Winning the Male Lead

Chapter 150: Devil Bishop 1


The mirror in the VIP restroom at the airport reflected a slightly decadent face, with slightly long and messy forehead hair that almost covered the long eyebrows, a pair of slightly drooping red phoenix eyes, and undulating red lips naturally downward on the pale face, A bright red tear mole at the end of the left eye added a little vitality to this melancholy and world-weary face.

Lotte: "I'm so happy, I'm so handsome..."

System: "As long as you are happy." It doesn't matter.

Letian: "What is this person's identity? He looks like an artist."

System: "Almost, playing games."

Lotte: ...

Yin Letian, a former sol professional player, retired eight years ago at the player's golden age and became a coach. He went to North America to teach. This year, he was invited by a friend to return to China to coach a new team that has just been established for two years, named KW.

Le Tian: "Who is the heroine?"

System: "I thought you would never care about the heroine."

Le Tian: "... That's not true, I still have a father's love!"

System: "Well, in order to show your fatherly love, congratulations, you have a son in this world."

Letian was instantly shocked, "Son?! Dear?!"

System: "What are you thinking, are you worthy?"

Lotte: ...

The heroine, Xu Jing, was the girlfriend of Yin Letian's teammate Dai Dangyun. Dai Dangyun died in a car accident. Xu Jing was seven months pregnant at the time, and it was almost impossible to miscarry, but because Dai Dangyun was a professional The contestant, and Xu Jing have always been in an underground relationship. Except for Yin Letian, who is an insider, Xu Jing is alone and helpless. She wants to give birth to this child, but Dai Dangyun's parents are just very ordinary rural families, and Xu Jing is even more attached to Dai Dangyun. Dangyun's parents didn't even see each other.

Yin Letian resisted this thunder and announced to the public that his girlfriend was his and the child was also his.

Le Tian: "It turned out to be the receiver, so it's okay." It fits his usual positioning.

System: "Dai Dangyun was in the same car as you, and he protected you when the car accident happened, so you didn't die."

Lotte: "No wonder."

Can Yin Letian resist his teammates saving him and dying? Over the years, most of the money earned has been used by the hostess and her son to live abroad.

Of course, it is impossible to get married. His role setting is that it is impossible to have a real marriage relationship with the heroine. Le Tian raised his hand and found that he was wearing a simple wedding ring on his left hand, probably just for show.

The phone in his pocket buzzed, and Le Tian took it out to have a look, and found that it was a WeChat message, saying that someone was coming.

Letian put down his phone, suddenly felt a little itchy nose, subconsciously went to his pocket to light a cigarette, the action was done in one go, by the time he reacted, he had already inhaled a deep puff of tobacco, the taste of nicotine was instantly lost in his mouth, and he breathed out a smoke ring comfortably .

Yin Letian is addicted to smoking, and it is very serious.

Le Tian finished smoking a cigarette, threw the cigarette butt into the ashtray, and then pulled the shoulder bag on his shoulder and walked out.

At the airport pick-up, a short boy was waiting for someone holding a sign saying 'Welcome Coach Yin'. The person next to him was wearing a black sweater and sweatpants. He was tall and tall, with one hand in his pocket and the other playing with his phone. A look that has nothing to do with him.

Song Heju was tired. He was a little chubby, with a round face and short hair. The flesh on both sides of his cheeks looked like stuffed buns. "When will Coach Yin come out?"

"Hurry up, the time is almost up, and others can't fly." Fang Zhenliu played the stand-alone game quickly with one hand, his fingers almost flew off the keyboard.

Song He simply hugged the big sign to his chest, and said to the other party, "Brother Fang, why do you think the club invited Yin Letian? His team performance in North America is not good."

Fang Zhenliu didn't raise his head and said, "The club has so much money that there is no place to spend it."

Song He cut it, "Why doesn't Qian Duo add chicken legs to my box lunch?"

Fang Zhenliu sneered, "Fuck you, you are overweight, and you will be deducted from your performance this month."

Song He suddenly looked desperate. He also sat in front of the computer every day for training. Why did Fang Zhenliu have such a good figure, standing there like a model, unlike him who looked like a teenager with Internet addiction.

The words 'Game Over' were displayed on the screen of the mobile phone. Fang Zhenliu raised his head casually, and at a glance he saw Yin Letian, who stood out from the crowd, walking slowly with his head down. Although he lowered his head, Fang Zhenliu would never admit his mistake .

Fang Zhenliu scratched his head impatiently, "Here we come."

