Winter Begonia

Chapter 29


It wasn't long before Shang Xirui entered the backstage, what everyone didn't expect was that another distinguished guest came late today, the former owner of Beiping Cheng Mansion - Prince Qi actually came to pay aunt's birthday greetings. The king of Qi was threatened by Generalissimo Jiang to hide in Tianjin because he had publicly expressed some remarks against the party and the state. Today, he had the guts of a leopard.

Prince Qi was around forty years old, well dressed, handsome and majestic, with a big posture and a few guards armed with guns. As soon as he arrived, he kowtowed three times to Lao Fujin on the cold stone floor, and said, "Auntie Wan'an! Nephew is late! Nephew is not filial!" Parents and sons must be filial.

When Lao Fujin saw him, he was surprised and moved. She had always thought that Prince Qi was her husband's nephew, and there was no family relationship with her, but today, Prince Qi took her very seriously. Old Fujin taught Prince An to help him, and said: "It's hard for you to remember this day. Is the road safe?"

Prince Qi sadly said: "Which birthday of your old man have I ever forgotten? Even if the knife is cut, the nephew will come too. Now that the family and country are lost, the elders in the clan are gradually becoming rare, and my peers are scattered all over the world. I am the former court A lonely ghost! Only you are my mother and my backbone! I hate that I was trapped in Tianjin for a moment, and I can't serve you, I regret it!"

This man's heart was full of frustration, and everyone else was moved when he heard it, not to mention it was said from the mouth of someone who is Prince Qi, let alone it was said to his aunt. Older people are always soft-hearted, and old Fujin's eyes gradually showed a kind of sadness and tenderness. Prince Qi waved his hand, and the guards behind him opened the sandalwood box in their hands, presenting a foot-high golden silk crystal Guanyin. It is rare for such a large piece of crystal to be so good in appearance. The gold threads are well-proportioned and well-defined, fan-shaped spread behind the Guanyin Empress, really like a cluster of shining Buddha light. Cheng Fengtai and Fan Lian are people who have seen some good things, and they feel that today they have opened their eyes.

Others were only amazed at the rarity of the material of the Buddha statue, but only Lao Fujin recognized it as a display in the Nuan Pavilion of Chuxiu Palace. That year, the setting sun of Bauhinia City shone in through the window lattice and shone brightly on this Guanyin statue. She was still the young An Wang Fujin, who came into the palace to pay her respects to the Empress Dowager. Seeing that the Avalokitesvara statue was about to be melted by the sun like an ice cube, the room was full of rare treasures, only this one was shining. In the blink of an eye, the vicissitudes changed, and she realized that it was not this crystal bodhisattva that was melted into the sunset, but their three hundred years of Qing Dynasty!

Old Fujin looked at Prince Qi carefully, and said with tears in his eyes: "You are much thinner than before, and you got bored in Tianjin! Hey! Just your mouth!" She pointed at him with one finger: "You lose your temper even after listening to a show!" , It’s the same as when I was a child! When I’m old, I can’t hold back any words, so I have to be stubborn! You can still be stubborn?! Watching a play will make you yell, those words Is it possible to shout it out now? Jiulang is the same, in the past, he saw a child with a lot of eyesight, and he learned to be uneasy when he left the palace. Make that decapitation scene!"

Prince Qi bowed his head obediently, as if he was being taught.

Old Fujin turned his head to Prince An and said: "I see that Prince Qi's matter is not a big deal, but there is only a lack of someone who can smooth things over and say good things there. The emperor has been forced out of the capital by them, so we can't make love Xinjueluo, kill them all! You are your own brothers, if you can help, you have to help."

Prince An was very unwilling to invite the disaster that Prince Qi caused, but he was a dutiful son, so he had no choice but to agree to what Er Niang said. Cheng Fengtai looked at this, and secretly smiled to Fan Lian: "I heard that Prince Qi is muddy and dull, he doesn't look stupid today! I can make up a play later - "Blessing the Buddha for Birthday"."

Fan Lian said: "He's a bit of an idiot. But who is really stupid in this world? Hasn't the really stupid been deceived by someone long ago? If he can sell the palace for a good price and keep his share of the family wealth, it doesn't count. stupid."

Cheng Fengtai's heart aches when he thinks of his prince's mansion, and regrets: "You also think his price is too high? Hey, he's not stupid, I'm stupid."

