Winter Begonia

Chapter 122


Cheng Fengtai really wanted to see Shang Xirui when such a worrying incident happened in the morning, Shang Xirui would not comfort anyone at all, meeting and talking would be enough. It's still early, Shang Xirui has already gone to Shuiyun Tower, Zhao's mother said that the theater troupe called to leave. Cheng Fengtai was afraid that something might happen, so he immediately told Lao Ge to go to Shuiyun Tower. The main entrance of the theater building was not open yet, the Great Sage and a few young opera singers were guarding the back entrance, when they saw Cheng Fengtai, they hesitated and stopped there, Cheng Fengtai was not in a good mood today, so he didn't talk nonsense with them, just opened the door and went in.

Inside the room, Xue Zhicheng stood in front of Shang Xirui with aggrieved face and wept. Shang Xirui sat with his back to the door, very poised and calm, like a head teacher giving lectures to students. He must have bad ears today, he didn't hear Cheng Fengtai's voice coming in. Xue Zhicheng glanced at Cheng Fengtai, turned his head and wiped away his tears, but he didn't notice it, he just held the butterfly hairpin and said kindly: "I don't blame you, it's pitiful for you to have such a background, so the elder brother It’s too arrogant. According to the reasoning here, only those who have stubs for the family, how can you slap your younger brother in the face and force you to join the war to die, not to mention that you adopted your uncle as a child, you should not be counted as a member of your family.” Kujo’s family in Japan It is a powerful nobleman, and this time the war against China was launched with their family's instigation and support. Naturally, after the war, all the men of the clan, regardless of age, would give up their lives. Xuezhicheng was not willing to die for the country, Jiutiao went to the battlefield, and he hid in the overseas Chinese office in Rehe to dawdle. Years later, when the Kujo War stopped for a while, someone sent Yukinojo to slap Yukinojo with a big mouth and escort him back to the Sakata Department of Beiping, accusing him of being a deserter, and if there was another time, he would be shot. Shang Xirui paused, and continued to sow discord: "To be honest again, what you did was not the glorious thing of defending your home and country, and how many people died in battle can only be called retribution. You are living on the grain of Europeans If you are big, you will be punished for the Japanese, and it is better to be kind than to be kind, so you should think about it carefully."

Yukinojo shook his head: "It's not 'you', I'm not here, so I can't participate in the war." He ignored Cheng Fengtai's presence, stepped to a chair and sat down, holding his head, choked up and said: "Uncle heard that I participated in the Japanese fascist war." , very disappointed, and wants to sever relations with me. My aunt is sick with anxiety, and I want to go back to France to see her."

Shang Xirui stared at him blankly: "Stop talking, I really can't hear you, I've finished what I want to say, you go back! To tell you the truth, a while ago you secretly came to the stage to listen to a play and cried so much, my child If you saw it with sharp eyes, tell me to come, and I will recognize you. You have no face to see me, and I have no intention of greeting you. We didn't have a deep friendship at first, so we won't see each other in the future."

Xue Zhicheng cried so hard that he took Shang Xirui's hand and pressed it to his forehead: "Shang, I'm very sorry, all these disasters are due to my existence. You are the indelible god of opera in the East, and I am willing to sacrifice my life The price is to restore your hearing!"

Cheng Fengtai felt goosebumps when he saw this, this kid is playing a drama here! Thank goodness Shang Xirui couldn't hear you! Xue Zhicheng spoke so excitedly that he went to kiss Shang Xirui's fingers painfully, of course there was no whimsy in it, it was purely Western style. After putting on makeup, Shang Xirui was kissed by the foreign devils as a girl several times, every time he was shocked and ashamed and angry, now he stood up with an oops, rubbing his fingers against the gown, trying to erase the touch, Angrily said: "You play seriously! If you don't let you talk, you will bite me?!"

Cheng Fengtai couldn't stand it anymore, stepped forward and grabbed Xue Zhicheng's collar and dragged him up, stuffed the butterfly hairpin into his arms, and reprimanded: "Get out!"

