Winter Begonia

Chapter 121


In the small mansion, Cheng Fengtai was smoking with his legs crossed and thinking about something, but he didn't look anxious at all. When he saw the merchant brother, he put out the cigarette and said, "Eat first, we'll talk about it after dinner." Cheng Fengtai took Shang Long Sheng gave way to the first seat, and sat face to face with Shang Xirui, Shang Xirui tilted his head and stared at him, Cheng Fengtai felt the need to explain the broken appointment of the previous few days: "Feng Yi has been ill these few days, Cry when you meet a stranger, you can't leave me." Shang Xirui pouted his buttocks and pushed his head forward: "What are you talking about? Louder!"

Cheng Fengtai sighed, leaned out helplessly, and shouted in his ear: "Feng Yi! I'm sick!"

Shang Xirui retracted his head: "Is the fat girl sick?" He thumped the table annoyedly: "I'm such a good fat girl, she fell ill only a few days after taking her away! Will your wife raise children? No?" Hurry up and send it back!" When his ears were recovering, whenever Feng Yi cried, he felt annoyed. Later, my ears were broken, and I couldn’t see the child in my eyes when I usually went out, so I completely forgot that there was such a little baby at home. At this time, it is reasonable to mention the matter of raising children.

Shang Long's stern glance swept over, Shang Xirui sat silently, no longer arrogant, Zhao Ma and Xiao Lai served the food one by one, since Shang Xirui couldn't hear clearly, he couldn't talk loudly, he ate with his head down That's all, two bowls of rice were quickly stripped away. Cheng Fengtai and Shang Longsheng opened a bottle of foreign wine, ate and chatted, all from the world's knowledge, caught a glimpse of Shang Xirui sitting there with his head bowed, with a wounded arm hanging around his neck, and the other hand flipping through orchid fingers under the table in boredom , muttering words in his mouth, concentrating and dumbfounded. Everyone likes Shang Xirui's dexterity, unrestrained, flamboyant, but Cheng Fengtai prefers to look at his naive look, with smiles and pets in his eyes, staring at him again and again. Shang Longsheng also felt it, and turned to look at his younger brother, but he didn't see anything attractive, just like when he was a child, he looked stupid behind his back, if their father was still alive, they should be beaten again .

At this time, someone knocked on the door. Zhao Ma opened the door, and heard a man's voice saying: "Hey! Hello! Is this the Cheng Erye's residence?"

Cheng Fengtai looked serious, and said: "This is it. Come in, brothers!" The two brothers who came in were tall and short, the tall one had a pale face with a thin beard and a cold face, with a big sack on his back; the short one was smiling His face was full of red light, and he carried a roll of thick dark gray woolen felt on his shoulder. When Mrs. Zhao came to see some guests, she wanted to remove the dishes from the table. Cheng Fengtai waved his hand: "I'll clean it up later. Go upstairs and don't come down when you hear the noise." Xiao Lai looked at the two brothers suspiciously, and the tall man's sack suddenly moved, as if it contained a living thing, and he was frightened She shuddered.

Zhao Ma and Xiao Lai went upstairs. The short man moved away the chair and rolled up half of the carpet, leaving an open space. With a flick of his toes, the roll of wool felt was spread from one end to the other. He then pulled the curtains on all sides of the room tightly. The tall man over there put the big sack on the wool felt and looked at Cheng Fengtai's face. Cheng Fengtai nodded, and the tall man started to untie the bag, revealing a man who had been scooped out of blood inside the sack. The man's mouth was gagged with a cloth, his hands were tied behind his back, and he was panting like he was dying of suffocation.

Shang Xirui was not even mentally prepared, suddenly seeing such a terrifying scene, his ears woke up in shock, the sound gradually faded away, and he heard Cheng Fengtai pointing at the bloody man and said to Shang Longsheng: "Yes The boy who Boss Shang shot, there were too many people in the theater, blocked the door and couldn’t escape. He was sent to the police station and locked up for a few days. Boring? Right? When your boss saves you later, my shot will be for nothing!"

Cheng Fengtai called Shang Xirui's injury "my shot", people heard it and didn't think there was anything wrong. If he hadn't been shot by himself, how could he hate him so much? This pair of tall and short brothers was brought to Peiping by Cheng Fengtai from Shanghai, and they were raised secretly for more than ten years, specially doing some dirty things outside of the law for Cheng Fengtai, otherwise he had so many guys who transported goods, each of them would have a mouth He had been sold out a long time ago, and this loyalty could not be won over by money. However, because Cheng Fengtai used Commander Cao's soldiers, his human nature was considered kind, so for more than ten years, when he used the two brothers, he couldn't count them with both hands. Among the two dissatisfied hands, it's the second time today for Shang Xirui.

