Winning the Male Lead

Chapter 175: Code 17


The dignified and beautiful program host on TV said: "Yesterday, the person in charge of a high-end club surrendered himself and confessed that he organized a silver sale, which involved the mayor of XX city..."

Le Tian turned his face away and looked at his former mission target Bi Zhanchun crying bitterly on the TV screen with a serious expression.

Xia Jun followed and turned his face away. Bi Zhanchun was wearing an orange vest and was beaten with a mosaic all over his face. He wiped his tears in handcuffs and spoke intermittently of confession.

"Does Teacher Guan know this person?" Xia Jun asked quietly.

Le Tian said calmly: "I don't know."

Xia Jun looked into Guan Letian's emotionless eyes, and the emotion in his heart began to boil again. The emotionless Mr. Killer really makes people want to destroy him.

Xia Jun's hand holding Guan Letian's chin slowly fell to the buttons Guan Letian fastened, and said slowly: "Teacher Guan, let's have an affair?"

"I'm really not interested in Mr. Xia." Guan Letian grabbed his hand and smiled lightly.

The news was still being broadcast on TV, because Bi Zhanchun's surrender involved a group of high-ranking officials, and the media's cameras swept across, full of crying.

Xia Jun stared at Guan Letian and said, "Teacher Guan praised me for being handsome just now, so he lost interest so soon?"

Guan Letian said: "Physiological interest is only temporary, and you still have to pay attention to your love and my willingness when you go to bed."

Xia Jun saw that Guan Letian kept making excuses to push and pull, and even began to suspect that Guan Letian was a virgin.

Xu Xinru and Guan Letian are obviously just fake couples. As a killer, Guan Letian casually finds a bed partner. It is extremely risky, and looking at Guan Letian's behavior, you can tell that he doesn't like to do unnecessary things. Demand estimation is simply solved by hand.

Looking at Guan Letian's thin pale pink lips, Xia Jun suddenly stretched out his hand to hold the back of his neck, and leaned over to kiss him. Guan Letian's body reacted extremely quickly, and the sideways stroke of his palm almost hit Xia Jun's temple. He stopped abruptly under his control.

Xia Jun opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of tightrope-walking irritating smiles. He also felt the gust of wind on his forehead just now.

If Guan Letian didn't stop in time, maybe he would be dead by now.

Xia Jun was so excited that he directly pressed on Guan Letian. Under the pressure of Xia Jun's wild eyes, Guan Letian avoided it and closed his eyes directly. Xia Jun pried off Guan Letian's thin lips. A bloody beast, a murderous monster, but this monster's tongue is so soft, and the taste in its mouth is also very clean.

Perhaps, he was the first to kiss the monster.

Xia Jun stiffened.

The button of the shirt on his body was directly torn off, Guan Letian frowned and pressed his hand on Xia Jun's shoulder, not daring to kill him, after all, he was just an ordinary university teacher.

Both know that the other is not a good person, but it does not prevent them from being interested.

Xia Jun propped himself up slightly. Guan Letian, who was lying on the sofa, looked calm, his white chest rose and fell slightly, seemingly unresponsive, Xia Jun raised his knees and slowly arched them, and said in a low voice, "Does Teacher Guan like to lie? Interest is high."

Guan Letian said calmly: "So Mr. Xia wants to fuck me?"

Xia Jun lowered his head and smiled lowly. The laughter echoed in the empty living room, mixed with the strange and wild cries on the TV. He turned his face and said indifferently: "Mr. Guan, it's me who caressed you, not you Grab me."

"Why bother?" Guan Letian still put his hands on Xia Jun's shoulders. There are countless fighting techniques in his mind that can put Xia Jun to death, but killing people is not his interest. He only takes money to kill people, so he just lightly Gently patted Xia Jun on the shoulder, and gently persuaded: "Twisted melons are not sweet."

Xia Jun said: "It's enough to quench my thirst, Teacher Guan can't beat me, can't I?"

Guan Letian's expression flickered, and he said with a smile: "Mr. Xia, rape is breaking the law."

A killer with blood on his hands told him that rape was a crime.

Xia Jun really burst out laughing.

How can it be so cute

Xia Jun smiled lowly and said, "It doesn't seem to be a strong X." He moved his knee and rubbed Guan Letian's sensitive part, "I think Teacher Guan also has feelings."

Guan Letian said: "Mr. Xia is willing to give me grass, of course I feel it, nothing else."