"Ah? Here?" Song He immediately raised the sign, "Coach Yin! Coach Yin, look here!"

Letian heard the reputation, and saw a happy-looking fat man holding a big white sign with 'Welcome Coach Yin' written crudely on it.

Le Tian: "Little Pangpang has a handsome guy next to him..."

System: ... your eyes are so sharp.

Fang Zhenliu is really conspicuous, with a height of 185, with profound facial features, with his head down and casual appearance full of youthful rebelliousness and vigor, his proportions are also good, his waist is thin and his legs are long, standing there is like walking down from a pictorial model.

Le Tian: "System, please tell me this is the male lead!"

System: "... yes." It's so annoying, I really don't want to say it.

Yin Letian has a gloomy personality and doesn't talk much, so even though Letian saw the sign he was holding, he still approached slowly at his own pace, "Is it from the KW club?"

Song He nodded desperately, "Yes, yes, Coach Yin, hello, my name is Song He, and I'm also in the support position. I'm your fan."

Fang Zhenliu immediately smiled mockingly.

Song He pointed to the person next to him, "He is Fang Zhenliu, the jungler of our team."

Yin Letian nodded, and said wearily: "Let's go."

This man looked very tired, Song He secretly thought, and glanced at Fang Zhenliu, who walked out without saying a word.

Song He worked hard to liven up the atmosphere, and introduced the situation of their team to Yin Letian. Yin Letian basically kept silent, occasionally nodding or replying "um", Song He was also embarrassed and speechless.

When the three of them walked outside the airport, Fang Zhenliu had already ordered a car in advance.

When Song He didn't know how to allocate seats, Yin Letian had already sat in the back seat of the car ahead of time. He had been in a car accident and was very sensitive to seats, so Fang Zhenliu also sat in.

The brand was too big to fit in the trunk of the car, so Fang Zhenliu finally said the first sentence since they met - "throw it away".

Song He looked at Yin Letian with a little embarrassment, after all, it was a welcome sign.

Lotte also nodded.

Le Tian: "Why does this male lead seem to hate me so much? This is the first time we've met, right?" He didn't even look at him.

System: "He is a fan of Dai Dangyun."

Lotte: "..."

System: "Don't get me wrong, Dai Dangyun hated you when he was alive."

Dai Dangyun was a genius ADC when he debuted. As his support, Yin Letian was under great pressure. If he made a slight mistake, he would be criticized by fans. They thought he was holding back Dai Dangyun. As a matter of course, Dai Dangyun is the absolute core of their team, and his popularity far exceeds that of other players. Yin Letian, as a person who walked down the road with him, is naturally more critical by fans.

There were several times when Yin Letian wanted to leave the team, but it was Dai Dangyun who urged him to stay, "You are my support, don't care what others say? I think you are fine."

It's a pity that Yin Letian persisted for two years, and in the end he only won a runner-up with Dai Dangyun. After the competition that day, he couldn't hold on anymore and broke up with Dai Dangyun.

Dai Dangyun is also a tall and handsome boy. He and Yin Letian were once known as the most handsome bot lane combination. Dai Dangyun was very helpless at the time, "Letian, can you think about it again? I think we cooperate Really no problem."

Yin Letian's attitude was very firm, so Dai Dangyun had no choice but to ask him out to talk with him alone later. That time, there was a car accident on the road, and then Yin Letian resisted Xu Jing's thunder, and was even accused by fans of not playing professionally. Fuck big and small girls' bellies lightly.

Since then, every fan of Dai Dangyun and even his team has become Yin Letian's black fan, and even a large number of black fans left messages on Yin Letian's account—why wasn't you the one who died

Yin Letian had an introverted and melancholy personality. The only teammate who supported him died, and his reputation was notorious. Later, he became seriously addicted to cigarettes. Within three months of Dai Dangyun's death, Yin Letian quietly retired. There was no retirement ceremony, but I just updated my profile.

Yin Letian: Sol professional player

Position: Auxiliary

Nationality: Chinese

Experience: Played for GJK club for two years

Honor: sol international league runner-up

Status: Retired

Under his professional player card, fans leave comments with the highest likes—May there be no Yin Letian in heaven.

Le Tian: "... I'm too fucking miserable!"

System: "Aren't you handsome?"

Le Tian: ... not too handsome.

Le Tian secretly turned his head to look at Fang Zhenliu, the high nose bridge divided his well-defined face, the corners of his mouth were slightly turned down, and his arms were embracing, with a look of refusal to be thousands of miles away.

