Winning the Male Lead

Chapter 157: Devil Bishop 8


When Fang Zhenliu arrived, there was a long queue at the gate of the cemetery, and the staff was not surprised, and shouted with a loudspeaker: "Pay attention to order, open flames are prohibited, enter in an orderly manner, and line up." Many fans hugged There are flowers and gifts.

Fang Zhenliu stepped back a few steps, the flow of people was a bit beyond his expectation.

The greening of the cemetery is well done, there is a green forest not far away, Fang Zhenliu turned around and flashed into the forest first, and smelled a familiar smell of smoke as soon as he entered the forest.

Wearing a black suit, Yin Letian looked even thinner. He leaned against a tree and was smoking a cigarette. The smoke obscured his side face, but the bright red tear mole under his left eye was more conspicuous, like a drop of blood mist on the pale enamel. He looked up Slowly exhaling a puff of smoke as if playing with his head, his neck raised high, and his small Adam's apple rolled, full of decadence and exhaustion.

Fang Zhenliu was stunned.

Le Tian: "Hey, it's so boring, why don't you go to the city and eat some fried chicken before coming here."

System: "..." It won't tell Lotte that Fangzhenliu is coming.

The sunlight was a bit dazzling to his eyes, and Letian once again regretted coming too early. He got up at 8 o'clock in the morning, but the fans were earlier than him. They waited until noon, and the number of people increased instead of decreasing.

Le Tian pinched his cigarette in boredom, threw it on the ground and crushed it, and turned around to face Fang Zhenliu, who half covered his face, and he was also stunned.

Le Tian: "Fuck, I forgot that he is also a true fan, will he want to hit me?"

System: "It's possible, hurry up and slip."

Half of Fang Zhenliu's face was covered by a sweater, and he slowly approached Letian. Letian wanted to hide when he saw him coming, but for the sake of character design, he stood there with his hands in his pockets and no one loved him.

When Fang Zhenliu approached, he realized that Yin Letian's eyes were red.

"Are you coming to see him too?" Le Tian took the initiative, his voice hoarse.

Fang Zhenliu didn't deny it, "Why don't you go in?"

Le Tian: ...Your uncle, it turns out that you also want me to die.

Le Tian couldn't say that he was afraid of being beaten by fans, that would be embarrassing, he turned his face and stared at the small lake bordering the forest, and said indifferently: "I don't want them to see people they don't want to see, which affects their mood of worship." I gave myself a thumbs up in my heart, he is happy to be the god who maintains the human design.

Fang Zhenliu was at a loss for words for a while, to a certain extent, he was also a fan of Dai Dangyun, and he didn't like Yin Letian very much.

It's just that what Yin Letian said to him touched him a bit. Maybe Yin Letian really had something hard to say when he retired

Le Tian put his hands in his pockets, lowered his face and said, "Go in."

Fang Zhenliu came to look for him in the first place, how could he really go to pay respects like those fans, he didn't do that.

Fang Zhenliu said: "There are too many people, we will go again later."

Le Tian lowered his head and shoulders against the tree, and let out an 'hmm'.

The two suddenly fell silent again.

In the silent woods, Fang Zhenliu lowered his eyes and could see the snow-white back of Yin Letian's white shirt showing through. This man is really white, so white that it almost melts in the sun. It must have been exposed to the sun for a long time. His ears turned bright red, Fang Zhenliu really wanted to look away, but he just couldn't look away, and even his mind was full of Yin Letian's naked appearance, the more he wanted to forget, the more frequently he remembered .

Fang Zhenliu turned his face to cover up, but saw someone walking this way, he quickly took Yin Letian's arm, and quickly walked behind the rockery on the left side of the forest.

Le Tian lowered his head and was trying to find an excuse to have a meal, when Fang Zhenliu pulled his arm unexpectedly, and the whole person bumped into Fang Zhenliu's arms, and dragged him to the back of the rockery with a dazed expression as if being held hostage .

Fang Zhenliu whispered: "Squat down."

Le Tian pretended to be calm and squatted down as he said, thinking that young man, we are developing a bit fast, and it’s fine to drill into the small forest and drill into the rockery.

