Winter Begonia

Chapter 24


Lao Ge parked the car in the old place, Cheng Fengtai took Shang Xirui into the backstage through a small dark alley, Shang Xirui smiled and said: "I never go backstage this way, you know me better than me." When I walked to the door, I heard adults yelling, children crying, and women arguing in the dressing room. They must have started fighting for some trivial matter. Shang Xirui took it for granted, didn't see him in a hurry, sighed, and said: "Second Master, it's a mess inside. How are you?"

Cheng Fengtai had better watch the excitement, and said with a smile: "I'll wait for you to finish singing the night show, and send you home."

Shang Xirui loved hearing him say that, and laughed when he heard it: "Your identity, are you just sitting and waiting in my backstage?"

Cheng Fengtai said: "Don't just sit, I'll go to the seat to watch the show. For Boss Shang, I booked a box in Qingfeng. Boss Shang will take me in for a while before the show starts, okay?"

Shang Xirui nodded with a smile, slowly pushed the door open, and asked lightly: "What's the matter? What are you arguing about?"

Cheng Fengtai followed and went in. After Shang Xirui came to power, there was only one rule, that was to arrive earlier than him before the show started, at this time, the whole Shuiyun Building, who was sewing and repairing the piano, crowded into the dressing room and stared. For a while Cheng Fengtai often went backstage to sit and chat with Shang Xirui when he had nothing to do, everyone in Shuiyun Tower knew him, and they didn't feel restrained or restrained when they saw him. Besides, these rascals are shameless, in front of outsiders, they only got more excited, pushed a crying girl forward, and said, "Ask her yourself!"

Shang Xirui lowered his head and asked very kindly: "February, tell me, what's wrong?"

This Er Yue who sang Xiao Dan, stage name Er Yue Hong, was bought by Shang Xirui himself after he came to Beijing. Because it was in February when I bought her, I just gave her a name like that of a kiln sister. Several of her juniors and juniors who were bought in the same year were March Red, May Red, June Red, July Red, Layue Red... Shang Xirui never wastes money on these little things. thought.

Cheng Fengtai sat down with Erlang's legs crossed, there was a roll of newspaper on the sofa, of course no one in the background wanted to read the newspaper, just because this weekly newspaper had serialized Shang Xirui's anecdotes. Shang Xirui has to buy every issue, and then have someone read it to him. Cheng Fengtai shook open the newspaper and saw the biography of Liyuan mainly about Shang Lang, while reading the newspaper, he listened to the main character in the article dealing with internal affairs.

There was nothing wrong with Er Yuehong crying like this, after all, it was an old rule of their opera troupe, the Dan singers were not allowed to touch the vermilion pen, otherwise they would be disrespectful to the patriarch and would be beaten. Er Yuehong got a lot of applause the first time she raised her voice today, and she was still very excited after she stepped down from the stage. A younger brother was learning how to draw a face in the mirror, and beckoned her to come and help, the two were chatting and laughing, Er Yuehong was careless for a while, holding a vermilion pen, unfortunately, a few tricky women saw it, and they started yelling, beating and killing . There were also a few more tricky wives who quarreled for the sake of provoking quarrels, and insisted on not calling for a fight.

Cheng Fengtai knew from hearing that, apart from factional disputes, Er Yuehong's voice audition for a rookie might also arouse jealousy among women and colleagues. While flipping through the newspaper, I took a look at Er Yuehong, the poor girl was only twelve or thirteen years old, her makeup hadn't been removed, her face was red and white from crying. She is still so young, it is not easy to make a living in such a vicious troupe.

A female actress named Yuan Lan was the leader of the quarrel, and she said sharply: "Team master! Danjiao is not allowed to touch the vermilion pen, but it is a rule set by the patriarch. Why is it wrong to follow the rules? Some people stop me! This is not intentional." Are you going to break the rules!" Said while pushing and shoving Er Yuehong, Er Yuehong couldn't stand on her feet. At this time, a younger boy came up to the woman's hand, pulled Er Yuehong aside and stood there, looking around with piercing eyes.

Shang Xirui said: "Twelfth lunar month, what's wrong with you?"

La Yuehong knelt down to Shang Xirui, said: "Senior sister didn't touch the vermilion brush, she drew it with my hand!"

Yuan Lan shouted: "Nonsense! I saw her take it with my own eyes!"

La Yuehong's neck stalked: "No! I just drew it with my hand!"

Yuan Lan pointed at the others: "You want to excuse her, there's no way! But I'm not the only one who saw it! They all saw it too!"

The leader of another faction protecting Er Yuehong is called Nineteen, looked at Yuan Lan and said with a sneer, "But I also saw Er Yue drawing it with the hands of December! I'm not the only one who saw it! Do you think so?" Huh?" Naturally, someone behind her testified.

