Winter Begonia

Chapter 13


Third Young Master Cheng's full moon banquet was messed up by Shang Xirui, very unpleasant. Fan Lian and Chang Zhixin left without eating, and the guests were always in a state of trepidation. They were so frightened by Commander Cao that they almost burst into tears.

Cheng Fengtai frowned, and ran away from the crowd with anger. A servant stopped him: "Second Master, Commander Cao is waiting for you!" Cheng Fengtai agreed and came, but the servant was worried and followed him every step of the way. When the master and servant came to the backyard, Shang Xirui went crazy, at this moment his energy was exhausted and his mind and soul were gone. Taking off his head and face clothes, he just sat blankly in front of the mirror, and Yu Xiaolai wiped the makeup off his face. The other opera singers and luthiers were driven home, and two soldiers of Commander Cao guarded Shang Xirui, not knowing what to do next.

Cheng Fengtai stood at the door and called coldly: "Boss Shang..."

Shang Xirui didn't know if he heard it or not, and didn't respond. Xiao Xiao took a look at Cheng Fengtai and put a cloak on Shang Xirui, Shang Xirui's eyes were frozen. Cheng Fengtai thought back on his usual appearance, and then looked at him now, and felt hairy in his heart.

The servant who followed urged: "Second Master, go back quickly, Commander Cao is waiting in a hurry!"

Cheng Fengtai took another heavy look at Shang Xirui, came and left in anger.

Commander Cao recalled from Shang Xirui the military scene in the past, today was very happy, saw Cheng Fengtai coming, pressed his neck and had a drink with him, got drunk, then patted the table to see Look at the young master. Cheng Fengtai asked the nurse to take the baby out, and when Commander Cao saw the baby in the swaddle, he quickly took out a pistol.

All the guests put down their chopsticks and stood up, and a girl even smashed a dish.

Cheng Fengtai thought about the Chang family couple, drank a couple of extra sips of mulled wine, his heart was restless, he sat there motionless, holding his wine glass, looked at the gun nonchalantly, a little drunk: "Crush him! Crush him You have to pay! Pay me a girl."

Commander Cao said with his tongue out, "What a good fat boy, why did you kill him!" Commander Cao shook the thing in his hand: "This! It's made in Germany, it's a good thing! I've been with me for seven years, now Give it to my nephew as a meeting gift! Let him be a commander in the future!" After saying that, to express his love, he squeezed the child's face, and the child burst into tears.

After the banquet was over, Commander Cao forcibly took Shang Xirui away and brought him back to the mansion to continue recalling his glorious days. With Shang Xirui around, Cheng Meixin didn't want to go home, she felt deeply frustrated and resentful, she suddenly cried softly with her brother: "Edwin, what do you want to say?"

Cheng Fengtai said: "How to say what?"

Cheng Meixin said: "You bring Shang Xirui to the Commander, they are about to resurface."

Cheng Fengtai didn't bother to perfuse her today: "Let's burn! He's a man, and my brother-in-law can't marry him as a concubine. What are you afraid of?" After finishing speaking, he went back to sleep by himself, making Cheng Meixin vomit blood with hatred, and cursed in his heart Turned upside down.

Cheng Fengtai returned to the bedroom listlessly, fell down on the kang, and lay on the quilt without speaking for a long time. Second Mistress had already heard about the outside world, but she was not angry because of her cousin's relationship, she just sighed: "This Shang Xirui..."

Cheng Fengtai said bitterly: "He just owes a lesson!"

Second Mistress knew his temper well, and Shang Xirui made a fuss today, I'm afraid he won't be able to swallow it, and after two days he will make trouble for Shang Xirui, and make trouble all over the city again, she said nervously: "Don't do anything, protect yourself He has a lot of people! He has a big reputation, and it's hard to end the trouble."

Cheng Fengtai sneered: "En. I won't do anything. I'll go and reason with him."

The next day happened to be Sunday, Cheng Fengtai decided to visit the Chang family and his wife to scare them. The government assigned Chang Zhixin an apartment with a bathroom, and the young couple lived in it very comfortably.

Cheng Fengtai rang the doorbell twice, and a maid opened the door: "Who is Mr. looking for?"

