Winter Begonia

Chapter 106


From the beginning of this summer, the whole of Beiping lived a difficult life of fear. In just over a month, 20% of the shops in the city have been closed out of 10%. Pedestrians on the road looked tense, all the businesses along the street were barren, and in the dog days, there was actually a shivering atmosphere that can only be seen in the cold winter. There were also Japanese rioters in the theatre. Halfway through the play, soldiers rushed in and claimed to arrest the anti-Japanese elements, yelling and shouting, pushing and shoving, and searching the seats one by one, making the whole play a mess. They left after making a fuss, and the theater couldn't recover for several days, and all walks of life were rubbed to the point of indescribable suffering.

At this time, there was a voice in the Liyuan circle, which was first uttered by Yu Qing in Shanghai. Not long after the fall of Peking, Shanghai failed to resist and fell under Japanese rule. Yu Qing is a real scholar with a temperament, and she sings duets out of feelings, not for earning a living. Now that the country is in crisis, and her compatriots are in danger, she needs to put on makeup every day, and still happily go on stage to perform, so that everyone can see it happy, That is absolutely impossible. Her romantic feelings were put away immediately, and she quickly sold her face and jewelry, and went to Hong Kong alone. Her status as an opera singer is worthless in Hong Kong. Yu Qing also generously supports a leftist newspaper, and her life gradually becomes poor. Her character and backbone are not for others to see. At first, only a few good friends knew her whereabouts. Her manager went straight to Shuiyun Tower, and said sadly to Shang Xirui: "Boss Yu is confused, such a good-looking Diancuitou noodles, and this opal one, I am in a hurry to stop Santian." It’s worth two tins and it’s going to be sold. I said, how can I be in a hurry? If I’m in a hurry, the price will be pushed down! I want to bring it to you, the boss, to have a look. You are an expert in goods, let alone have a friendship Inside, you must not lose Boss Yu!" Then he told about Yu Qing's next plan, Shang Xirui smacked his tongue inwardly, saying that Yu Qing deserved to be the woman who gave the general a hard time, she has such a temper, I can't help but admire her a little bit, so I want to pay for both goods and money on the spot, and buy them all. Or Cheng Fengtai has more social experience, the more busy he is, the more he must be on guard, fearing that the manager will be unreliable, he asks Shang Xirui to make a phone call with Yu Qing. As soon as the phone call was made, Shang Xirui yelled first: "Wow! Yu Qing! You don't sing anymore, what are you going to do in the future!" Yu Qing didn't expect that the manager would beg Shang Xirui for her, as if she was relying on It was very embarrassing to be acquainted with each other, and I didn't want to say more, so I deliberately changed the subject. Shang Xirui is an idiot, he got distracted as soon as he got it wrong, the two of them chattered a lot, talking about what happened during the war, but they couldn't get to the point. In the end, Cheng Fengtai couldn't help it anymore, hooked his fingers, and Shang Xirui handed him the microphone, Cheng Fengtai said with a smile: "Boss Yu, long time no see, I'm Cheng Fengtai. Those top business bosses of yours saw it and loved it so much Yes, I’m too embarrassed to ask you for it! Let me tell you for him, if the fat water doesn’t flow to outsiders’ fields, you can just let him go!” While agreeing on a date to remit the money to Yu Qing’s original Citigroup account. Yu Qing hesitated and didn't know what to say, Cheng Fengtai hung up the phone before she could come up with an excuse to repent.

Shang Xirui said: "A few days ago you said that only gold is reliable now, why don't we give Yu Qing gold bars?"

Cheng Fengtai looked at him in surprise: "In this day and age, you want Yu Qing, a single woman, to go to Hong Kong with gold bars? Isn't she killing her on the way?"

When Shang Xirui thought about it, he realized that he was not thoughtful. It's no wonder that Yu Qing used to collect money through the bank. He used to think women were troublesome, but now that he thinks about it, Yu Qing probably did so out of security considerations. At that moment, he stroked Cheng Fengtai's chin very appreciatively, without Cheng Fengtai, he would not be able to find the trivial things in life.

