Winter Begonia

Chapter 38


Shang Xirui dragged Cheng Fengtai to the Yunxi class that was recommended one after another. The Yunxi Troupe is far from being able to reach Geer in Shuiyun Tower, and has never been able to perform in a resplendent Western-style theater. They live in an old theater near the bridge. In the backyard of the opera garden, all the men, women, old and young of the troupe gathered together, kowtowed and kowtowed to live their lives, not moving once in a year or so. Si Xi'er, the leader of Yunxi's troupe, was also a famous and popular actor in the late Qing Dynasty. Back then, when it came to Danjiao'er, he was almost as famous as Ning Jiulang. But because Ning Jiulang has lived in the deep palace for a long time, ordinary people have no chance to see him, so his reputation seems to be better than Si Xier. Si Xier took the road that the opera actors used to take in the previous dynasty. She sang operas and sold meat at the same time. During this period, she was taken care of by officials and wealthy businessmen for a while. With his bitter and jealous temperament, naturally he couldn't have a The hospice died, and every time he was kicked out by the big sticks of the donors. Later, when he was in his thirties, the sequelae of indulgence and pleasure in his youth broke out, his voice and appearance were ruined early, his body also gained weight, and he became a little old man. He can't sing anymore. As a result, his temperament became more unbearable, his mouth became more vicious, and his hands became more stingy. His peers hated him, old friends hated him, and even his actors hated him. Such a loathsome thing.

Si Xi'er is so lowly in every way, but she has made great achievements in the theater. After he established the Yunxi Troupe, he seldom bought opera actors from the major troupes. He only selected orphans who had the talent for opera from the renzizi, and he trained them to keep them for himself. Si Xi'er didn't need to learn from the master, but went to the battle to teach herself, probably to save money. In addition to their daily homework, the little actors also had to wash clothes, make meals, and do a set of chores, probably to save money. The pear gardens in the capital are connected end to end, and every hole is full of wind. Once a child with a little aura is raised in the class, all the major troupes will know about it in an instant, and there is no way to hide it. Only by shutting the door like Yunxi Class and teaching by oneself, it is very possible to cultivate a surprising talent without anyone knowing.

Shang Xirui and Cheng Fengtai watched the play for two full hours in the theater, Cheng Fengtai only knew half of what he heard, and kept eating snacks. Shang Xirui listened lazily and tiredly, curled up in the chair with his hands folded. Seeing his lack of interest, Cheng Fengtai knew that the singing on stage was really not very good.

"Otherwise, let's go back, Boss Shang."

Shang Xirui replied lazily: "That can't be done. On the stage singing hard, but the audience will get out of their seats for no reason, how wicked!"

There were two wives leaving their seats in the middle of the journey. Hearing this, he turned his head and stared at them fiercely.

Looking down, the finale is a Danjiaoer Kunqu opera. Cheng Fengtai has always had the preferences of Jiangnan people, he loves to see men pretending to be women, and every time he sees one he really thinks it's good, Shang Xirui despises him for his low-sightedness. Like now, Cheng Fengtai is intoxicated by the coquettishness of the characters in the play. Shang Xirui next to him looked unhappy, humming along without saying a word. Cheng Fengtai heard Shang Xirui hum, thought he had his approval, and said with a smile: "Is he the one surnamed Zhou I'm looking for tonight?"

Shang Xirui said in surprise: "Ah? It's not him? Shouldn't it be him? This appearance, this figure, looks like a second chair, Yuan Xiaodi can't possibly fancy him..."

Cheng Fengtai pretended to scold him: "Boss Shang! Your mouth is too bad!"

Shang Xirui has no morals in front of Cheng Fengtai. Usually, he would only slander silently in his heart, fearing that spreading the word would hurt the friendship among his peers and cause trouble. But now there is such a person, it doesn't matter what you say to him, and he is willing to listen to anything you say to him. Shang Xirui criticized a long piece in a logical manner, and at the end he sighed: "It is said that now is a good time to go to Liyuan, but in fact the best is Beijing opera, and in Kunqu opera, there are not many characters to ponder."

Xiao Er, who was serving tea behind him, chuckled as he listened. Shang Xirui looked at him. Xiao Er put a white towel on the bottom of the teapot, stepped forward to refill the water, and said with a smile: "My lord, what you said was also said by a nobleman before."

Shang Xirui smiled: "Who is it?"

Xiao Er grinned and shook his head without answering. Shang Xirui guessed who the nobles would be, and asked instead: "This Boss Zhou on stage... is he the only Boss Zhou in the Yunxi class?"

Xiaoer replied: "That's right, you, he is the only boss Zhou. He was the class monitor of Yunxi since he was a child, and he has been singing for a long time."

Shang Xirui nodded in disappointment and said nothing more. Xiao Er threw the towel over his shoulder and wanted to leave, but Cheng Fengtai stopped him: "Don't talk about the boss, just ask if there is anyone with the surname Zhou? What's his name..."

Shang Xirui was called immediately, and quickly said: "Yes, Xiao Zhouzi. Is there anyone called Xiao Zhouzi?"

Xiaoer seems to be quite familiar with this little Zhouzi, because he is quite familiar, there is a kind of disapproval and dismissiveness in his expression: "Hey! You ask that kid! There is such a person!"

Shang Xirui and Cheng Fengtai looked at each other, and felt that this was the one they were looking for.

"Little Zhou, when will there be a show?"

The disdain on Xiaoer's face deepened: "What else is he singing? It's not bad if he doesn't get beaten for three days!"

