Winter Begonia

Chapter 46


It is said that the protagonists' separate dressing rooms, that is, a small ear room with windows, which is simply cut off, cannot be compared with the conditions of Qingfeng Grand Theater. Shang Xirui chatted with Xiaolai and pushed the door open with a clatter, and when he raised his eyes, he saw Yuan Xiaodi holding Yu Qing's chin in one hand and a brush in the other, standing there drawing her eyebrows, with a gentle and regretful face expression. Yu Qing raised her face and closed her eyes, wearing only a moon white shirt. They broke in suddenly, and the four of them were stunned for a moment.

Xiao Lai helped Shang Xirui take care of the huge Shuiyun Building, she had a lot of experience with Liyuan anecdotes, she immediately closed the door with her backhand, because there was no latch, she had to stand with her back tightly against the door, in case anyone else did it Suddenly bumping in, it created a tense atmosphere in vain, as if the two were caught naked and raped in bed.

Yuan Xiaodi held a pen in his hand, and it would be shameless to continue to draw Yu Qing's eyebrows at this time, but throwing the pen to avoid going out is even more guilty, making something out of nothing, and he was at a loss in embarrassment: "... Boss Shang, hello."

Shang Xirui suddenly felt shy, looked down at the floor, as if he was embarrassed to see such an ambiguous scene. Yuan Xiaodi's face also turned red. Xiao Lai wondered if he should open the door, and made excuses for the original boss to avoid him quickly.

"The original boss..." Shang Xirui said shyly: "You are coming today, but you didn't even say hello to me. Otherwise, I can reserve a good seat for you." With the help of Cheng Fengtai, he first changed his name to Tian Sanxin and Yuan Xiaodi ate at the same table, and in the last few Liyuan gatherings, Yuan Xiaodi bumped into him on the spot and exposed his identity. See you later, always has a guilty conscience of being a liar. All that shyness comes from that. When he saw Yuan Xiaodi drawing Yu Qing's eyebrows, he didn't think about the relationship between men and women at all. In his heart, Yuan Xiaodi and them are not of the same generation, and those who are capable should get together and get close to capable people. Both he and Yu Qing are capable people, and there should be endless drama together .

Shang Xirui looked at the pen in Yuan Xiaodi's hand after he finished speaking, and looked at Yu Qing enviously. Yu Qing has been with him for the past few days, and she knows everything about him, not only the back of his hand, but nine out of ten. Shang Xirui is really a very simple and transparent person, with a washed-up glass heart, he looks at things straightforwardly, innocently, and never thinks too much in wrong ways. Judging by his expression, Yu Qing could guess what he was thinking. So he simply smiled generously, looked up at Yuan Xiaodi, nodded his head slightly, indicating that he could continue painting, and said, "I heard that Boss Yuan's eyebrows are the most beautiful, and it's easy to catch him today. Let's see later." For the sake of saving face, I also ask the original boss to draw one for us, Boss Shang, will it work? Our Boss Shang is singing a song today, playing the role of the emperor!" Yu Qing stayed in Shuiyun Tower for a few days, and when he mentioned Boss Shang, he also said: Learned to talk like a coaxing child.

Shang Xirui is so beautiful that the snot bubbles are about to come out, he keeps saying yes, yes, lest Yuan Xiaodi will change his mind, he happily puts on his makeup, puts on his head, stretches his neck and waits for Yuan Xiaodi. He always thought that Yuan Xiaodi's eyebrows were drawn the most delicately. Seeing Shang Xirui's appearance, Yuan Xiaodi gradually felt that he didn't pretend to be ignorant to excuse them, but he was really ignorant and innocent. I don't know how his romantic affairs in the rumors came about. He couldn't help but also smiled, and slowly relaxed, finished drawing Yu Qing's eyebrows leisurely, and gave Yu Qing an encouraging look. Then he refilled his ink and said to Shang Xirui with a smile: "Boss Shang, I've been waiting for a long time. What do you want? It is said that the emperor's eyebrows still have to stand a little to be majestic."

Shang Xirui smiled and said: "This emperor doesn't need it. This emperor is a cowardly emperor. Boss Yu plays my concubine, you drew Du Liniang's eyebrows for Boss Yu, so paint me Liu Mengmei's eyebrows!"

One sentence touched Yuan Yu's mind, their eyes met for an instant, and they separated in a hurry.

Cheng Fengtai inspected the soldiers borrowed from his brother-in-law, and saw that the young men were all standing upright around the wall in the theater garden, the handles of their rifles were stamped on the ground, and the muzzles of the guns shone coldly, very scary. Everyone in the audience can probably guess that this is Commander Cao's soldier. In this city of Beiping, Commander Cao is the most arrogant, and he has to lead a guard squad wherever he goes. He is also the most powerful and most powerful soldier. Strong and tall. It is reasonable for Commander Cao to come to praise his old friend and Boss Shang. The seat below only knew that Commander Cao was coming, but they did not dare to look into the box upstairs, for fear that they would meet the Commander's eyes and commit the crime of disrespect. The play hadn't started yet, there was only the sound of chattering and chattering, which was very similar to the foreigner's opera house that Cheng Fengtai admired.