Xia Jun smiled and said, "Okay then, Mr. Guan, let's go to bed and do whatever you want."

Letian: ...Why are you so easy to talk about!

Xia Jun saw that Guan Letian was lying still, a trace of embarrassment slipped through his dark eyes, he couldn't help bending over and shaking with laughter.

Seeing him smiling, Guan Letian slowly sat up, "Mr. Xia is just kidding me."

Xia Jun laughed for two full minutes, and when she raised her head, she was already laughing so hard that tears came out. She put her fist on her lips and coughed slightly, "Teacher Guan is very cute."

The clothes on Guan Letian's upper body were all torn, he sat up and said, "Mr. Xia is also very humorous."

"My sense of humor is only shown to people I am interested in." Xia Jun's black shirt was also a bit messy, but he didn't care, he didn't tidy it up, stood up and said, "Teacher Guan, I will always watch you. "

Guan Letian smiled and said, "I can understand that Mr. Xia wants to pursue me?"

"Of course, you can understand it any way you want." Xia Jun stretched out his arms and made a hug gesture, "Teacher Guan, welcome to have an affair with me."

Guan Letian looked at him quietly, and after Xia Jun walked out and closed the door, he still didn't relax, because...

System: "When you were unconscious, he installed cameras in every room in your house."

Lotte: "..."

This is the most unreasonable male protagonist he has ever met. It is fine if he is not forced to have sex, but he is forced to act at home.

Le Tian leaned on the sofa with one hand, and slowly solved the part that Xia Jun had just teased to no avail with the other.

Xia Jun returned home and turned on the surveillance screen.

Opposite the icy monitoring screen was the even colder Mr. Killer, with a disheveled shirt and a calm expression, which formed a great contrast with the actions he was doing.

Xia Jun chuckled, put his legs on the table, leaned back habitually, and took off his pants.

Does Mr. Killer know that this picture of himself falls into the eyes of others and is being used by him as a tool to vent his desire

Xia Jun squinted his eyes. He guessed that Guan Letian knew about it, but he couldn't reveal his identity.

Even if Xia Jun's suspicions are to the end, as long as he does not expose Guan Letian face to face, Guan Letian will always pretend that nothing happened.

No one told him that he was just a gun, and he was never allowed to make decisions. The real owner of the gun has not yet appeared.

After Le Tian finished masturbating, he felt relieved. As long as Xia Jun clung to him, the organization should not contact him in a short time.

But it is too difficult to pretend to be at home!

Le Tian was crying silently in his heart with a calm face.

After installing cameras in every room, Xia Jun's research on Guan Letian deepened.

Recently, Guan Letian went out at 9:00 am and returned home at 5:00 pm. His life routine was not fun. He got home at 5:00 and took a shower. When he took a shower, he would masturbate once. The masturbation was also very monotonous, standing silently in the shower Next, the expression on his face didn't change.

The camera was installed on the light side of the bathroom, and Xia Jun could clearly see the water mist on Guan Letian's eyelashes slowly falling, and the water flowed over his beautiful body and his slender fingers.

Those hands must have been charming when they pulled the trigger.

Xia Jun took a sip of his coffee, and his throat felt a little tight.

Obviously Guan Letian didn't deliberately do some pornographic actions, Xia Jun was still deeply seduced, knowing that he was watching, and doing it every day, he didn't care at all, full of animal nature, but his appearance was so gentle personal.

When Le Tian came out of the shower, he took the instant food from the refrigerator and gnawed bitterly as usual.

Le Tian: "Whoa, this is not the life I want."

System: "What else? Want to go to work?"

Le Tian: ... then forget it.

The organization hasn't contacted him since the failure of Le Tian last time. Xu Xinru has never been here. Le Tian didn't ask about Xu Xinru's situation. The safest thing in this world is the heroine. Everywhere there are male partners kneeling and licking. Now there is a problem It's him.

I don't eat well, and I'm afraid of talking in my sleep even when I'm sleeping. What's worse is that I haven't had sex yet.

If Xia Jun hadn't installed a camera, Le Tian would have cried aloud.

Just when Letian was crying silently and the system was laughing, there was a knock on the door.

Le Tian put down the cold sandwich, opened the door and saw that it was Xia Jun.

Xia Jun seems to like black very much, he still wears a black shirt and black pants.

Xia Jun stretched out his hand, directly wiped Guan Letian's lips that were stained with salad dressing, put it in his mouth and licked it, and said, "Teacher Guan, let's have dinner together?"