Yuan Lan and Nineteen started arguing like this, but of course they couldn't come to a conclusion. Yuan Lan became anxious, she pulled Er Yuehong and slapped her several times. Er Yuehong cried and fled behind Shang Xirui, La Yuehong saw that her senior sister had suffered a loss, so what can she do, she rushed up and kicked Yuan Lan. They made a fuss, but a few male actors who sang about old men and martial arts were very calm, some were kneading walnuts, some were sniffing snuff, and some were playing with crickets. There are crickets in the shouting and cursing, just like cheering.

Yuan Lan yelled: "It's amazing! The raised wolf cub even made a move! This is a rebellion!"

Nineteen clapped his hands and laughed, "Some people really should be beaten!"

But it's really outrageous to bully someone like this. The drum master snapped: "Twelfth lunar month! Kneel down!"

La Yuehong still knelt in front of Shang Xirui with her neck stuck, Er Yuehong grabbed Shang Xirui's clothes and cried: "Master! Help me! Don't tell them to beat me!"

Shang Xirui looked at Er Yuehong, then at La Yuehong, his eyes were a little dazed for some reason.

Yuan Lan said angrily to Er Yuehong: "Don't hide behind him! It's useless! He's still growing up under my skirt! Now that he's a character, he has to listen to his senior sister!"

Hearing this, Cheng Fengtai poked his head out of the newspaper to look at Shang Xirui with a smile. Shang Xirui still silently didn't react when he heard the words that destroyed his class leader's prestige.

Nineteen fluttered in and said, "He has so many senior sisters! Who hasn't penetrated their skirts? Who doesn't love him equally? This is worthy of your praise? Besides, senior sisters are different from men. The one who ran away is also his senior sister!"

This was obviously referring to Jiang Mengping. Cheng Fengtai immediately raised his eyes to pay attention to Shang Xirui's expression, Shang Xirui's eyes moved, he frowned and said: "Just say one thing, don't go so far, okay!" Then he pulled out his chair and sat down, actually started to put on makeup, Xiao Lai immediately emerged from the gap in the crowd to wait.

"Master! You don't care about this matter!"

"You all have your own arguments, I can't tell right from wrong, you discuss it yourself."

"You are the class leader! You don't care about anything, what can happen to this Shuiyun Building!"

Shang Xirui muttered: "Anyway, that's how I am, you guys just know me. If you say that, I don't want to be the class leader anymore, it's up to whoever likes it! I don't care..."

So the two parties put aside Shang Xirui, and started a long-lasting yelling, so shabby, Cheng Fengtai shook his head when he heard it, and the newspaper happened to write about this episode - rumors that Shang Xirui took over Shuiyun Tower, It's purely for the purpose of running on Jiang Mengping and getting angry with Jiang Mengping. He is not a business material at all. In the past, when Jiang Mengping was in charge of the theater troupe, she made a dozen rules and regulations, such as no private attendance, no forming a faction, no bribery of the drummer, no taking the head of the costume out of the backstage, etc. Although some people were dissatisfied with her, the theater troupe was thriving in an orderly manner under the control of these rules. But in Shang Xirui's hands, most of the theatrical troupe are his senior brothers and sisters who have loved him since childhood, even if he breaks the rules, Shang Xirui can't get rid of this favor, and it's not easy to punish them. Plus Shang Xirui himself is a muddled and incompetent person, he doesn't care about worldly things, when he's not crazy, he's a coward, he can do whatever his brothers and sisters do. Except for the opera, he was always inattentive, caring, and caring, and he didn't even check the account books of the theater troupe. When it came to offering sacrifices to the gods, the drummer had to urge him three times and invite him four times. After lighting the incense sticks and stuffing them into his hands, he, the leader of the group, kowtowed lazily to the patriarch twice. Over time, the original rules were all vague and abolished. The troupe is full of monsters and troubles, it all depends on Shang Xirui's reputation to maintain there. The end of the article also said: "Looking at the operation and management of Shuiyun Building today, I am afraid that the leader of the Shang family cannot control it. Although Shuiyun Building is surnamed Shang, in fact, the power falls to the side." Cheng Fengtai saw today's publication, and knew that what the newspaper said was true , the future of Shuiyun Tower is bleak. It's just that Shang Xirui handed over this power to others and abandoned it like a shoestring, instead of being usurped by some ambitious person as speculated in the newspaper.

Yuan Lan and Nineteen quarreled for a long time without a clue, and finally the drum master stood up to uphold justice and asked Er Yuehong: "If this matter continues, it will not be clear, you are a good boy, don't lie, is there any truth? Move the ink brush?"