Cheng Fengtai walked up to a soldier, took a rifle and opened the chamber to check if there were any bullets in it. The soldiers all knew that this was his uncle, so they didn't move at all and let him check. The squad leader ran up to Cheng Fengtai in a few steps, gave a military salute, and said in a low voice: "Second Master, don't worry, everything is as you said, the gun will not be loaded in the chamber. If someone makes a mess, hit the back with a stick Come on, bring the door out and do it again!"

Cheng Fengtai nodded, returned the rifle to the original owner, and patted the monitor on the shoulder: "Brothers have worked hard." He took out two cigarettes from the gold-plated cigarette case, put one in his mouth, and handed the other to the monitor. The squad leader immediately seemed to let go of the strings, showing a ruffian air, lit a cigarette for Cheng Fengtai, then lit himself, and took two puffs beautifully: "I don't dare to say it's hard work for the second master. Second master There is no time to treat us badly! Don't worry, brothers have their own measure, and we can't cause trouble for you, second master! Besides, we are going to this stop! Who dares to make trouble with the commander! "

Cheng Fengtai smacked his lips: "You don't understand, opera singers and opera watchers are all idiots, easy to be stupid. This is Boss Shang's new play, if they are not sure, they will be sick!"

The squad leader looked at the stage and laughed twice: "That's not bad! There are several fans in this class who are Boss Shang's fans! Before I came here, I told you that they are only allowed to work and not to applaud. Those who can't help but lose their military prestige will be hit with ten sticks when they go back! They are still scrambling to come! It is also because of the honor of the second master that they got this good job, otherwise where can I buy a new boss from the businessman? Tickets for the show!"

Cheng Fengtai chatted with Qiu Ba and smoked two cigarettes, took out his pocket watch to check the time, it was almost time for the show to start. Go to the box on the second floor and take a look, it's great, almost all the powerful and rich people in Beiping City are here, and the jewels and diamonds worn by the ladies are still eye-catching from such a long distance. Cheng Fengtai looked around for a week, nodded with a few close friends, and then saw Sheng Ziyun, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, sitting between Vice Chief He's family, hiding from Cheng Fengtai. He wasn't wearing a school uniform either. Cheng Fengtai was quite surprised, the Chinese New Year is only a few days away, the school should have been on holiday long ago, why is he still staying in Beiping, I don't know what kind of lies he lied to his family, he dared to delay his return home for the New Year! If Sheng Ziye asked about the crime of ineffective guardianship, it would be difficult to explain. Cheng Fengtai frowned, and decided to arrest Sheng Ziyun tomorrow for questioning, and let him go today. Turning his eyes to another place, his eyebrows suddenly loosened, a smile appeared on his face, and he hooked his fingers at the person over there. Pretending not to see it. Cheng Fengtai hooked his hands again, and simply turned his head away to look around at the scenery.

Lao Ge also saw it, leaned over and said with a smile, "Second Lord, shall I invite you?"

Cheng Fengtai waved his hand: "No need. You'd be giving him too much face if you go." He stood up and shouted downstairs: "Squad Leader Li! Come up!"

"Yes!" Accompanied by the clang of the spear being struck, the squad leader made a gesture to rush upstairs.

The person over there hastily carried the cup and saucer, bowed his waist and trotted to him to sit down, fearing that the tea would be turned upside down: "Coincidental! Brother-in-law!"

Cheng Fengtai looked at him sideways: "What a coincidence! Brother-in-law!"

"I haven't seen you these days, what are you busy with?"

Cheng Fengtai smiled maliciously: "What can I be busy with? I'm busy with the opera singer! What are you busy with, old man? Are you busy avoiding debts?"

Fan Lian asked inexplicably, "Where is it? What debt do I have?"

"You don't have any debts, you turn your face away when you see me? I'll treat you as if your spinning mill has lost money, and you don't have the face to see the shareholders!"

Fan Lian was quite embarrassed by the words: "Then you can't call a soldier to frighten me! After September 18, you know that I'm scared when I see a soldier."

"Did you see a soldier in September 18th? You came to Peiping before you could pull up your pants."

Fan Lian patted his arm: "That's enough! Don't make me look like a traitor. Go to the theater! Go to the theater!" He exchanged glasses between the two of them while talking and laughing: "Brother-in-law, try my big red Robe, brought from home, it’s great to play with the dealer’s boss!”

Cheng Fengtai picked up the cup and took a sip, it seemed that he was not as knowledgeable as him.

At the beginning, Xiao Zhouzi rehearsed "Zhaojun's Out of the Frontier" for many days. Wang Zhaojun is light and graceful, wearing a snow-white fleece coat and holding a horsewhip, which makes people see clearly. His Wang Zhaojun has a youthful tenacity and freshness. As soon as he appeared, the audience applauded, because he was so beautiful, and because they were really looking at him. Different from the situation in the past when singing to a drunk old man, everyone in the audience was drunk and only he was sober, Xiao Zhouzi's play has attracted attention and applause, and it can be regarded as a real debut. Not only did the stage fright that Shang Xirui was worried about not happen, Cheng Fengtai felt that he seemed more swaying than usual. Little Zhouzi was already known for his stature, but after Shang Xirui's ruthless tempering, he is even more talented and stands out from the crowd. Shang Xirui wanted him to gamble on his figure first, so that people would remember him deeply, inquire about him, and follow him to see him.