A girl's voice came from outside.

"It's only March, why is it so hot?"

"The weather is a bit strange today, it's very hot."

"Do you think there will be a little strange weather at this time of year, maybe God also thinks it's unfair."

Le Tian: ... Sisters, it's over.

Fang Zhenliu was a little worried that they would talk about Yin Letian, and only after his worries welled up did he think—why should he worry about Yin Letian? Fang Zhenliu frowned slightly.

Sure enough, his worry became a reality, the girls started talking about Yin Letian, talking about Yin Letian's return to China, because Song He's live broadcast directly exploded, so KW has also officially announced the introduction of Yin Letian as a coach.

These few fans seem to be less hostile to Yin Letian.

A girl with a soft voice said: "I really hope he comes to see Happy, Happy really likes him."

Fang Zhenliu looked at Yin Letian, and found that his eyes were lowered, and his eyes were covered by long eyelashes, making Fang Zhenliu unable to see his emotions.

"Have you watched the video posted by the official blog today?"

"Look, I cried for a long time in the morning, and I couldn't even put on my makeup."

"That video must have been shot together."

"Who else is there besides him? Happy is only so accommodating to Together. He won't mess with him casually."

"I still can't figure it out, Dai Dangyun is so kind to him, how can he be willing to abandon Dai Dangyun and be with other women!"

Le Tian: ... He couldn't understand what the sisters were talking about!

In order to conceal his panic, Le Tian had no choice but to remain unchanged and respond to external changes.

In Fang Zhenliu's eyes, it looked like he couldn't move after being hit. Yin Letian was like a statue, but it was just a very sad statue, and it seemed that he was about to shed tears.

And just like Fang Zhenliu thought he would cry last time, Yin Letian didn't cry.

After chatting for a while, the girls seemed to have had enough avoiding the heat, so they went out together in twos and threes.

Le Tian stood up, patted the folds at the knees of the suit, but still said nothing.

Fang Zhenliu looked at the ring on his left ring finger, and suddenly said: "Coach, are your wife and children going back to China soon?"

This time, Yin Letian didn't scold him for being troublesome, and gave a light 'hmm'.

Fang Zhenliu thought of his son's name again, he could hear it clearly, it was called 'Nianyun'.

This name is too easy to associate, Nianyun, miss Dai Dangyun

Fang Zhenliu almost couldn't understand Yin Letian, so he directly asked his biggest opinion on Yin Letian, "Why did you retire in the first place?"

Marriage is not the reason for professional players to retire. Many professional players are still active in this circle after they get married, and their technical level has not regressed.

Fang Zhenliu is not like those fans who think that Yin Letian is lying on Dai Dangyun's thigh to win. He is a professional player and understands the importance of a support to an ADC. ADCs of Dai Dangyun's level can completely have the right to choose their own support. He chose Yin Letian, and he was bound for two years, which is enough to prove Yin Letian's strength.

What he hates most about Yin Letian is that he gave up his career, at a player's golden age, and under the premise of carrying the dreams of his teammates who have passed away.

"I'm sick," Le Tian said directly, took out another cigarette from his pocket and slid it over the tip of his nose, "Hands are shaking badly."

Fang Zhenliu was stunned, this is definitely a situation that no one knows.

Le Tian said lightly: "I can't play the support either, and the heartbeat speeds up when I play the support, and I can't breathe."

For a while, as soon as Yin Letian closed his eyes, Dai Dangyun hugged him tightly covered in blood. Whenever he touched the game, Dai Dangyun seemed to appear beside him, let alone touch the assistant, sitting in front of the computer , Looking at the picture of choosing a hero, I can burst into tears.

His teammates, his brothers, protected him at the critical moment, and even if he survived, he was no longer his former self.

The dual physical and psychological diseases caused Yin Letian to become seriously addicted to smoking, coupled with the already poor public opinion environment, so Yin Letian chose to retire at that time.

In fact, after retiring, Yin Letian was also very painful. He knew that he chose a path of escape that belonged to cowards.