Guan Letian said calmly, "I've eaten."

"Please save face, Mr. Guan, you are such a nice person, how can you bear to refuse a small invitation from a suitor?" Xia Jun said with a smile.

Guan Letian hesitated for a while, and said, "I've taken a shower, so it's inconvenient to go out."

"Come to my house for dinner?" Xia Jun pointed to the door behind him. The pure black door was engraved with complex and mysterious patterns of stars, like a black hole devouring people.

Faced with this kind of invitation to enter a strange place, Guan Letian should refuse, so he said: "Next time, I ate today."

Xia Jun stretched out one foot and stepped into Guan Letian's house, leaned his face slightly to his ear, and said in a low voice, "Teacher Guan, come to my house for dinner or sleep in your house, you choose one."

Le Tian: ... can't you choose both? !

Guan Letian still followed Xia Jun to his house.

The decoration style of Xia Jun’s house is not far from that of Guan Letian’s house. There are more black elements, except that the ground is almost glaringly white, and the sofa and dining table are all pure black. Does not match.

Xia Jun said to Guan Letian, "Mr. Guan, how about the steak?"

Guan Letian said: "Whatever."

Lotte is about to cry, steak! He loves steak!

There are tens of millions in his passbook, but he has no reason to even eat a piece of steak!

With his hands in his pockets, Guan Letian slowly looked around Xia Jun's living room. His mind instinctively slid through countless locations and angles suitable for killing Xia Jun.

Xia Jun came out with the steak, and saw Guan Letian's slender arms bent slightly in his pockets, his profile was beautiful and cold, and when he turned his face to see Xia Jun, his expression returned to gentleness, "So fast?"

"Semi-finished products," Xia Jun put on the steak and said with a smile, "I'm lazy and don't like to spend too much energy on other things."

This is the same as him.

Guan Letian sat at the table.

The layout of the two houses is the same, both are open western food kitchens, Guan Letian picks up a knife and fork, and slowly cuts off a piece of beef. Let off fireworks, it's so delicious!

Xia Jun! I love you!

Guan Letian's eating movements are the same as eating cold sandwiches, the size is uniform, and each knife cuts the steak into bite-sized pieces.

Xia Jun watched him take a few mouthfuls, and suddenly said: "Mr. Guan, isn't he afraid that I will take medicine?"

Guan Letian stopped holding the knife, and looked up at Xia Jun, "Did you get off?"

"Down," Xia Jun pouted innocently, "Aphrodisiac."

Guan Letian smiled and said, "Mr. Xia is joking with me again."

Xia Jun narrowed his eyes and said, "Guess?"

Le Tian: ... I guess Nima is tall, you'd better be.

However, Xia Jun was obviously joking this time, Le Tian didn't feel any fever at all, and lowered his head and started to concentrate on eating steak again.

Xia Jun watched him finish the steak, handed him a tissue, Letian wiped his mouth meticulously, and wiped the table habitually.

"Teacher Guan likes to be clean." Xia Jun raised his eyebrows.

Letian gave a light 'um', "Thank you for the hospitality, I'm leaving first."

Xia Jun directly crossed the dining table and took his arm, and said with a smile, "Mr. Guan, I invited you to dinner, and it seems impolite to just leave."

Letian turned around and smiled, "So what does Mr. Xia mean?"

Xia Jun said, "How about staying overnight?"

Le Tian said: "Just for one meal, Mr. Xia's calculations are too good."

Xia Jun walked around the dining table and walked in front of Guan Letian. He was a little taller than Guan Letian, his lips could just fall to Guan Letian's ear, and slowly approached Guan Letian's earlobe, whispering: "Teacher Guan's girlfriend has been with you for a long time. If it’s not here, is there no demand?”

Obviously, he has been spying on him, Guan Letian is a little irritable, last time at the hotel, Xia Jun mentioned his girlfriend, Guan Letian felt something was wrong afterwards, how could Xia Jun know who his 'girlfriend' is

Guan Letian turned his face away, brushed Xia Jun's thin lips with his earlobe, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Xia is so interested in me?"

"Who made you so attractive, Mr. Guan?" Xia Jun wrapped his arms around Guan Letian's thin waist, feeling the thin muscles under his arm rise and fall, and the fire that had been ignited by this monster intensified. Putting the person close to himself, Xia Jun whispered, "If you don't want to, just kill me."