Winter Begonia

Chapter 125


Cheng Fengtai was woken up by the stinging pain from the melon seeds on his head, opened his eyes, the surroundings were white, he was lying on the hospital bed hanging on glucose water. Shang Xirui lay beside his pillow, pulling out his white hair with his fingernails - because of Chacha'er, he lost his gray hair in just a few days. Last night, Shang Xirui didn't see it, and when he saw it at dawn, he didn't express his distress or emotion, and stared at him for an hour or so. Shang Xirui's eyes have never been very good, his hands and feet are too frizzy, the plucked hairs are listed on the edge of the bed, three out of ten are black.

Cheng Fengtai tilted his head: "If you pull it out again, you will be bald."

Shang Xirui stared straight at his head, obviously not finished.

Cheng Fengtai was ill once in a while, coupled with the feeling of unhappiness in his heart, he looked for trouble everywhere, sometimes he said that his hand was cold from hanging salt water, and asked Shang Xirui to cover it for him; sometimes he was thirsty and wanted to drink orange water. Shang Xirui pushed him and was raped by him, so he had to admit it, worked hard as a servant for a long time, finally got annoyed, and said angrily: "Go back and find your wife to serve you!" After scolding, he didn't intend to really let him go back, Pressed on the bed and stroked his eyelids, making him close his eyes: "Go to sleep for a while! Do you want this or that! Do you want to be beaten?"

Cheng Fengtai said: "Look carefully, don't let the air enter the pipe. Why hasn't Lao Ge come back." Suddenly he opened his eyes again: "Don't pull my hair out!"

Shang Xirui withdrew his hand in dismay.

The two of them shared the bed for a long time, Shang Xirui could tell if Cheng Fengtai was asleep by listening to Cheng Fengtai's breathing. Cheng Fengtai closed his eyes and rested for a while, when he heard Shang Xirui ask him: "Where did the Japanese take those girls?"

Cheng Fengtai said: "Shanghai." After a pause, he added: "Spinning factory."

Shang Xirui probably understood.

Cheng Fengtai said slowly: "While I'm looking for my sister, use such a group of little girls to blackmail my conscience. Sakata, raised by my grandson."

At the beginning, Sakata was really helping Cheng Fengtai sincerely. Cheng Fengtai suspected that Cha Cha'er was going west to join the Communist Party, Sakata informed the checkpoints along the way, gathered the girls collected during those days who were supposed to be military prostitutes and transported them to Peiping in a car, to show Cheng Fengtai's eyes. The girls were screened according to Chacha'er's appearance, and they all had the same yellow-brown hair. Chacha'er's yellow hair was due to race, and they were purely malnourished. But there are a few whose backs are exactly the same as Chachaer's, and Fengtai's heart is broken. He has seen these poor children in his eyes, and he can't let it go. He can't just watch them fall into the fire again, and negotiate with Sakata about Shanghai The newly opened spinning mill is short of female workers, and he is willing to redeem them on the spot, so there is no reason for Sakata not to agree. Going back and forth like this, Sakata seemed to find business opportunities from it, after a few times, the girls who were sent were not particular about their appearance or age, they had everything, Cheng Fengtai couldn't bear it anyway, and accepted them all.

Cheng Fengtai said: "Chacha'er, I don't plan to look for it anymore. If we keep looking, Sakata will arrest people for extorting money, isn't this a crime?" He frowned, tears leaked from the corners of his eyes, and he was about to collapse: " I won't look for it. I won't look for it anymore." Seeing his tears, Shang Xirui shrank in pain and hurriedly stretched out his hand to cover his face.

After that, although Cheng Fengtai and Fan Lian secretly ran around like headless chickens, they seemed to have given up on the third sister on the surface. After more than a month, the weather officially turned hot, Shang Xirui was at home looking through the old things he was going to pawn off, and Cheng Fengtai came. Xiao Lai opened the door, and Shang Xirui asked inside: "Who?" Xiao Lai hurriedly responded: "Come to collect the water money! I'll go and see!" Closing the door with one hand, he said softly to Cheng Fengtai: "Second Master follow me "The so-called time sees people's hearts, Cheng Fengtai has exposed Shang Xirui's heart for a long time, Xiao Lai will inevitably change, when he finally has a smiling face, he is willing to discuss things with him. Xiao Lai walked in front, leaving Cheng Fengtai with a back with big black braids, and said: "...yesterday I sold a pair of East Pearl and Phoenix crowns, and today I am inspecting gold jewelry, so I don't want the outside world to know about it."