Fan Lian said: "You don't want to wrong my sister. If you buy her a smile, you are a real man."

Fan Lian was the best at relieving his brother-in-law of his worries, Cheng Fengtai immediately felt relieved: "Yes. I feel much more at ease when I think it's for your sister's happiness."

At this moment, Prince Qi finished talking with the old Prince An of Fu Jin, and came to say hello to Fan Lian, cupped his hands and said, "Second Master Fan, long time no see."

Fan Lian is famous for making friends and acquaintances all over the world. When he goes to a place, he quickly makes friends with anyone who has a bit of status or a bit of uniqueness. Naturally, he also has a little friendship with Prince Qi. Fan Lian introduced Cheng Fengtai to Prince Qi again, and they chatted for a while, but the point of contact between them was still the Prince's Mansion.

Prince Qi said: "Second Master Cheng is living comfortably, right?"

Cheng Fengtai always felt that when he bought the palace at such a high price, Prince Qi looked at him as if he was looking at a fool. Under this psychological effect, he made an excuse for himself to show that he had a discerning eye and knew everything about the palace. It's worth it: "It's okay, except that it's a bit cold. The garden is really satisfactory, and my wife likes it very much. It's reasonable for the prince to charge a high price. Those few Taihu stones are rare in the market."

Prince Qi smiled and said: "The high price is not because of the garden. Second Master Cheng should know that my mother-in-law threw herself into the well and died there. But you don't know what happened afterwards. When I came back from Xi'an, I only fished a few from the well. A piece of clothing, my mother’s body has already been soaked. In the next few years, there will always be girls who see my mother’s shadow wandering around in the courtyard. She died with hatred, and her soul will not leave! When I sold the house, I Thinking, I can’t sell cheap, I’m sorry for selling cheap.”

Fan Lian was horrified when he heard this, and wanted to laugh a little bit, choking on his chest with this hedging emotion, he looked stupidly at Prince Qi and then at his brother-in-law with his mouth half-opened. Prince Qi's expression was very serious, it didn't seem like he was joking or deliberately disgusting people, and he could even see a kind of honesty and honesty from his face.

Cheng Fengtai was also a little dazed for a moment, he frowned and stared at Prince Qi: "You... this..."

Prince Qi cupped his hands to Cheng Fengtai: "You sit down. I will excuse you first."

After Prince Qi walked away, Cheng Fengtai came back and patted the armrest of the chair: "I'll fuck him!"

His voice was quite loud, and the surrounding guests all looked at him, even Prince An. Prince Qi's uncle is the former emperor, Cheng Fengtai wanted to make trouble before he was quick, this crime is not small.

Fan Lian hurriedly pressed his arm, and persuaded: "Brother-in-law, come on. He is really dumb! Really dumb! It's not to tease you! Everyone knows that he is dumb!"

In fact, until now, Fan Lian didn't understand whether Prince Qi was really in a daze or pretending to be a daze. For a person like him who can't even understand it, others can't expect to see the truth.

Prince Qi is a mystery.

Shang Xirui was taken to the dressing room by Niu Baiwen, but was blocked at the door by Prince An's useless son. Amber waited for a long time before seeing Shang Xirui, overjoyed, and talked to him like beans pouring out of his mouth: "Boss Shang, why didn't I see you at the banquet! I want to have a drink with you What! Where have you been hiding? That’s a disgrace! Have you eaten that stewed carp? It was shipped from Hangzhou non-stop without a day’s delay. There’s also that lotus snail... Hey! Boss Shang!” He looked Shang Xirui didn't seem very attentive to him, so he reached out to grab Shang Xirui's arm, but he didn't.

Niu Baiwen had a headache, and was afraid of offending Amber, so he stopped him slightly with a smile on his face: "Master Baylor, today is an unusual day, and there is no way to explain why I missed Boss Shang's play, you should sit down." Go and see."

Amber pushed him away: "Why did I miss the show when I was talking to Boss Shang, get up! Boss Shang, Boss Shang..."

Shang Xirui couldn't care less about this thing, he walked non-stop into the dressing room with a few perfunctory words. When the actors saw him coming, they greeted him warmly. Shang Xirui is amiable, big and easy to understand, he is very popular in the industry. There was only one person lying on the rattan chair, with his face facing the sky and covering the hot towel without any response, a smoking set was on the table beside him, and the sweet smell of opium still remained in the air in the dressing room. Shang Xirui guessed that this was Hou Yukui who frightened the canaries in the palace to death with his voice when he was ordered to enter the play.

