Winter Begonia

Chapter 127


Gu Dali's old lair has now officially set up a village in Luoziling. Cheng Fengtai was once acquainted with each other, and when he arrived at the place, he called Gu Dali's name, and the echo echoed in the mountains, and he was immediately caught by the little guy . Before entering the stockade, he was searched, and then introduced into a hut for him to rest. Cheng Fengtai didn't wait too long, saw Gu Dali enter the door, threw gloves, sunglasses and other cumbersome things on the table one by one, and laughed: "Niece, you're not so brave? Now you dare to provoke people? Be good to you Can’t the bandits do it?” He looked up at Gu Dali: “What I said last time was very good, as much as I gave your uncle, I will give you the same amount, and give me two days of peace…”

Gu Dali became a little different from before, Cheng Fengtai's eyes fell on her big belly that couldn't be concealed, stared at her for a while, then turned to look at her: "Xiao Cao's?"

Gu Dali raised his chin: "Your aunt's!"

The hexagram "There is a guest coming from the south" is just a joke to Cheng Fengtai, who often walks in the rivers and lakes, how can he listen to the fortune-telling blind man seriously, and eat or not? Cheng Fengtai thought that Gu Dali was a young girl Sichun, and looked down on the bandits in the village, and wanted to eat something fresh, so he approached him and Cao Guixiu. Unexpectedly, the spring breeze once, which is more accurate than shooting a target, is really pregnant, which is a bit mysterious.

Cheng Fengtai combed his hair with five fingers spread apart, he was shocked and had nothing to say. Cao Guixiu has a child now? Can this pair of unreliable parents raise children

Gu Dali was also looking at him at the same time, saw his hair, and blurted out: "Why are your two dick hairs white?"

Cheng Fengtai didn't want to talk too much with her: "Make an offer, and I'll take the person and the goods away."

Gu Dali rolled his eyes and said: "The goods stay! People must die! You are not allowed to leave!"

Cheng Fengtai stared, Gu Dali responded with his chin and nostrils, his eyes shone fiercely. Cheng Fengtai said: "What do you mean? You still want to rob sex with your stomach full?"

Gu Dali said: "My uncle tripped the little Japanese, and the Japanese colluded with Luoziling to plot against my uncle. I want revenge!"

Cheng Fengtai was dumbfounded: "Who told you this?"

"You don't care where I know!" Gu Dali slapped the table and stood up: "When I give birth to a child, I will take revenge!"

Cheng Fengtai was confused: "Avenge with whom? How do you want to avenge?" He shook his hand: "I don't care about your affairs, but isn't this cheating me?"

Gu Dali put his finger against the tip of Cheng Fengtai's nose: "What's wrong with you? You hooked up with the Japanese and I don't kill you, it's cheap! Otherwise, Cao Guixiu keeps saying that he has something important to do with you! I'll stab you to death now!" She shouted He yelled like a dog: "An Sheng stay here! Don't talk nonsense!"

Gu Dali was not a human being in the first place, and he was stimulated during pregnancy, making him even more brutal than before. She didn't explain to Cheng Fengtai, nor did she allow Cheng Fengtai to explain, and she detained him again, but the treatment was better than last time, enough wine and meat, no one to follow, as long as she didn't leave the stockade, she loved to wipe guns for guns, and loved to take a walk For a walk, the little bandits treated him very politely, like an uncle from the city visiting relatives in the mountains. Gu Dali said that he would take revenge after giving birth to a child. Cheng Fengtai was a father several times, and he counted for her. The time with Cao Guixiu was probably December, and now it's only mid-August. Be good, you have to wait Last two months. Thanks to Cheng Fengtai being careful this time, he told Fan Lian to notify Cao Guixiu to find someone if he didn't come back in 20 days. Gu Dali, whose heart was blinded by hatred, was a ferocious beast, his eyes lost all warmth when looking at people, Cheng Fengtai couldn't reason with her, he just waited for the child's father to talk.

