Winter Begonia

Chapter 130


The weather was getting colder, Xiao Lai sent Shang Xirui autumn clothes, didn't mention a word about Shuiyun Tower, Shang Xirui really didn't ask a word. Xiao Lai felt that Shang Xirui had lost a lot of weight, his cheeks had been slashed, and his juvenile roundness had been removed, revealing the tough silhouette of an adult man, and his demeanor became more and more calm, unlike Ning Jiulang's gentle and elegant calm, there was a sharp edge hidden in his calmness share ruthless. In the past, Xiao Lai would have nagged a lot to persuade him to take care of himself, but now seeing that his appearance has changed from yesterday, he didn't dare to talk too much, put down his things and stood silently for a while before leaving. When I went out, I saw a few girls standing under the window and looking in. After watching, they pushed and shoved and covered their mouths and laughed. Xiao Lai has seen too many little girls like this. Hearing that this is a world-renowned business owner, they are looking at a diorama behind their master's back to find an opportunity! Shang Xirui just let the exhibition and visits like this, Xiao Lai was not happy for him, so he stood there and looked at the girls with stern eyes, the girls noticed, tugged at the corners of their clothes, ran away in a hurry with their heads down, Xiao Lai was still not happy .

Cheng Fengtai lay dead as usual, after eating a few sticks of ginseng, there was still no improvement, but Shang Xirui's spirit was fully lifted, he stared at Cheng Fengtai all day long like he was fishing. The second grandma saw it, but she was silent all the time, but one night, she came over with her clothes on and embroidered, turned on an oil lamp, and said, "Go to sleep for a while, I will guard him today." The second grandma When talking to Shang Xirui, he never called "Boss Shang" or "Mr. Shang", half of it was out of anger, Shang Xirui was not decent in front of her, only worthy of the word "you". Shang Xirui never cared about these things, after a long time, he was able to pick out his own from the many orders issued by Second Mistress to the doctors, nurses and servants every day. Hearing this, Shang Xirui was slightly taken aback, got out of bed, pushed the door and left.

Second Mistress let out a hey at his back, fearing that he would run wild and bump into the female relatives, and called the servant to take him to the guest room to sleep. Unexpectedly, the servant came back and said: "Mr. Shang, I don't know what's wrong, I'm searching around in the garden!" Keep an eye on it, and tell me if something's wrong."

Shang Xirui fumbled in the garden for more than half an hour, and came back with an upside-down teacup in his hand, which squeaked, it was a cricket after autumn, its old arms and legs screamed weakly. He wiped his face, climbed back onto the bed, put the teacup next to Cheng Fengtai's ear, and lay down beside the pillow himself, listening to the crickets with great interest.

The second grandma thought to herself: Play with crickets! This is still a child! The voice softened unconsciously: "Stop making trouble with him."

Shang Xirui said: "Isn't it just right to wake up?"

The second grandma was speechless.

Shang Xirui always remembered that Cheng Fengtai wanted a cricket, and he still owed Cheng Fengtai a cricket, but unfortunately this one is not good, those who pass the scene will only scream bitterly and cannot fight. When Cheng Fengtai wakes up, he will supply Cheng Fengtai with a better one, better than General Iron Head. But when will Cheng Fengtai wake up? Doctor Fang didn't dare to say it clearly, both Shang Xirui and Second Mistress could tell that the longer Cheng Fengtai's injury lasted, the less he would wake up.

Shang Xirui's eyes were reddened by the crickets' calls, he tapped his fingers on the bottom of the teacup, tickling the crickets, tears slowly pooled in his eye sockets, bright and trembling, ready to fall in the blink of an eye. The second grandma caught a glimpse of it, and it aroused endless sadness. Now that things have happened, I never expected that the two of them are suffering from the same disease!

She secretly turned her face away to wipe away her tears, turned Shang Xirui away, and asked him: "That time you ran away when you saw the coffin, everyone said you were crazy, and you searched all over the city without a trace. Where did you go? "

Shang Xirui said: "I don't remember." He really didn't remember: "But then I found out that you lied to me. The red clothes you wore that day, if the second master really disappeared, can the second grandma wear red? Are you Prepare the coffin for the second master to celebrate!"

Shang Xirui smiled as he spoke, filled with the joy of remaining alive after the catastrophe. Second Mistress also didn't agree with Cheng Meixin's confinement, she didn't want to talk more, then she just asked about the Liyuan, Shang Xirui answered them one by one, and asked who was in his family, Shang Xirui said: "Yes and no, no and no .”