Speaking of Hou Yukui, he is one of the most famous actresses in the history of Liyuan. When Shang Xirui came to Beijing, he had retired, and Shang Xirui couldn't get the fame, so he could only collect two records, play them every three days to figure it out, sometimes learn, sometimes sing along, he has been friends for a long time. Now that the famous actor he likes is right in front of him, Shang Xirui's heart is beating wildly and his ears are burning, like a little girl on a date for the first time.

Hou Yukui had just smoked two cigarettes and was feeling refreshed, so it was obviously not a good time to invite a show. Niu Baiwen whispered softly in his ear: "Boss Hou, are you resting? Are you still in good spirits? I have a box of high-quality Yunnan cigarettes at my place, and I will send them to your residence later."

Hou Yukui didn't answer.

Niu Baiwen still pouted his buttocks and flattered: "Boss Hou, you are always the number one student in the world! It is unprecedented and unprecedented in China! Today, I have found the number one student in the world to match you! Guaranteed you two come together Swan song! Guess who it is?"

Hou Yukui still ignored him.

Niu Baiwen was left out in the cold, with a embarrassed expression on his face, he waved to Shang Xirui. Shang Xirui stood over, blushing, and replied shyly: "Boss Hou. I... Shang Xirui..."

Who would have thought that Boss Shang, who doesn't care about everything, would be so twitchy, and the actors present laughed at it. Shang Xirui was even more ashamed by their laughter.

Hou Yukui didn't even hum, making people wonder if he was asleep. Niu Baiwen bowed his body and spoke into his ear almost out of breath: "It's enough to talk about Boss Shang's Danjiao. His voice is bright and crisp, and his tune is so amazing! Ho! You haven’t heard of it! It’s rare to be able to act and fight! At a young age, he is already a capable person in our Liyuan line, and there is no one better than him... What Lao Fujin means is, please come Once "Wujiapo" comes out, what do you think?"

Hou Yukui just dozed off like that, listening carefully and snoring, which left Niu Baiwen and Shang Xirui in a daze. It was Amber who was protecting Shang Xirui, took off Hou Yukui's towel, and said with a smile: "Boss Hou! Old Hou! It's dawn! Wake up!"

Hou Yukui's face is that of an old and thin person, his cheeks are sunken, and the bones around his eyes are obviously protruding. Because he smoked opium all the year round, his face was dark blue. He covered the light with the back of his hand in annoyance, and leisurely raised his eyelids to look at Amber, and said in a long voice, "Hey! Master Baylor! Instead of going ahead to accompany old Fujin, come backstage to invite cats and dogs again!"

Amber came backstage only for Shang Xirui, Hou Yukui made such a comparison, Shang Xirui seemed to be classified as a cat and dog. Amber looked at Shang Xirui uneasily, Shang Xirui was naturally unaware of such subtexts. He can only understand the literal meaning, and if he goes an inch deeper, he may not be able to hear it.

Niu Baiwen hurried forward: "Boss Hou, this show..."

"What drama? Isn't it "Dingjunshan" today?"

"Old Fujin ordered "Wu Jia Slope"! I'll serve you to dress up right now?"

"Oh... "Wu Jia Slope", "Wu Jia Slope" is a good show! Whose Wang Baochuan is?" Before Niu Baiwen could boast again, Hou Yukui waved his hands with a half-smile: "Hey! Master Niu, we have something to say first .You don’t want to give me some dust from the rabbit pile, huh? What a waste of show! I’m already old enough to sing along with these bastards, I can’t afford to be ashamed!”

This time Shang Xirui heard the meaning of his words, the blush on his face gradually faded, he pursed his lips, feeling very uncomfortable. Others said that he was fine, but when Hou Yukui said this about him, he was very sad and very wronged.

He heard it, and everyone heard it even more. With Hou Yukui's arrogance, there might be worse things to say next, the actors were afraid of embarrassing Shang Xirui in public, they all avoided it if they could, and those who couldn't get away just sat upright and just dressed themselves up to pretend they didn't hear anything. If these two actors get into each other's hands, it will definitely be another big news.