Xue Zhicheng held the butterfly hairpin on his chest, looking blankly at Shang Xirui with red eyes and red nose. Cheng Fengtai was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he yelled loudly outside the door: "Are you idlers? When is it now, you dare to let your class leader deal with the Japanese?"

The Great Sage came in quickly with the children and drove Xue Zhicheng away. Yang Baoli had been listening for a long time, and had already seen through Xue Zhicheng's character, so he wanted to gossip and bully the Japanese: "Mr. I haven't seen your respected face in Shuiyun Tower for many years. We sing well in opera. Why did you bring such a disaster to the class leader when you showed your face? All the jobs of a hundred and eighty people have to fall into your hands If I were you, I'd be embarrassed to cry here, I'll go home and cry under the blanket!" Yang Baoli said, making a dog-chasing gesture: "Let's go, let's go! Don't come again! Ah! Here we come Twice you need your ears, and if you do it again, you will be killed!"

When did Xue Zhicheng suffer this kind of ridicule, his face flushed with embarrassment, and he walked away with Die Chai in his arms.

The Great Sage poured tea for Cheng Fengtai, and explained with a smile: "This kid blocked the door early in the morning for a funeral! He didn't leave without saying anything, he couldn't understand people's words! Those clever people were not there, and he wanted to ask the class leader to make up his mind It just so happens that the head teacher is not good at hearing, and he came here without asking any questions when he answered the phone..."

Cheng Fengtai didn't move his teacup, frowned and glanced at his watch, and said, "I'm going out these few days, so keep an eye on Boss Shang!" He pointed at the door: "This kind of thing must never happen again! Not only the Japanese must take strict precautions, but those who don't You are not allowed to enter the backstage, you are not allowed to enter the backstage! The backstage is even more chaotic than the market!"

The Great Sage thought to himself that he was so anxious to watch over the men with a pale face, so he was right when he called you Mrs. Banzhu! Nodding and bowing on the face, he agreed: "If you come again, I will be beaten out with a stick!" Cheng Fengtai didn't have time to talk to Shang Xirui after Xue Zhicheng stirred up, and said loudly: "I'm leaving! I'll be back in two days!"

Shang Xirui fixed his eyes on Cheng Fengtai's lips, understood his words, and nodded: "Wait a minute, I have something to tell you." Waving to the Great Sage, the Great Sage took the children out tactfully , Discussing outside the door: "What's wrong with the second master today, he is so aggressive!"

Cheng Fengtai walked towards Shang Xirui, two steps away, Shang Xirui pulled his tie and pulled him over: "Come back early, I'll sing Xiaofengxian to you when you come back!" After finishing speaking, he took two loud sucks on Cheng Fengtai's mouth and cheeks , and then waved to him: "Okay! Go!" He sat there and concentrated on making chalk. Cheng Fengtai touched his face and smiled a little.

The Great Sage and the others saw Cheng Fengtai coming with a sullen face, and walking away with a calm face, jokingly said: "Look! This is a good medicine from our class leader!"

Cheng Fengtai can see that Shang Xirui has improved a lot compared to previous years, originally, young people of this age are becoming more and more human every year, Shang Xirui is on the scene, knowledgeable, broad-minded, more everyday thousands of miles. In the past, because of Mr. Jiang's public reprimand, Shang Xirui had tossed and turned, had trouble sleeping and eating, and even avoided going to other places to relax. Faced with the unsolvable problem of ear disease now, it is many times more serious than when I lost face. I have cried, made troubles, and become discouraged. After a long time, it seems that I have gradually released myself, and I have not just been depressed. When he can't hear it, he talks about the play to the children, and plays with the face paint. He also enjoys himself. He is a fish that can live with a little play.

Cheng Fengtai, the two big men and La Yuehong met at the intersection and went out of the city together. Layuehong's short clothes and trousers, her hands are empty, her hair has been shaved on purpose, and she is much more energetic than when she was singing. Sitting in the car, Cheng Fengtai asked: "Are there any personal items?"

La Yuehong was quite embarrassed: "I don't need it, anyway, clothes for the four seasons are distributed in the barracks."