The summer in the village was really tough, and Cheng Fengtai was infested with lice again, and his white hair with flowers seemed to be lost. Because of poor sanitation, along with the mosquitoes, malaria was prevalent in the village, and people began to die. Usually, a batch of people would die every year in hot weather, but this year, there were a little more deaths. Among the Japanese detained, three out of ten died. In order to avoid mosquitoes, Cheng Fengtai wraps himself in long-sleeved trousers every day to keep water tight. He is nervous from morning to night. Even if a breeze blows, he will slap himself with a cattail fan, lest he will play on the spot in less than twenty days. over. In the end, Cheng Fengtai hadn't stayed in the village for twenty days. One night, Gu Dali stood at the door of his room with a lamp and said: "I will have a baby tomorrow, you should prepare."

Cheng Fengtai was lying on the bed shaking his cattail fan, thinking about something, when he heard this sentence, he didn't react, Gu Dali had already left. I don't know what Gu Dali asked him to prepare for the birth of a child, but after thinking about it again, Cheng Fengtai stopped his cattail fan and sat up, how many months will it be tomorrow? Gu Dali shouldn't have a baby tomorrow!

It turned out that Gu Dali gave birth around September, she couldn't wait, the village kept getting sick and dying, and if this continued, it would be impossible to fight. The next day at noon was an auspicious time, and I specially asked Mr. Yinyang Yamashita to figure it out. It was a rare time in a hundred years, and a person who would be famous in history would be born, and that should be her son of Gu Dali.

Early in the morning, he prepared dry food, water and other things for the mules walking the mountain road. Gu Dali and Cheng Fengtai explained to each other: "After you pick up the child, you go and find Cao Guixiu. The brothers who follow will send a message to him. If the brothers die on the way Now, you can tell Cao Guixiu..." Gu Dali swallowed his throat, with a breath that he couldn't swallow: "I have to do it before the winter here! How to drive the Japanese over, let him figure out a way! "

Hearing the meaning, Cheng Fengtai seemed to understand a bit: "Cao Guixiu's fight against the Japanese is regular army against regular army, so it's still very difficult! What's the use of you bandits! You can't even beat Cao Guixiu!"

The midwife brought a bowl of concoction, but Gu Dali didn't even look at it and raised her head to drink it. She didn't answer Cheng Fengtai's words, but stared blankly ahead, holding back a lot of energy. After a quarter of an hour, a bean sprouted on her forehead. beads of sweat, and her face turned pale. Seeing this, the midwife drove the man out of the house. After a while, Gu Dali screamed in pain.

Cheng Fengtai couldn't hear this, his hairs stood on end, he took two steps on the spot, and he went downstairs. There was an open space on the edge of the cliff in the stockade. At this time, seven heavily tied Japanese knelt there with bowed waists and knees, exposed to the sun. It was almost noon, and sweat dripped down their chins, already soaking a small puddle of ground.

Cheng Fengtai stood in the shadows smoking a cigarette, pointed the cigarette butt at the Japanese, and asked the little bandit: "What's going on?"

The little bandit said: "The eldest sister said that she is pregnant, so instead of killing animals, let them bask in the sun and wind for a while every day, and dry the bad water!"

Cheng Fengtai didn't speak, and exhaled a big mouthful of smoke, protecting himself in the smoke to repel mosquitoes.

Gu Dali's child came from a bowl of oxytocin, which is equivalent to tearing off the stems of unripe melons and fruits. The torn has been pulled for more than four hours, which is not much easier than going to the battlefield. Thanks to the bandit's strong body and endurance, both adults and children were saved. The child rolled into a package and handed it to Cheng Fengtai, as Gu Dali wished, he was a boy, able to fight on horseback in the future, and become a big shot. However, due to the premature birth, there are more creases on the face than usual babies, which looks a bit disgusting. The second grandma said that the newborn should be sheltered from the wind and light, and that the child couldn't even eat milk, so he had to drive on bumpy roads. As a father, Cheng Fengtai was very worried when he saw it: "It's been a few days on the road, what will he eat? How about raising two children first?" God, there is no rush in these two days."

