Winning the Male Lead

Chapter 124: Master is so cool 2


Lotte has participated in the maintenance of countless worlds, and most of them are cannon fodder. After many cannon fodder NPCs have awakened their self-awareness, they are unwilling to just be cannon fodder and slip away. In this case, the alliance usually copies an identical body , and then let the guardians of Lotte enter the body to play this role.

It’s not that Lotte has never been to the world of comprehension. He has seen a lot of messy bosses, but he has never lost his horse, because this is essentially a small world woven by alliances. Alliances are the highest law, and no matter how powerful they are in a small world It is possible to break through the settings of the alliance, otherwise the small world will collapse directly.

Although Lian Lian is a bit of a dog, Le Tian chose to believe in Lian Lian. He pretended to be confused and said, "Master, I am Bai Le Tian."

Xuan Qi stared at him, Xuan Qi's eyes were extremely clear, as if they could illuminate the origin of everything, Le Tian felt that his eyes were like shooting X-rays to illuminate himself clearly, Xuan Qi said lightly: "You no."

Lotte was startled, "System, what's going on?"

System: "... I don't know, logically he shouldn't be able to see it."

Lotte: "There's a bug, why don't we change the world?"

System: "Okay, I will go to the background to operate, you bear it for three days."

Le Tian: "Thank you, thank you, so we are still a true mother and son."

System: "... Get lost, you don't have a mother." After finishing speaking, the system disconnected, and Le Tian completely became a child without a mother.

Xuan Qi said slowly, "You don't smell like Bai Letian on you."

Le Tian never expected that Xuan Qi was still a dog, and a shocked expression suddenly appeared on his face, because the shock was too obvious, and Xuan Qi had already shown an expression of "really so" on his face.

When he raised his hand slightly, Le Tian stood up uncontrollably, Xuan Qi squeezed the formula in front of him, and shot the bright red formula directly into the center of his eyebrows.

Le Tian closed his eyes, thinking that it would be very painful, but after waiting for a long time, he found that nothing happened, and slowly opened his eyes again.

Xuan Qi frowned slightly, the soul-exorcism technique is specially used to deal with the person who seized the house, unless the soul of the person who seized the house is extremely powerful, stronger than him, otherwise this body will be shot out immediately, and Bai Letian, who looks like a pustule Obviously, it is impossible to bear such a powerful soul.

And even if the other party is also a great power, if the alien soul collides with the exorcism, it will not be the same as Bai Letian is now with a normal person.

Xuan Qi put down Bai Lotte, raised his hand and began to touch him.

Lotte: "..." Things were going a little too fast, and he wasn't ready yet.

Probably because of what Xuan Qi did to him, Le Tian found himself unable to move or speak at all.

Xuan Qi touched every bone and every muscle of Bai Letian carefully to make sure that this body really belonged to Bai Letian.

There is no problem with the body, and the soul is also no problem. Could it be that I really made a mistake

Xuan Qi lowered his head and glanced at Bai Letian, a blush appeared on his fair face, his moderate eyes blinked, and he didn't have the slightest taste of vulgarity when Xuan Qi saw Bai Letian for the first time.

Xuan Qi said: "Are you really Bai Le Tian?"

Lotte: "I am."

Xuan Qi: "You are not."

Le Tian: "..." If you say no, then it's not.

Unwilling to give up, Xuan Qi picked up Bai Letian, walked into the inner room, and stripped Bai Letian off.

Le Tian: "..." I didn't expect you to be such a master, is it too late to call the system back now

Then Xuan Qi stripped himself naked.

Letian: "!!!" He started to get excited!

Xuan Qi's body is perfect, with strong and smooth white muscles, eight-pack abs, a dog's waist, legs so long that Le Tian's eyes can't fit, and that place... Le Tian feels like he is about to have a nosebleed.

A red light slowly emerged from Xuan Qi's body, and thousands of red silk threads wandered around his body, and the charming thoughts in Le Tian's heart instantly dissipated. .