The short man bowed to the merchant brother as a courtesy, but facing Cheng Fengtai, he couldn't straighten his waist: "Second Lord, this kid is not of the same way as the one who wrote the book last time, he is not a cultural person! Don’t be afraid to be beaten! He’s stubborn and tough! I’m afraid that if he takes care of him too hard, he’ll kill him, won’t he delay things?”

Cheng Fengtai said: "Take the cloth stuffed in his mouth." The tall man pulled the cloth, the blood gourd retched for a while, and when he raised his head, the two black and white eyes opened from the blood looked at Cheng Fengtai with hatred, Moving his head slowly, he looked at Shang Xirui and Shang Xirui's injuries again, this time his eyes were not only hatred, but also sneering. When he glared at Cheng Fengtai, Cheng Fengtai looked at him without flinching, but Cheng Fengtai quit when he provoked Shang Xirui like this, feeling that this man bullied Shang Xirui again under his nose. Cheng Fengtai was so angry that he couldn't speak, he picked up the cane leaning on the dining table, swung it round and hit him in the face. The head of the cane was inlaid with gold, and the blow was so fierce that the man spurted two big teeth from his mouth in response, and the blood from his mouth dripped onto the wool felt, and soon disappeared.

The short man bent over to chase the two big teeth that had fallen out, took out a handkerchief and put the teeth in the pocket of his trousers, then wiped the blood-stained floor with his sleeve, smacked his lips regretfully, and said with a smile: "Second Master, don't Dirty your hands! Wouldn’t it be over to say hello to us brothers!”

Cheng Fengtai clenched his cane tightly, as if he still wanted to give him a blow, but he had to do it himself to relieve his anger. Shang Xirui stood up from behind and held the handle of the cane, he said: "Let me ask a few words." Cheng Fengtai let go, and Shang Xirui walked to the edge of the wool felt with the cane, looking down, he could see the felt The bleak stains that have accumulated over time are all human blood. Shang Xirui pressed the crutch against the man's forehead, propped his head up, and asked: "Who ordered you to kill me?"

The man said: "No need to be instructed, anyone who is in league with the Japanese should be killed."

Shang Xirui said: "I was wronged, you killed the wrong one."

The man glared at him viciously, and the two met each other's eyes, but they were finally defeated by Shang Xirui's unyielding blunt temper, his eyes flashed: "Shang Lang is famous in Kyushu, even if he kills by mistake, he can alert the traitors all over China !” He said with a smack of words, which was quite righteous.

When Shang Xirui heard this, he had nothing to say, he fell to the ground with a club and threw away his stick. Cheng Fengtai was furious, he was already ready to kill, and said to the tall and low brother: "First cut off the guy who committed crimes, take him to the basement and ask, when will you ask him, and when will you send him away." The meaning of the two words "send away" is very clear, and the murderer is put back into the sack and carried on the shoulders, and the woolen felt is rolled up and the carpet is placed on the chair. The short man bent down to report the errand, picked up the cane and put it under his armpit to wipe it clean, leaned against the dining table as it was, and kept looking at the foreign wine on the table, Cheng Fengtai lifted his chin, and the short man immediately put the wine bottle away He hugged her in his arms and thanked him happily.

Shang Longsheng could see the origins of the two brothers, and he could also see Cheng Fengtai's murderous intentions, and when he walked away, he said goodbye and went home, Cheng Fengtai took a few steps, Shang Longsheng said: "Second Master Cheng loves Saner so much, It's San'er's blessing."

Cheng Fengtai heard that he had something to say, but Cheng Fengtai didn't want to hear it, and said with a smile: "The person who hurt Boss Shang's ear should be punished that time, because of soft-heartedness, there was a fist in the front, and there was a gun in the back. This time Shang The boss is fate, next time..." Cheng Fengtai didn't dare to say anything bad. Shang Long was silent for a while, and said: "But San'er is fine after all, it's considered an attempt, and it's over if you hurt someone's life for this. The second master is also accumulating evil for San'er."