Chang Zhixin tied the straps of his nightgown sleepily, and looked out the door from behind the maid: "Mr. Cheng?"

Cheng Fengtai smiled and said: "I told you it's your brother-in-law, don't call me sir."

Chang Zhixin smiled, let Cheng Fengtai into the room, went into the room by himself, changed his clothes, and talked to him while leaning against the window sill.

Cheng Fengtai asked: "Where's my cousin? Is she okay?"

Chang Zhixin's expression was a little solemn: "It's not good. Yesterday, I made my heart feel tight. I didn't sleep all night, thinking about leaving Beiping. It was easy to calm down in the middle of the night, and I'm still resting now."

Cheng Fengtai said: "I'm really sorry about yesterday's incident. I was inconsiderate."

Chang Zhixin smiled: "It's not your fault. Brother-in-law, you have been in Shanghai. How could you know what happened in Pingyang back then."

Cheng Fengtai said: "No. I've heard about everything about Pingyang. I didn't expect Shang Xirui to still be worried about it, and even make such a fuss. It's because of my negligence. But cousin, you can do it this time." You can't just walk away after being wronged like in Pingyang, the job in the court is not easy to come by. Shang Xirui just went crazy and messed up a little bit, sweeping your face, other than that there is nothing terrible .”

He was so frank that Chang Zhixin felt a sense of sympathy, stepped forward, sat down and had a chat with him: "Shang Xirui, I'm not afraid of him. But Mengping—your cousin is so afraid of him! "

Cheng Fengtai felt that this was really making a fuss out of a molehill: "An opera singer, what are you afraid of?"

The maid brought two cups of tea at this time, Chang Zhixin hesitated to speak, and told her: "Go and buy some snacks, don't fry them, my wife has a stomachache after eating them. See if there are vegetable buns and soy milk. "

The maid agreed and went out, Chang Zhixin closed the bedroom door tightly to give Cheng Fengtai a cigarette, and lit one himself, saying: "Some things are misinterpreted when they are spread out, so I only told Fan Lian, I'll tell you now."

Cheng Fengtai nodded cautiously.

Chang Zhixin said in a soft voice: "Back in Pingyang, Shang Xirui and the shrews in Shuiyun Tower forced Mengping to nowhere. Ping paid a large sum of liquidated damages and lost all her savings. Mengping had no choice but to sing operas on the street, like begging for food. You must know all about this."

Cheng Fengtai really doesn't know these details.

"But, do you know what else Shang Xirui did? He instigated gangsters on the street to molest Mengping. If I went late that day, it would be hard to say..." Chang Zhixin felt scared when he mentioned that episode, deeply Take a puff of cigarette: "Later I sang with Mengping and played the violin for her to protect her. Shang Xirui didn't stop, and hooked up with Marshal Zhang to send troops to beat people up. Mengping was frightened by him, Begging me to take her out of Pingyang. Shang Xirui keeps saying that we eloped, aren't we forced by him?"

Cheng Fengtai asked: "Didn't he follow Marshal Zhang after you left?"

Chang Zhixin said: "No. It was Zhang Dashuai who hooked up with him first and pretended to be powerful, so we were forced to leave Pingyang. Mengping still kept these things under wraps for him, and didn't want others to know."

Cheng Fengtai smiled and said: "It's normal for him to have trouble with you. Don't blame me for being dumbfounded, my lord uncle. He would kill you lightly. It's the hatred of taking his wife away. But he was too cruel to kill his cousin, and he didn't want to be so cruel. It's a bit of an understatement."

Chang Zhixin shook his head and smiled, flicked the cigarette ash in his hand, and said, "There is no hatred for taking his wife. He and Mengping, that's not the case. They are not the kind of relationship rumored outside."

Cheng Fengtai turned around, feeling very surprised.

Chang Zhixin said: "It's true. Shang Xirui was sold into Shuiyun Tower since he was a child, and was brought up by Mengping. He loves Mengping, but a child obsessively loves an adult, and the love is ruthless. Perverted, his sister is not allowed to value others more than him. When he saw me and Mengping together for the first time, he looked like he wanted to eat people! He rushed up and pointed at my nose and cursed the street. You say , how can there be such a younger brother in the world, isn't he a lunatic!"