Cheng Fengtai nodded: "Where did the money for leaving work come from?"

La Yuehong said in a low voice: "I asked my senior sister to join me."

For La Yuehong's resignation, Shang Xirui often lost his temper, and this was not the only adjutant who was eligible, Cheng Fengtai didn't want to make trouble, and stood by and did nothing to help La Yuehong, let him find his own way out. Seeing him shabby today, I wanted to help him with his own money, but when I heard this answer, I turned to look at the child, and was very surprised. No matter how rich Xue Qianshan is, the amount that falls into the hands of the tenth aunt is limited. The liquidated damages of Shuiyun Tower is not a small amount. After this digging, Er Yuehong's savings are all emptied out, and it is not counted, and it is probably necessary to borrow a pawn Some can come together. It is true that La Yuehong treats his senior sister with deep love and righteousness, and it is also true that she is willing to attack his senior sister at critical times, she is a powerful person.

The car drove for half a day, Cheng Fengtai had the road card of Sakata on his body, walked on the main road in a leisurely manner, when he saw a village, he wanted to stop to drink water, eat and play for a while. A big man said: "Second Lord, wait a moment, I will go and have a look first." The big man returned quickly, and said with a stiff expression: "There is no one in the village, let's go forward." Passing through three or four villages like this , there is nothing to stop. La Yuehong doesn't know what happened in these villages, why are there no one when they are doing well? If there is no one, then there is no one, let’s use the stove to heat up some hot water, right? As dusk approached, another village appeared ahead, with low walls and gray-black roofs. Cheng Fengtai said: "Stop the car, I'll take two steps to pee!"

The two big men had no choice but to follow him and got out of the car. There was no need to ask for traces of people. The small village was completely ruined by fire. blackened. The field beside the village is full of weeds, with very fragrant white flowers blooming, Cheng Fengtai turned his back and numbly urinated into the field ridge, thinking: Everyone has been killed. The Chinese are about to be killed.

La Yuehong grew up in a theater troupe since she was a child, and only lived in a few big cities. She lacked knowledge in this area, so she poked her head into the walls when people were not paying attention. Seeing this, he screamed, fell to the ground, and pointed to the wall to paint his face white. A flock of crows fluttered down inside the wall and flew away. Relying on their power, the crows did not fly far. They stopped on the old tree at the head of the village and stared fiercely at people.

Cheng Fengtai walked over to look down, took two steps back and sighed, asked the guys to bring straw and boards to cover up the bones, leaned against the side of the car and waited. In the distance is the harmonious sunset, surrounded by lush vegetation, crows and sparrows are flying, and the village has become a ghost mound. It seems that they are the only living people left in the vast rivers and mountains.

Cheng Fengtai and his group arrived at Cao Guixiu's residence at noon the next day. Cao Guixiu knew how to enjoy it, and set up camp next to the town, and lived in the mayor's house with his subordinates. Cheng Fengtai drove for a day and a night, and there were no traces of people on the road. When he saw these hot Qiu Baqiu again, he felt very affectionate. After exchanging greetings with Cao Guixiu, he had tea and a conversation. Cao Guixiu looked through the books brought by Cheng Fengtai one by one. These books were not easy to come by, some of them had lost their covers, and some were handwritten notes by college students, and the English was vague. After reading the pages of the book, he looked up: "Where is my adjutant?"

Cheng Fengtai said: "I was a little startled on the road, and almost vomited out my intestines. I asked him to scrub and change his clothes, and he'll be here soon."

Cao Guixiu smiled maliciously: "Isn't the scenery along the way nice?"

Cheng Fengtai didn't understand. Cao Guixiu lowered his head, giggled, and read two lines of poem: "The country is broken, mountains and rivers exist, and the city is full of spring vegetation, isn't it, little uncle?"

Cheng Fengtai smiled slightly, as if he was looking at a naughty child, and refused to answer him. While speaking, La Yuehong arrived, wearing a half-worn military uniform with wrinkles, except for his bad complexion, he was still a very energetic young man. Cao Guixiu looked at him. They had fought once at Director Sun's meeting, but because of La Yuehong's makeup, Cao Guixiu didn't know him at all now: "Shuiyunlou? Are the merchants good at it? "

La Yuehong said: "Nine roads before the meeting."