Cheng Fengtai said perfunctorily: "Don't worry, brother, I know what to do." Seeing that it was useless to persuade Shang Long, he left with a sigh.

Cheng Fengtai won't go home today, he has to wait and see how the murderer dies, in fact, it was not like this at all in the past, Cheng Fengtai has been a noble young master for more than ten years, and suddenly entered the arena, he is not used to it, he hates these bloody things by nature, Every time I have to pinch my nose to do it, my heart is in a mess. But this time, his determination was deep, and he had to do it. Although Cheng Fengtai didn't get blood stains at all, he still washed his hands repeatedly like a clean freak, the faucet was running loudly, Shang Xirui leaned against the bathroom door and looked at him, feeling that the second master is a little strange today. Shang Xirui and Cheng Fengtai are just the opposite, they usually yell, beat and kill terribly, but when it comes time to get serious, they are timid and don't dare to take the life lawsuit. Cheng Fengtai didn't raise his head, and said, "Don't persuade me, huh? I do things properly. The culprit who writes random novels is a big crime, right? Everything starts from there, I hate it so much that I don't hurt it." Him? This time it’s different, they’ve all used their ultimate moves, let’s let it go, let’s let it go again, and you’ll have to confess your life sooner or later!”

Shang Xirui said: "Why didn't you realize that your hands are so dark and courageous in the past? I know, you're just listless."

Cheng Fengtai tightened the faucet when he heard the words, put his hands beside the water bucket, as if he was hit by this comment, Shang Xirui had a bad feeling, and slowly stood up straight and prepared to withdraw, but it was too late, Cheng Fengtai flicked his hand, a string The cold water beads didn't spoil a single drop, they all fell on Shang Xirui's face. Shocked, Shang Xirui turned his head and ran to the bed to be covered under the quilt, Cheng Fengtai lifted him while laughing fiercely: "Who am I blacking out for? I'm just like you, I know how to mess with you! Don't you know how to make merchants stick Is it? How did you let go just now?"

The two tore for a while, Shang Xirui uttered a muffled cry under the quilt, Cheng Fengtai didn't dare to make trouble anymore because he was afraid of pressing on his wound. Unexpectedly, Shang Xirui unfolded the quilt and pounced on it, wrapping Cheng Fengtai in it and pinning him down. Shang Xirui buried his face in the quilt and said: "I've never killed anyone, I don't want to kill anyone."

Cheng Fengtai said: "It wasn't you who killed it, it was I who killed it."

Shang Xirui was silent for a while, then raised his face and asked: "You think killing me can really scare the traitors all over China?"

Cheng Fengtai said sternly: "Don't listen to this nonsense! Traitors are shameless and life-threatening, you are a singer, no matter how famous you are, can you scare them? What kind of guards are there around them? What's more, wait One day the truth will be revealed, and everyone will know that you have nothing to do with the Japanese. This is a big excuse for the real traitors in China and a big public opinion. Everyone can use you as an example, saying that they have secrets, You have been wronged. Killing you by mistake will cause endless trouble!" Shang Xirui listened thoughtfully, Cheng Fengtai said again: "Which one of the Japanese officers in the city is not more damned than you? Take a step back, Sakata and I have arms Deal, this traitor is not more harmful than you? Why don't you dare to touch me? It's just that he was ordered to bully the weak and fear the strong, and he still thinks he is a hero!" Cheng Fengtai was about to get angry as he spoke: "In short, this kind of person , living is also adding to the chaos. Don't worry about it, go to sleep!"

Shang Xirui groaned, threw himself on Cheng Fengtai again, and bit his earlobe. Cheng Fengtai didn't dare to move violently, bent his knees to push him away: "Sleep with you! You're still making trouble when you're disabled." Shang Xirui straightened his waist, making Cheng Fengtai feel his own strength: "I'm not disabled, I'm fine!" Cheng Fengtai's face turned pale Change: "I get angry when I think about it, don't provoke me!" Shang Xirui was extremely dull, he didn't notice Cheng Fengtai's seriousness, he was still shaking his head and rolling all over the bed coquettishly: "You don't want to! No I hope you can think about it so well, what are you doing? Unless it is an addiction." After speaking, I was quite proud and laughed. Cheng Fengtai was so angry that he sat up and was about to leave, not wanting to be with him. Shang Xirui quickly put his arms around Cheng Fengtai's waist and pulled him back on the bed, saying: "I won't mess with you anymore!" He lifted the quilt and stuffed Cheng Fengtai in, and poked inside with one hand, he didn't even need to look, He unbuttoned the shirt with one hand, and then he got under the covers. Cheng Fengtai said with a smile: "Just take off my clothes, won't you take them off?" Shang Xirui didn't answer, and fiddled with his head covered, Cheng Fengtai soon had no objection.