The next day to meet Du Qi, Shang Xirui told Du Qi about Yu Qing. Du Qi has always looked up to Yu Qing, and now he is even more respectful, and asked Shang Xirui to study ink, and wrote a letter to Yu Qing with his fine handwriting, roughly to encourage her ambition and praise her deeds If she had any difficulties, she would open her mouth, and Du Qi would never refuse. She enclosed a check and an impromptu five-character poem, praising Yu Qing as a hero, and solemnly stamped Du Qi's private seal. Shang Xirui interrupted at this moment: "Hey! You want Yu Qing, a single woman, to go to Hong Kong with a check! You're killing her!"

Du Qi suspected that Shang Xirui didn't understand what it was like to cash a check at all, so he gave him a look and ignored him, and just said: "Yu Qing's sealing the box, I'm ashamed of how many men in the Liyuan business!" A slave who worships Tang Minghuang as his patriarch, facing the important affairs of his family and country, at this time also exposed the core of a scholar. Shang Xirui was indifferent. Du Qi jokingly said: "You've saved a lot of money over the years, why don't you follow Yu Qing's example?" Shang Xirui made a big face, his eyebrows flew up, he didn't expect Du Qi to be like this An absurd suggestion: "Whether I sing or not has something to do with whether the country fights or not? If it matters, it's worth not singing!" Du Qi pointed at Shang Xirui: "The country is about to perish! You are singing operas over there." Joy, laughter..." Shang Xirui cut him off: "Am I that music? I'm playing the pipa under the Coptis chinensis tree! I'll just sing "Tears in the Barren Mountains" and "Er Tang She Zi" in the morning. What do you have to say!" Du Qi laughed and said, "I have nothing to say. You are such a person who still gets scolded for nothing, and now Yu Qing is there to compare, so you can do it yourself!"

Du Qi also had a crow's mouth, after saying this, in the early autumn, Shang Xirui was in trouble immediately. A young girl watched a night show and was dragged into a dead end by two Japanese soldiers on her way home and insulted. In the final analysis, this incident was a man-made evil by the Japanese, and others had nothing to do with grief and indignation. The bad thing is that when the girl was about to die, she tied up her hair and changed her clothes, and pressed each of Shang Xirui's ticket stubs and a photo on her heart, which meant to miss her. The wind of public opinion is against such things, they are also bullying the weak and afraid of the strong, they can't punish the Japanese in this case, they turned to scold Shang Xirui and even the Liyuan community - these actors are still singing big plays after living on knife edge, just for fun! This is good! Find a life!

Once, the crazy old lady went straight to the backstage of Shuiyun Tower surrounded by reporters. The old lady was delirious, when she saw the young man, she rushed forward and cried and begged for an explanation, accusing her daughter of being infatuated with Shang Xirui, and asked Shang Xirui if he knew that her daughter had loved him for many years. How could Shang Xirui know, Shang Xirui had never even met that girl. But the reporters love to capture this kind of shots, deliberately pushing the old lady in front of Shang Xirui, and letting the old lady beat Shang Xirui, hoping to see what Shang Xirui will say about it. What else can Shang Xirui say, he was stunned and stunned, his spine was sweating like needles, his heart was beating wildly in his chest, his fingertips were cold, he looked like he killed this man himself!

When Cheng Fengtai returned home that day, he saw the cold stove and the lamp, and there was complete silence. Xiao Lai sat at the dining table and sewed the beads on the costume with Zhao Ma, and the nanny paced back and forth coaxing Feng Yi in her arms. Cheng Fengtai stood by the stove for supper, asked where Shang Xirui was, but Xiao Lai didn't make any noise, Zhao Ma pointed to the upstairs and made a silent gesture: "Boss Shang's complexion is not good today, he came back early , I didn’t even eat dinner!”

