Winning the Male Lead

Chapter 128: Master is so cool 6


Xuan Qi still has memories of the double cultivation that failed before, and the pain of being stuck is the same for him, a person with a body that has been tempered and tempered. When Le Tian said that it should be done, he hesitated for a moment.

Le Tian had already been teased by his ignorance and unconsciousness, and Xuan Qi was still hesitating when the arrow was on the string. He couldn't help but raised his head and hugged Xuan Qi's neck, his lips brushed Xuan Qi's ear, and said in a low voice: "Master, You use me as your scabbard right now..." These words of the right medicine instantly ignited the quiet sword intent in Xuanqi's dantian.

The sword retracting style is a move that every sword cultivator must learn when holding a sword for the first time. Xuan Qi naturally learned it very well, retracting the sword into the sheath neatly, and the two of them stagnated at the same time.

Le Tian hugged Xuan Qi's neck and opened his mouth wide, exhaled sweet breath, and said softly like a cat: "Master, don't move, let me get used to it."

Blue veins on Xuanqi's neck slowly emerged, fine beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead, and he said in a low voice, "Okay."

The fit between the sword and the scabbard can be said to be just right, the edge of the sword is stuck in it, and the sword is getting stronger and stronger because of the vigorous sword intent, Le Tian took a deep breath, and said to Xuan Qi: "Master, the next thing , You can rely on your heart, you don’t need me to teach you,” he raised his head from Xuanqi’s neck, bit Xuanqi’s lips lightly, his eyes blurred, “I believe in Master, I should know.”

Xuan Qi is a master of swordsmanship. He draws and draws the sword extremely quickly and powerfully. Le Tian is almost unable to resist and is about to fly out. This is the instinct contained in the blood of Xuan Qi, even though he is a person who only knows how to practice swords. But in a moment, I also learned how to conquer a person.

There was smoke around the Baiyu Pond, Xuan Qi hugged Le Tian tightly by the pool as if forgetting himself, he no longer needed Le Tian to teach him, he spontaneously learned when to be fast, when to be slow, and when to block the light that kept lightening. The annoying little mouth screamed, and the awn in his body was also extremely excited, rampaging in the dantian like his master, constantly stabbing.

Xuan Qi felt as if he had fallen into a ball of flames, and he used his sword moves only instinctively. The flat cuts with raised knees, straight lunges, and straight swords that he had learned all flashed in his mind one by one. Sword as one, his manic sword found great satisfaction in the warm soft scabbard.

Letian didn't expect Xuanqi, an old virgin who has been around for hundreds of years, to be so fierce. From the beginning of high spirits to the end, he cried and begged for mercy, but Xuanqi didn't listen to Letian's words as much as he did at the beginning. He felt that what Letian said was right, he should With the heart is.

This double cultivation went from night to day, and from day to night, Xuanqi still did not let Bai Letian go. He had naturally achieved great harmony several times, but he always felt that it was not enough. Because of Bai Letian's physique, Letian also He remained awake all the time, but turned into a ball of water, flowing from Xuanqi's left palm to Xuanqi's right palm, boiling repeatedly.

Finally, when the sun came out again and Le Tian felt that he was about to ascend to heaven, Xuan Qi stopped and said his first sentence in two days - "So this is double cultivation".

Le Tian swears that he can hear the meaning in Xuan Qi's tone!

Le Tian thought that he could manipulate Xuan Qi by taking advantage of his experience, but in the end he still couldn't fight, and immediately shed tears of sadness.

Xuan Qi got out of the bed, and the sword intent in his body merged. He felt the stability and strength he hadn't felt for a long time. He turned around and glanced at the messy Bai Le Tian. Xuan Qi found that the brilliance in his dantian had not changed at all. After cutting Bai Letian's pulse, Bai Letian didn't even increase his mana, Xuan Qi slowly frowned.

Le Tian tilted his head, his eyes were still crying subconsciously, "Master, I want to eat..."

Xuan Qi originally wanted to reject it, but seeing that Bai Letian was in such a miserable state, he swallowed the words of refusal, "Wait."

Looking at the back of Xuan Qi leaving, Le Tian suddenly felt that it was not he who had tricked Xuan Qi, but that he had been tricked by Xuan Qi, and that Xuan Qi could arrange him clearly with only one meal.

Letian burst into tears, "System, I think I'm so cheap."