The second grandma couldn't understand this. Shang Xirui said: "My family is a scholarly family, if they knew that I would go to sing when I grew up, they wouldn't recognize me."

There is no way to answer this, people like them have a deep-rooted discrimination against actors, they are also in the wrong line of work, being an actor might as well be a bandit louder. Second Mistress lowered her head and sighed, she was stitching on the embroidery stretcher, and heard Shang Xirui say, "I don't recognize them anyway." When Shang Xirui said this, his eyes were fixed on Cheng Fengtai.

Second Mistress couldn't help asking: "How did you get on so well?"

This stopped Shang Xirui, needless to say, you are referring to him and Cheng Fengtai. How did he and Cheng Fengtai get along? It seems that it has been so long for a lifetime, since there is such a person in the world, it will be good. For example, when Second Mistress asked him about the past events in Pingyang and Guangzhou, he recalled that there seemed to be a shadow of Cheng Fengtai in everything. Maybe he is really a little crazy, his brain is crazy, and he is confused.

Shang Xirui said truthfully: "I can't tell, we've known each other for too long."

The second grandma said heartily, how long has our family been in Peiping? How long can you two have? Thinking that Shang Xirui was trying to put her off, he didn't ask any more questions. Shang Xirui was tired from lying down, the room was quiet, he fell asleep in a daze, fell asleep for less than two hours, woke up sweating profusely, woke up and stayed for a long time unable to regain consciousness, saw Cheng Fengtai's peaceful face, then saw Second Mistress Looking at him in surprise: "Did you have a nightmare?"

Shang Xirui collected himself and said: "Ah... I dreamed..." He caught his breath, pursed his lips, not daring to speak. Seeing this, Second Mistress also knew that the dream was not auspicious, so she stopped asking. Shang Xirui said: "I'll watch over it, you go." Second Mistress suddenly understood again, he didn't sleep all day, except to watch over Cheng Fengtai's breath, and to prevent nightmares! After sighing with emotion, he felt dissatisfied immediately: It wasn't because of something on his nose and face that he gave him two good looks, and he actually kicked out the wife in front of him!

Second Mistress ignored him, she just went to do her sewing, and didn't leave until she had enough temper.

Such a miserable life in Ansheng did not last for a few days.

After the weather turned cold, Cheng Fengtai started to have a low-grade fever, which turned into a high-grade fever with convulsions. The wound on his leg festered and festered, and the bones were almost visible. Dr. Fang had an emergency consultation with a British doctor to discuss whether to proceed to amputation. The second mistress didn't want to hear it: "Use a saw to cut off a leg, how can it be done! If it can't be cured, why not teach him to die without a whole body!" Shang Xirui had a different opinion, he said: "Saw it off and saw it off Fall, as long as people have the hope of being alive! What happened to the short legs! You don't want him, I want him!"

Saying this in front of many medical servants, relatives and friends, Second Mistress lost face immediately and ignored Shang Xirui for many days afterwards. Shang Xirui remained the same, he didn't feel left out in the slightest. Cheng Fengtai's injuries were out of control, mainly due to repeated wound infections, only penicillin could save his life, after more than a year of fighting, penicillin is already a banned drug, let alone the hospital's stock is exhausted, it is hard to buy on the black market. Fan Lian, Xue Qianshan and other socially capable relatives and friends tried their best to get a few boxes, some expired, and some bottles were broken during the transportation. Once they got it, they couldn't last for a few days after all. When Shang Xirui thought that he had helped Yan'an transport a large amount of penicillin out of the city a few months ago, he was in terribly painful pain, as if he had missed Cheng Fengtai's life. He was in such extreme pain that he left Cheng Fengtai for the first time and ran to lie down in Chongxi's coffin. A servant who had the courage to look forward to him asked the servant to cover the coffin for him. The servant was so frightened that he ran away and went to find the second mistress.

Second Mistress came and said harshly: "You think I'm not busy enough, and the house is not chaotic enough! Why are you crazy!"

Shang Xirui said: "Let them cover me up and try."

