Winter Begonia

Chapter 75


The ring Cheng Fengtai gave to Shang Xirui, in the end, only the size of the ring was changed, and he put it on his hand to blind people's eyes like a woman. When the friends at Liyuanhang saw him, they all took his hand and praised him, he was brighter than a light bulb. The tabloid reporters saw it and wrote a few gossip about Shang Xirui and a wealthy businessman. In this news, Cheng Fengtai's pseudonym was Mr. Y, he was extremely romantic and wealthy, he spent a lot of money for X's famous actress, and exchanged a bungalow for a diamond ring for him to wear. I don't know if the famous actress X is Daji, but Mr. Y must be King Zhou. Shang Xirui got the newspaper and beat his chest with laughter, Cheng Fengtai gave him a priceless treasure, he was also very proud, but it was mainly to win people's love, to show off in front of Cheng Meixin, to get revenge. This blu-ray ring is considered a famous piece of jewelry nowadays, but Cheng Meixin found out about it after a while, and when she found out, she was so angry that she trembled all over, and immediately drove to Cheng Meixin. Home.

The second grandma Cheng and the fourth concubine were holding the third young master in their arms, and the fourth lady Cheng Meiyin in the other. They were sitting there chatting softly, while rocking their bodies to put the child to sleep. When Cheng Meixin came, she sat opposite them with a very bad complexion, and she just drank tea silently. The second grandma asked her three questions, but she only perfunctory. The second grandma and the fourth concubine felt that something was wrong, looked at each other, and asked the nanny to take the children away. Cheng Meixin just forced a smile and said: "Fourth aunt is from our own family, so I'll just say it straight! Brother and sister, you have to take good care of your second brother! If you don't care about it, you will cause trouble!" Said Cheng Fengtai and Shang Xirui She told all the scandals, she didn't know the beginning and the end, everything was imagined according to the model of a rich brother's prostitute, and how Shang Xirui used to stir up troubles in the Cao family, and finally focused on her That ring, how Shang Xirui uttered wild words while wearing her ring, made her cry with anger. Of course many of these words are fabricated, for example she hasn't seen Shang Xirui for at least a year. But these are all things that cannot be verified. She says whatever she wants, so she can count it: "He asked me for a ring, and said that he would give it to you to wear on your birthday. My own brother, why should I be reluctant? Who knew he was using it to win the show! It happened to be Shang Xirui! It's not like he doesn't know that Shang Xirui and I have a grudge!" As the tip of his nose turned red, tears began to flow, Second Mistress frowned and moved He handed her a handkerchief to wipe. Cheng Meixin clutched her handkerchief, and said: "Sisters and sisters, don't think that Shang Xirui is a man and you don't care if you can't raise children. He has a lot of money! They are the kind of opera singers who seduce the men to make a fortune and give them to the family. If it's broken, replace it with another one!" Second Mistress was terrified, but she didn't expect that Cheng Fengtai and Shang Xirui would hang out for a few years, it seemed like a deal that went beyond money and sex, and it was time to talk about feelings .

Cheng Meixin said: "The first important thing is that you have to keep an eye on the accounts at home. Don't look at my younger brother who is smart in business, men are too confused when it comes to this kind of thing! How much did the commander spend on opening the queen's tomb?" Human life is in it! Shang Xirui sang those two lines like a cat called spring, the commander let him pick whatever he wants!"

Cheng Meixin talked about this inside story for the first time, and this must be the final reason why she hated Shang Xirui, but Shang Xirui's ability to have such a charm also bluffed Second Mistress.

Cheng Meixin said: "How has my brother treated you these two years?"

Second Mistress thought about it: "Treating no different from the past."

The fourth aunt also interjected to comfort her: "Our second master has always been able to distinguish clearly what is playing and what is passing through life. After so many years, when did he become confused? It was when he was in Shanghai with Miss Zhao and that female student. , passed it on as if it was true, I think he understood it very well in the end. After all, he is a young master who came out of Shanghai and has seen the world, so he is not as good as a male actor, right?"

Cheng Meixin's eyes widened: "Zhao Yuanzhen and that female student, what are the two ladies from a good family, they have only met a few men, what can they do with men? Shang Xirui has passed many people, and they are all famous! This method is clever! No matter how conscientious the second elder brother is, he must guard against being led astray by others!"

In one word, the fourth aunt was also docile. Then the three of them chewed up Shang Xirui's bottom line with one word and one word. In Cheng Meixin's mouth, Shang Xirui was portrayed as a treacherous villain, full of intrigues and tricks, causing trouble, and an image of a demon concubine and evil concubine. Neither the Second Mistress nor the Fourth Aunt had any contact with Shang Xirui, let alone Shang Xirui, and they didn't even know any other actors. Just based on their impression of Liyuanxing and Shang Xirui's actions, they also agreed that they must be not far behind, or even worse. It was rumored in the newspaper that Shang Xirui was the lost son of a wealthy family, but Cheng Meixin insisted that his mother was a well-known prostitute in Pingyang City. After giving birth to him, she died of bayberry sores, which scared the second grandma's soul away.