At two o'clock in the morning, Cheng Fengtai was exhausted and fell into a deep sleep. Shang Xirui propped himself up sleepily and yawned, rubbed his eyes and straightened his clothes, went downstairs and took out a bottle of foreign wine from the cabinet, walked another flight of stairs to the basement. The short one with a blushing face was dozing against the wall with a nearly exhausted bottle of wine in hand. The tall one beat the murderer ten times with a stick and asked him, "Who ordered you to kill?" Then hit. They have a special way of rubbing people, and if they agree to show it to Cheng Erye at dawn, they will have to wait until dawn, and it doesn't matter if they die early or late.

Seeing someone coming, the short man put down the wine bottle and nodded and bowed: "Boss Shang, why are you here? It's not clean here! Where's the second master?" Shang Xirui handed him the foreign wine and said, "I have I have to tell him something." While tightening his neckline, he always felt a cool breeze rushing through his neck.

The murderer's face was swollen, his hands were hanging high on the ceiling, his right index finger had been cut off at the root, and the roll of wool felt was spread under his body to catch his blood. Trembling for a while, he murmured for water to drink.

Shang Xirui frowned: "Is he still sober?" He snatched the newly opened bottle of wine with one hand: "Give him a sip."

The short man sighed with a smile, and hurriedly snatched the wine back: "Give me a sip of wine at this time, and the man will leave!" As he said that, he winked at the tall man, and the tall man pinched the acupuncture point, and the man woke up. The short man made a gesture of invitation, and said with a smile: "Please go ahead!"

Shang Xirui endured the smell of blood, didn't dare to look at that person too much, he would get dizzy, walked back and forth a few steps and said: "What you just said is bullshit!" Then, he said every word Cheng Fengtai said He recited it all over without missing a word, cadenced like a confession, sighed three times, listened to everyone's height, and finally added a sentence by himself: "You can't even tell if I am a traitor, why are you talking about traitors all over China! What's your name! If you don't sweep a house, why sweep the world!"

There are really uneducated people in this room, all tall and low nod their heads repeatedly, thinking that Shang Xirui is very reasonable, and even more so that he is nothing. After Shang Xirui delivered his speech, he got angry, took a quick look at the blood man, and he was so disgusted with just one look, he said: "He understands, let him go!"

The short man said: "Second master said, tell me who is behind the scenes, so I can send you away!"

This kind of dog that lives in a dark room and bites doesn't listen to anyone but its owner, Shang Xirui thought for a while and asked loudly: "Tell me, who ordered you!" He took a step forward and boldly brought his ears closer The man's mouth moved, but he was afraid of being bitten, so he quickly retracted: "Okay, I know who it is."

The tall and the low looked at each other, the tall one pulled out a hemp rope and was about to strangle his neck immediately. Shang Xirui stopped him: "What are you doing?"

The short man said, "Didn't you send him away?"

Shang Xirui stared: "Send away is send away! Send out the gate! You don't understand human language! How can I not know what Second Master means?"

The short man understood that this was a false imperial decree, rubbed his nose, and smiled with a gloomy look on his face. This gloominess appeared on the smiling face, because of the incoordination, it looked extraordinarily terrifying, Shang Xirui thought to himself that these two people are like black and white in the play. The short man said, "Boss Shang is making things difficult for us. We can't handle it!"

Shang Xirui's experience in the arena told him that it's useless to mess around with these two, only to be direct: "I have a bit of kung fu, I'll fight with you later, how can you tell the second master at dawn?"

The short man pondered for a moment, his expression changed suddenly, the tall man suddenly attacked from behind Shang Xirui, trying to subdue him on the spot. Shang Xirui dodged it as soon as he turned around, and hit the tall man in the face with an elbow, no one was hurt, only taught them to trust his kung fu.