The red silk thread slowly drilled out from Xuanqi's body, Le Tian swore that he saw the sword light from the thread, could it be Xuanqi's natal heart sword? What about one man, one sword

The silk thread slowly penetrated into Letian's body, and Letian thought that he would have a Wanjian piercing. reacted.

Xuan Qi's eyes darkened as he watched Bai Letian's face become more and more crimson. His sword was fierce and domineering, and even he himself could barely control it. In March, he had to retreat and use his heart to warm and suppress it. Unexpectedly After entering Bai Letian's body, he was so docile.

Apart from the pure furnace physique that is rare in a thousand years, there is no other explanation.

Since it has already started, it is better to finish it.

Xuan Qi manipulated the blade of the 'mang' into Lotte's dantian, and Letian felt the intense stimulation immediately, even broke through Xuanqi's prohibition, and cried out softly, it was so comfortable, it was like having thousands of feathers At the same time, he stroked every part of his body, which was both crisp and numb. Le Tian trembled a few times, and let it out in a hopeless way.

In an instant, the silk thread returned to Xuanqi's body, Xuanqi stretched out his hand, and the magic robe on the ground automatically draped over his body, Xuanqi could feel that the "light" in his body was not only more peaceful than when he just left the customs, but also stronger, He could not make the 'mang' go further after a hundred years of practice, but Bai Letian did it.

Xuan Qi took a closer look, and found a small red sword appeared in Bai Letian's dantian, Xuan Qi's pupils shrank, and the pure furnace was really as magical as rumored, able to copy other people's natal magic weapon, really horrible.

After the happy days were over, I realized that my body was also released from the confinement, so I quickly shrunk myself into a ball, "Master, what are you doing?"

"Dual Cultivation." Xuan Qi said lightly, raised his hand slightly, and Le Tian's magic robe also flew up to cover him.

Letian people are stupid, this, this is called double cultivation? Xuan Qi hit him with his own sword, and it's over? This is different from what you said!

Xuan Qi decided to temporarily believe that the person in front of him was Bai Letian, but there must be something he didn't know about it. He said to Bai Letian, "From today onwards, you are not allowed to step out of here."

Senior otaku Lotte: "Yes."

I didn't expect Letian and Xuanqi to double cultivate so soon. Although it was a bit different from his way of thinking, it was also a double cultivation.

After Xuan Qi went out, Le Tian immediately took a mirror to look at it. The person in the mirror seemed to be the same person as the one he had seen before, but it didn’t seem to be the case when he looked closely. The facial features didn’t seem to have changed much, but the combined The taste has completely changed, anyway, Lotte feels that he has been able to return to the average level of appearance.

This is too wonderful.

Le Tian took the photo happily for a while, and then became greedy again. The double repair has improved so much appearance, so if you double repair a few more times, wouldn't the appearance explode

Xuan Qi went out of his room, went to Zangshu Pavilion, and searched through all the books related to seizing the house and moving the soul, but he still couldn't figure it out. It is clearly the same person, but the feeling is very different. Why

Three days later, the system came back, and it was startled, "Have you had plastic surgery?"

Le Tian beamed and said: "Hmph, no, I just practiced with Xuan Qi for a while."

System: "..." Can it walk away even for a while? ! Forget it, it doesn't make much difference whether it goes away or not.

System: "Go to the background of the alliance to operate, no, the punishment world does not have the authority to switch worlds, the alliance said there is no bug, let's continue."

Le Tian: "I'm fine, hehehe." Anyway, no matter how suspicious Xuan Qi is, he can't catch his pigtails, and there's nothing to do with him.

Since the day of double cultivation, until the system came back, Xuan Qi hadn't been here again, and Le Tian understood it as shyness of a virgin.

System: "...don't think that I don't know how dual cultivation works in this world."

Le Tian: "Hmph, anyway, I'm happy, and let me tell you, I already have Xuanqi's child inside me."

System: "?" This world doesn't remember having children

Lotte: "Look."