There is no decent weapon in the mayor's house. Finally, the adjutant found Genmen Shuanzi, and Cao Guixiu issued an order: "Practice."

The door stopper was heavy and short, and it was really not easy to use. La Yuehong vomited all the way and her body became soft. After practicing it once, she felt that it was not very good.

Cao Guixiu said to Cheng Fengtai: "It's not as good as Boss Shang." Cheng Fengtai smiled: "This is considered top-notch." Cao Guixiu said: "Boss Shang wants to come to me, I will directly give him a battalion commander to do it." Cheng Fengtai can't imagine Shang Xirui was doing things other than singing, and said with a smile: "Boss Shang, let me let you go for a week, he could eat up your grain bank with one mouth!" She smiled knowingly, turned her face and asked La Yuehong again: "The "Empty City Plan" and "Dingjun Mountain", can you sing?"

Layuehong is originally a martial arts student, so I'm afraid it will be a mistake to sing an old student. But after listening to Cao Guixiu's two songs, La Yuehong knew that he was a lively listener, he must not be good at plays, he could be fooled, and he sang at the top of his voice without any mistakes. Sure enough, Cao Guixiu nodded straightly, La Yuehong couldn't help showing a little joy. Seeing that the matter was settled, Cheng Fengtai said with a smile: "Originally, this kid would vomit endlessly when he saw the corpse, so I was afraid that he wouldn't catch your eye."

Cao Guixiu said: "It's not a problem, it's good to see more. However, I have changed the rules now, and I have to pass an exam to stay." He looked at La Yuehong: "Are you literate?"

La Yuehong said, "I know my name."

Cao Guixiu called his adjutant: "Take him down and teach him how to read, and when he reads ten characters tomorrow, he will stay." After the order, the uncle and nephew had a meal, talked about housework, drank some wine, and didn't mention a word. Regarding Liuxiandong and Jiutiao, I only said that I took Cheng Fengtai to the barracks in the afternoon, seeing that he was calm, of course Cheng Fengtai did as he pleases. Going out after dinner, Cao Guixiu said: "Little uncle has too many cars, let's go for a ride." Cheng Fengtai just got on the horse, when suddenly a little old lady jumped out from behind the horse's buttocks, the tall horse kicked in shock, Cheng Fengtai struggled Steady the horse. Cao Guixiu next to him hadn't seen who was coming, but his reaction was quicker than anyone else's, and he pulled out his gun. The old lady spotted the man in military uniform, grabbed Cao Guixiu's belt and knelt down, muttering incessantly, "Sir Please do me a favor! Let my son go! He's still young! He hasn't married a wife yet!"

Cao Guixiu breathed a sigh of relief, pressed the gun with one hand, straightened his hat with the other, and turned his eyes to the adjutant. The adjutant was in a cold sweat. Although Cao Guixiu can't say that he loves the people like a son, he doesn't have the stink of ordinary warlords. After taking down the town, he never set up barriers and prohibitions, and no one worried that an old lady would make trouble. The adjutant stepped forward and dragged the old lady away a few steps. The old lady refused to get up, and kowtowed on the ground: "Sir, let my son go! Let my son go!"

After the adjutant asked about his name, he whispered a few words with Cao Guixiu. Cao Guixiu tucked the gun back into his belt: "Auntie! Your son committed a crime! You can't pay me back!" When the old lady heard this, she burst into tears and rushed towards Cao Guixiu again on the spot, trying to teach him to pay for her son. Cao Guixiu bent down and said, "You little brat is too virtuous, if you don't have one, you'll be gone! Do you think I'm better than him?" Cao Guixiu stood up straight and said, "I'll pay you for myself! It just so happens that I don't have a mother either. We, old and young, make a girl!" After that, he actually stomped his heels, and gave a military salute to the old lady in a heroic manner: "Mom! Please get up!" The old lady forgot to cry when she looked at him, and was frightened up. Holding the whip in his hand, Cao Guixiu pointed all over the place: "Send my mother back properly! Don't hurt the old man!" The adjutants swarmed up, Cao Guixiu escaped and left.

