Winning the Male Lead

Chapter 309: Subjugated King 4


Xie Ying stayed up all night, lying under the dragon bed, feeling both fear and shame, biting her lips and shedding countless tears. After an unknown amount of time, there was finally a sound on the dragon bed, and the fragrant wind came, and she immediately closed her mouth. Eye.

It was the footsteps of two people, one light and the other heavy. When the fragrance was a little further away, Xie Ying couldn't help but opened her hazy teary eyes. The black figure was half leaning on the young man, as if he hadn't woken up yet. The young man helped him to turn around. Entering the screen, Xie Ying then heard a crisp applause, and she couldn't help shaking the thin quilt slightly.

The boy stepped out from behind the screen.

The sound of water came slowly, Xie Ying's face turned slightly red.

After a while, a black figure appeared from behind the screen, Xie Ying immediately closed her eyes again, and the two of them got on the dragon bed again, and there was silence above.

Xie Ying knew that she should treat herself as a wooden figure who could neither see nor hear, but the suffocating silence made her heart beat wildly, and she couldn't control her eyes to look up.

On the dragon bed shrouded in Zhujin curtains, a figure curled up on one foot of the bed, like a cat or dog guarding its master.

Liu Zhuo...

Xie Ying thought about this inexplicably familiar name over and over again in her mind, and then suddenly she had a flash of inspiration—Prince Liu Zhuo!

Xie Ying, who was trapped in the harem, knew nothing about the outside world. She never expected that the prince of the Mian Kingdom would become such a role in front of the Emperor of the Yong Kingdom...

In the extreme panic, Xie Ying didn't know when she fell asleep. She was kicked awake by Liu Zhuo. As soon as she opened her eyes and met the handsome young man's face, she opened her lips involuntarily and said, "Your Highness..."

Liu Zhuo was stunned by the title he hadn't heard for a long time, and then returned to his indifferent expression, grabbed Xie Ying's exposed arm with one hand and pulled it hard, Xie Ying bit her tongue to hold back the cry, sharp The knife cut her finger and stuck to the snow-white veil. The young man said coldly and hoarsely: "From today onwards, you are His Majesty's Xie Guiren."

Xie Ying nodded with tears in her eyes and said tremblingly, "I understand."

Being a smart person, Liu Zhuo shook off her hand, wiped the blade back into his sleeve, and went out with the handkerchief.

It was the first time Wen Letian summoned a 'concubine', and he was in a bad mood. He sat in the imperial garden and watched Liu Zhuo fight with the guards.

Liu Zhuo didn't close his eyes almost all night. He curled up at Wen Letian's feet. He dared not really fall asleep. He kept hanging on his heart. When he felt sleepy, he pinched himself hard. If he really fell asleep, he pressed and touched Wen Letian. Le Tian, where is his life

He had to fight hard with the guards, and had to deal with the tea bowls that Wen Letian kept throwing at him. When he lost his mind, he was hit hard by the tea bowls on the shoulder.

Letian: Baby, why are you regressing!

The guard stopped the fist that was about to hit Liu Zhuo's face in time, knelt down to Wen Letian instantly and said, "Your Majesty, forgive me." Liu Zhuo is a celebrity in front of His Majesty, so His Majesty can beat and scold him, but they can't let them hurt you.

"Trash." Wen Letian said coldly.

Liu Zhuo also knelt down, "Your Majesty, forgive me." He pressed his injured shoulder with one hand.

Wen Letian stood up and said in disgust, "Kneel down."

Le Tian returned to the dormitory alone, and began to talk to the system again, "How long will he be punished for kneeling?"

System: "At least one morning."

Lotte: "So long!"

System: "Either you just beat him up."

Le Tian: ... He doesn't want to hit the board, he needs a spanking when he hits the board, what if it breaks

This avatar is really difficult to treat Liu Zhuo well, verbal humiliation, slap and kick are commonplace, punishing kneeling is already the lightest punishment in Letian's opinion, if you don't even have this, the avatar will collapse .

Le Tian: It's too difficult, it's too difficult, just keep it like this, if you don't develop hatred, it's hell.