System: "You seduced him yourself."

Le Tian said angrily: "I seduced him?! I didn't do it for his life! For the peace of the small world! How dare you slander me like this, I'm dead!"

The system said without emotion: "Then you go to die."

Le Tian was choked, no one could understand his grief, so he had to summon Qing Hui, and found that he had been with Xuan Qi for two days, Qing Hui seemed unchanged, he asked tremblingly: "System, help me see , Is Xiaoqiqi still that long? Has it grown a little?" Even a little

The system scanned precisely, ""

Letian completely collapsed, "Ah! I'm still a fucking tool man!!"

System: "..." It's really noisy.

System: "If you don't want to, you don't need to practice dual cultivation with Xuanqi, just keep him steady."

Le Tian stubbornly wiped away tears, with a trace of blush on his face, "Hey, forget it, for the sake of world peace, people can reluctantly make a little sacrifice."

System: "..." it knows.

Le Tian smiled, kissed Qing Hui, and said softly: "My dear son, don't worry, Mom will continue to work hard."

System: "..." It really hopes that one day Lotte will stop working hard and learn to give up.

Wen Zhaoyang was engraving words on Jianya, and thousands of sharp blades reflected thousands of dazzling sunlight, which made his eyes hurt, but he couldn't stop, because this was the order of his master, and at the same time, his mind kept reappearing Show off Mu Chuyu's beautiful face to motivate yourself.

When the thirty-seventh word "From" was being engraved, a red sword light descended from the sky and smoothed all the words that Wen Zhaoyang had carved just now. Wen Zhaoyang was stunned, and hurriedly raised his head and said, "Master."

Xuan Qi floated down, the ochre-colored robe fluttered, and the red light between his brows flickered slightly, and he said lightly: "There is no need to engrave any more."

Wen Zhaoyang didn't know why Xuanqi pardoned him, so he smiled and said, "Thank you, Master."

"Go and get some food for Bai Le Tian," Xuan Qi directed, "There are a few cranes on the Sha Wu Slope and they are caught and stewed together."

Wen Zhaoyang: "..."

Wen Zhaoyang showed a look of surprise, the crane in Shawupo was raised by my uncle, although my uncle was wandering around, but it was a crane carefully cultivated by my uncle and planned to be used as a mount in the future.

Wen Zhaoyang said cautiously: "Master, the ordinary food that Junior Brother Bai eats is not difficult to obtain, but the cranes in Shawupo are raised by Master Xuan Duo, and they are stewed. I'm afraid it will be difficult for Master Xuan to explain when he comes back."

"If you want to stew, stew it." Xuan Qi frowned slightly, raised his hand and carved the word 'from' on the sword cliff in the blink of an eye, "If you don't understand, carve it a few more times."

Xuan Qi, who treats everyone as a tool for cultivation, doesn't care whether those cranes are raised by Xuan Duo or Xuan Shao. Bai Letian's mana is too weak, and the effect of dual cultivation with him will be greatly reduced. The cranes benefit, Bai Letian insists on eating, Just eat more Crane and Immortal Grass, it is still useful.

After Xuan Qi gave his orders, he went directly to retreat.

Wen Zhaoyang found food from the human world as he said, and because he couldn't bear it, he didn't stew all the cranes, but only one, and brought them to Bai Letian.

"Brother Bai, are you there?" Wen Zhaoyang stood at the door and called.

Bai Letian's lazy voice came from inside, "Come in."

Wen Zhaoyang stepped into the house, Xuanqi's room was very spacious and simple, the jade floor was slightly glowing, Wen Zhaoyang didn't take a few steps, and saw Bai Letian lying on the master's jade couch, as if he was reading a book.

"Brother Bai," Wen Zhaoyang stepped forward and called softly, "Master asked me to bring you food."

Le Tian, who was reading the little yellow book, immediately turned his head and said happily, "What's delicious?!"

Wen Zhaoyang was stunned, this is Bai Le Tian? The appearance is still the same as before, but the eyes are watery, full and moving, the brows are misty and light, the beauty is moving, the muscles are fragrant, and Wen Zhaoyang was stunned for a moment.

Eating bigu pills every day, Le Tian's mouth was almost full of birds. When he opened the food box Wen Zhaoyang was carrying, he could smell an indescribable aroma, like the fresh aroma of chicken, and it was even richer and more attractive. He licked his lips and said, "Brother Wen, put it on quickly, I'm starving to death!"