Since Japan bombed Shanghai, half of Cheng Fengtai's cotton mill was blown up, and Cheng Fengtai has also started to get busy. He had known for a long time that it was a matter of doing things together, as long as he invested money, when something really went wrong, Fan Lian, a useless thing, spread his hands and rolled his eyes, and everything would be pushed to him. In addition, transportation was inconvenient during the war, and Cheng Fengtai was busy with many of his own goods, so it was not uncommon for him not to go home for a few days, and he did not see Shang Xirui every day when he came back. He heard about this time, worriedly went upstairs, undressed and went to bed, hugged Shang Xirui from behind. Shang Xirui had never fallen asleep at all, at this moment he turned over and hugged Cheng Fengtai face to face, his forehead hit Cheng Fengtai's nose sorely. Shang Xirui sighed with tears in his eyes, pitifully cautious. He suffered a lot of insults this time, which is not a big deal, he has suffered a lot of insults! But this life made him feel guilty and short of breath, restless. Cheng Fengtai stroked his sweaty hair and said: "There are no eggs under a nest, Boss Shang, it's all because of the bad morals of the world, don't take this on yourself!"

Shang Xirui said: "Then why did the girl seek death!"

After asking this question several times in a row, Cheng Fengtai was also speechless and asked the sky: "Don't you all pay attention to integrity in the plays you sing? Let's just think that this girl has fulfilled integrity by herself, and stop being wasted in this sloppy world. "

Shang Xirui thought for a while, then shook his head: "As soon as I close my eyes, I see her coming to look for me, the ghost is still there! It's wrong! It's not like she can't have a good result."

Cheng Fengtai asked: "How can it be considered a good result for her?"

Shang Xirui was silent for a while, then suddenly raised his voice and said: "I can marry her! If I had known about this tragedy and married her, would she still have the heart to seek death?"

Cheng Fengtai admired Shang Xirui's mind so much, he was stunned and said: "Then I should seek death, you can save me too, Boss Shang!" As he spoke, he went straight to gnaw on Shang Xirui's neck, Shang Xirui bared his face. Smiling: "Who cares about your life! I don't care!" Cheng Fengtai was about to undo Shang Xirui's belt and hang himself on the spot for him to see, Shang Xirui offered to strangle him, and the two fought as if they were having a hard time. After making trouble for a long time, I was so tired that I fell asleep quickly.

What Shang Xirui said to Cheng Fengtai that night, he was not joking at all, this play idiot often lives in the play by accident. He really wanted to express his feelings to the girl's parents, and wanted to marry their daughter's tablet as his wife. Fortunately, Yuan Lan found out about it in advance, and immediately notified Du Qi and Niu Baiwen, saying, "The class leader has gone crazy and wants to marry Nie Xiaoqian." The two arrived, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, they held Shang Xirui and pointed at his nose and reprimanded him, trying to reason with him. Regardless of whether Shang Xirui is sincere about this matter, outsiders will only think that he is putting on a show, using dead people to add stories to himself. Shang Xirui was scolded so much that he bowed his head and didn't make a sound. But after this tragedy, Liyuanxing began to seriously consider the proposal to stop the show. The first responder was the Rongchun class of the Jiang family. Suddenly, by the way, he pointed at Sang Huai and ridiculed Shang Xirui, saying that some people are villains who value profit and have lost their eyes on money, and are reluctant to bear the fame of the sky, but the Jiang family knows the righteousness and integrity, and they will go to the national calamity together and never let it go. The people below applauded and clapped their hands, as if they had heard a good show. This good show didn't reach Shang Xirui's ears, Shang Xirui was crushed by a life, let alone not in the mood to sing, he didn't even bother to listen to the opera. One night, when Cheng Fengtai came home, there were two people squatting at the intersection, burning a pot of fire. Lao Ge said in surprise: "Second Master, look, isn't this Boss Shang!"

Cheng Fengtai was so tired that he couldn't open his eyes, he sewed a thread, it was really real! At this time, the autumn night in Beiping was cool and quiet, Shang Xirui and Xiao Lai, master and servant, were burning paper money there! This is not the Qingming Festival, nor is it the winter solstice. The wind blows the paper dust high. Cheng Fengtai couldn't help shivering, stepped forward and lowered his voice, and said, "Boss Shang, what are you doing?"

Shang Xirui didn't answer, his eyes were fixed on the fire, and he rolled his chin at him: "Go home and let this one get in the way!"

