Winning the Male Lead

Chapter 143: Hail Princess 7


Splitting sleeves and splitting peaches is not a strange thing in this dynasty. Zhang Yanzhi is not close to women, and some officials gave him beautiful boys. Zhang Yanzhi sent them all to the Ministry of Households to work as coolies with a smile.

As for male sex, Zhang Yanzhi thinks it's just a meddlesome person looking for novelty, and women come to play with men when they have had enough fun, but Zhao Letian obviously skipped the step of women and went straight to the broken sleeve, and the lion opened his mouth, one point is the first assistant such a level.

Zhang Yanzhi's face was blue and red, and he whispered: "You are really drunk."

Le Tian hiccupped, staggered and said, "I'm not drunk!" It didn't matter when he shook, Zhang Yanzhi was still holding Zhang Yanzhi's vitals, and Zhang Yanzhi was about to explode instantly.

"Zhao Letian..." Zhang Yanzhi gritted his teeth, "Let go."

Letian let out a "ha" and pinched it harder. Following Zhang Yanzhi's muffled groan, Letian said triumphantly, "How dare you point fingers at me? Zhang Yanzhi, do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

Zhang Yanzhi: ... was bullied when I was young, and wanted to overcome the shadow when I grew up, but I never thought about it, but I still couldn't fight.

"It's better for us to be fair," Zhang Yanzhi became competitive and suppressed his flustered mood. He turned his hands into clouds and rain in court. Could it be that he was really afraid that Zhao Letian would fail? Zhang Yanzhi frowned provocatively, "You hold me, don't you allow me to hold you?"

Without further ado, Le Tian lifted up his robe, revealing a delicate pink thing, pretty and straight, quite a sign, Zhang Yanzhi's eyes were straightened when he saw it, and the energy that seemed to be itchy but not itchy came up again, as if he was bewitched. He gently shook his hand.

Letian let out a soft cry, half of his body went limp, he slid his palm not to be outdone, Zhang Yanzhi breathed a little harder, and slid his palm more vigorously.

Le Tian approached first, this time Zhang Yanzhi didn't hide, and opened his lips ahead of time, and the two kissed together again, the smell of wine reverberated, sweet and spicy, and Le Tian snorted on Zhang Yanzhi's cheek , Lingering and charming, Zhang Yanzhi couldn't help wrapping his free hand around his waist.

Le Tian was indifferent, and was released after a while, and fell softly into Zhang Yanzhi's arms. A pair of soft little hands kept moving, and his tongue played with Zhang Yanzhi. The clothes slipped in, and the milky white skin was about to melt away as soon as he rubbed it. Letian was rubbed comfortably by him, and there was a slight inhalation sound in his throat, and Zhang Yanzhi felt more and more unbearable listening to his emotional voice.

When Zhang Yanzhi's big palm suddenly tightened around his waist, Le Tian's palm burned, and his hands loosened and he passed out.

Zhang Yanzhi was panting, his face was flushed, his forehead was full of sweat, and there was a beautiful woman lying in his arms. When he looked down, the two of them were in a mess, and suddenly he shouted in his heart that something was wrong, something happened.

That night, Zhang Yanzhi quietly handed over the booklet and entered the palace, saying that Zhao Letian had drank outside the palace and wanted to rest in the Zhang mansion. Although Zhao Yan agreed, she felt that her guess was right. The emperor's sister was looking for Zhang Yanzhi. where!

Zhang Yanzhi is also true, obviously he didn't have any intentions for Huang Jie, but he wanted to pull Min Chang'an out to make a raft, wouldn't this make both ends stiff? After all, Min Changan was a man of great talent, so it was not good to tease him back and forth, and Zhao Yan suddenly felt a headache.

Zhang Yanzhi was holding Zhao Letianxia's carriage, his face was so ugly that the attendants almost thought that his chief assistant was bewitched, when was their chief assistant not smiling

The attendant has been serving Zhang Yanzhi since he was a child, and he has seen Zhang Yanzhi's face change once since he was a child. He didn't want to go to the imperial study for two days.

Zhao Letian leaned against Zhang Yanzhi's arms with a flushed face, and the attendant stepped forward and said, "My lord, can I prepare the guest room?"

"No need," Zhang Yanzhi frowned, "go fetch water, he sleeps here."

The attendant thought to himself that this indisputable beauty was a man.

Zhang Yanzhi put the sleeping Zhao Letian on the bed, Zhao Letian didn't even groan, rolled in wearily, lying on his side with his hands under his face, still in a very well-behaved sleeping position.