A group of people walked through the town's market, and found that although there were not many people here, all the shops were open, and there were women and children walking on the street, which seemed to be a bit prosperous. When people saw Cao Guixiu ostentatiously passing through the market, they didn't know how to avoid him, nor did they pay attention to him, they went their own way. The barracks outside the town are also very different from ordinary barracks. Commander Cao’s camp, Cheng Fengtai, has been there before, so I don’t need to mention anything. Those who have seen sheep pens, cattle pens, and pig pens, the barracks are "human pens", anyway, I don’t want to stay any longer . However, Cao Guixiu's camp was clean and tidy, with no smell or noise. The soldiers were washing clothes or playing football, and some of them gathered together to write with pencils. All of them had clean skin and neat military appearances. It's like a group of students at camp. Seeing that it was Cao Guixiu, the soldiers lined up to salute. Cao Guixiu said: "Buy you guys! I'll just come around!" Then he smiled at Cheng Fengtai: "How is my place?"

A civilized gentleman like Cheng Fengtai, of course, appreciates the Eldest Prince's rule: "Okay! The soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, but the mental outlook is different from other troops!"

Cao Guixiu jumped off the horse: "It's right to be different! To die is to die just like them!" He took Cheng Fengtai for a walk, introduced his way of leading troops, the size of the team, Cheng Fengtai saw that this was recruiting him money! Cao Guixiu then said as expected: "Look, little uncle, apart from having fewer people, my place is no worse than Commander Cao's headquarters, right?" Cheng Fengtai said: "It's not bad, the tiger father has no dogs!" Cao Guixiu smiled, not willing to hear this compliment: " As long as you have money, manpower is not a problem. Commander Cao is old, and the way of leading troops is also old, and he is not a direct descendant, so Qing is waiting to be cannon fodder for his superiors." Cheng Fengtai said: "I don't know if he is old or not, but being cannon fodder is not necessarily the case. Hasn't brother-in-law made up his mind yet?" The words were full of probing meanings. This pair of father and son, the father's ass has not yet settled on a position, while swearing an oath to the National Government, while promising the Japanese people expectations; the son is full of tricks, while holding his father's soldiers, while resisting the Japanese with empty words. Don't look at how difficult it is for parallel imports by the two fathers, but at critical moments, they are really in his mother's nest! Cheng Fengtai was considered to be on Cao Guixiu's thief ship, and he had a reputation as a traitor. If Cao Guixiu would let him cross to the other side, he had to make another plan as soon as possible.

Cao Guixiu said: "According to Commander Cao's way of handling things, until the last moment, ghosts don't know what he's thinking! It doesn't matter if he makes up his mind or not, but if I make up my mind, it's fine."

Cheng Fengtai looked at Cao Guixiu, smiled and said nothing.

Cao Guixiu looked sideways and said, "Don't you believe I'm talking empty words?" He slapped his thigh and took the lead out of the tent: "Come on, show my little uncle a good one."

Cao Guixiu took him to a dense grove at the back of the camp, and as he walked, he heard more and more roaring noises, Cheng Fengtai thought to himself, isn't this just raising bears in the grove? When I got to the place, I saw a group of soldiers playing wrestling around a few shirtless men. One of the men was wearing Cao's military trousers.

Cao Guixiu saw that they all had their heads broken, so he asked, "How is it? Who won?"

A little soldier said: "We all won! Only Xiaoqian lost! Let's wash the socks for a month!" The one named Xiaoqian rubbed his nose and didn't have the face to look up.

Cheng Fengtai frowned and said with a smile: "Thank you, Eldest Young Master, for your kindness, I don't like to watch fights." Turning around to leave, the man in the field lost in a hurry, and suddenly yelled cursing words, Cheng Fengtai's face changed when he heard it.