Le Tian: "I doubt he will secretly go to the forum and scold me with a trumpet."

System: "Think too much, he likes to scold you with a big name."

Le Tian: "..." He is too difficult.

The bad situation was that the KW club was far away from the airport, and it took half an hour to drive on the highway. Lotte was addicted to cigarettes, and there was a trace of irritability on his face. His fingers involuntarily touched his pockets, and he only held on for three seconds before he took out a cigarette and lit it directly.

Fang Zhenliu glanced at him, the pale man's lips were too red and too thin, with a white cigarette in his mouth, his white teeth slightly clamped, he was decadently handsome, Fang Zhenliu closed his eyes in disgust, silently Opened the car window.

Song He also smelled the smell of smoke, turned his head and said: "Coach, you smoke, then you must not smoke in the base, we will be fined for smoking in the base."

Letian let out an 'hmm', and took another drag between his cigarettes.

The wind poured into the car, but it blew the smell of tobacco everywhere. Fang Zhenliu said displeased: "Do you have to smoke in the car?" His voice contained the unique deepness of a teenager.

Letian panicked, "How old is he?"

System: "Nineteen."

Le Tian: "It's okay, it's okay."

System: doesn't ask what's okay, lest it feel uncomfortable if asked.

Letian glanced at Fang Zhenliu with a cigarette in his mouth. Year-round smoking had ruined his voice by half. The mole on his left tear was raised slightly. He exhaled a puff of cigarette and said hoarsely, "I'm sorry."

Fang Zhenliu turned his head and turned his side to Yin Letian.

Le Tian took another puff of cigarette calmly, hum, what are you talking about with my brother.

KW's base is in a residential villa outside the city center. Song He swiped the access control card, and the three of them walked to the base in silence.

On the way, Letian lit another cigarette, Song He couldn't help but look at Yin Letian a few more times, wondering if the coach is addicted to cigarettes, right? Nowadays, many professional players are very self-disciplined. They don't smoke or drink, which will affect their competitive state. Generally, players with such an addiction will be looked down upon.

Song He thought about it again, the coach is not a player, so who cares.

KW's manager warmly welcomed Yoon Letian. He and Yoon Letian knew each other before. Before Yin Letian played for GJK, he stayed in another club for a short time. At that time, KW's manager was also in that club. The two can be regarded as old friends up.

"Yin Letian, fuck me, why are you still so handsome! Have you eaten preservatives?" The manager warmly hugged him.

Le Tian raised his hand and patted him on the back, "Is there a training match today?"

The manager said, "So anxious?"

Le Tian said lightly: "You should do things after you take the money."

The manager praised: "Your professional attitude has never been mentioned."

Fang Zhenliu listened to it and sneered.

The time was just right, I was supposed to go out to have lunch to meet Yin Letian, but Yin Letian refused. After eating the meal at the base, he said it was not bad. There was a training match at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and the opponent was Yin Letian's former club GJK.

Yin Letian sat in front of the big computer behind the five and watched them play a training match. The team room was filled with shouts from the players. Letian watched for a while and lit a cigarette. The manager watched and wanted to say something, but held back , I want to wait until later.

He played two training matches in a row and won both of them, one forty minutes and one thirty-five minutes. The results were pretty good, especially Fang Zhenliu, who was the MVP and the best player in both games.

"It's over?" Le Tian said hoarsely.

The manager nodded, the team room smelled of cigarettes, and the team members looked a little bad. Yin Letian's reputation was mediocre, and they were not very satisfied with this coach.

Le Tian pinched the cigarette at his fingertips. His fingers were long and slender, and his pale pink nails were well-rounded. The team members watched him pinch the cigarette, and they were relieved. .

Le Tian took a sip of water, cleared his throat, and said slowly, "Are you really a professional player? The bottom lane team can't do damage, and hitting people is like scraping, and the damage has to be repaired by the jungler, waste? The upper and middle lanes Invisibility, what are you doing with the pawn line? Isn’t it faster to win when you go home and hang up to save some money for your teammates?”

The four players were scolded for being stupid.

Yin Letian looks cold and melancholy, but he has a poisonous tongue when he opens his mouth. This is his usual character. He is usually fine, but when he mentions games, he immediately turns into a grumpy mother-hunter.

"And the jungler," Le Tian finally shifted his eyes to Fang Zhenliu, Fang Zhenliu looked at him sternly, Le Tian sneered, "You are the most pure idiot out of the five people, you need to be trained."