Second Mistress was very angry, she was not afraid that Shang Xirui would mess with her, she was afraid that Shang Xirui would dirty Cheng Fengtai's coffin. After a stalemate, Cheng Meixin also came, she knew that Shang Xirui couldn't hold back for a few days, and sooner or later he would show signs of a madman, and winked at the servants: "Boss Shang wants to try, why don't you help him try! "The young servants and servants have never seen a living person lying in a coffin with a board on it. The master spoke, so he had to obey. The four servants each put a board on a corner and closed the lid heavily. Shang Xirui lay down in the narrow darkness as he wished, looked left and right, and finally closed his eyes. He told Second Mistress earlier that if Cheng Fengtai was gone, he would come and take care of their wives. Now he regretted it, he didn't want to take care of them at all, without Cheng Fengtai, the world would become a small room with closed doors and windows, life and death would be annihilated, time would never end, even the people Cheng Fengtai cared about would no longer exist.

Cheng Meixin looked at Second Grandma, and said softly: "Simply, the nails can be nailed!" Second Grandma didn't answer, and asked with a tired expression: "Why is sister here today?" Cheng Meixin leaned into her ear and said, "The Commander brought you here!" The anti-inflammatory drugs I bought were imported from abroad, and it took a lot of big yellow croakers to get these few bottles. I will use it for brother first, if it is better, let him find a way to go." The second grandma showed a grateful smile: "Sister It’s time to worry! I’ve been off the medicine for a few days, and my heart is fried! Mama Lin also said in the morning that she might as well tie a big rooster to the intersection and let the big guy go up to the roof and cry out for his soul.”

Cheng Meixin was surprised and said: "How can you believe such a nagging thing? Calling the soul is useful. What do you want the hospital doctor to do?"

The sister-in-law and the sister-in-law were talking, and it was reported that it was Sakata who came outside. After hearing this, Second Mistress's face that had just calmed down was so cloudy that it was raining again, she didn't care that Shang Xirui was still in the coffin, she turned around angrily and went: "What is he doing here! He still has the face to come! He came to see Cheng Fengtai dead yet?"

Cheng Meixin was about to follow, but the servant called to stop her and pointed to the coffin. According to Cheng Meixin's thinking, she must say to leave him alone, he likes to stay inside, so let him have a good time! But now she has a better idea, and ordered someone to push the coffin boards away. She tapped on the coffin with her fingers and called out, "Boss Shang."

Shang Xirui closed his eyes tightly, trapped in the hallucination of death and couldn't get out.

Cheng Meixin said: "The person who harmed Cheng Fengtai is here, why don't you go and see?"

Shang Xirui opened his eyes, the eyeballs slowly turned to Cheng Meixin's face. Cheng Meixin sneered at him and left by herself. Shang Xirui stayed for a while, then kicked the coffin boards open and turned over from inside.

In the long corridor, Shang Xirui was walking four or five steps behind Cheng Meixin. Knowing that there was such a murderous person behind her, Cheng Meixin didn't take it seriously at all, and said calmly, "Boss Shang, my younger brother died wronged! The Japanese are holding you back and threatening him. He was forced to transport arms from the bandits' lair three times, how could it be successful! He is a young master! How could he make a living under the gun! We persuaded him not to go, not to go. He said no, I will not go, the Japanese will kill Boss Shang’s, I must go. What happened? The Japanese fought with the bandits, and my younger brother suffered a lot! It just so happens that the Japanese boss is here today. Boss Shang, what’s the misunderstanding, it’s better to be alone It's up to one person to do things, make it clear to them face to face, and let our Cheng family go. If I was rude in the past, I will first apologize to you. If you want money or a house, the Cheng family will have enough! Save Cheng Fengtai's life! "

Cheng Meixin prodded Shang Xirui with random words, but Shang Xirui didn't say a word, his expression became more and more tense. The combination of the two of them was so weird that Jiang Mengping saw it from a distance across the garden, and asked the old lady, "What's going on ahead?"

The old lady said: "It is said that the Japanese came to see the second master."

Seeing Shang Xirui's expression, Jiang Mengping felt uneasy: "Is Boss Shang going to see the Japanese too?" He said he wanted to go and see. The old lady couldn't persuade her, so she had to help her.

General Jiutiao was buried by the blasted rocks in Liuxian Cave. Sakata captured hundreds of strong Chinese laborers to dig up until now, but he still failed to dig up Jiutiao's body. At that time, the Japanese soldiers were almost wiped out, and the few who survived fled into the mountains and forests. They couldn't explain what was going on, and there were bombs in the cave, and there were bandits waiting outside. In short, they were exhausted and retreated on the front line, and they were caught off guard. The opponent came prepared and had a geographical advantage. How could they win this battle? Who would have imagined that a group of bandits would have the courage and strength to fight against the Japanese army.