Cao Guixiu glanced at the men proudly: "They are all newly recruited soldiers. They have never been on the battlefield. I heard that the Japanese are fierce, so I am frightened! Isn't this nonsense! The same young man who farms, short and thin, can have How fierce?"

Because of the large number of people and the peace of mind, the soldiers took turns to fight the Japanese soldiers with their bare hands. In the end, they won a complete victory. Cao Guixiu said: "Okay, don't be endless, give it a good time!"

When they heard that these Japanese were about to be executed, the recruits flinched. Beating and killing are not the same thing. Hearing this, the adjutant took out a pistol, loaded it and handed it to the soldiers, but no one dared to take it. Cao Guixiu said again: "Save some bullets!" The adjutant immediately put away the gun, pulled out a sharp dagger and handed it over, but still no one dared to take it. Using a gun and using a knife are not the same thing!

A few Japanese cut their hands behind their backs, knelt and stretched their necks to be slaughtered without any room for struggle. The adjutant stepped forward to demonstrate and cut the throat of one of them, and the dead body fell to the ground without a sound. The adjutant put the knife into the hand of Xiaoqian, and Xiaoqian gestured for a long time with shaking hands and feet. The Japanese stared at him horribly, with bloodshot eyes, like a ghost. Xiaoqian cried and dared not do anything. Poor these young people, at most they have killed chickens and ducks at home, and they can't even kill pigs. If it is so bad, it will wipe out the previous wrestling victory.

Cao Guixiu pulled out his pistol and fired at Xiaoqian's feet, angrily said, "Quick!"

Xiaoqian wiped his snot and tears, closed his eyes and wiped it with a knife in a panic. He wiped it in an inappropriate place, cut a blood vessel, and stained the trousers of several soldiers, but they didn't retreat in fright. As long as you overdo it, the rest will be easy to deal with. The daggers were passed around among the soldiers, and six Japanese soldiers were executed one by one. The last Japanese soldier had a mental breakdown, and he was talking Japanese. Although he couldn't understand it, he knew it was begging for mercy. He knocked his head on the ground and cried bitterly. hesitate.

Cao Guixiu laughed and said, "He is begging to be a prisoner! Tell me about the Geneva Convention." He asked the soldiers loudly, "Do you know the Geneva Convention?" The soldiers shook their heads together. Cao Guixiu stared into the Japanese soldier's eyes: "You don't need to know! That's a fart!" The Japanese soldier felt Cao Guixiu's cruelty and yelled in fear. Who said that the Japanese are not afraid of death? Later, he drowned in a puddle, which was unsightly. Cao Guixiu looked down on this kind of cowardly soldier, and yelled out a Japanese sentence with sharp edges and corners. The Japanese soldier was stunned, and slowly sat upright and raised his head, no longer crying and struggling.

Cheng Fengtai had seen enough, turned around and left without saying a word. Cao Guixiu called out: "Grab the corpse clean, don't reveal the details!" He caught up with Cheng Fengtai a few steps, Cheng Fengtai's face was tense. Cao Guixiu said with a smile: "Little uncle has suffered from the Japanese, can't you bear it?"

Cheng Fengtai stared at him with fixed eyebrows, pressed the corner of his mouth with a white handkerchief and did not speak, smelling too much blood, he felt like throwing up his nose. Cao Guixiu said: "It's not my fault. Keeping prisoners of war and negotiating with the Japanese army, Commander Cao is hard to be a man, not as clean as everyone else."

Cheng Fengtai said: "What exactly does the eldest son want me to do? It's easy to talk about money."

"Didn't I say what I want?" Cao Guixiu said, "I want nine lives."

Back in the camp, Cao Guixiu retreated to the left and right, ordered people to guard the tent from a distance, secretly took out a structure diagram drawn on transparent oil paper, a pencil, and made a gesture of invitation to Cheng Fengtai respectfully. Cheng Fengtai recognized the structural diagram on the paper at a glance, he understood what he meant, that was not only to train the recruits, but also to show Cheng Fengtai his determination to resist Japan. Cheng Fengtai sat down at the table to make up his mind, the pen in his hand was still hanging, many things came to his mind in the past year, heart stabbing scenes, Shang Xirui's blood, Chacha'er's gun, Cheng Meixin's tightly clenched white gloves, The broken glazed vases finally turned into crows in the setting sun.