Who would have thought that such a well-behaved beauty would be so irritating and persistent

Zhang Yanzhi took a deep breath, raised his hand and lowered the curtain.

The attendant fetched warm water, and was about to step forward to help serve, but Zhang Yanzhi raised his hand and took the water basin, "Go down."

Zhang Yanzhi twisted the handkerchief to wipe Zhao Letian's face, and then took his hands to wipe them. These hands, like his feet, were female-like, with slender fingers and boneless fingers. Zhang Yanzhi wiped Zhao Letian's face. Unavoidably recalling the scene in Hanyue Tower just now, my mind was slightly hot, and I almost reacted again, hurriedly wiped it off for him, and put down the curtain again.

Zhang Yanzhi took a deep breath, and then opened the curtain again, mustering up the courage to untie the robe that Zhao Letian had tied up indiscriminately. As soon as he untied it, Zhang Yanzhi took a deep breath, Zhao Letian's snow-white waist and abdomen The few bright red palm prints on the palms have slowly started to turn purple, which shows how hard the owner of the palm prints rubbed them.

Zhang Yanzhi couldn't help reaching out his hand to lightly touch the red and purple spot, Le Tian immediately trembled, and drilled in again, avoiding his hand.

He was so enthusiastic just now, but now he is hiding again.

Zhang Yanzhi continued to untie the belt tied around Zhao Letian's waist, and slowly pulled it away. The things he had been playing with were quieter and more lovely. She wiped it for him with trembling hands, and immediately pulled up his pants after wiping, and left the room as if fleeing.

Zhang Yanzhi ran to the study to wash, he sometimes worked in the study and often slept in the study, the quilt in the study was not as soft as the bedroom, Zhang Yanzhi lay on the slightly hard bed, his eyes were closed, his face was white and his lips were red .

So confused! Originally, Zhang Yanzhi wanted to get close to Zhao Letian, and use his personality charm to persuade Zhao Letian to convince him, completely conquer Zhao Letian, and make him repent for the mistakes he made when he was young. Why did this matter suddenly develop in a completely different direction? He ran to an unpredictable place.

Getting close is getting close, but the way of getting close is not right.

Zhang Yanzhi closed his eyes with a headache, and once again realized what it means to hit the nemesis.

He didn't close his eyes all night, Zhang Yanzhi didn't feel tired when he woke up, and it was common for him to work all night when he was working hard, so when he was still in good spirits and went to knock on the door of Zhao Letian's room, the attendant came out with water and told Zhang Yanzhi Bending slightly, "My lord, you're awake."

"Why did you go in?" Zhang Yanzhi frowned, showing displeasure.

The attendant panicked and said, "Your honor has already left, I'll go in and clean it."

"Leaving?" Zhang Yanzhi couldn't help raising his voice, and the attendant panicked: "Yes, I woke up early in the morning and left."

Zhang Yanzhi pushed the door and entered, the inside was clean, the doors and windows were wide open, let alone people, even the aftertaste was probably gone, Zhang Yanzhi turned his face, stared at the attendant and said: "What did he say?"

The attendant looked confused, "I didn't say anything."

Zhang Yanzhi: ... suddenly felt very angry.

Le Tian, who ran off after having a good time, leisurely returned to the palace, "Xiao Zhang is doing a good job, looking at his appearance as a gentle scholar, he is so big, I look forward to it."

System: Beast.

Zhao Yan couldn't wait to come to Guanju Palace to inquire about the situation after leaving the court. Le Tian had just finished putting on makeup, and his face was full of peach blossoms. Did you rest at the capital's mansion last night?"

The maidservants all pricked up their ears and listened quietly.

Le Tian leaned lazily on the soft bed, "Yes."

"Then, then..." Zhao Yan's face turned red, "Do you still want Min Chang'an?"

"Yes." Le Tian said without thinking.

Zhao Yan's face turned even redder. Sister Huang deserves to be Sister Huang. There are not only a lot of "three wives and four concubines" that other princesses should have, but she is also the chief assistant when she makes a move. That's amazing!

Zhao Yan also climbed onto the couch, leaned close to Le Tian's ear, and whispered: "Last night, did you... did you..."

The palace maids also listened nervously. The emperor thought his voice was quiet enough, but his wretched expression completely exposed his intention of asking.

"No, Emperor, what do you think?" Letian was in disbelief, "It's just a night out."