It's not that Sakata doesn't have doubts, according to the doubts in his heart, he first cleans up the mess left by Kutiao, but the doubts are getting bigger and bigger, he suspects that there is a fraud in the cave, that the bandits are a cover, and even doubts whether Cheng Fengtai has something wrong. Hearing that Cheng Fengtai was really going to die, Sakata brought a military doctor to visit him. The result of the military doctor's examination was also that he was about to die, and the wheezing sound in the trachea was very heavy. I am afraid that the inflammation has spread to the lungs, so he nodded to Sakata, collected two tubes of blood on the spot and put them in the box, saying that he was going to find good medicine for Cheng Fengtai. . Sakata has always looked down on Cheng Fengtai, and did not believe that he would sacrifice his life for the sake of the country and the war. Seeing that he was really critically ill, most of his suspicions dissipated, and he bowed to Second Grandma, expressing his sincere condolences. In Second Mistress's view, Sakata mourned intensely for Jiu Tiao, and was now haggard and unrecognizable. He was a standing scorched skeleton, and it looked like he would probably die in front of Cheng Fengtai. Shi Shiran accepted the ceremony, feeling very happy in his heart.

Shang Xirui stopped at the door of the room, the Japanese military doctor was passing him. Sakata knew that the rules of big Chinese families were similar to those in Japan, and he easily prevented adult men other than relatives from entering the inner courtyard, so the soldiers stayed outside the second gate, and he was the only Japanese in the room. Shang Xirui caught the Japanese at a glance. After exchanging greetings with Cheng Meixin, Sakata also saw Shang Xirui.

Shang Xirui came into the room, the Second Mistress had been with Shang Xirui for a few days, and she was able to distinguish Shang Xirui's expression, seeing Shang Xirui's face, she was startled and hurriedly sent away: "Go and see Shen Xirui." Is the soup ready?"

Shang Xirui turned a deaf ear, just walked towards the inner room, Second Mistress yelled sternly: "Boss Shang!"

Sakata looked at Shang Xirui again.

Shang Xirui walked to the bed, his eyes darkened, he quietly held the golden scissors that Second Mistress used for sewing in his hands, and when he looked at Cheng Fengtai's sleeping face, the darkness in his eyes was swept away and turned into a With a deep warmth, full of nostalgia, Shang Xirui reached out and touched Cheng Fengtai's cheek, his face was as hot as coals, and stroked his eyebrows, which were drawn with the actor's ink brush. Shang Xirui kept this face in his heart, guaranteed that he would never forget it in his next life, then turned around and walked towards Sakata.

Second Mistress was busy sending Sakata away, before Sakata could step out the door, Shang Xirui rushed up from behind, her heart was in her throat, and she tugged at Cheng Meixin's sleeve. Cheng Meixin was also very excited, she knew too well what kind of guy Shang Xirui was, just now she was talking about gunpowder, if Shang Xirui didn't blow it up, he wouldn't be Shang Xirui!

Shang Xirui pressed on quickly, Sakata sensed something was wrong, he didn't have time to turn around, he intuitively went to unbuckle the gun on his belt, it was already too late. Shang Xirui backhanded the scissors, piercing a bloody hole in Sakata's back. The scissors who do needlework have a big belly and a small mouth, which is really not a sharp weapon for killing people. Sakata ran forward, ran to the yard, shouted to the guards outside in Japanese, took out a pistol with one hand, Shang Xirui flew up and kicked, the pistol flew obliquely and landed in the distance. Shang Xirui knocked Sakata down, turned on his back, choked his neck with one hand, and was about to stab his throat with scissors with the other!

With the scissors down, Sakata was dead. Jiang Mengping screamed at the door: "Little boy! You can't!" She rushed forward and grabbed the scissors. The scissors cut through Jiang Mengping's hand, blood was sticky, Shang Xirui's eyes turned red, and he pushed Jiang Mengping to the ground with a casual push. Jiang Mengping covered her stomach with a bloody hand and couldn't get up. Her forehead was full of sweat, and she tried her best to shout: "Little boy! You kill him, you kill him! Are you still alive!"