Cheng Fengtai said: "My net worth is here."

Cao Guixiu's eyes were burning: "A lot of words involve strategic secrets. I can't tell my little uncle. I can only guarantee that my little uncle will make great contributions to the country and the people."

Cheng Fengtai sneered and said: "Pull it down quickly! Yuguo Yumin... I can keep the whole family and I will burn incense!"

Cao Guixiu said earnestly: "At that time, Commander Cao will definitely break with me. You sit firmly with your brother-in-law of the Cao family, and Sakata dare not make trouble with you."

It's hard to say whether Sakata dared or not, the Japanese are simply unreasonable in China. But instead of being threatened by Sakata to be a traitor and end up in a lifetime of unbearable regret, why not just take a gamble, when Liuxian Cave collapses in a war, Cheng Fengtai will blame Jiu Tiao for cutting off his fortune! Cao Guixiu and Commander Cao were not on the same page, and the signs of rebellion had already begun. The relationship between father and son's enmity probably couldn't be found on the mother-in-law. Cheng Fengtai picked up a pencil and marked it solemnly, and said in a deep voice: "It's hard to be a hero, but it's even harder to be a bear. It's true that I cherish my life and greedy for money, but I really can't do it if I'm asked to load a Japanese gun."

Cao Guixiu stared at the drawing and said with a smile, "Little uncle can bend and stretch, and can handle big things. He is a real hero."

Cheng Fengtai finished marking the blueprint in less than five minutes, and Cao Guixiu was coming to pick it up right away. Cheng Fengtai pressed the paper tightly, and the two looked at each other with a rare seriousness on their faces. Cheng Fengtai said: "I don't understand the war. If you don't tell me, I won't ask. If I can really take Jiu Tiao's life in one fell swoop, I will still have a way to survive if Sakata loses his backing. If Jiu Tiao comes back alive, he will treat me again." Suspicion arises, stealing a chicken will cost you nothing..."

Cao Guixiu interrupted him: "I have studied the ways of Jiutiao very deeply. If Jiutiao falls into my hands, I will definitely die."

Cheng Fengtai moved his slap away, Cao Guixiu took a look at the drawing, and said in amazement: "There are so many steel bars, is this little explosive enough?"

"Enough. If the hole doesn't collapse, I will pay with my life." Cheng Fengtai said: "If you don't believe it, just transport two hundred catties of explosives to blow it up!"

Cao Guixiu said with a smile: "How can I not believe it! The work of the University of Göttingen, contemporary science is amazing!"

This is what Cheng Fengtai boasted, he couldn't help laughing, and then explained many opportunities in the cave with Cao Guixiu. They talked all afternoon, Cheng Fengtai was full of worries and had no appetite for dinner, but Cao Guixiu insisted on killing a donkey for Cheng Fengtai, and invited him to eat the donkey meat with taro that the cook was good at. Cheng Fengtai only said that he was tired and couldn't eat big meat, so he needed to go to bed early. Cao Guixiu could see the origin of his worries, and shook his shoulders, "Little uncle, don't worry! You just keep your mouth shut. I really took two hundred catties of gunpowder to blow up Liuxian Cave. It's wronged enough! I used your clever trick, and I'll blow it up a little bit! No one will be left alive, let Jiu Tiao become a fool, you should be steadfast!" As he said, he hooked his shoulders, and he was very friendly with Cheng Fengtai: "Let's go, have dinner first, and I'll treat you to a big show tonight, have a good time."

Cheng Fengtai put aside the happy things, he was happy when he heard it: "You invited me to watch a play? Here?"

Cao Guixiu said, "Ah, here it is."

Cheng Fengtai thought to himself, isn't this a trick of the class: "Do you know that I came from Shuiyun Tower?"

Cao Guixiu shook his head: "That's different, Boss Shang can't do this play! I'm here to be a capable person!"

Cheng Fengtai was very suspicious.