Cheng Fengtai remained silent, watching them melt paper for a while, there was a package of red paper, painted with gold and silver, on the outer cover was written in large characters: "Dong family of Shangmen, the soul will be used by the soul. Husband Shang Xirui respects." This Dong Shi, clearly the name of the girl who regretted the death a while ago, but unexpectedly named it a surname. Shang Xirui insisted on going his own way, talking to himself, he still became a dead man's husband! Seeing this, Cheng Fengtai felt a chill in his heart, an indescribable sense of horror, grabbed Shang Xirui's arm and dragged him home, gritted his teeth and said: "Shang Xirui, Shang Xirui! You are really crazy !"

Whenever Shang Xirui is stimulated or stressed, he becomes a little dazed. The past few days also looked dejected, allowing Cheng Fengtai to drag him home, wash up and go to bed, without saying a word during the whole process. When he was lying on the bed, Cheng Fengtai was still cursing, saying that he would call the doctor to give him some medicine for neurosis, he scolded for a while, but there was no response, he turned his head and saw Shang Xirui's shoulder twitch, leaned over to have a look, Shang Xirui Rui actually cried, Shang Xirui seldom cried, because he was stubborn, he didn't cry no matter how much he was wronged, crying was tantamount to admitting defeat. At this moment, his eyes were red and his nose was red, tears kept flowing, and he suppressed his crying and called out "Second Lord". Cheng Fengtai's heart was broken by his shouting, and as he cried, there was also throbbing pain, and his eyes couldn't stop being sore.

Shang Xirui said: "Second Master, do you think I killed her? It would be great if she didn't come to the theater that day!"

This will kill Cheng Fengtai!

Shang Xirui sleeps vaguely on Cheng Fengtai's arm all night, when he opened his eyes in the morning, Cheng Fengtai woke up earlier than him, propped his head there and looked at him, did not go out. Shang Xirui immediately felt a little relieved and said: "Aren't you busy today?" Cheng Fengtai said: "You look like this, no matter how busy I am." The implication was to delay Shang Xirui for a few days cause. Shang Xirui has the worst conscience towards Cheng Fengtai, he doesn't care whether Cheng Fengtai makes money or loses money, he rubbed his face against Cheng Fengtai's neck and said: "It's time to stop busy! It's not that I don't have enough money! Today you just accompany me to have a good time Go shopping!" He hasn't shaved his beard for a few days, it's so touching! Cheng Fengtai shrunk his neck, twisted a hot towel after breakfast, nodded to Shang Xirui, and said with a smile: "Boss Shang, I will serve you?" Shang Xirui touched his chin, lying on the sofa unwillingly On: "I don't go on stage, and I shave my beard. You want to shave my face and give me a good beating..." Cheng Fengtai slapped the towel on his face: "They're all peaches, sloppy!" Cheng Fengtai shaves Huzi's craftsmanship is not very good either, one way here and the other way, like rubbing peaches. When Yang Baoli and Zhou Xiangyun arrived, Shang Xirui hummed with a face. The two of them were holding two boxes of colorful pastries, which they said were the creations of the imperial chef sent by Lei Shuanghe yesterday. Yang Baoli looked at Shang Xirui, covered his mouth and sat there, Shang Xirui glanced over, Yang Baoli could only say: "The froth in the mouth of the class leader, it's like stealing a cream cake!" Zhou Xiangyun gave him One elbow, blame him for not understanding the rules. Cheng Fengtai smiled: "Well, like him." Shang Xirui wiped his mouth clean, before he had time to eat the sweet cake: "You guys, hairless bastards!" Yang Baoli was so greedy, he watched Shang Xirui grow up Chew and eat. With wet hands, Cheng Fengtai bent down and opened his mouth, Shang Xirui stuffed a piece into his mouth. Yang Baoli opened his mouth unconsciously, and Zhou Xiangyun gave him another elbow.

Shang Xirui tasted the food, clapped his hands and got up to go out. Yang Baoli took the first step, squatting on the ground to wait for him to put on socks and shoes, and then hugged his leg and begged, "Where are you going for a walk, boss? Let's show the two of us to see the world too! After a few days' rest Play, we are bored!"