Liu Zhuo knelt in the imperial garden, and he didn't feel sad, he was forced to kneel, he could bear it, his head hung down and he was drowsy, but he fell asleep until there was a thunder in the sky that woke him up.

Le Tian who eats watermelon in the inner hall: ... It's thundering, it's raining, can you take back the baby outside

The torrential rain fell as soon as it was said, and Le Tian panicked: "System, what should I do?"

System: "It's okay, Drizzle."

A huge bolt of lightning rumbled past, and there was a burst of exclamation from outside the hall.

Lotte: ...

System: "Rain helps crops grow."

Lotte: ...

Le Tian was very concerned about Liu Zhuo, but he couldn't call him back, so he paced back and forth in the hall, thinking for a long time but couldn't think of a reason not to destroy the person, and wanted to smash the bowl very anxiously.

The torrential rain wet Liu Zhuo's long hair, and the rain dripped rapidly down his hair crown. It hurt like a whip whipping his body. He gritted his teeth and stood still in the storm.

Not far away, a laurel tree shook a few times and fell to the ground.

Liu Zhuo took a deep breath, and the sour rainwater immediately entered his nose, causing Liu Zhuo to choke and cough violently. The more he coughed, the more rainwater penetrated into his mouth and nose, and Liu Zhuo coughed until his face flushed.

After kneeling for an unknown amount of time, in a trance, a guard finally came over holding an umbrella. Liu Zhuo coughed fiercely, raised his wet face, and the guard said, "Your Majesty wants you to go back."

"Okay," Liu Zhuo stood up unsteadily, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Liu Zhuo!"

Liu Zhuo felt as if he had floated into the sky, and his whole body was light and light. It seemed that hail had fallen from the sky, which made him feel cold and painful.

"A Zhuo, mother is with you, you will be fine, A Zhuo." His mother was stroking him tenderly.


Le Tian withdrew his hand touching Liu Zhuo's forehead. The young man lying on the soft couch was flushed, but his lips were pale, his face was sweating like rain, and his brows were furrowed. He looked very miserable.

The palace people were all watching, Le Tian became ruthless, raised his hand and slapped Liu Zhuo directly, "It's useless." He stood up suddenly, and said to the palace: "Tell the imperial doctor."


When Liu Zhuo woke up in the middle of the night, his whole body was sore, especially in his shoulders and chest, he felt a dull pain, and he could hardly breathe. He opened his eyes and saw that he was lying on the soft couch in the inner hall, stumbling around He got off the bed, put on his shoes and socks, and staggered to the dragon bed.

Wen Letian was sleeping soundly, his usually cold and white face showed a little calmness, not as gloomy as when he was awake, only pure beauty.

"Your Majesty..." Liu Zhuo opened his mouth, and there was a rush of heat. He touched his hot forehead, and slowly lay down on his usual position under the dragon couch, curling himself up into a ball.

When Le Tian woke up in a daze at night, he kicked Liu Zhuo who was limp and startled, and he woke up instantly. Liu Zhuo, who was curled up under the bed, was still blushing, and his chapped lips were slightly parted.

Letian kicked him directly, Liu Zhuo was startled, opened his eyes with difficulty, and the familiar black color came into view, he hurriedly got up, "Your Majesty, Liu Zhuo is waiting for you..." put both hands on Wen Letian's arm , Le Tian was shocked and angry, raised his hand and slapped Liu Zhuo again, "You bastard!"

Liu Zhuozheng was so burnt that he slapped him to the ground without pain or itching.

Letian immediately spread the word to the palace people and imperial physicians.

When Liu Zhuo woke up again, he found himself in a strange palace. He felt a panic in his heart. He lifted the quilt and went to bed. The palace man who came in with the medicine hurriedly said, "Liu Zhuo, don't get up!"

"Where's Your Majesty?" Liu Zhuo said hoarsely.

The palace man brought the soup, "Your Majesty is angry and wants you to recover from your illness before going back to serve you. How dare you touch Your Majesty when you are so ill?"

Liu Zhuo lowered his face and said softly, "I was confused."

Gong Ren said: "You don't have to worry, His Majesty loves you, it's a well-known fact, take care of yourself first, and then return to His Majesty's side."

Liu Zhuo gave an 'hmm', picked up the medicine and said to Gong Ren: "Thank you."