Gu Dali got up after a nap after giving birth, with loose hair and clothes, his face was still white: "There is condensed milk in the bag, mix it with water and feed him! If you can't make it through, you will be crushed to death on the road, and you will be buried on the spot." You don’t need to let Cao Guixiu know.” She grabbed the two skirts with one hand, held the gun in the other, and raised the barrel of the gun: “Let’s go! I’ll see you off!”

Going downstairs to lead the horse to settle down, Cheng Fengtai tied the child in his arms, thinking that Zhao Zilong's rescue of Adou in Shang Xirui's play probably happened in the same way, he smiled, turned around and worriedly wanted to persuade Gu Dali again. Gu Dali didn't give him face until the end, he gave the horse's butt with the gun butt, and the horse ran forward. Before it got out of Luoziling, a gunshot echoed in the forest, and then another. Cheng Fengtai reined in his horse and stopped, and after seven beeps, he became calm.

After walking for three and a half days on the road, when I arrived at Caobu, I was immediately refreshed. The order and vitality were so orderly. Fortunately, the children and their entourage passed through the mountains and forests for several days and nights without loss. The people sent by Gu Dali were instructed not to chatter with Cheng Fengtai on the way, but to conspire with Cao Guixiu behind closed doors. After Cao Guixiu settled the matter with them, he remembered to look at his own son. He stretched his head to the side of the bed and looked at it for a while with his hands behind his back, as if he was looking at a strategic map.

Cheng Fengtai took out a piece of cloth: "Given by the child's mother, the child's horoscope and name."

Cao Guixiu refused to answer, and asked in confusion, "Is it really mine?"

It's no wonder that Cao Guixiu has no conscience, most men will always be a little suspicious if they haven't seen a woman's belly grow up with their own eyes, let alone just that night, such a coincidence. Cheng Fengtai shook the cloth strip and insisted that he pick it up. He took it, and it was already evening, Cao Simmei went into the house to light the oil lamp, and by the light of the fire, Cao Simei also glanced at the cloth strip.

Cao Guixiu sneered, he didn't believe in the theory of horoscope numerology at all, and Gu Dali actually tried to let the child's surname be Gu, it's just a dream. Cao Guixiu's shadowy suspicion instantly dispelled the heart of Zhengfeng. He hung the cloth strip on the oil lamp and lit it. Another wave of his hand: "Take it away. Little uncle has worked hard all the way, so he will have a good rest tonight."

Cao Simei didn't even stutter, and left with the child in her arms. Cao Guixiu sat down with a smile, and planned with Cheng Fengtai for the future. Cao Guixiu planned a good show for a long time, because Cheng Fengtai was an outsider, and told him, but in a few words, Cheng Fengtai took the ammunition that Gu Dali had seized, and went to Jiutiao according to the original plan. The next thing—the next thing, the flash of swords and swords, Cheng Fengtai was speechless for half a day after hearing it. A soldier brought food, Cao Guixiu said: "Come, let's talk while we eat." Cheng Fengtai came to visit suddenly, without preparation, the food was very simple, only one more meat dish. It is said that he talked while eating, Cao Guixiu was a soldier who led an army, eating was like fighting a war, he was so busy doing his work, he had no time to talk at all. After eating like this for a while, Cheng Fengtai suddenly stopped his chopsticks: "My lord, I'm not afraid of death..." Cao Guixiu wiped his mouth, put down his chopsticks and looked at him. Cheng Fengtai paused, and nodded resignedly: "Yes, I'm just afraid of death. There are a bunch of wives and children at home, the wife has little feet, and the oldest child is only fourteen. There is another person who would go crazy without me. To do this for you, you have to keep me safe."