Le Tian urged the dantian, and a thin sword floated out of the dantian.

System: "... an embroidery needle?"

Le Tian: "... Bah, sword, can't you see the sword?!"

System: "I checked carefully, and it is indeed an embroidery needle."

Letian beat the ground, why the blood sword was so long, thick, and big on Xuanqi's body, but so small and thin on him, he suspected that the sword was connoting him, but he had no evidence.

Le Tian: "Small is a little small, and it's better than nothing."

System: "Others have the Sunflower Collection, but yours is the Sunflower Seed Collection?"

Le Tian: "... woo woo woo, I'm dead, I don't care, it is my child with Xuan Qi, I have to take good care of it!"

System: ... Before treating the heroine as a daughter and the cat as a son, forget it, at least it is alive, but now it treats every embroidery needle as a son, and it is really getting sicker and sicker.

Letian said softly to the thin sword: "From now on, you will be called Xiaoqiqi."

System: "Pfft."

Le Tian: "What are you laughing at, what do you mean? What's wrong with this name?"

System: "It's better to call it Xiaozhenzhen or Xiaodingding."

Le Tian was furious, "Shut up! How sad it will be if it hears you talking like this!"

System: "..." I'm sick, I'm really sick.

Not long after the system returned, Xuanqi also appeared, and Le Tian was forced to fast for three days. The first time he saw Xuanqi, he said pitifully: "Master, when will you give me food?"

Xuan Qi is still wearing ocher robes today, with an imposing manner, he said flatly: "In the next life."

Le Tian: "..." I want to kill your child!

"Yu Jian." Regardless of Bai Letian's mournful face, Xuan Qi directly summoned his own "mang".

Le Tian also summoned his own sword from the dantian, and the two swords stood together, the contrast was horrible.

Xuan Qi didn't laugh at his sword size, "Can I name it?"

Le Tian: "...not yet." I dare not say.

Xuan Qi glanced at the sword that Le Tian summoned, and it was also stained with his blood, but the breath was pure and the light was soft, which was not the same as "Mang"'s domineering incomparable.

"Qinghui." Xuanqi said, "Your sword is called Qinghui."

Le Tian didn't object, and thought to his son, your first name will be Qinghui, and your nickname will be Xiaoqiqi. One is taken by your father, and the other is taken by your father. Are you happy, son? What your grandma takes doesn't count.


Le Tian said cautiously: "Master, my sword is so small, how can it become bigger?"

Xuan Qi ignored him, and with a thought, the "mang" turned into red light and wrapped around "Qinghui", and the two red lights of different shades complemented each other.

System: "The embroidery needle is threaded."

Le Tian: " shut up! Don't call your grandson that much!"

Xuan Qi said: "Take back your dantian together."

"Ah?" Le Tian still remembered that Xuanqi's sword entered his dantian that day, and he was so excited, but Xuanqi took off his clothes and there were many, many small ones, why is it like this now? The step of undressing cannot be omitted!

"Don't you want to make your sword bigger? Take it back." Xuan Qi said.

Le Tian withdrew his face as he said, and then he became bigger... Le Tian blushed, covered his face, and stammered: "Master...this..."

Xuan Qi didn't speak, because he also reacted.

Last time he tried to inject Mang's thousand blades into Bai Letian's body, this time he used Mang's body, his real natal heart sword, which was one with his mind and mind, and Mang's feeling was his feeling.

The domineering sword spirit constantly stimulated Le Tian's expression. Le Tian couldn't stand it anymore, so he took off his pants and began to masturbate.

Xuan Qi stood aside with his hands behind his back, and after Le Tian let out a long cry, he immediately withdrew his awn. The surface of the awn emitted a warm red light, peaceful and serene, and Xuan Qi could feel its satisfaction.

Xuan Qi glanced at Le Tian who was lying on the ground disheveled and gasping for breath, then turned and left.

Le Tian: ... Is your mother's father unable to escape the fate of a tool man? !