Shang Xirui doesn't want to live, Cheng Fengtai sees that he can't live, why is he alive! Before that, what's more, it was the Japanese! His good life has been wiped out since these water ghosts came ashore, it is not enough to cause him to suffer all kinds of injustice, now they are coming to take Cheng Fengtai's life again! Everyone simply don't live, let's talk about grievances in the Palace of the King of Hades! Shang Xirui again mobilized his strength to knock Sakata to the ground, Sakata woke up bored and fought Shang Xirui hand-to-hand. Killing a living person with three punches and two kicks is a plot in a novel, even with strength and martial arts like Shang Xirui, it is not easy to kill with bare hands, not to mention Sakata has been in the army for many years and has some fighting skills. In the midst of the entanglement, the guards outside arrived, and the butt of the gun hit Shang Xirui's head with a pestle, beating him to the ground, another guard stamped his hand holding the scissors with a military boot, several times, Shang Xirui Rui lost consciousness in pain, trembling and slowly let go. The other guns were instantly loaded and aimed, and just waiting for Sakata's order, they shot Shang Xirui as an assassin.

Sakata suffered several scissors' injuries, but his life was not in danger. Jiang Mengping cried and begged, "Sir! Please do me a favor and spare him. He didn't mean it! He's a sick man! He's delirious!"

Second Mistress wanted to speak, but Cheng Meixin stopped her and said: "Boss Shang! We treated you as a guest, and you used a knife in our house for no reason, did you intend to hurt others!"

Sakata's back was still bleeding, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with the women. Look at this Boss Shang, and think about Cheng Fengtai lying across the room, Sakata's attitude towards important officials and celebrities has always been cautious, the above meaning is mainly to win over, kill Shang Xirui here, what will the Chinese say? The Chinese would say that he was a righteous man who assassinated, so he really became Liang Hongyu! A decision must be made after consideration. With a wave of his hand, Sakata motioned for the soldiers to take Shang Xirui away. Jiang Mengping struggled to get up from the ground, to beg Sakata, but suddenly her stomach hurt sharply, and she might give birth.

Shang Xirui was in a daze and was dragged away, he heard Jiang Mengping's cry of pain, turned his head to look over with difficulty, Jiang Mengping's tearful eyes were looking over, the siblings looked at each other like this. After so many years, her eyes are still exactly the same as Shang Xirui's memory, always soaked in tears.

General Kujo was buried far away, and Sakata sank into grief and anger, even more mournful than Yukinojo, his own brother. Yukinojo has less pressure to go to Kujo, Sakata has no time to pick him up, he is also cheerful, his face is rosy, and his back is straight. After a while, the Kujo family will select other outstanding children to enter the Chinese battlefield , never die. But before that, Yukinojo was ready to escape.

Now, Sakata is being bandaged at the military doctor, and the doctor next to him is reporting Cheng Fengtai's condition, saying that Cheng Fengtai's follow-up medical treatment is unfavorable, leading to infection problems, and the initial injury is really serious, several bones are broken, internal organs are stabbed, and he died Escape cannot be faked. Sakata was speechless after listening for a long while, and the military doctor asked, "Are you really giving him medicine?" How unwilling Sakata was, Jiutiao died in Liuxian Cave, but this Chinese man survived! After weighing, he waved his hand in discouragement, the military doctor retreated, he raised his head and asked Yukinojo: "What's the matter?"

Once Kujo died, Yukinojo became more courageous. Although Sakata was above him in military rank, in terms of status, he was just a retainer. I don't believe he dared to slap him like his brother. Xue Zhicheng held his head up to intercede for Shang Xirui, saying that Shang Xirui has a high status among the Chinese people, if he is hurt, the Chinese people will develop resistance, and Shang Xirui has many celebrity friends, offending them together makes people panic , not worth it. Yukinojo left Japan at the age of four or five, and he didn't speak Japanese fluently, with a foreign accent that gave him a headache. Sakata has always refused to admit that Yukinojo was also a member of the Kujo family. General Kujo died for the country, but he didn't see what Yukinojo said. A Chinese actor was detained, and Yukinojo was sad and plausible. Sakata felt bad for Kujo, raised his voice, and told Yukinojo to get out immediately.

Xue Zhicheng didn't dare not get out, after getting out, he thought about it and decided to bring some food to the prison to meet Shang Xirui. It was already early in the morning, when Shang Xirui came in, he was locked up with other prisoners, but his ears were bad, and other prisoners struck up a conversation with him, but he ignored him, so his popularity was not good, and within half a day he had a problem with him There was a fight with his son, his clothes were torn apart, and his valuable rings and watches were also stolen. In the dead of night, Shang Xirui's righteous indignation for killing Sakata passed, and he began to regret it. He's not here, who will feed Cheng Fengtai soup and water? Cheng Fengtai's fate is hanging by a thread, if he dies at this moment, he won't even be able to see him for the last time. Sakata failed to kill, and Cheng Fengtai could not be seen, Shang Xirui hated his irritable character so much, he clawed at the railing and howled in pain.