Even if the rich are like Cheng Fengtai, they will inevitably have cash to hand in. When they want to adjust their positions, they are not in a hurry after hearing this, and said with a smile: "Is the new play expensive? I'll tell him when I go back."

Xiao Lai turned his head, bit his lip, and glanced at him: "Earlier this morning, someone came to Gongtian, saying that the Japanese blew up the embankment, and hundreds of acres of fields were soaked in water. I was afraid that his ears could not bear it, so I didn't dare to let him know. .”

Cheng Fengtai's expression turned serious, it was an accident. The accountant brought a few laboring peasants to live in the inn. They were lucky enough not to drown, escaped with difficulty, and suffered a lot. Cheng Fengtai had nothing to say but was willing to pay for the resettlement of their family, but there was only one condition: "Boss Shang has an injury on his body and is recuperating, so don't teach him about the flooding of the fields." Although seeing the money is like seeing a way out for the few poor people, they kept it secret. It's not very authentic to see such a big disaster for the boss, they just look at each other and don't talk to each other. Xiao Lai said: "This is our Boss Shang's family, you listen to my orders, don't worry about it." Since Xiao Lai had spoken, there was nothing to hesitate, and they kowtowed to Cheng Fengtai with gratitude.

Coming out of the inn, Cheng Fengtai checked with Xiao Lai and made up a lie to cover up Shang Xirui. In fact, there is no difficulty in deceiving Shang Xirui, they are like a poem in seven steps, after a short distance, they made up the reason. Shang Xirui's little eyesight is just enough to keep his own life in the arena, but it's not enough to guard against the schemes of his relatives. Back home, Xiao Lai opened the door curtain and met Cheng Fengtai's eyes. Cheng Fengtai stepped in and said with a smile: "Boss Shang, it's a hot day and he's digging through the bottom of the box at home. Come on, go out with me for a stroll."

There was a large mat on the floor, Shang Xirui squatted barefoot among the gold, silver, jewelry, antiques, calligraphy and paintings, with his head hanging down his crotch. Cheng Fengtai suspected that he was deaf again, so he took off his straw hat to cover his head: "Hey! Is it hot, you!"

Shang Xirui raised his hand to lift his hat, picked up the teapot and sipped his mouth happily: "I yelled as soon as I arrived! What's beautiful? Did you find your sister?"

Hearing this, Cheng Fengtai's complexion sank, he lowered his head and let out a long sigh, kicked off his leather shoes, and sat cross-legged on the mat in relief and melancholy: "I guess I found it."

Shang Xirui asked: "When will you be back?"

Cheng Fengtai shook his head. Shang Xirui wiped his mouth: "The child's family is turned upside down! I'll catch her for you!"

Cheng Fengtai patted his thigh with one hand, and sighed again.

Cheng Meixin thought to herself that she was also responsible for what Cheng Fengtai suffered this time, if he hadn't been left in Beiping to take care of him, Chacha'er might not have had the chance to leave home, and now he was taken in by the short-lived Sakata Mao. Cheng Meixin didn't discuss with Commander Cao, she boldly confessed someone, pointed to Commander Cao's Mister Fang who was good at fabricating fake medical records, and said to Cheng Fengtai: "Let Dr. Fang tell you about the third sister."

Doctor Fang's identity was exposed, bringing the latest news from Yan'an. Chachaer really went west to vote for the Communist Party. It is said that when he reached the revolutionary zone, he lost one of his shoes and lost all his money. Cheng Fengtai immediately entrusted Dr. Fang to send a message, saying that children are ignorant, and hoped that Yan'an would be lenient and let them go. Dr. Fang pushed back his glasses, and answered in a neither humble nor overbearing manner, saying that the Communist Party has never detained and coerced, and if Chacha'er ran away from home due to family conflicts, the organization could persuade him to make peace on his behalf. But after all, Chacha'er is over sixteen years old and has become an adult. The result of persuasion is whether to stay or go, it's up to her to make up her own mind. Cheng Fengtai and Sakata got so close that he could never go to Yan'an, so he had to write letters begging Chachaer to change his mind, but several letters fell silent, but Chachaer didn't reply to the letter, so he directly published a newspaper declaring that he and Cheng Fengtai had separated from brother-sister relationship.