The short man's face suddenly became gloomy, and he laughed and said, "My brother and I have heard Boss Shang's "Neon Pass" in the garden! It can be seen that Boss Shang's skills on the stage are not fake!" With a wave, command the tall man to put the man down. This time, I didn't need to put it in a sack, and just carried it away. The short man chased after him and took out a new handkerchief to wrap the man's hands, saying: "Steady! Don't spill blood and stain the floor!" But Shang Xirui didn't believe them, and followed them all the way to the door. The tall man threw the man out, Shang Xirui said: "Get lost! If you see me again, I'll kill you!" The man stood up with difficulty, stumbled two steps out, glanced back at Shang Xirui, he was gone.

"Unfortunately it's at night, and it's broad daylight. This appearance will scare the passers-by to death." The short man smiled flatteringly: "Boss Shang, when the second master wakes up and asks questions, you have to keep our two brothers."

Shang Xirui nodded: "It's all on me!"

When Shang Xirui wakes up again, Cheng Fengtai has already had breakfast in the restaurant, flipping through the newspaper and drinking coffee expressionlessly. The tall and the low ones stood aside with their hands down, their brows drooping, and the roll of wool felt beside them. At a glance, they seemed to be three people from tall to low. Seeing this, Shang Xirui yelled righteously: "I let him go! Come to me if you have something to say!" He went all the way downstairs, stopped at the stairs, and Xiao Lai went up to button his clothes. Cheng Fengtai sneered: "Oh! The Living Bodhisattva is here! Don't bother Xiao Lai, let him practice by himself, let the tiger go back to the mountain, there will be many days when his hands will be broken!"

Shang Xirui sat down at the table with his head held high and began to eat: "You are so yin and yang!"

Cheng Fengtai shook the newspaper, put the coffee cup on the table angrily, and spilled half of it on the tablecloth: "Do you still know whether it's good or bad?"

Shang Xirui bit the bread and said: "That kid has suffered, it's fine." The short man presented a finger and two teeth wrapped in a handkerchief at the right time, Cheng Fengtai frowned and leaned back, gnashing his teeth: "Take it away !"

Shang Xirui stopped talking: "I don't want you to kill someone." Then he started to eat: "Anyway, I know who ordered it."

Cheng Fengtai glanced at him: "I also know who ordered it."

When the short man heard this, he was taken aback. Aren't these young couple just playing around? Boil all night for nothing! Shang Xirui lowered his head and continued to eat, Cheng Fengtai didn't speak for a long time, when he calmed down, he dismissed the tall and the low, indeed he didn't blame them.

After that, Cheng Fengtai spent a lot of money and favors to go to Liu Hanyun's turnaround, and Shang Xirui himself has a lot of face, making people willing to be this peacemaker. Ning Jiulang was alarmed when he was abroad, so he made a long-distance call with Master Jin and said kind words. Liu Hanyun had a fight with Shang Xirui and his son, what kind of enmity is there after all? It's just for the sake of his own reputation, not wanting to be dragged down by Shang Xirui's stigma. This way, the guns are released, the name is gained, everyone in the society knows that Committee Member Liu doesn't rub the sand in his eyes, kills relatives righteously, the goal has been achieved, it doesn't matter whether Shang Xirui is dead or alive. After Cheng Fengtai ran about this matter, it was April, Cao Guixiu urged several times to ask for a letter and an adjutant, Cheng Fengtai couldn't let go of Shang Xirui, and wanted to arrange tall and low to be secretly bodyguards. Shang Xirui would definitely not want it, he was shot and still bragging about his martial arts skills!

Apart from Shang Xirui, Cheng Fengtai still has one thing on his mind, which is Chacha'er. Ever since Chacha'er quarreled with him that night, she has always spoken coldly to him. This girl is cold and lonely by nature, and hates Cheng Meixin. She has been able to say nothing to Cheng Meixin for more than ten years, and now she might hate Cheng Fengtai. up. Cheng Fengtai felt uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do. With Commander Cao's relationship alone, he and Sakata would not be able to communicate with each other. No matter how you look at it, the fact that the Cheng family had a close relationship is a conclusion.

Regarding Cha Cha'er's matter, instead of comforting Cheng Fengtai, Second Mistress complained that he allowed Cha Cha'er to go to school, thinking that Cha Cha'er was badly influenced by foreigners at school and became cautious and big-hearted, with so many ideas. Second Mistress also looked down upon Cheng Fengtai's befriending with the Japanese, secretly ridiculed Cheng Fengtai many times, scolding Cheng Fengtai for being worthless and weak, but after all, this is the career of men! Household woman, what do you know about the principles of men? The wife of the family doesn't even interfere, but a little aunt who has not left the cabinet wants to control her brother not to do this or that, is it unreasonable? It's outrageous! Therefore, Chacha'er was especially closely guarded, except for the tutor and Lao Ge's daughter, all classmates were not allowed to see outsiders. Having been so tense for more than a month, Chacha'er did not regain the virginity of the original boudoir daughter, but became more excited and weird. In the early morning of the day when Cheng Fengtai left home, adults and children all came to see him off, but Chacha'er did not come.

