in the woods, a man rode a horse and rushed over. This was the man from the Liu family. "Damn it, if that man hadn't intervened, she would have been dead long ago." He clenched his fists in his sleeves, gritted his teeth, his face was grim, and the gloom in his eyes was not concealed at all.

"Humph!" He snorted coldly and had the two people lying on the ground lifted up.

"Bang!" There was a sound of a teacup falling to the ground and breaking. Prime Minister Liu was sitting on a chair in the upper seat, with anger in his voice.

"A bunch of rubbish!" They had a good plan, but they didn't expect a sudden appearance of Cheng Yaojin, disrupting all the arrangements. "Do you know what this failure means?"

The angry shout made the people kneeling below tremble and fall silent.

"This means that the Ninth Prince will definitely know that this was done by our Liu Mansion, and even Shen Qingwan will know it!" He punched the table, and even the tea bowls on it shook and made a rustling sound.

"This..." The people kneeling on the ground looked at each other, but they all felt that Prime Minister Liu's words were a bit serious. Prince You was just an idle prince who was free and easy outside, how could he have such a brain.

"You guys! Really!" Seeing the obvious distrust from the people below, he could only sit down dejectedly, feeling very disappointed. Others didn't know, but didn't he? Fu Huaiyu was basically a beast in sheep's clothing. What everyone saw was just his appearance, but the heart of that guy was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

"Everyone go down!" This matter still needs further consideration. If it gets to the emperor's ears, I'm afraid the Liu family will suffer a great blow.

After Shen Qingwan came out from the depths, she did not walk with him. There were many people here and if she was seen by someone with ulterior motives, he would probably be suspicious.

Fu Huaiyu also knew her worries, and a smile appeared on his face. In the end, he did not insist any longer and separated from her.

There was still about an hour left, and Shen Qingwan continued to wander in the forest, hunting prey from time to time, until dusk approached, when she slowly walked back.

Because she had something on her mind, she came back earlier than everyone else, tied her horse aside, and waited for everyone to return.

What she didn't expect was that the second person to come out was the man from the Liu family. When their eyes met, both had cold expressions.

"Sister, what are you looking at?" Li Ruotong also walked out, and seeing her staring into the distance, she patted her shoulder with a look of joy and mischief.

"Nothing." She retracted her gaze and put all the things in her mind behind her. She would have to settle this account sooner or later.

It can be said that if no one offends me, I will not offend others. Now that the other party has come to her door, she naturally has no reason to sit and wait for death.

"Thank you all for your hard work this time. The dinner will begin soon, so please wait for a moment." Fu Yuheng sat in the front seat, obviously in a good mood.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, for hunting two more deer." A minister stepped forward and said words of congratulations, and saw the smile on Fu Yuheng's face grow wider.

After the dinner, everyone returned to the tent and prepared to set off the next day, but Shen Qingwan tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.