Cao Guixiu smiled: "I still need my little uncle to say this. My Cao Guixiu's shells have eyes, and I won't blow up my own people." He stopped laughing and said in a lower voice: "It's not all for me. After this battle, Sakata's The backer has fallen, and I will never have the energy to trouble you again. As soon as my little uncle runs to the concession, he can sit back and relax!"

Cheng Fengtai smiled: "Thanks to the eldest son!"

After saying this, the two lowered their heads and continued to eat.

Since someone went to Luoziling to transport arms, Cao Guixiu sent several soldiers to disguise themselves as fellows, and together with Cheng Fengtai, they carried the goods on the road. Before Cheng Fengtai set off, he had never seen Gu Dali's child again, but Cao Simmei approached him, pretending to pack Cheng Fengtai's luggage, and asked cautiously, "Second Master Cheng, how is my senior sister doing?"

Cheng Fengtai looked at him: "You borrowed all the money from her private house, why are you still asking?" Cheng Fengtai turned and walked away, stuffed the chewing gum beef jerky that Cao Guixiu gave him into the bag, deliberately embarrassing him, and continued for a long time: " I didn't hear anything wrong with her." Cao Simei wanted to ask a few more questions, but seeing Cheng Fengtai's impatient attitude, she had to leave resentfully.

From the Cao Department to the Jiutiao Department, and then retreated with the Japanese army to the west of Liuxian Cave forty miles, there is no need to describe the hardships involved. It was the beginning of September, and the summer in the mountains in the north came and went quickly, Cheng Fengtai didn't bring an extra piece of autumn clothes, how could the few Cao soldiers who followed him take care of others, sleeping in the open at night, Cheng Fengtai had a little fever, his feet fluttered, His eyes were sore and swollen, and he silently prayed to Cao Guixiu to hold back for a few more days, and wait for him to feel refreshed before taking action. However, people's luck is so bad, that night, Cheng Fengtai didn't eat dinner, swallowed two aspirin and just fell asleep when Cao Guixiu led troops to chase him away. Cheng Fengtai couldn't run at all, he wanted to stay where he was, and let the fake guys go with Jiu Tiao, he carried his neck and tried to talk and gesture, coughing loudly towards Jiu Tiao's face. Jiu Tiao didn't speak, after listening to the translation, he waved his horse whip lightly, the two soldiers under him gave a military salute, carried Cheng Fengtai on their backs and ran forward.

The mountain road is rugged, but it is not easy for the horses to walk, and the camel is behind the team with the luggage. The two Japanese soldiers took turns carrying Cheng Fengtai on their backs and ran for more than 20 miles. There was continuous gunfire behind them, like a thousand rings during the New Year, and the ground was red. At the beginning, Cheng Fengtai was still half-complacent and surprised, thinking that the two Japanese had just reached his armpits when they were stacked together, and when he carried him on his back, his toes almost touched the ground, but with great strength, he twisted the small motor on his buttocks Like, run quickly. The more he ran, the closer the flames of war were, Cheng Fengtai felt something was wrong, he was now like a bastard on the back of the Japanese soldier, if a bullet flew behind him, wouldn't he be a shield made of meat!

Cheng Fengtai said hard work to the soldiers in broken Japanese, and motioned to run away by himself. The Japanese soldiers didn't force him, and held him one by one, preventing him from falling behind or escaping. More than a dozen miles ahead is Liuxian Cave. To bypass Liuxian Cave, at least fifty miles of mountainous terrain is required. Jiujo would either go into the hole, or counterattack on the spot. There was no need to think about it, only a risk.

Kujo and Commander Cao are two commanders with completely different styles. Commander Cao's voice was so loud that Cheng Fengtai hadn't heard clearly what Jiutiao's voice was, he was indeed a Confucian general, he issued orders in a soft voice, and then let the adjutant or the interpreter yell out loudly. Jiu Tiao glanced at Cheng Fengtai, his lips moved, his voice was muffled by the gunfire. The translator nodded and said to Cheng Fengtai: "Mr. Cheng, please check the safety of the cave with our surveyors, please!"