Shang Xirui pressed his head and pushed him away, and walked forward on his own, the two children got acquiesced, and followed behind as if they were so excited, helping to carry the clothes and the suitcase. Shang Xirui doesn't have much to do except go out and play poker, today he went to the gallery to see what's going on. In Cheng Fengtai's car, Shang Xirui sat in the back seat like an old man and was pulled by him, when talking about taking a break from the show, he sighed: "Singing and singing all day, I'm almost exhausted! Who is like me? The field is full, treat me like a donkey grinding mill! It's just right to take a break, I'm bored too, take a good rest! I don't want to sing at all now! Singing every day, it's meaningless!" Cheng Fengtai told these Listen to the words as fart. Shang Xirui kicked Yang Baoli as he said: "You two bastards, when you get out of the teacher, I will take it easy, wander around and play all day, don't pay attention, I have to bear it!" In fact, the second actor Zhou Yang is already a teenager Talented, but not comparable to Shang Xirui back then. The more Shang Xirui talked, the angrier he became, he regretted taking the two of them out to play, and wanted to drive them back to practice, Cheng Fengtai tried to persuade them but it didn't work, Yang Baoli was quick-witted, and immediately used gossip to entice Shang Xirui: "We still There is another thing I need to tell the host! The show is off for a while, Ren Wu Ren Liu and Brother Li Qiaosong don't learn well, so they go shopping together!" Shang Xirui loves to hear this kind of obscene privacy: "No wonder Ren Liu has a stomach full Open your mouth and come here!" Yang Baoli said: "As a result, when we arrived at the kiln, Ren Liu was doing business inside the house, and Ren Wu was just moving a small chair outside the door, eating peanuts, drinking wine, and waiting. Let his brother finish the work." Shang Xirui said: "Maybe it's because there's not enough money." Yang Baoli shook his head and said, "Not enough money, and there's no one waiting! Li Qiaosong said he wanted a treat, but Ren Wu didn't agree. Then you Guess what, Ren Wu has a fair and clean appearance, he has been there many times, and has been spotted by the top girl, and wants to treat him for nothing!" Shang Xirui smiled a little: "Did the reception succeed? "Yang Baoli chuckled and said: "Is there any chance of this being unsuccessful? It's because Ren Liu knew that his brother was entertained by a girl, so his eyes turned red. If Li Qiaosong didn't stop him, Ren Liu would have been beaten to death as a troublemaker!" Shang Xirui thought for a while: "I know, Ren Liu likes his brother, so he's jealous." Both Li and Zhou Xiangyun were stunned, unable to catch up. Cheng Fengtai laughed twice: "You can tell, you go up and down Shuiyun Tower, the one with the dirtiest heart is your class leader!" Shang Xirui was not convinced. Yang Baoli changed the subject, and said: "There is one more thing, boss. I don't know if Si Xi'er has smoked opium or owed usury. She has been so poor these days. I heard that you took Boss Yu's head for a high price." , my heart was active, and I asked someone to look for it everywhere. Luzi is sending the head in front of your eyes! " Mentioning Si Xi'er, Zhou Xiangyun's skin hurts, and she moved her body uncomfortably. Shang Xirui sneered twice: "I don't want anything he wore for free!" He wants to get money from me? What a dream! I'm going to die tomorrow, and I won't give you the funeral! "Yang Baoli echoed repeatedly: "Yes! This is what makes the wicked retribution! "