Cheng Fengtai frowned and said with a smile: "Although you say that, I still don't believe it. Maybe it's because he was too late, and he has a relationship between a man and a woman, but he doesn't know it?"

With a cigarette in his finger, Chang Zhixin swung it wildly, denying it firmly: "Absolutely not. He is fifteen years old, and he often sleeps in the same bed with Mengping, using Mengping's breasts as a pillow. Brother and sister The two of them go arm in arm everywhere. You take a bite of food, and I take a bite. Mengping and I haven’t gotten so tired yet. If he has a hint of masculinity, he can’t be so innocent when he is intimate — You know, when a man thinks about it, he can't hide it, how could Mengping not notice it? According to my opinion, his ruthless insanity is treating Mengping like a mother."

Cheng Fengtai laughed: "Sounds like him."

Chang Zhixin said: "There are even more ridiculous things. Later, when there was a quarrel, others spied on him and said: 'You don't let your senior sister be nice to others, then you must want to be her husband?' Shang Xirui said: 'Why should I To be her husband, why does she have to have a husband? Is there anything a husband can do that I can’t? If she tells me, I can do it.” Then the man said, “You won’t let her marry a husband , you don’t want to marry a wife anymore? Is it okay to be lonely and widowed like this?’ He said: ‘It’s done! Listen, it's not just to save trouble, it's an idiot."

Cheng Fengtai shook his head when he heard this, and after thinking about it, he thought it was understandable. Generally speaking, if a genius has superhuman understanding and talent in a certain field, he must lack a corner in other places, or he is unreasonable, or difficult to enter the world, or has a paradoxical personality, or even a physical disability. Shang Xirui's genius in opera is unquestionable, as the newspaper commented on him: "The souls of the Liyuan for thousands of years are gathered in one person", at the same time, it is enough to understand the world and understand the world, isn't it because he is the only one in the world It would be unreasonable to occupy it all. It can be seen that God is fair and has its own way to balance all things. He must have his own stupidity.

Chang Zhixin took a puff of cigarette and said: "Shang Xirui said that, people will know that he is congenitally deficient in seven emotions and six desires, after explaining for a long time, from human desire to reason, he just listened silently and did not argue with others, it seems I just listened to my heart and understood. I didn’t want him to think about it, and after thinking about it for a while, I came to discuss with Mengping and me and said: “Since men and women have to marry to live a lifetime , I will reluctantly allow the two of you to be together! But senior sister, you have to promise that only I am the most important person in your heart. Chang Zhixin cannot surpass me! No one can surpass me! He is just sleeping with you and you The one who gave birth!'”

Cheng Fengtai let out an "ah" and laughed again and again.

"He asked this in front of me! How do you call Mengping to answer? Mengping can only say: 'Emotions are beyond my control, how can I guarantee it?' He quit, saying Mengping He lied to him. That time, our last tripartite meeting, the talk completely collapsed." Chang Zhixin was a little angry when he said that: "You said it was ridiculous, and Mengping didn't sell her body to him, and she couldn't keep her heart if she sold her body. , who do you love in your heart, why do you need his approval?"

Cheng Fengtai sighed: "Actually, I'm about to be moved by this fiery sister-brother relationship."

Chang Zhixin said with a smile: "If he is not so crazy and not so cruel, I will also feel very touched."

At this time, there was a little noise in the bedroom, probably because Jiang Mengping woke up. Chang Zhixin stubbed out his cigarette butt and wanted to go in to take care of his wife, Cheng Fengtai got up to bid him farewell.

"Don't worry about what happened yesterday." Chang Zhixin patted him on the shoulder: "Let's see you later."

Cheng Fengtai smiled and said that should be what I said. She shook hands with Chang Zhixin, and liked his happy quarrel in her heart, because she really regarded him as a friend.

Cheng Fengtai went home, had lunch and dozed off, and it was evening. It was very cold, it got dark early, and it looked like it was going to snow. Second Mistress was a little unhappy when he wanted to go out after dinner.

"Which family is the host today? Second master, you can't take playing cards seriously."

Cheng Fengtai knelt on the kang, leaned over and kissed her on the cheek: "Second master's main business is eating, drinking and having fun! Oh. And having a daughter with Second Mistress."

Second Mistress laughed and pushed him away.