Winning the Male Lead

Chapter 215: Holy Monk 14


Illnesses come and go like a mountain, and they go like silkworms. Letian fell ill one after another for a whole winter, and Zheng Yuanfeng took care of him for a whole winter.

The sick Letian is still a little different. In the past, although Letian was weak and pitiful on the bed, it was only on the outside. In Zheng Yuanfeng's heart, Letian's mental toughness may not be as strong as him, but the sick Letian, but It's really a bit 'coquettish'. When eating, the little hand pulls the quilt under the chin, the neck leans forward slightly, the lips are opened like a bird, and the red eyes that are crying because of the cold are slowly blinking.

Looking at his appearance, Zheng Yuanfeng felt soft in his heart.

Lianu Lianu...

Ever since he found out about Le Tian and Pan Shu's marriage, Zheng Yuanfeng dug up Le Tian's past and found out that he had a high fever when he was just born and almost died. Mrs. Wei must have loved this child infinitely in her heart at that time, wishing she could use it body instead.

Now Zheng Yuanfeng felt the same as Mrs. Wei, scooped up a spoonful of meat soup and blew it lightly, and brought it to Le Tian's lips, thinking: Don't let him get sick, let me suffer it for you.

Zheng Yuanfeng slept with the sick Letian every day, and he still didn't catch the cold. Letian was speechless about his bear-like body, and secretly smeared his nose on his shirt to retaliate against him when he slept at night.

When Zheng Yuanfeng woke up in the morning, he found a yellowish patch on his chest, he was speechless at once, looked at the innocent Letian who was huddled under the quilt, and after holding back for a long time, he said: "Everywhere is sweet for Liannu."

Le Tian: I said earlier that the shit that my grandpa poops is delicious.

At the beginning of spring, Letian's illness was finally healed. Zheng Yuanfeng was very happy and wanted to order the release of life to pray for blessings, but was stopped by Letian, "Everything has its own way, and human interference will lead to bad results."

Zheng Yuanfeng smiled lightly, "Then why does Lianu insist on saving me?"

Le Tian said calmly: "In the past, would Ah Man have the idea of releasing life?"

Zheng Yuanfeng naturally wouldn't, in his fantasy, after ascending to the throne, he would definitely kill a lot, and the supreme power only meant the power of life and death to him.

But now, he wants to use his right to love someone.

Zheng Yuanfeng took Le Tian's hand, kissed lightly on his lips, and said in a low voice: "Pianu, I admit, you saved me."

Le Tian had a smile on his face, his expression was calm and calm, his hair had grown, and his stature had also grown a little due to eating meat and fish. Zheng Yuanfeng stared at him quietly, and found that his face was still the same as when he first saw him. He seems to have changed Lotte's appearance only a little bit.

A wild goose will leave marks, Liannu, have I ever left a trace in your heart? Zheng Yuanfeng held his hands together, and blew on the palm, "Why are your hands still so cold, be careful and catch a cold again."

Le Tian smiled and said, "It's okay."

Zheng Yuanfeng put his arms around him and said softly: "The flowers in the imperial garden are blooming, do you want to go and have a look?"

Le Tian said quietly: "Okay."

Spring returns to the earth, and as the weather gets warmer, not only flowers are blooming, but also a reminder of the war.

After the beginning of spring, the barbarians on the border were eager to move and harassed the soldiers and civilians in the border towns. Someone from the court made the first request to ask Zheng Yuanfeng to beg for a barbarian.

This kind of thing happened often in the past, the late emperor was never persecuted by the ministers in the court, probably because of Zheng Yuanfeng's special status, the ministers were panicked, afraid that Zheng Yuanfeng's elbow would be turned outward, so they insisted on forcing Zheng Yuanfeng to make a choice.

Zheng Yuanfeng flipped through the papers on the table, smiled wryly and said, "Pianu, I finally know how you felt when I forced you to choose."

Le Tian calmly said: "My feelings should be different from Ah Man's." I was very happy at the time hehehe.

Zheng Yuanfeng glanced at him, feeling sour in his heart, lowered his eyes and said: "Yes, Lianu has always been transparent."

"What is Ah Man worrying about?" Le Tian asked softly.

Zheng Yuanfeng sighed, pulled Le Tian to sit down with him, and said solemnly: "One side is the nationals, the other side is the tribe, I... really have a hard time choosing."