Langfang used to have many workshops for making Diancui, for tribute, for private use, and for making tops. Since the fall of the Qing Dynasty, women's decoration has undergone great reforms, and these workshops have gradually become unable to sustain. So far, only one "One-eyed Xie" has survived. This master Xie always squinted one eye to paste feathers because he couldn't use his eyes properly in his early years. Over time, this eye broke down, his eyelids drooped, and his cheeks twitched. Seeing Shang Xirui coming, Xie Xie with one eye folded his eyelids and got up to greet him: "Hey! Boss Shang! Did I read that right? I haven't seen your boss, Boss Shang, for a while! I'm missing you! I was thinking about you just now! "Shang Xirui spends a lot of money, when people see him, they are as happy as seeing the God of Wealth. Shang Xirui took off his cloak, looked down at One-eyed Xie's new work, and said with a smile: "Hello, sir! How is business?" One-eyed Xie said TOEFL, and directed the staff to serve tea to everyone. Cheng Fengtai didn't like these things, so he drank tea with his legs crossed. Zhou Xiangyun and the two saw gold and silver pearl shells, bird feathers and animal armor, all of which were fresh and amazed, and they walked through them, dazzling. They only know what the finished product looks like when worn on their heads. For those who see the original shape for the first time, it is like attending a class. Shang Xirui is well-informed, with a calm demeanor, held the hairpin under the light to examine the color, and said: "The style is the same, your old craftsmanship is getting better and better, these furs are not bad!" One-eyed Xie Lu He rubbed his forehead and smiled: "These days, the craftsmanship is inferior, how can it be maintained until today! After all, these years have all been praised by the business boss, willing to patronize our small shop, and gave us a golden signboard! Hey! Listen! It is said that you painted the flowery look, young ladies and wives don’t comb their hair, but they still have to buy two hairpins and put them in the dressing box!”

Shang Xirui smiled slightly, coming prepared, at this time he slowly pulled out a roll of oil paper from his sleeve like a trickster, thanked Cyclopedia, in order to match the butterfly hairpin gifted by Xue Zhicheng, he specially drew a set of butterfly love The flower-themed head: "Put it away and do it carefully. I will come to pick it up before the Chinese New Year. If you go a little bit off, you know my temper." One-eyed Xie opened it, screamed with joy, and overjoyed to paint the painting. I tucked the paper in my bosom, afraid that someone would steal the picture. Shang Xirui's aesthetics is really superb, and he has a high reputation, all the embroidery workshops and silver houses that he has dealings with come to him for advice, even Cheng Fengtai's silks and satins often have to listen to his opinions to innovate patterns.

A few people sat in the workshop for a while, the two little opera singers were eye-opening, Shang Xirui still kept his eyes fixed, his mind was calm, he was proficient in a hundred things related to singing, this small workshop Here, there is absolutely nothing new for him, and he will leave soon. One-eyed Xie was not reconciled, it seemed that letting Shang Xirui go home like this was a loss of face and a debt of favor, he thought about it for a while, gritted his teeth, and said: "Boss Shang, you brought friends to my place to play today, that is Give me a face! I can’t let you come here for nothing, I’ll show you off right now!” Going to the back room, he took out a cage by himself, uncovered the black cloth, and there were actually four kingfishers in it. Fly!

Not to mention that Shang Xirui has never seen a living thing this time, even Cheng Fengtai has seen it. Those little blue guys, with vivid metallic luster in their feathers, singing birds and swallows, are agile and cute, like the incarnations of gods in legends, who came to the world to experience adventures. Cheng Fengtai was fascinated by the hobbies of men in Peking, those who like these little bugs and birds, he pursed his lips and whistled twice, looking very interested, and said: "Beautiful! It's a pity to make hairpins! Leave it to me to play with, old man." price!"

One-eyed Xie said: "My lord, you don't know the habits of this bird. It is so delicate! It dies when it sees the light, and it dies when it hears the sound! Now, after passing through your precious eyes, there is nothing left. An hour's life!"

Cheng Fengtai saw that they were terribly frightened and thumping about endlessly, they were really not a good way to support them, so he couldn't help sighing: "If we had to say this sooner, we wouldn't have watched them! One look at them would have killed them!"

One-eyed Xie smiled and said: "It's the result anyway, and it's their good fortune to show you all the fun. We all know that the color of the fur that fades is bright. How can it be called a fade, let alone you and the two children, sir, it is Boss Shang , I'm afraid I haven't seen it before. My skill is now regarded as the best in Peking! You look forward to it!"

When the workshop guys saw that the master was going to perform a unique skill, they all stood aside and looked around expectantly. One-eyed Xie reached into the cage to catch a kingfisher, grabbed the bird's neck with one hand, and rubbed the bird's body with the other. Cheng Fengtai smiled and said: "You're good, I'll give you a massage when I'm dying!" Just as he was making a joke, One-eyed Xie exerted strength in his hand and swung it down, and the bird's body of emerald feathers came off like undressing, The bloodshot flesh inside was exposed. This technique was so quick and ingenious that it really was a masterpiece. After the kingfisher was molted, he didn't know what happened, but felt pain and cold, and flapped his wings tremblingly. One-eyed Xie put it on the ground, and it ran around in circles, chirping loudly, but it was still alive.