The maids in the palace felt a little regretful for some reason, and Zhao Yan even wrote his disappointment on his face, patted the table a few times and said: "Sister Huang, a good woman like you should take the first assistant down on the spot!"

The palace maids nodded involuntarily. Yesterday the princess' beautiful appearance shocked the audience. They all agreed that no matter what kind of man a normal princess is, it is difficult to match her peerless beauty. A beautiful man like Shoufu is the most suitable for the princess. Why hasn't anything happened yet? What a pity!

Le Tian looked at Zhao Yan suspiciously, "I already have a son-in-law, what's the matter with Guan Shoufu?"

Zhao Yan hated iron but said: "So what, you are a princess, the only eldest princess, can Min Changan control you?"

The maidservants nodded in unison again.

Le Tian: ... The status of women in this dynasty is really a bit high, but Nima is outrageous. She urged her sister to arrange a cuckold for her prospective brother-in-law. I like you brother!

As soon as Le Tian stretched out his hand, the maid hurriedly offered a cup of tea, Le Tian blew on the tea which was not hot, mainly to pretend to be aggressive, and said calmly: "I am not that kind of person."

System: ... It's really shameless to say such things.

Zhao Yan sighed, "Sister Huang, do you like Min Changan more or Shoufu more?"

Letian took a sip of tea, his almond eyes slightly raised, "What's the matter with Zhang Yanzhi? Who is he to me?"

Zhao Yan was at a loss for words for a while, and said, "I think Huang Jie seems to be quite unusual to him."

Le Tian said lightly: "He is pretending to be yin and yang, I'm just teasing him, don't take it seriously."

Zhao Yan didn't expect Zhao Letian to be so tough, he only thought that Zhao Letian was good enough to take the first assistant as his lover, but he didn't expect that his sister is really not an ordinary person, she just took the first assistant as a joke, Zhao Yan immediately respected Zhao Letian , He is narrow-minded.

"Sister Huang, you can just play, I will take care of things." Zhao Yan said proudly.

The more Le Tian looked at the little emperor, the more he liked it. Zong Yan, whom he had raised before, would definitely protect him in the same way if he grew up. one?"

Zhao Yan blushed and whispered, "Miss Huang, you still can't play with me."

Letian laughed loudly, hugged Zhao Yan and rubbed it for a while, pouted his red lips twice on his forehead, Zhao Yan couldn't struggle, all the powder fell on his face, and panicked: "Sister Huang, you want to kiss, wash it off!" After kissing again, I will go to the main hall to discuss matters."

"What are you afraid of? Who dares to look directly at the holy face." The old god Letian said, and kissed Zhao Yan's forehead again.

Zhao Yan thought about it, and although he didn't hide anymore, he still said: "It would be great if Huang Jie didn't wear so much face powder."

"Make-up is a woman's pleasure, what do you know," Le Tian let go, "Go, discuss the matter carefully, and pay attention to this palace when you see a handsome man."

Zhao Yan sat up, straightened the golden crown and said, "The most handsome one is the chief assistant."

Le Tian picked up a piece of pastry, and then started to lift up his feet while eating and discarding crumbs, "It's okay, I'm not picky, just have fun."

During the discussion, Zhao Yan looked at Zhang Yanzhi, who was smiling but not a smile, and found it strange. After the discussion, Zhao Yan left Zhang Yanzhi alone.

Even if Zhao Yan didn't tell Zhang Yanzhi, he would still stay, after all, it is not a trivial matter for the princess to spend the night away.

"Master Shoufu, come up." Sitting on the imperial case, Zhao Yan waved to Zhang Yanzhi.

Zhang Yan stepped forward, cupped his hands and said: "Yesterday, I didn't warn the princess, I lost my sense of proportion, please forgive me."

"Sister Huang told me everything." Zhao Yan said

Zhang Yanzhi's heart trembled, he didn't know how far Zhao Letian said, he would not reveal his man's identity, so what would he say? Say they kissed and hugged? still…

Just when Zhang Yanzhi was thinking wildly, Zhao Yan said: "Sister Huang said that she was just playing around with you..."

Zhang Yanzhi couldn't listen to the rest of the words, his head was buzzing, Zhao Letian's crimson face that lingered in his mind last night gradually merged with Yuxue's exquisite appearance when he was a child, and he became a person , smiled arrogantly at Zhang Yanzhi, sneered and said: "Hmph, Zhang Yanzhi, you can't beat me."