Although Zheng Yuanfeng grew up in the palace, Xuanpin always told him about the customs and customs of the Hu tribe. According to Xuanpin, the Hu tribe outside the Great Wall is free and unrestrained, and they are the most hospitable ethnic group. Although Zheng Yuanfeng has never met anyone other than Any barbarian other than Xuanpin has a strong sense of identity with barbarians, perhaps because of his features as a barbarian when he was young, he was often bullied and despised by others, and Zheng Yuanfeng became even more rebellious.

You think I am a barbarian and look down on me, but I want to be a powerful barbarian!

Now sitting on the throne, but being forced to make such a choice, Zheng Yuanfeng felt a little powerless.

Le Tian pulled the open booklet and read it carefully, "It said that the Hu people disturbed the border, but it didn't say why."

Zheng Yuanfeng said in a deep voice: "The Hu people's terrain is remote, and it's extremely cold in winter. Many people often freeze to death and starve to death because of the lack of food and clothing. After the beginning of spring, even if new crops are planted, there will be no food, so they will naturally rob them. "

Letian nodded, "Birds die for food."

Zheng Yuanfeng was silent, it was really a helpless thing, the longer he was the emperor, the more Zheng Yuanfeng felt that many things Le Tian said were right.

Maybe it was really like what Le Tian said, he was born to save him.

"Aman," Le Tian closed the booklet, and said softly, "You may have bothered your half of the barbarian blood, or maybe you are still troubled now, but this is actually a good help for you."

Zheng Yuanfeng's face was startled, thoughtful.

Le Tian continued: "You are both a Han and a Hu. You are the person who can best promote peace."

Zheng Yuanfeng's heart was swept away by the breeze, and the problems that had troubled him for many days were cleared away. He happily hugged Le Tian and threw him up, and caught him again amidst Le Tian's exclamation, and turned around excitedly in his arms. After a circle, he stopped and said, "Letian, you are really my holy monk!"

Lotte smiled, squinted and said 'Amitabha'.

Zheng Yuanfeng was not bothered by the word 'Amitabha' at all, Lotte is Lotte, he is such a true Buddha in the world, and he fell in love with such a compassionate and understanding Buddha, so what? Since it is impossible to pull him off the Buddhist altar, so what if he sacrifices his body to convert to Buddhism

Zheng Yuanfeng leaned over and kissed Le Tian's lips, and said with a smile, "From today onwards, I believe in Buddhism."

Lotte opened his eyes wide in surprise.

Zheng Yuanfeng bowed his head and kissed his lips again, "But lust and caution are still a crime."

Le Tian: ... Brother, you scared me to death.

On the next day, when Zheng Yuanfeng announced that the royal conquest would take place in person, the ministers in the court could be regarded as relieved.

Le Tian trembled when he heard that Zheng Yuanfeng wanted to take the imperial conquest himself. When the last one said he would go to war and come back to marry him, he had already become a tablet.

Fortunately, Zheng Yuanfeng is the emperor, and with a wave of his big hand, he directly brought Lotte along with him. Holy monk, it is best to pray for the battle.

Le Tian followed Zheng Yuanfeng to the battlefield.

Zheng Yuanfeng led Le Tian on the march, so it was fine for him, but he had to take special care of Le Tian in everything. Le Tian was delicate and expensive, and lived like a white lotus in the barracks.

The sergeants have no complaints, after all, Lotte is a holy monk! It's still fragrant.

In the large temporary tent, the ground was covered with a layer of snow-white down blanket, and the bed was also made of several layers of brocade, which would be too soft for people to get up quickly.

After freshening up, the two of them lay down together in a soft bed. Although it was spring, the weather was getting warmer, and it was still a bit hot to hug each other. Zheng Yuanfeng was sweating slowly, and Le Tian was also sweating a little. The scent of lotus on his body went straight to the tip of Zheng Yuanfeng's nose drill.

Zheng Yuanfeng slowly put his hand on Le Tian's waist, Le Tian trembled slightly, and said in a low voice: "There is a shadow."

The soldiers on watch at night lit bonfires to keep warm and patrolled. The situation in the tent was clearly reflected on the tent. It made sense for the two of them to sleep together, but if they moved, even a fool would know something was wrong.