Wen Zhaoyang just woke up like a dream at this time, with trembling hands, he put the small dishes and snacks in the food box on the stone table beside him, and put the bottom soup in the center.

Le Tian knew that the soup was good as soon as he smelled it. He took a spoon and took a spoonful. It was so delicious that he almost bit off his tongue, "Brother Wen, what kind of soup is this? It's so delicious!"

Wen Zhaoyang stared at him, saw that his face was flushed with joy, his eyebrows were curved, and he couldn't help but softly said: "You like it, I will stew it for you every day."

Letian drank a few spoonfuls of soup and ate a piece of meat. The meat felt tender and smooth, and melted into the tip of his tongue. It was so delicious that he cried. good."

Wen Zhaoyang's face was flushed, smoke was coming out of his ears, he stood up and stammered, "Bai, Bai Shidi, as long as you like it, as long as you like it." After speaking, he fled away as if flying.

Le Tian bit the chopsticks, puzzled: "What's wrong with him? Urgent urgency?"

System: "You haven't looked in the mirror yet, have you?"

Le Tian didn't understand at first, and then suddenly realized, "Could it be that Xiao Qiqi hasn't grown up, and my appearance has gone away?!" He hurriedly jumped off the bed to find the little mirror.

After taking the photo, Le Tian was also stunned, "This world allows such beauty to exist?" So how can the heroine Mary Su mess around

System: "Originally, Bailetian only helped the heroine reshape her natal weapon, and then died. There was no chance to improve her appearance."

Le Tian was relieved, "Ahahahahaha, then from today onwards I will be the number one beauty in the cultivation world. Not much to say, I'm going to open the Jacksu branch line, don't stop me."

System: "I won't stop you, Xuan Qi will kill you."

Le Tian: "..." Oh, I forgot Xuan Qi who only has tool people in his eyes.

He has become so good-looking, yet Xuan Qi plucked out his X and disappeared ruthlessly, just taking care of him for a meal, as expected of a man who only has eyes for cultivation.

Le Tian was discouraged: "I have this beauty but I can only be locked here. What is the meaning of my life?"

System: "... If you don't eat any more, the food will be cold."

Le Tian immediately picked up the bowls and chopsticks and ate wildly, "The meaning of life is to eat, eat, eat, eat, eat!"

System: "..." Elephants really never let him down.

Xuan Qi retreated for only one day this time, and quietly left the retreat in the middle of the night and returned to the house. Le Tian fell asleep, lying sprawled on the jade couch, probably because he ate stewed cranes, his face was flushed, and he fell asleep. In a daze, he stretched out his hand and scratched his face, screaming hot.

Xuan Qi cut Bai Letian's veins again, but the mana still did not increase. Xuan Qi sent a stream of mana directly from his fingertips, and Bai Letian's mana still did not increase like cow mud entering the sea.

It is said that the power of the Pure Furnace is infinite, and that others are extremely ferocious. However, Bai Letian has not improved at all except that he has gained a little more brilliance and learned to follow the words. Xuanqi himself has grown a lot peacefully, so Bai Letian It's really just a powerful furnace.

Xuan Qi stared at Lotte in his sleep, and thought: Bai Letian's true physique must not be known to others, otherwise it will definitely cause Bai Letian's own misery and bloody storm in the cultivation world. Fortunately, he is in Guiyizong, Guiyizong has enough strength to protect him.

In Le Tianmeng, he felt in a daze that someone was staring at him. After eating, he was very tired, so he raised his eyelids with difficulty, and when he saw the red corner of his clothes, he knew it was Xuanqi, and muttered: "Master, you I'm home."

Xuanqi let out an 'hmm'.

Le Tian turned around and turned to the inside, showing him a piece of jade couch, obviously inviting him to sleep with him. Xuan Qi sat still, and after a while he lay down slowly. As soon as he lay down, Le Tian rolled to the ground. In his arms, because Xuanqi was cold and made him very comfortable, Le Tian hugged Xuanqi and snored a little.

Xuanqi's heart is like still water, and his heart should be regarded as a kind of double cultivation. He silently recited the mantra that Le Tian taught him, "I love you", which is really a strange mantra, but it seems to be very useful, so he also Slowly closed his eyes.