Cao's soldiers gathered around and met Cheng Fengtai's eyes. Cheng Fengtai was extremely nervous, he suppressed his uneasiness and went into the cave with a torch with the surveyor. The surveyor counts the distance of the gun and has very good eyesight and acuity. He checks the cave for traps and explosives. He checks very carefully. The result was nothing, nothing. Cheng Fengtai didn't know whether he should breathe a sigh of relief or be more nervous, anyway, he was very panicked now, Cao Guixiu said he was going to blow up the cave, but there was no explosives in the cave, how could he blow it up!

Check it from the beginning and then go back, the war outside is already unbelievable, the scorching heat of the sparks is close at hand, and the eyebrows are about to burn. Kujo made a gesture, and a group of teams trotted towards the cave, then turned their eyes to look at Cheng Fengtai, signaled Cheng Fengtai to follow behind him, and said a sentence in Japanese to him.

Cheng Fengtai looked at the translator. The translator said truthfully: "General Jiu Tiao said that there are gods in Liuxian Cave, and the gods will protect his master."

Cheng Fengtai thought to himself that this person's speech is so nasty, and he and Xue Zhicheng are real brothers. I also want to tell him that our Chinese gods have no masters, and Chinese gods only cross the common people.

Although I walked by it just now, but there are few people who feel that there are too many people, there are too many torches, the air in the cave is dirty and dull, Cheng Fengtai can't breathe enough, he is so dizzy that he stands against the wall, and the rest of his eyes are the things he brought. A soldier of the Cao Department did not walk forward with the main force, but stood at the foot of the wall, loosening his trouser pockets to relieve himself. But as long as you pay attention to him for a while, you will find something strange, how can it take so long to relieve yourself. Cheng Fengtai thought, this is to find an opportunity to bury explosives. Realizing this, he took a few deep breaths, his hands and feet became colder, and there was a burst of sweat on the back of his forehead.

The translator came to urge Cheng Fengtai to follow Jiu Tiao. Cheng Fengtai lowered his head halfway, looking around for Cao's soldiers, and when he found the fourth one in the light and shadow of the torch, his breath was suddenly suffocated. Cao's soldiers did not dig the wall or paste explosives. They either pretended to relieve their hands or pretended to be injured, and squatted in a corner. Those corners—no one knows the power of those corners better than Cheng Fengtai. He once circled them with a red pencil and pointed them out to Cao Guixiu. He also said: The handwriting of the University of Göttingen, contemporary science is amazing!

Cheng Fengtai fully understood that those Cao soldiers were not looking for an opportunity to dig the wall to bury explosives, the movement was too big, the risk was too great, and Liuxian Cave was so long, they might not be able to escape even if the fuze was lit, so they simply tied the explosives to themselves as a pawn. Where is the dead man! Thinking of this, Cheng Fengtai was drenched in cold sweat! The world is spinning in my head, but everything in front of me is extremely clear! He took two quick steps, thinking of the breakpoint in front to see if there were really soldiers guarding him, to verify his guess, but he was afraid that if his whereabouts were revealed, it would ruin the event. What to do, to run or not to run? If run, when to run? Running wildly like this, Jiutiao drew his gun and swung, if he was not crushed to death by the landslide, he would be killed by bullets!

Another breakpoint was passed, and sure enough, a Cao soldier was standing there smoking. Teams of Japanese soldiers passed by in a panic, and the Cao soldiers were very inconspicuous. He noticed Cheng Fengtai's gaze, and he raised his head and smiled, his black face showing white teeth. At this moment, there was also the sound of cannons at the exit of Liuxian Cave, and there was an ambush ahead! It was Gu Dali who made the move!

Kujo finally let out a loud voice, yelled a Japanese word, and sprinted forward. Cheng Fengtai watched helplessly as the soldier lit the fuze with a cigarette butt. In his eyes, the movement of the soldier was a slow motion. He ran in the opposite direction of Jiutiao. !