He was too nervous, he was afraid that as soon as he left Wen Letian's sight, Wen Letian would forget about him at any time, probably because he didn't have a clear mind when he had a high fever, so he just lay there by instinct, but luckily he didn't climb into the dragon bed, Liu Zhuo He secretly rejoiced.

Illnesses come and go like a mountain, but it was just a typhoid fever, Liu Zhuo took seven days to recover, he was already very anxious, the imperial doctor said he was fine, and immediately rushed back to the inner hall.

"Your Majesty, Liu Zhuo asks to see you."

Hearing the announcement from the palace man, Liu Zhuo's beating heart calmed down a little, and he felt a little bit of yearning when he stood outside the palace gate.

Just when he was amazed by his missing, laughter came from the hall, and Liu Zhuo was shocked, the sound was similar to that of Wen Letian.

"Liu Zhuo, Your Majesty has allowed you to enter the palace." The palace man pushed open the door and said.

Smelling the familiar strong incense, Liu Zhuo said with a light smile, "Thank you." He hurriedly entered the hall, Wen Letian was standing behind the imperial case, painting, and beside him stood a man of short stature, wearing white hair. The agate crown, with a smile like a spring breeze, and a bookish air, "Your Majesty, Lan Ting is right?"

"It's not only wrong, it's just nonsense." Wen Letian raised his head with a smile, and his face became cold again when he saw Liu Zhuo, "Okay?"

Liu Zhuo quickly knelt down and saluted, "Liu Zhuo deserves to die, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

"You are really damned, but you fell down after a rain, so useless, Gu Zhen spent so much time cultivating you," Wen Letian put down the pen, and the man beside him handed him a handkerchief to wipe it , "Still rolling over."

Liu Zhuo got up and said solemnly: "Yes."

The two stood beside Wen Letian, one on the left and one on the right, but Wen Letian didn't want them to serve him anymore, he was about to take a bath.

Outside the bath, Liu Zhuo stood side by side with the man, and said gently: "Liu Zhuo has been ill for a few days, I don't know that there is a new person around His Majesty, dare to ask Gao's name?"

The man said politely: "Your Majesty Meng Lanting, your Highness is welcome."

Another person called him His Highness, Liu Zhuo said softly, "I'm not Your Highness, just call me Liu Zhuo."

Meng Lanting was specially recruited by Le Tian. He was originally a musician in the palace. Loyal servant.

Liu Zhuo figured out Meng Lanting's identity within a few days, and there were not many places where Meng Lanting could replace him. When Wen Letian wanted to paint and write, Meng Lanting served. He was the one who accompanied Wen Letian most of the time. Wen Letian When wanting to 'favor' Xie Ying, he still has the position of the dragon bed.

On the dragon bed, Liu Zhuo leaned against Wen Letian's feet with half-closed eyes, his expression was pure numbness. He had been ill for a while, and in his dream he dreamed that when his mother was still alive, he was not happy either. He lived with his mother. Those years were pitiful with little warmth, only humiliation, scolding and avoidance. He hid under his mother, so he could get less punches.

The tip of the nose is full of the strong fragrance of Wen Letian's body. This fragrance is unique to Wen Letian's body. It is mixed with the spices in the temple, the incense on his clothes, and perhaps his own body fragrance.

For Liu Zhuo, this fragrance is the smell of death. Every day around Wen Letian, the fear of death is like a wild beast, chasing him all the time.

Wen Letian turned over, the thin quilt was thrown outwards, revealing a pair of snow-white feet.

Liu Zhuo stared blankly.

The most common thing these feet do is to kick him hard, and he has to put on and take off shoes and socks for these feet every day, and the appearance of these feet is almost imprinted in his heart.

Liu Zhuo stared at it, his heart was swollen, and he was jumping up and down. An indescribable panic floated in his heart. In the vermilion curtain, there was a touch of glistening white in the pitch-black, faintly exuding a faint fragrance. Liu Zhuo He stretched out his hand in a strange way, and stopped it in time when his fingers were about to touch the instep.

The wild beating of the heart turned to the body unconsciously.

Liu Zhuo took a deep breath and held down his beating heart. He has grown up.