The guys happily chased the naked kingfisher and kept making noises to tease it to play. Zhou Xiangyun screamed, covered her mouth and ran out, Yang Baoli was also horrified. One-eyed Xie seemed to be very satisfied with their fright, and boasted: "My skill, hey, only Ling Chi from the previous dynasty can compare! Ling Chi's is 3,600 knives! My hand is 3,600 knives!" ! The work is in place, can it not look good? Every strand of it is alive!"

Shang Xirui stared at One-eyed Xie, as if pondering some profound topic, stared One-eyed Xie flustered, and gradually shut up. Shang Xirui mumbled around him for half a circle, then suddenly reached out and pulled a lock of hair from the back of his head! This lock of hair is gray and dry, and when the wind blows, it will be scattered without a trace. Shang Xirui patted his hands clean in disgust, One-eyed Xie let out an ouch, Shang Xirui swiped the floor again, took out his drawing paper from One-eyed Xie's arms, poked the roll of drawing on One-eyed Xie's nose and nodded, turned and left . One-eyed Xie Baba took a few steps behind, but he didn't dare to pull him, so he could only hold the back of his head and smile wryly at Cheng Fengtai: "Look, my lord, what's wrong with Boss Shang? What the hell, pull a bunch of my hair !" Cheng Fengtai looked at him with a half-smile, and said, "You! Your old man's other eye won't heal either! You'll be blind sooner or later!"

One-eyed Xie was cursed, and he was even more confused. Shang Xirui and the others walked out of the workshop quickly, Zhou Xiangyun leaned against the wall and vomited, Yang Baoli stood on tiptoe to put on a cloak and tie Shang Xirui. Seeing Yang Baoli's normal expression, Cheng Fengtai put his shoulders on him from behind and whispered something into his ear. Yang Baoli promised to go back to the workshop. Cheng Fengtai threw the handkerchief towards Zhou Xiangyun again, asking Zhou Xiangyun to wipe the corners of her mouth and tears. The three of them got into the car and waited for a while before Yang Baoli came back to meet his errands. Cheng Fengtai asked him to go back and give the bird a good time, Yang Baoli beamed and said that in order to prevent One-Eyed Xie from repeating his old trick, he threw the remaining birds in the cage to death. Cheng Fengtai frowned and said with a smile: "You are a powerful character!" Yang Baoli said obediently: "I told One-Eyed Xie, our class leader is a bodhisattva, and we don't want to see this kind of crime! If you dare to do this again, don't blame the class leader for not wanting to see him in the future he!"

Shang Xirui remembered the scene just now, swallowed dryly several times in his throat, and suppressed his nausea: "I don't want to see him now! Go back and send a word to Shuiyunlou that no one will be allowed to buy noodles at his house in the future! Kill a bird and pay for it." It’s a trick! It looks so capable! I’m covered in white sweat! If it weren’t for his age, I would have plucked him bald just now!”

Several people laughed. Cheng Fengtai said that eating monkey brains, donkey skin paste, and live roasted goose feet is also like this, and then described the methods of these dishes in detail. Shang Xirui said: "There are also soy prawns that you southerners eat. Some prawns hold a lot of alcohol and can't get drunk. Put it in your mouth and it jumps!" Very good prawns were encountered by him. Cheng Fengtai thinks the word "capacity to drink" is very funny, obviously he brought Shang Xirui out to relax, this trinket can always amuse others, with a smile, his face suddenly shuddered, they are going out of the city to visit a A famous huqin maker passed by the city gate, where several bamboo poles were raised high, with dead heads stuck on them. Needless to say, they were all anti-Japanese massacred by the Japanese, and they were killed there to make an example. Zhou Xiangyun saw it too, he was sitting in the passenger seat, Cheng Fengtai felt his body tremble violently, so he patted him with one free hand, motioning him not to speak, not to disturb Shang Xirui. Zhou Xiangyun bit her lip, and looked at Cheng Fengtai pitifully, with tears in her eyes. Today's trip was full of scary things, and he regretted it to death.