When the matter developed to this point, the people in the entire Beiping City were talking about how Miss Cheng's family couldn't think about it, and she wanted to go to join the party and suffer. Shang Xirui also learned about Chacha'er's whereabouts from here, even he knew about it, Chongqing naturally knew about it, and came up with an idea, saying that if Cheng Fengtai was willing to pay a big price, they could use diplomatic means to arrest Chacha'er Brought back from Yan'an. Sakata stated that Nian had contributed a lot to Cheng Fengtai, and that when the imperial army wiped out the Communist Party and conquered the whole of China, he would definitely not pursue Cha Cha'er's ignorance and promised her to return home safely. Cheng Fengtai ignored them, as long as he confirmed that Chacha'er was safe, his heart would be settled. Although this farewell between siblings hurts feelings, for a Western-style character like Cheng Fengtai, it is not unacceptable for the children to grow up and go their separate ways, even if it is a girl. Afterwards, a sum of money was prepared overnight and entrusted to Dr. Fang to hand over to Yan'an. In name, it was Chacha'er's share after the separation of the family. In fact, all that their father left behind was debts. Cheng Fengtai thought that with the money from Yan'an, he could treat Chacha'er kindly.

Cheng Fengtai's melancholy was interrupted before he finished speaking, he found that Shang Xirui was quite pro-Communist recently, he saw Shang Xirui waved his hand and said: "Don't worry too much, the Communist Party speaks and does things very well, Chacha'er followed Don't worry about them! It's better than running to Chongqing." Cheng Fengtai said with a smile: "What's wrong with Chongqing?" Shang Xirui put down the teapot and whispered: "They said that the flood in Henan was caused by the government."

Cheng Fengtai looked at him with a smile, and said calmly: "Really? How did I hear that the Japanese did it."

Shang Xirui lowered his head and picked the baby: "What do you know, our Liyuan has the best news." Shang Xirui didn't know how to preserve antique calligraphy and painting, but fortunately the climate in Beiping is relatively dry, so the calligraphy, painting and ink were not damaged. He classified the gold, silver and ingots that had been rewarded over the years into one category, and picked out a few pieces from the calligraphy and paintings, called Xiao, and told which one to send to which house, and what to say when he saw people. Xiao Lai nodded and wrote down one by one. Among them is a folding fan in a brocade fan cover, which is flirtatious, like a woman playing with a poet.

Shang Xirui shook it in his hand, and said deliberately: "This one, send it to Xue Qianshan's mansion. If his wife and concubine come out to entertain guests, don't talk too much, you have to give it to him himself."

Cheng Fengtai was suspicious of the boss, so he pulled out the fan and opened it to look. There was a plain picture of bees and peonies on one side, the signature was interesting, it was Du Qi, Cheng Fengtai immediately understood.

Shang Xirui said: "Accept whatever Xue Qianshan gives you, don't give in for me." Xiao Lai agreed and went.

Cheng Fengtai said: "Du Qi should be angry with you."

Shang Xirui didn't take it seriously: "Isn't he less angry, it's over when he's angry."

Cheng Fengtai smiled and said: "Lack of money is so short? Where do you have to spend so much?"

Shang Xirui said: "Me? I'm going to scrape together money to buy a big plane and blow up the Japanese, will it work?"

Shang Xirui is used to talking nonsense, Cheng Fengtai didn't take it seriously at all, smiled, and said slowly: "I'm really short of money, let me give you an idea. You've also heard that there is a flood in Henan If it’s not peaceful and you don’t need to worry about it, why don’t you give me the land deed, and I’ll cash it out for five years.”

Shang Xirui was stunned for a moment, then opened a brocade box, which contained many contracts, he rummaged through for a while and pulled out the land deeds and the long-term workers' deeds, muttering: "Let me have some money and mortgage, you also It's too fine, take it!"

Cheng Fengtai folded the contract and stuffed it in his pocket: "From now on, you can leave the field alone and sing your show well. It's enough to be a troupe leader, but you still want to be the host." Shang Xirui considered himself incompetent and didn't hold back . Cheng Fengtai fiddled with the brocade box, suddenly laughed, and picked out one: "What do you think this is?"