Fan Lian, for example, saw it and praised him again and again: "This child is a treasure that Boss Shang bought from somewhere! I didn't take it out until today!"

"This one, the name given by Boss Shang, is Zhou Xiangyun. How about it? Okay?"

Fan Lian carefully asked how to write the three characters, shook his head and exclaimed: "It's not bad! This waist is so nice and neat... I think it's on par with Boss Shang. It's rare to be young, thirteen or fourteen? Practice again. In two years, at Boss Shang's age, it's hard to say whether he can surpass Boss Shang." Then he laughed and said, "However, brother-in-law, please don't tell Boss Shang about this, Boss Shang has a high spirit."

While Cheng Fengtai didn't think so, he also felt that if Xiao Zhouzi really outperformed Shang Xirui one day, and Shang Xirui was overwhelmed by the young man he had trained himself, he might feel a little uncomfortable. Isn't it because of this discomfort that Si Xi'er punished Xiao Zhouzi to death

It's because Cheng Fengtai didn't know Shang Xirui well enough, and looked down on Shang Xirui. Even the senior sisters who grew up together in Shuiyun Building underestimated Shang Xirui in this matter.

As soon as Xiao Zhouzi came on stage, Shang Xirui held the stove in the background and looked at him, nodding secretly, humming and chirping along with the script. A few young actors took a few glances on the stage and were taken aback. They went to the backstage to invite their friends and companions. They said that Shuiyun Tower had a new actor, and those few lying fish were amazing! Except for Banzhu Shang, there is actually someone who can put his whole back on the ground so neatly, and then jump up like a spring, it's like a rubber-like tendon. They recruited Yuan Lan and Shijiu to put on a big cloak, and moved over one after another to raise the curtain on the viewing platform.

Yuan Lan watched it for a while, and secretly thought that if the Yunxi class used Xiao Zhouzi as a gimmick to fight against Shuiyun Tower in the future, they would really shoot themselves in the foot! No matter how strong Shang Xirui is, he won't be able to hold back the tricks, right

Nineteen was also shocked to realize that this little Zhouzi was silent and his actual skills were not simple, so he looked at Yuan Lan with an expression of displeasure, and exchanged a scheming. The two looked at Shang Xirui at the same time, Shang Xirui was still beaming with joy for others, it really made people panic with hatred.

Yuan Lan said with a leisurely smile, "I can't see it! This little Zhou Zi really has skills! He is a good seedling."

Nineteen spoke up: "Isn't it! We can't pick a second one in our Shuiyun Building with this skill. Whether our sisters have old arms and legs or not, it depends on our class leader!" Nineteen is here There was a pause, glanced at the little actors around, and said slowly to Shang Xirui: "Team master, wow! I'll see today, Xiao Zhouzi is almost catching up with you. If you continue to train like this , you have to be green!" She hesitated to say this, and the actors around all silently looked at Shang Xirui, paying attention to his expression, for fear of arousing him.

Shang Xirui nodded deeply with joy on his face, if he hadn't held the stove in his hand, he might have been slapped, as if he was the one being praised: "I think so too! You really deserve to be the one I taught!"

If it wasn't for the people he taught, they still wouldn't talk to him! Yuan Lan and Nineteen knew that this time they were playing the piano against the cow again, so they wrapped their capes tightly and went about their own business, without talking too much. In ancient times, there was a Nuwa who could mend the sky, but which Daluo god can mend Shang Xirui's heart that fell into his mother's belly? I'm afraid that one day, when Xiao Zhouzi surpasses him, he will only happily listen to the opera in the audience, and then boast to others: "This is a little opera artist I taught, and now he has established his own family, and he has grown out of blue!"

When Xiao Zhouzi got off the stage, the first person he saw was Shang Xirui, and with a smile on his face, Shang Xirui stuffed a hand stove into his hand that he had held for a long time. Little Zhouzi's forehead was already covered with sweat, he was holding the stove in a daze, not knowing whether it was warm or cold, he just asked Shang Xirui: "Boss Shang, how am I?" I failed myself, I failed Shang Xirui. How well he sang, I don't know at all.

Shang Xirui patted him on the shoulder with both hands: "Okay! That's great! Sure enough, I didn't misread you!" Then he patted him twice firmly: "After today, you will be Zhou Xiangyun! Besides me, who else would dare?" Call you Xiao Zhouzi!" Turning around and taking the emperor's square steps, he laughed a few times with a big face, and then sang an old-fashioned accent, vaguely listening, it turned out that Zhuge Liang was sitting in meditation on the tower.

Xiao Lai smiled brightly at Xiao Zhouzi, nodded heavily, then hurried up to Shang Xirui to wait on him. Little Zhouzi—I have to call him Zhou Xiangyun now, his heart burst into ecstasy like a flower, but his eyes were crying.