After driving for two full hours, the car arrived at a farmhouse outside the city. The two brothers and a sister-in-law worked there in the farmhouse, and they were very pleasantly surprised to see Shang Xirui. The family’s surname is Hong, and it’s been the fifth generation of violin makers. Li Qiaosong’s famous violin is the handicraft of the ancestors of the Hong family. The snake skin made by his family is neither rotten nor moth. . Cheng Fengtai saw a few snake skins hanging in the yard waiting to be air-dried, with scale patterns showing teeth and claws. Zhou Xiangyun walked around under the snake's skin and hid behind Cheng Fengtai. Because the weather was not cold yet, everyone sat and talked in the yard. The sister-in-law of the Hong family wiped her hands, and asked her uncle to bring out two trays from the back kitchen. There were several bowls of snake broth, peppered, very delicious, and a plate of dry pancakes. The bowl for Shang Xirui was specially made without snake meat, knowing that he never bothered to pick the thorns. Yang Baoli was greedy, so he took a piece of snake meat from Zhou Xiangyun's bowl and stuffed it into his mouth. Zhou Xiangyun was stunned and let him go. Sister-in-law Hong smiled and said, "Boss Shang has good food. The soup that was just made at noon, you guys are here!"

Shang Xirui smiled and said: "Where's your old man? Ask him to come out and use some together."

The face of the family suddenly changed. Boss Hong said that he only found out that the old man passed away two months ago, and his death was not a good one. The old man went out to buy goods and met the Japanese army. He was in a hurry to climb the wall and was shot down by machine guns. It wasn't long before the Hong family took off their heat, and when he said these words, Hong's second child was so angry that he put down the bowl and went back to the house with red eyes. Shang Xirui felt very sorry, said a word of comfort, and beckoned to Cheng Fengtai with his hand under the table. The two of them didn't need to speak, Cheng Fengtai understood what he meant, took out the money and stuffed it into Shang Xirui's hands, and Shang Xirui made up the money again, it was done in one go, without even meeting eyes.

Shang Xirui came here to find a piano that he could get his hands on, he hasn't been singing recently, so he wanted to find something else to play with. Boss Hong introduced him to some violins to try, Shang Xirui just pulled it twice, and suddenly asked: "Your snake skins here are not skinned alive, right?" Boss Hong was taken aback, and said, "Huh?" Shang Xirui said: "Skinned the snake alive, and then put the snake on the ground and crawled around naked twice?" Boss Hong took a deep breath: "Boss Shang, where did you say that? It made me cringe Panic!" Cheng Fengtai couldn't help kicking the stool Shang Xirui was sitting on, Shang Xirui stopped talking and bowed his head to play the piano.

He had just gone through a funeral, so he definitely couldn't play happy songs, but the two songs Shang Xirui played were too tragic, as if they completely told the story of a father who lost his father in his early years, a husband in his middle age, and a son in his later years, with a degree of sadness Progressing layer by layer, good people will cry. Boss Hong and his wife had just sent off their loved ones, when they heard this sound, they wiped away their tears and sniffed. Finally, Boss Hong interrupted him: "Boss Shang, if you go to play the piano, you will be better than you singing opera!" Encouraged, Shang Xirui wanted to play Baidicheng Tuogu. Raise your hands high, don't play anymore. I understand the way you play the qin, and when the qin is ready, I will send it to your house."

The group had eaten and played, and were about to go home. Before getting in the car, Shang Xirui said to Zhou Xiangyun, "Sit in the back, it's spacious." He sat next to Cheng Fengtai himself, and slapped Cheng Fengtai's thigh hard, It seemed to be a declaration: "Let's go!" Cheng Fengtai glanced at him: "Well, you are like riding a horse, pat the horse's butt, and the horse will run for you!" Shang Xirui slapped Cheng Fengtai again after hearing this thigh, said: "Drive!" Cheng Fengtai was furious. Zhou Xiangyun and Yang Baoli sat behind, covering their mouths and laughing.