This is Shang Xirui's deed of prostitution back then. The trafficker pretended to be Shang Xirui's uncle, and pressed a huge and imposing fingerprint. Next to that fingerprint, there was a small red dot. The young boss Shang was arrested I pressed it up with my little hand. After a long time, the fingerprints have become blurred and turned into a solid red mole, which is exactly the point between Yang Guifei's eyebrows in the play. Before Shang Juzhen's death, she returned everyone's life deeds, and when others got them, they immediately burned them before the candle. Only Shang Xirui, dipped in ink and marked it as invalid, for some reason, he still kept it.

Cheng Fengtai took it and looked at it again and again, and said with a smile: "Give me this one too, it's so rare."

Shang Xirui rolled his eyelids at him: "There's nothing unusual about this, I've never seen anything with the young master from Shanghai Beach."

Cheng Fengtai looked and looked, and put it close to his body. Shang Xirui said: "It's invalid, it's useless if you keep it."

Cheng Fengtai teased him: "Then write me another one that works."

Shang Xirui actually nodded: "Okay, I'll write you another one." Saying that, he opened the end of the seal box, wiped his fingers in the ink pad, and reached out to Cheng Fengtai's cheek to stamp a bright red fingerprint. It was originally a joke, a joke, for no reason, when Shang Xirui's fingertips touched Cheng Fengtai's face, both of them shuddered in their hearts at the same time, the numbness and trembling spread from their hearts to their hair People were stunned, this red mark, like the blood from Shang Xirui's fingertips, landed on Cheng Fengtai's soul!

The two looked at each other in a daze, there was no joke in their eyes anymore, Shang Xirui had a bad feeling, he hastily withdrew his hand, the fingerprint traced a curl on Cheng Fengtai's face.

Cheng Fengtai said: "Chacha'er's whereabouts are known, wait a little longer, at the end of the year at the latest, I have to go."

Shang Xirui asked: "Where are you going?"

Cheng Fengtai said: "Go back to Shanghai first, then go to Hong Kong, or maybe go directly to England."

Shang Xirui asked: "When will you be back?"

Cheng Fengtai didn't stumble at all, and said: "I'll be back as soon as the battle is over."

Shang Xirui nodded, Cheng Fengtai still said it, he had been mentally prepared for it, when there was a war, rich people around would sell their houses and land and flee, even if Cheng Fengtai dared to sacrifice his life to accompany a gentleman, there was still a big family, women and children who couldn't do without him . Cheng Fengtai felt that Shang Xirui was depressed, couldn't help but looked at him with a smile and said: "Otherwise, if you go with me, it's just a acupuncture point?"

This question exploded Shang Xirui's question, he threw the jade in his hand to the ground, pointed at the treasures all over the floor: "Otherwise, these are all yours, you keep them?" When he said this, he was panting heavily Angry and anxious, Cheng Fengtai became silent. Shang Xirui circled around a few times, kicked away the gold and silver treasures with both feet, then kicked Cheng Fengtai's shoulder, or rather tapped it hard, Cheng Fengtai immediately fell on his back. Shang Xirui jumped on him, grabbed his collar, his eyes were red: "I'll give you everything I have! Huh? You stay and live with me? Huh?"

Cheng Fengtai was not at all mad at him for acting wild, but full of pity, he put his arms around his neck and lifted him down, their foreheads touching. Cheng Fengtai smiled and said: "I hid from the Japanese, it's not like I won't come back." Shang Xirui burst into tears, hugged Cheng Fengtai and kissed and rubbed, rubbed and ate the blush on his cheeks, and felt not enough.

Cheng Fengtai came to see Shang Xirui in two days, just in time for his hearing loss, he was taking a play break at home, saw Cheng Fengtai brought two workers and a tree, picked a place in the yard, tapped two stone bricks with his toes , the workers stepped forward to pry the bricks. Shang Xirui waved his fan and came out to see them planting trees, and jokingly said in a drawn-out tone: "Hey! Dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head!" Cheng Fengtai stood at the bottom of the steps, raised his head and whispered in his ear: "Here is a gift for you." The check, I'll add another white plum tree for you!" Shang Xirui couldn't hear clearly, accepted the check and nodded: "Okay." When the plum tree was ready to be planted, Cheng Fengtai personally walked around under the tree roots and stepped on the ground, and told Shang Xirui Rui said: "This is a real white plum!" Shang Xirui didn't know anything, but still nodded and agreed: "Ah! Good!" If it were in the past, he would have been furious, because this tree took up an extra space for practicing. Cheng Fengtai saw that Shang Xirui was deaf, took a pen and paper and wrote the word Baimei and tied it to the tree trunk to let the wind show, and the two ate under the new tree. They were happy again, as if parting was far away. Cheng Fengtai said: "Call me some other day when your ears are better, and I'll take you out for a stroll." When Shang Xirui saw Cheng Fengtai talk, he said with a smile: "Okay." In short, Cheng Fengtai can say anything.