Cheng Fengtai sighed inwardly, turned around and was about to leave, when Chacha'er was standing in the early morning mist, blocking the gate and watching him, the thin and small man was wearing a blue silk dress, with his hands behind his back, like a man with a hard mouth The appearance of words. Seeing this situation, the family members guessed that Chacha'er was reluctant to let his brother leave home. If the siblings had something to say, it would be great if they said it! I deliberately stepped back a little to let them talk.

Cheng Fengtai's heart warmed up, he stepped forward and said with a smile: "Wake up so early, come to see off brother?"

Chachaer asked, "Second brother, where are you going?"

Cheng Fengtai said: "I went to see the eldest son of my brother-in-law's family, do you remember? The one in military uniform and riding boots. What do you want? Brother will bring it back for you."

Cha Cha'er said, "Brother, you lied to me again." She said, "Are you selling goods to the Japanese?"

If this was his own child, Cheng Fengtai picked it up and threw it to Second Grandma to cook, how could he talk so much and have such a good temper? But Chachaer is different. Chachaer has suffered with him and is his heart and soul. Cheng Fengtai suppressed his breath, and still said softly: "It's not true. I sell the goods quietly, how can I be so ostentatious? Right? Otherwise, you can see that all the books I brought in the box are the books that Mr. Cao wanted."

As he said that, he actually wanted to open the box and show it to Cha Cha'er, but Cha Cha'er didn't even glance at it: "No need. I don't believe it."

As soon as Cheng Fengtai stopped his movements and took a deep breath, the smile on his face faded: "I'll tell you in detail when I come back, four days, no, three days."

For more than a month, Cheng Fengtai did not give a reasonable explanation, Chacha'er didn't believe it at all, Cheng Fengtai didn't care if she believed it or not, he picked up his suitcase, walked past her and left. Chacha'er looked at her brother's back, her eyes were wide open, tears filled with tears, and she choked up and said, "Brother! I can't watch you make mistakes!"

Cheng Fengtai's eye circles were also red: "Whether I made a mistake, you will know after a long time."

Chacha'er yelled mournfully behind him, calling him brother, so desperately. Cheng Fengtai made up his mind and walked a few steps away, when he heard his second grandmother, fourth concubine and others exclaiming in surprise, he turned his head, and Chacha'er was holding a small pistol in his hand, pointing at him, Cheng Fengtai knew this small pistol, ivory Shang Xirui also has a carved miniature, he taught the two of them to shoot.

Chacha'er cried and said, "Brother! Turn around! Being a traitor will not end well! We will definitely win, they won't grow! Come back!"

Cheng Fengtai said angrily: "Take her back! Don't talk nonsense!"

Chacha'er wanted to say: "The national army is attacking the Japanese, and the Communist army is also attacking the Japanese! The Japanese are no match for the whole of China! Brother! Trust me! Don't leave!"

Second Mistress and the others were about to step forward to drag Cha Cha'er away, Cheng Fengtai couldn't bear to look at her, as soon as he turned around, gunshots erupted behind him.

The second mistress screamed and swayed, almost fainting, but was held by the fourth aunt. The children cried out in fright, and they were in a panic. The nursing home blocked Cheng Fengtai in just a few seconds, and someone else fired Chacha'er's gun, and the bullets flew somewhere, only that There was a deafening sound.

Cheng Fengtai slowly put the suitcase on the ground and said, "Give her the gun."

The nursing home stayed unresponsive.

Cheng Fengtai shouted loudly: "Give her the gun!"

The nurse didn't dare to give it, and Chacha'er didn't dare to take it, that shot didn't hit Cheng Fengtai, but broke her heart, and she didn't have the courage anymore. Second Mistress hugged Chacha'er with tears in her eyes: "Third Sister! Third Sister! You can't do this to your brother! What kind of enmity do brothers and sisters have! You want to shoot!"

Chacha'er went home surrounded and pushed by everyone, leaving behind a sentence of calls to tear Cheng Fengtai's heart.