In those short few minutes, Cheng Fengtai ran forward desperately, surrounded by bullets and bullets, Shura's Blood Prison, it was all gone, nothing to be afraid of, he was afraid that he would not be able to return to Peiping alive.

Shang Xirui has had a fulfilling life these days, the new play has been rehearsed very well, the experts who have seen it in private are full of praise, it's just waiting for the performance to surprise everyone! Because of Shang Xirui's bad reputation, good people don't play with him easily, for fear of getting tired; he despises those who are willing to play with him, and lives in seclusion all day, not seeing people much anymore. When the ears are good, we should hurry up and rehearse new plays, but if the ears are not good, we just sit under the plum tree in a daze. If Xiao Lai asked him: "Brother Rui, you've been sitting here for a whole day. What are you doing?" Shang Xirui would say: "Nothing, I'm bored." Then he said: "Where's the medicine? Bring it I'll drink a bowl." This point is very obedient and self-conscious, and it has been kept in mind.

Xiao Lai brought him the medicine, a bee flew around in front of his eyes, Shang Xirui was lost in watching the bee whirling, the bowl in his hand tilted slowly, the medicine juice leaked out. Xiao Lai exclaimed: "Brother Rui!" Shang Xirui was startled, loosened his grip and the bowl shattered on the floor. Instead, Xiao Lai smiled and said, "Okay! I broke the medicine bowl, so the disease must be cured!"

Shang Xirui smiled, still confused.

In the Shuiyun Tower, Zhou Xiangyun and Yang Baoli became teachers, and from then on, it was officially Boss Zhou and Boss Yang. The two entered the door together, the teacher left together, on a good day they rushed to do it together, Shang Xirui took out his special Li Qiaosong to play the strings for the two of them, they sang a big show lively, and settled in the restaurant at night Put on a banquet. Since Cheng Fengtai left, Shang Xirui hasn't come out to socialize, everything is boring. This day, in order to support the child, I specially wore a new gown, chose a good fan, had my hair cut and shaved, and came out to show. They hadn't seen Shang Xirui for a long time, they just thought he was very deaf, they cupped their fists to say hello, avoiding his deafness, afraid of embarrassment, no one came up to chat with him, it was a pity. Only Zhou Xiangyun came up to him after toasting and playing, and asked Shang Xirui: "Master, is my "Autumn River" today still good?"

"Autumn River" is the most popular, and you can taste it without listening to it. Zhou Xiangyun asked this question, and he also chose this discount specially. Shang Xirui put a dish with chopsticks in his mouth, looked sideways at Zhou Xiangyun, sullen and critical, the child felt apprehensive, avoided Shang Xirui's gaze and lowered his head, feeling that he was troubled. Shang Xirui really didn't like it, he cherishes talents and loves talents, and it's true that he spares no effort to promote the younger generation, but seeing the young people really come out of nowhere, if he doesn't like it at all, he's a living saint. Shang Xirui is not a saint, he stared at the wine glass and said: "It's not bad! Although it's a bit inferior to Ning Jiulang, it's almost enough for today's pear orchard!"

What is the Liyuan today, and what was the Liyuan in those days? Shang Xirui doesn't compare himself, but Ning Jiulang, who has become a god, if he were Yang Baoli, he would be able to figure out the meaning behind his voice. Zhou Xiangyun is an honest person, he can't taste it, and lowered his head in shame: "Leader, am I too early to be a teacher, and I'm not ready enough."

Now it's time for Shang Xirui to feel ashamed, regretting that he didn't listen well, and hastily went back to make amends: "I've forgotten what I said in Jingshan after hearing it?" He said seriously: "Straighten your back! If I were from Liyuan Emperor, you are the prince of Liyuan! You can't be proud of yourself!" The voice was a little louder, and it fell on the ears of the colleagues at the table, and everyone changed their colors slightly. Although Shang Xirui acts low-key, he is very arrogant by nature, this arrogance occasionally shows up a bit, and it leaves a point of conversation, which is enough for a colleague to talk about for a lifetime. Si Xi'er died, the Jiang family didn't come today, everyone kept their dissatisfaction in their bellies, and left it to chew their tongues after the banquet, with incomparably flattering and friendly faces, following Shang Xirui's words to praise Zhou Xiangyun, praised Zhou Xiangyun He had nowhere to put his hands and feet, was about to leave, Yang Baoli came over and kowtowed to Shang Xirui, full of talk about his ancestors and benefactors, he almost recognized Shang Xirui as his father, coaxing Shang Xirui to be very comfortable.