There was a lot of inside story in these words, Shang Xirui didn't watch any wicked scenes, jumped up and grabbed Xiaoer: "Go! Take me to meet him."

Xiao Er hugged the railing without moving, begging for mercy: "This is not allowed! Lord! This is not in compliance with the rules! Their team leader has a big temper!"

Shang Xirui let Xiao Er go downstairs by himself, his temper was so impatient: "Then I'll go find it myself."

Cheng Fengtai yelled to Boss Shang to slow down in vain, but Shang Xirui couldn't slow down. He looked at Shang Xirui's hurried back and sighed, then leisurely took out a bill from his wallet and tucked it into Xiao Er's skirt, and Xiao Er covered the bill with his clothes, and smiled a little embarrassedly , Cheng Fengtai also smiled at him, and with a smile turned his shoulder and kicked him downstairs. Now that Xiao Er has reaped the benefits, after staggering to his feet, he chased after Shang Xirui: "Master, let Xiao Er lead you the way."

It was time for the play to begin, and all the actors rushed to the theater building. The yard they lived in was quite large, but the yard was messy and simple, and it was a real slum. A few bamboo poles carried beautiful red and purple costumes drenched in water, and a bamboo mat was placed directly below to dry salted fish and pickles. Four children ran around in the courtyard to grab a piece of candy. Shang Xirui walked ahead, startled by a rampant child, who bumped into Shang Xirui, but pushed him angrily and was about to run away. Xiao Er quickly jumped up and grabbed the child by the collar, and dragged the child over: "Run! Run away to your mother's funeral! Where is that son of a bitch, Xiao Zhouzi?!"

The child kicked and beat to break free, yelling, "I'm washing diapers in the back! It stinks!" Then he ran away.

Xiaoer obsequiously invited Cheng and Shang into the backyard. Shang Xirui sees nothing else. Cheng Fengtai looked around curiously, as if he had entered a maze, pickle jars, enamel washbasins, and small benches, everything was randomly placed in a mess, it was like a hidden cloth, and if he didn't pay attention to his feet, he would trip over something. That crowded stale smell. A recliner chair blocks the way, and an old cat lies on it. When Cheng Fengtai walked past it, it opened its golden eyes and glanced at them. Cheng Fengtai felt like he was being glanced at by a sharp old man, a little hairy.

Through the main room, there is a smaller yard behind. A boy in shabby clothes was squatting on the ground and washing a large basin of white cloth with great effort. There were two other basins beside him that had already been washed. I don’t know what they were for, because no baby would need so many diapers. Shang Xirui knew it, and couldn't help frowning. Xiao Zhouzi recommended by Yuan Xiaodi and Dong Hanlin was Danjiaoer, and no theater troupe would assign Danjiaoer to do rough work, for fear of ruining her delicate figure and those hands. Shang Xirui didn't suspect Si Xier's sinister intentions, but instead wondered if the boy was Xiao Zhouzi, and looked at Xiao Er with disbelief. Xiaoer bowed to Shang Xirui, asking him to be calm, and kicked the wooden basin full of dirty cloths, soapy water splashed out on the boy's feet, and the boy didn't even look up.

"Get up! There are distinguished guests coming to see you! What a fool!"

The boy was still squatting on the ground washing the cloth, and whispered, "Look at me? What's there to see? Brother, please do me a favor and don't tease me. If I delay my work, the leader will beat me again." gone."

"Who is teasing you, get up! There are really distinguished guests wanting to see you!" As he spoke, he did not allow the boy to resist, and took his arm and pulled him up. It was the same arm, the sleeves were rolled up to the elbows, Cheng Fengtai saw streaks of bruises on the flesh under the boy's sleeves. He really suffered a lot of beatings.

Shang Xirui looked at him for a long time before asking: "Are you Xiao Zhouzi?"

Xiao Zhouzi bowed his head and said yes, not knowing whether it was shyness or indifference. Cheng Fengtai looks rich and noble, and Shang Xirui is so elegant and clean, like a child who has never seen the world, or is afraid of being born.

Shang Xirui asked again: "Are you an opera singer?"

Hearing this question, Xiao Zhouzi bit his lower lip and took a long time to let go. It seems that admitting that singing is a struggle. But when he admitted it, his tone was so resolute: "Yes. I will sing Danjiao."

Shang Xirui nodded and said: "Someone recommended me to watch your play, when will you be in line?"

Xiao Zhouzi raised his face to look at Shang Xirui, and Shang Xirui took advantage of this to look at him too. Xiao Zhouzi was like all the opera singers, with a melon-seeded face with delicate features and slightly sad eyes. It can't be said how beautiful it is, but it is rare among boys. The two of them looked at each other, and instantly exchanged some understanding and acceptance unknown to outsiders.

Xiao Zhouzi lowered his head again, and said aggrievedly: "One day I won't be able to get in line..."

Shang Xirui also felt sorry for him, but there was nothing he could do, so he looked at him sadly.

"Probably... maybe it will be my turn next month."

Shang Xirui blurted out in surprise: "There are not many people in Yunxi's class, how long did it take you?"

Xiao Zhouzi lowered his head and was speechless, looking weak and unbearable torment.

Shang Xirui sighed and smiled: "Okay. When it's your turn, send someone to No. 31 Beiluoguxiang and let me know. My name is Shang."

When Shang Xirui walked out of the gate, Xiao Zhouzi continued to wash his cloths, but he was a little excited. While washing, he suddenly let go of his hands, and he didn't try to pick up the soap when it fell into the water, but was suddenly in a daze. He thought about who he was.