Er Yuehong was confused by their quarrel, she lowered her head and did not answer. This already seems to be the answer. Yuan Lan glanced at Nineteen triumphantly, Nineteen glared at Er Yuehong with a cold face, hating her for not living up to expectations, she tossed off her costume and went to put on makeup. The idlers waited until the excitement was over, except for those who had a play, all the others dispersed. Er Yuehong was about to be dragged to beat the board, La Yuehong shouted to stop their torturers, gave Shang Xirui a bang bang bang bang on the head, and said: "Master! Please send a message, let me take the punishment for my senior sister! She's all for me!"

The makeup brush in Shang Xirui's hand stopped, and he said to his face in the mirror: "No. Whoever is at fault will suffer, why do you get beaten for her?" At this time, it was rare for him to give a correct sentence.

"Because senior sister treats me well! She is the only one in this world who treats me well! Not to mention being beaten for her, I am willing to die for her! Class leader, please do it!"

La Yuehong knelt there again and kept kowtowing. Cheng Fengtai put down the newspaper and looked at Shang Xirui from the corner of the mirror, with a look of astonishment at first, then pity. Shang Xirui was dumbfounded by La Yuehong's words for a while, the drum master called him, and then he said slowly: "Actually, there is no conclusion on this matter, each has its own reasons, no one saw the truth. Everyone is together In the troupe, why tear your face apart."

As soon as he said that, he knew that the situation had changed. Nineteen chuckled, and hummed leisurely. Yuan Lan knocked on the teacup angrily: "Who did the errand! I'm getting lazy! Tea!"

Shang Xirui turned around and said to Er Yuehong: "Go and kowtow to you, Sister Yuan Lan, and say you are young and ignorant, tell you Sister Yuan Lan to take care of you." Er Yuehong did as she said. Sure enough, the person guarded by Nineteen was not beaten, and he felt very honored. Yuan Lan was kowtowed by Er Yuehong, trying to make up for her face, and didn't make things difficult for her anymore. It was very appropriate to handle it this way, Cheng Fengtai found that Shang Xirui was not as incompetent as he seemed or the newspapers commented, so he didn't know what laziness he was committing.

La Yuehong was still kneeling on the spot, Shang Xirui looked at him seriously, and said: "It's not really good for others to treat you well, only if you treat yourself well. Understand?"

La Yuehong froze for a moment, then nodded. Shang Xirui knew that he still didn't understand, he was still young, he hadn't experienced anything, hadn't suffered a loss or hurt his heart, how could he understand.

Shang Xirui said: "Okay. Get up. Take your senior sister back."

Shang Xirui was a little unhappy, as long as he recalled the past about Jiang Mengping, he would be unhappy. After the curtain call, Cheng Fengtai went back to the dressing room to wait for him. Shang Xirui walked through the play once and stepped off the stage, only then did he have a happy look on his face. The two chatted and gossiped until they drove everyone away, Cheng Fengtai stood behind Shang Xirui and sneered, "Ah? Others don't really treat you well, do they?" He still remembers this sentence .

Shang Xirui said with a smile: "But the second master is not someone else."

Cheng Fengtai also laughed: "Boss Shang is actually very good at regulating interpersonal relationships, why doesn't he care about things?"

Shang Xirui said: "I don't care! Back then who-" Shang Xirui paused, Cheng Fengtai gave an acknowledgment to show that he understood who that who was referring to, "When that who was the class leader, ha! What's the matter with her She has to take care of her children. She also has to take care of husband and wife quarrels, but the more you do it, the more troubles get worse, and the more you do it, the more enmity. I have her as a lesson, so I simply don't care about anything. Just watch when there is excitement, and listen to gossip when there is gossip. "

Cheng Fengtai said: "You are overkill." Shang Xirui's behavior is so extreme and extreme, "Then you are not afraid that they will make a scene and break up one day?"

Shang Xirui raised his head slightly: "If I'm here, we won't leave!"

"Are you so sure?"

Of course Shang Xirui is very sure, he manages the troupe very loosely, senior brothers and sisters like Yuan Lan Nineteen share 70/30 with the troupe, and don't have to split the income from going to church privately, which is not the case in any troupe of. And they rely on the name of Shuiyunlou to be listened to, without Shuiyunlou, Shang Xirui would still be Shang Xirui, and they would be worthless. But Shang Xirui didn't bother to talk about these things with Cheng Fengtai in detail, he just smiled and said: "Because Boss Shang is really cute, they don't want me."

Cheng Fengtai turned his face to look left and right, nodded and said: "Well, it's really cute." The more he looked, the cuter he became, Cheng Fengtai couldn't help but bow his head and kiss his cheek. After having supper with Shang Xirui, he went home.