Zheng Yuanfeng said softly: "I've been on the road for several days, I haven't touched you for almost half a month, it's really uncomfortable." He arched his body, showing Le Tian how hard he was suppressing.

Le Tian lowered his face and said: "Aman, bear with it, don't let the soldiers call you a fool."

Zheng Yuanfeng was silent, and heaved a long sigh. Now, he listened to nine and a half out of ten sentences of Le Tian's words, and the remaining half of the sentences were when Le Tian said "no" on the bed. He could listen or not, depending on the situation. Certainly.

Seeing that Zheng Yuanfeng's face was dark, Le Tian said in a very soft voice: "Is it really hard?"

Zheng Yuanfeng said in a deep voice: "Forget it, you can read the scriptures for me."

Le Tian: ... I originally wanted to say that I would give you a hand.

Le Tian chanted sutras in a low voice, Zheng Yuanfeng didn't clear his heart and reduce his anger in his subtle chanting, but intensified it, he couldn't bear it and said: "Get up."

The soldiers were guarding outside the tent when they suddenly saw the tent being pulled open, and the emperor walked out side by side with the holy monk, who was wearing a large cloak. The emperor said with a heavy face, "It's convenient for me to accompany the holy monk, but the holy monk is shy. You all don't follow."

The guard said: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid there may be danger in this wilderness, so let your subordinates accompany the holy monk, you can stay."

Zheng Yuanfeng's face darkened eight degrees immediately, and he squeezed out a sentence through his teeth - "This is an imperial decree!"

In the wilderness, the forest is dark, only a bright moon shines on the two people hugging and kissing in the forest.

Zheng Yuanfeng hugged Letian as if he had been thirsty for many days and couldn't stop kissing him, he eagerly pulled on Letian's trousers with one hand, and explained in his mouth: "It's cold outside, I'm afraid it will freeze you, Liannu, you have suffered some grievances." Like a pervert, he pressed Lotte to the tree.

There has been no such incident for many days, Zheng Yuanfeng was not allowed to enter the alley several times, anxious and annoyed, he simply bent down to moisten his tongue.

Le Tian yelled softly, and quickly covered his mouth. They didn't go far. If they yelled too loudly, they would attract the attention of the soldiers.

When it was finally about the same, Zheng Yuanfeng entered the alley in one fell swoop, Le Tian couldn't help but let out a happy scream, which was immediately blocked by Zheng Yuanfeng's lips, "Pianu, don't let me become a fool."

Lotte nodded with tears in his eyes.

Zheng Yuanfeng pressed Lotte on the tree once and came here wide open and closed. He didn't enjoy himself, and his heart came out. The next time, he didn't know when, he pulled off Lotte's cloak and spread it on the bed, and coaxed Lotte to kneel down. , solidly came back again.

Le Tian was made to scream repeatedly, and finally the two of them soiled the cloak together. Zheng Yuanfeng hurriedly put on Le Tian's trousers, put on the cloak for him, and hurried out of the forest.

The guards waited for an hour, and some people already hesitated whether to resist the order to find them. They were finally relieved to see the two returned safely, but the holy monk's walking posture was a bit weird.

Zheng Yuanfeng asked someone to boil hot water to wash Lotian, but he found that he hadn't done it for a few days, and suddenly came two times, and Lotian was still a little red and swollen.

The two of them lay down under the bed again, Zheng Yuanfeng just relieved the fire just now, but he didn't have enough tenderness with others, now he hugged Le Tian and kissed quietly under the bed a few times, only then did he feel gradually satisfied in his heart, and said: " Lianu, does it hurt?"

Le Tian blushed, and said in a voice like a mosquito: "It's okay."

Zheng Yuanfeng also said in a very soft voice: "Marching is no better than in the palace, you can't keep it all the time, and without me opening up for you every day, I'm afraid it's all for nothing, Lianu... why don't you borrow your Buddhist beads... and you have the right to keep it it's..."

Le Tian blushed and turned white, turned white and turned red again, and whispered: "No."

This was the half of Zheng Yuanfeng's ten sentences that he didn't listen to. He pretended to be pitiful and coaxed, and finally sent the string of Buddhist beads in.

After going through the unfamiliar grove at the beginning, all the guards thought that the holy monk was suffering from severe constipation, and after more than an hour every few days, the group finally arrived at the border. A wolf's prairie.