Le Tian said slowly: "I'm sorry for him."

Fang Zhenliu's heart beat violently. The person in front of him was only as tall as his shoulders, and looked helpless with his head lowered. He was not good at comforting people, so he said firmly, "You really failed him."

Le Tian: ... Brother, if you can't speak, shut up.

The two fell into silence again, Fang Zhenliu said after a while, "However, it's not your fault."

Lotte: Thank you, it's not rare.

Seeing that he was silent all the time, Fang Zhenliu asked, "Do you want to go in?"

Letian looked up, "Think."

Fang Zhenliu's method is very simple. He pulled down the turtleneck sweater covering his face, and took off the hat of the sweater, revealing a handsome face with sharp edges and corners. He stood coldly towards the entrance of the cemetery, and immediately attracted a large number of people Fans' attention, although they are all fans of Dai Dangyun, this is a live Fangzhenliu.

Everyone has a herd mentality. When a few people discussed it, many people immediately went to watch together. Moreover, KW officially announced the joining of Yin Letian. Many fans have already started to ask Fang Zhenliu why he came here, and whether KW introduced Yin Letian. seek death.

Fang Zhenliu frowned as he watched the crowd come slowly.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the staff hurried out to maintain order, and Le Tian slipped in while taking advantage of the chaos.

Fang Zhenliu watched Yin Letian sneak in, he didn't heave a sigh of relief, he was still attracting firepower at the door, he agreed with Yin Letian to help him for ten minutes.

Lotte was lucky and caught a gap. There was no one in front of Dai Dangyun's tomb, only piles of gifts and flowers. The young man's smiling and handsome face was surrounded by fans' love.

I don't know what would he think if he knew that the person he protected with his life was suffering from the malice of his fans

Le Tian stood in front of the tomb and admired Dai Dangyun's handsome face, "Handsome."

system:"… "

Le Tian: "It looks so much like my son, it's almost carved out of the same mold."

System: "You're talking nonsense, that's his son."

Le Tian: "Oh, what a pity."

System: "What a pity?"

Le Tian: "He has never even seen such a lovely son."

The relationship between Dai Dangyun and Xu Jing has been underground. After Xu Jing told Dai Dangyun about her unexpected pregnancy, Dai Dangyun wanted the child very much, but because he was not old enough, he chose not to obtain the certificate.

Because the game was at a critical moment, Xu Jing was worried that if this incident broke out, it would affect Dai Dangyun's game, so she insisted on refusing to speak.

Dai Dangyun also only told Yin Letian. When he told Yin Letian, he was almost crazy with joy. He also said that he would win the championship and use the championship medal as a betrothal gift to hold a wedding with Xu Jing.

Of course Yin Letian is also very happy. He and Dai Dangyun are really good brothers. They are very compatible in both games and life. Dai Dangyun is sunny and outgoing but sometimes has a stubborn personality and can’t hear opinions. Yin Letian just complements him .

Letian sighed again, and said to Dai Dangyun: "Brother, don't worry, I will win the championship."

Dai Dangyun's face was just smiling quietly.

Le Tian looked at it and left. When he went out, he lowered his head secretly and glanced at it. Seeing that Fang Zhenliu was about to be pointed at his nose, he couldn't help laughing.

Fang Zhenliu has been staring at the exit, and finally saw the thin figure come out, and ran away in no time, without any intention of waiting for him.

Square Pillow Flow:…

With the help of the staff, Fang Zhenliu got rid of the fans and walked on the only road left. He scolded Yin Letian for crossing the river and demolishing the bridge and scolded himself for meddling in his own business. After walking a few steps, he suddenly saw Yin Letian standing in the distance. The figure on the side of the road, wearing an empty suit, was as thin as a piece of paper, waving at him casually with a cigarette in his mouth.

Damn, recruiting a dog, Fang Zhenliu cursed in his heart, and took three steps forward with a cold face, Le Tian saw that he followed, turned around and continued walking, "It's not easy to get a taxi here, let's go together .”

"Back to the base?" Fang Zhen said.

"Well," Le Tian squinted his eyes, "Go back to the base."