Two days later Cheng Fengtai didn't wait for Shang Xirui's call, and came by himself. Shang Xirui finally scraped together enough money to buy the plane, and the fashionable woman who took care of Mr. Han's recovery would pick it up. There are dozens of catties of yellow goods, the woman is still wearing high heels, Qianqian has one wrist in each hand, and she is walking like flying with a suitcase. She is simply a practicing family with internal skills. As she walked, she was polite to Shang Xirui all the way: "Hold on! Don't give it up! Hey! Your patriotism is really true, Boss Shang, I admire you! What nonsense is that rumored outside! You are angry! Come on, hurry back! It’s not good to be seen by others!”

As soon as the door opened, he bumped into Cheng Fengtai head-on. Cheng Fengtai looked at the woman curiously: "Mislin? Why are you here!"

Mislin reacted quickly: "Second Master Cheng! What a coincidence! Come get something for our manager."

Cheng Fengtai looked at the two big suitcases: "Fan Lian really knows how to send people. I'll teach Lao Ge to take you there."

Mi Silin hastily said: "A few heads for the manager's ticket show are worthless. You are busy and I'm leaving!" Her back was lifted like light, and the wind was blowing under her feet, Cheng Fengtai didn't suspect anything, and tilted her head to look at Shang Xirui: "Today's ears Okay? Don't call me either. Let's go, let's go out of town today."

Shang Xirui is unwilling: "While my ears are fine, I want to rehearse a new play."

Cheng Fengtai said: "I've been very busy recently, it's rare that I have time to come out." There was a bit of begging in his eyes: "How about letting you pull out your gray hair on the way?" This is Shang Xirui's new hobby, watching Cheng Fengtai with his head full The sporadic white hairs lying in ambush are not pleasing to the eye, so you have to challenge your eyesight and ingenuity. The car drove out of the city, bumping all the way, Cheng Fengtai's head was damaged, out of ten hairs that Shang Xirui pulled out, five must be black. Lao Ge couldn't bear it when he saw it in the rearview mirror, he tried his best to drive the car more smoothly, the more he thought about it, the finer the bumps became, and in the end eight out of ten were black, Shang Xirui Feeling embarrassed too, he preemptively said: "Oh, look, you are very cunning with white hair, and you still avoid me!" Cheng Fengtai straightened up angrily and fished his hair: "I want to avoid you too!" Shang Xirui said: "Anyway, it's getting hot, so why not come to my backstage tomorrow and ask the hairdresser to shave your green skin." Cheng Fengtai waved his hand: "It's not the barber's turn, and you will be on the way back later. Pull it all out for me, right? It's like pinching pig hair!" Shang Xirui pursed his lips happily, stretched out his hand to ruffle Cheng Fengtai's hair, and asked, "Where shall we go?"

Shang Xirui is very disgusted to see a doctor now, because every time it is empty hope. When Cheng Fengtai saw that he had boarded the pirate ship, he just said: "Go to see an old doctor—"

Shang Xirui looked at his watch and said irritably: "Isn't it a waste of time! I don't see enough doctors?"

Cheng Fengtai said: "This one is different, it is specially for the treatment of the emperor. Tongzhi and Guangxu have all been treated in his hands."

Shang Xirui said: "No way! Tongzhi and Guangxu were all put to death!"

Cheng Fengtai patted him: "Don't say it's unlucky!"

The old imperial doctor retired for many years. During the war, his daughter was widowed and his children and grandchildren were incompetent. The old imperial doctor had to pick up his old job and return to serve the nobles in the capital. The second grandmother was sad because of Chacha'er, and she was suffering from Meihe Qi. Therefore Cheng Fengtai insisted on taking Shang Xirui to the door to seek medical treatment, he drank a cup of weak tea first, the old doctor woke up from a nap, and came with the help of his daughter. Cheng Fengtai took out the prepared cookies and cakes, the old man forgot about Cheng Fengtai, but he recognized the pastries, glanced at them, and said with a trembling smile: "What do you mean, Madam is feeling uneasy again?"