Ren Liu muttered, "There is someone who is vying to be the crown prince."

Ren Wu glared at him, not allowing him to talk nonsense.

Shang Xirui drank some wine, received a lot of good words and was happier. Before the banquet was over, he slipped out quietly to catch his breath. His ears had been damaged for a long time, and he suddenly landed in a lively place, which was a bit unaccustomed to him. The sky was light and cloudless, and the moon was high, Shang Xirui walked along the corridor, opened and closed the fan in his hand, walked around the yard, and came to the second gate, where Du Qi stopped a person , move left and right to block the body, not to let him in.

The man laughed and said: "Young Master Qi is so unreasonable, I have an invitation card!" He also had a folding fan in his hand, the fan was knocked on the palm of his hand, and opened again and again, as if provocative. Shang Xirui knew from the voice that it was Xue Qianshan who came.

Du Qi saw the handwriting on the fan under the moonlight, and was furious: "Okay! You have great powers! Second Master Xue!"

Shang Xirui saw that the situation was not good, turned his head to hide, but Du Qi had already spotted him, raised his hand to grab the fan, and swung it around to chop. Shang Xirui stretched out his hand to continue, Du Qi pointed at him and scolded: "Did you do something wrong! You didn't run away when you saw me! What a mess! What's the benefit of taking someone? What do you want? He's your second uncle?" Angrily, he scolded Shang Xirui: "Come here! Come here!"

Shang Xirui was quite intimidated by Du Qi's temper, thinking that Du Qi couldn't beat him anyway, so he stood silently in front of him. Du Qi grabbed the two fans in his hand, tore them apart, threw them on the ground, and cursed: "I'll draw you later! I'll draw you an egg!"

Shang Xirui said anxiously: "Hey! That one is not yours!" As he spoke, he fought with Du Qi.

Xue Qianshan had been silent before, and suddenly grabbed Du Qi's wrist to keep him from fooling around, while staring at Shang Xirui's face, he was a little surprised and hesitant to see him so relaxed and at ease: "Boss Shang, you Are you still here?"

Shang Xirui was surprised: "Today is a good day in Shuiyun Tower, where am I if I'm not here?"

Xue Qianshan said: "Have you gone to see Cheng Fengtai?"

Shang Xirui was dumbfounded: "Second master is back?"

Xue Qianshan looked at him, and then made a very surprised expression: "So you don't know? Cheng Fengtai came back after being seriously injured outside! Oh! His family must be hiding it from you! Go quickly! I'm afraid it's too late I can't see you anymore!"

Under the moonlight, Shang Xirui's face instantly turned white, and he unconsciously let out an "ah" sigh, as if he accidentally scalded his skin with boiling water, he just stood there stupidly, staring blankly Xue Qianshan.

Xue Qianshan was anxious for him: "Go quickly! Boss Shang!"

Shang Xirui took two steps on the spot, his lips trembled, his eyes went away, he didn't know where he was going!

Xue Qianshan showed a little pain on his face: "I just came back from the hospital, now I'm at home, you go, take my car..."

Looking at the situation, Du Qi also forgot to lose his temper, seeing Shang Xirui stumbling out of the back, feeling shocked, even terrified. Shang Xirui thought highly of him and called him a bosom friend, the news also frightened him into a panic, he flung Xue Qianshan away in a panic, ran inside and called Xiao Lai, he wanted to tell Xiao Lai that their Boss Shang was not good!