What kind of movement Shang Xirui's voice roared, it is conceivable that the whole prison was shocked! The inmates in the same room were hurt by his ears and eyes, and they rolled up their sleeves to beat him, but without asking them to do it, the jailer opened the cell door first and brought Shang Xirui out. Shang Xirui was still reflecting on his irritable personality just now, but apparently he did not come to fruition. Once he got out of the prison, he became active like a fish in the ocean, and actually tried to escape from the heavily guarded Japanese prison, using a set of tricks Kung fu, the inmates applauded him. The jailer saw too much of this kind of ignorant person, surrounded him and caught him, without reporting to his superiors, he just pressed him on the ground and beat him hard, and after the beating was over, he was thrown into a cell, with no water or food, only a urine bucket , pickled him.

Shang Xirui actually doesn't care where he is, if it's not by Cheng Fengtai's side, he's the same wherever he is, he doesn't feel pain even when he's in pain. I really miss Cheng Fengtai! Thinking of Cheng Fengtai talking to him, his heart would explode and his blood would boil dry. Shang Xirui sat with his back against the wall, raised his head, the moonlight illuminated half of his body and shoulders, the blood was unwashed rouge. Since Cheng Fengtai was injured, Shang Xirui has not sung a single line, but now he is going to sing, in fact, he is a worthless person, for the rest of his life, there must be something heavy in his heart, so that he can keep his feet on the ground live. In the past it was drama, now it is Cheng Fengtai. After leaving Cheng Fengtai, if he doesn't sing with two voices anymore, he is afraid that his mind will be scattered, and he will fly away lightly to the moon, leaving only a madman's shell in the world.

Shang Xirui looked at the moon, opened his mouth, and sang about Chang'e.

The prisoners here are of course ordinary people here, among the ordinary people here, there are people who don't know Shang Xirui's face, and there are people who don't know Shang Xirui's voice, they heard the voices and said: "It seems to be Boss Shang!"

"It's not Boss Shang!"

"Shang Lang is here!"

When Xue Zhicheng came to see Shang Xirui, the sky was dimly lit and Shang Xirui had been singing all night. Most of the prisoners did not fall asleep, and listened with their ears up all night. Shang Xirui's singing is quiet and clear, so sweet and touching that even though the jailer is not a fan of the opera, he finds it quite satisfying, and even sits on a chair at the door of Shang Xirui's room to listen, commenting: "It's really Boss Shang! How can he be offended by an opera singer? Going to the Japanese!" Saying that, seeing Yukinojo coming, he stood up and saluted. Xue Zhicheng knew where Shang Xirui was by following the opera sound without asking. Looking over from the window, he was furious: "You guys! How dare you beat him! And lock him up in this kind of place! You know who he is!"

The jailer answered seriously: "Is it Boss Shang?"

Yukinoyuki was very angry, thinking that the Chinese don't respect opera singers, and it is impossible to expect them to give Shang Xirui preferential treatment, so he used the tone of a Japanese officer and ordered the jailer to change Shang Xirui to a better room. The jailer said with a sad face: "Don't dare to let him out, he wants to run away!"

Yukinojo stared: "Haka! Change now!"

The jailers didn't understand Japanese, so they just recognized this sentence. Baga means that the Japanese are quite angry, and if they don't obey, they will kill people. The jailer quickly unlocked the door, and Yukinojo stepped in: "Shang! Are you okay!"

Shang Xirui stopped his voice, looked up to see him, and said: "Are you coming to take me out?"

Yukinojo showed shame and shook his head.

Shang Xirui said: "I robbed you, you take me out."

Yukinojo said: "Sakata doesn't take me seriously, I'm afraid he won't take my safety into consideration."

Shang Xirui stopped talking. Yukinojo said: "Sakata was stabbed by you, wait for him to get better...give me a few days, I will definitely find a way to let you out!"

Shang Xirui thought for a while: "I'll tell you a few people to come and save me, just say Shang Xirui is grateful!"

The jailer listened dumbfounded to the two discussing the escape, and only thought of moving the house when they agreed. Next, Shang Xirui cooperated very well, scrubbed off the blood on his head and face, put on an old clothes, his mania seemed to be cured instantly, squatted in a relatively clean private room facing the sun, and ate a lot of biscuits brought to him by Cheng Yuki , still feel very hungry. Some inmates got addicted to it and called him from afar: "Shang Lang! Shang Lang is still here! Give me a voice!" But Shang Xirui never sang again.