The widow was so ashamed that she apologized again and again, and offered her reading glasses. The old doctor put on the glasses and saw Shang Xirui clearly, and suddenly realized: "Oh, Mr. Ling is sick?"

Famous doctors have always been reluctant to treat celebrities easily. Although it is a good story if it is cured, if it is not cured, the signboard will be smashed even louder. Cheng Fengtai intentionally concealed Shang Xirui's identity, and said with a long and breathless smile: "You! Never mind who it is, just look at his ears!"

The old doctor leaned over her head: "What? What's wrong?"

The widow's daughter put her mouth close to the old doctor's ear and yelled, "He! He's deaf!"

Shang Xirui couldn't stand it anymore, stood up and left, muttering: "We don't know who is deaf!" Cheng Fengtai pushed him down again. Shang Xirui was impatient to the extreme, he reluctantly stretched out his hand to give the old doctor's pulse, blowing his beard and staring, the old man stroking his beard and meditating, one old and one young sitting opposite each other, two extreme emotions. About a quarter of an hour after the consultation, the old doctor asked, "Can you still hear it in your ears? It's the sound of a pigeon whistle, isn't it?"

Cheng Fengtai and Shang Xirui looked at each other, before they mentioned the symptoms, the old man diagnosed himself, faintly felt that this time he met a real person. Cheng Fengtai rushed to answer: "I can hear it! It's the pigeon whistle!"

"It's good if you can hear it! If there's a sound, there's a cure!" The old doctor nodded: "Young master thinks about it, but did you lose your breath before the injury healed?" Before Shang Xirui could answer, the old doctor patted him firmly Back of hand: "You are young! Don't be so temperamental! As the days go by, you will encounter more problems! People! Peace of mind comes first!"

Everyone thought that Shang Xirui's ear disease was caused by falling off the stage and was cured by promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, but the old doctor said that his disease was in the liver, so he went to the study to read a book for a long time, and came up with a prescription The son called back to take medicine. Both Cheng Fengtai and Shang Xirui felt that this time the doctor had come, thanked them sincerely, and left the gold bars for the consultation fee. Before leaving, the old doctor said: "Second Lord, come back, bring some crispy cakes, I'll choke on the cake." Cheng Fengtai agreed with a wry smile.

On the way back, Shang Xirui was very happy: "The old man has lost all his teeth, and he still wants to eat crispy ones, can he bite?"

Cheng Fengtai said to himself: "Get the medicine first when you enter the city, and I'll boil it for you tomorrow morning."

Sure enough, he went to Tongrentang first when he entered the city, and Cheng Fengtai really came after eight o'clock in the morning of the next day. He rolled his sleeves over his elbows, and there he demonstrated the process to Xiao Lai, which one was fried first and which was added later, pinched his pocket watch to the exact second, and handed the watch to Xiao Lai when he was done: "Leave it here. Soak the medicine for half an hour, and then pour it down." Five minutes, the time can't be wrong." Xiao Lai refused to accept such a valuable thing, but he didn't tell her that it was for Shang Xirui to boil medicine, so he had to take it. Shang Xirui leaned against the porch pillar and looked at him as if he was doing a chemical experiment, he lifted his chin and said, "It's pretty good!" Cheng Fengtai poured the medicine from the jar, and said with a smile, "Second Grandma took the medicine, I taught the girl how to cook it, Me, serving people's lives!" Shang Xirui didn't smile, but stared at him with black eyes for a long while, and said: "Someday I'll be completely deaf, lose my livelihood, and just eat and wait to die, probably I can go with you."

Cheng Fengtai paused in his hand, the medicine juice dripped down the jar, staining his shoes, he didn't even lift his head: "Oh, I'm only walking with me when I'm deaf and disabled, why am I not worthy of you? I can't get it A whole person? I don't want it anymore!" The bowl of medicine that was poured out was bitter to the smell, and Cheng Fengtai put it on the stone table to dry, then put down his sleeves, put on a straw hat and sunglasses, and immediately went from the waiter who served the soup The boy returned to the appearance of Mr. Pianpian, he picked Shang Xirui's chin with his fingers: "Take care of your ears! The second master is still waiting to hear your play!"

Shang Xirui said: "Once you leave, I'm afraid the new drama will not be able to catch up."

Cheng Fengtai buttoned his sleeves and said nothing, Shang Xirui said: "Come the night after tomorrow, and I'll just sing it for you."

Cheng Fengtai nodded: "Okay, I'll come."