Ordinary women always have this kind of thinking. Their male relatives, such as their husbands, brothers, nephews, uncles and fathers, once they have an affair outside, they don't first say that their men are indecent and indecent, but they insist on it. The bad guys outside cast a net of temptations, and my family must have gone astray and ambushed secretly, and the mistakes are understandable. Cheng Meixin's second grandmother and fourth concubine, three women with different temperaments and views, are also the same in this point. Although Cheng Fengtai was doing nothing personal, Shang Xirui was a deliberate evil. Cheng Meixin said "Second brother is a fool", "Be careful of being cheated". The fourth aunt also said: "I have to talk about the second master." The second grandma was so angry that she shed two lines of tears, and Cheng Meixin hurriedly wiped them for her.

Cheng Meixin saw that the second grandma was really angry, so she called it a day. Before she left, she warned Cheng Fengtai not to let Cheng Fengtai know these words. When Cheng Fengtai returned home in the evening, he would still tease Second Grandma with a playful smile. After all, Second Mistress and him are not young couples anymore, their love has faded, and the strength of the other family is more important, they are very calm and neither cry nor make trouble, but they don't have a good face. The next day he still had a gloomy face, and he didn't let Cheng Fengtai go anywhere, Cheng Fengtai became anxious, and said with a smile: "Second Grandma, you treat me like a child! What am I doing at home?"

Second Mistress was making an embroidery piece and said, "Then what are you doing out there?"

Cheng Fengtai leaned over and said with a smile: "I'm going out to do business!"

Second Mistress turned her head and sneered at him: "Oh? Business?" She said as if she wanted to pierce his mouth with an embroidery needle: "I'll tell you nonsense!" Cheng Fengtai backed away with an ouch, neither angry nor wild , scratching her hair and laying down on the kang to smoke, thinking that women, actors and scholars, these three types of people are really changeable, moody, and unreasonable. I don't know why Second Mistress got awkward with him again. But except for the first few years of his marriage, he had a lot of conflicts with his second grandmother, and later he would not fight back when he beat him, and he was used to being a filial son. The experience of traveling in the flowers made him know that women can only rely on coaxing and obedience, and there is absolutely no reason for it. He was not allowed to go out, so he settled accounts at home and was in a daze, enduring sneering words without a word of temper. After being locked up like this for a few days, one day Cheng Fengtai sat under the window and read a magazine, peeled almonds, and ate them by himself, chewing them so crunchy, he always liked to eat these snacks to relieve his boredom, it made the third young master so greedy that he salivated Long string on the front placket. Cheng Fengtai looked at his son and said with a smile: "What are you looking at, do you have all your teeth? Can you eat it?" The third young master laughed at him. He also looked at his son and smiled.

The second mistress wiped the saliva for the third young master, her anger gradually dissipated, she felt that Cheng Fengtai was still very obedient and well-understood, her body and mind were still under her control, and it wasn't because there were monsters outside, her attitude towards his wife and children at home was different If it's different, then it's still the fault of the evildoers outside, who insist on corrupting the good guy.

Cheng Fengtai dragged his slippers and brought her a plate of almond meat: "Second Grandma, try it?"

Second Mistress spat at him with a smile: "Go away! How annoying!"

Seeing Second Mistress's expression, Cheng Fengtai knew immediately, he smiled and said, "Then I'm going to get out?"

Second Mistress gave him a look and remained silent, Cheng Fengtai quickly grabbed his clothes: "Are you really getting lost?" After waiting for a while, Second Mistress didn't see him scolding anyone, and immediately slipped out without moving his feet. Second Mistress shouted behind him: "Come back for dinner!" Cheng Fengtai didn't even take Lao Ge with him, got into the car and ran away, didn't go to find Shang Xirui, but went to the small mansion in Dongjiaomin Lane to visit Zeng Aiyu.

At this time, Zeng Aiyu was three or four months pregnant, just at the moment when she reacted greatly and was in a bad mood, she went downstairs with disheveled hair and plain face to meet Cheng Fengtai. Cheng Fengtai has often visited her since she was pregnant, never empty-handed, not only came empty-handed this time, but also it has been more than half a month since the last visit. Zeng Aiyu vomited whatever she ate, had a low-grade fever, and no one cared about her, so she couldn't help but wonder if he had become indifferent and was about to go back on his word. After all, she hadn't got a penny of the 300,000 agreed upon. Cheng Fengtai asked about her health, had a few conversations with the nurse who lived at home, and then got up to leave after spending a sum of living expenses. Zeng Aiyu felt aggrieved in her heart, spread her fingers and combed her hair casually, grabbed her bag and wanted to go out. Cheng Fengtai grabbed her arm: "Where are you going with your belly?"

Zeng Aiyu shook off him and went straight out: "What's the matter? I sold you the stuff in my stomach, and I sold you too?" Cheng Fengtai didn't reply. Zeng Aiyu has been walking along the street of Dongjiaomin Lane for a long time, and she does not know where she is going, so she cries as she walks. Cheng Fengtai drove the car very slowly, and followed her a few steps away. After walking for a little longer, Zeng Aiyu staggered and was exhausted. Cheng Fengtai hurriedly hugged her into the car without any explanation, and said with a smile: "You have never been like this in the past. After becoming a mother, you are not sensible anymore?" Zeng Aiyu's nose was stuck to his shirt, smelling the smell of cigarettes and perfume, she became more and more Wanting to cry, she felt more and more wronged, and her arms actively wrapped around his neck.

Cheng Fengtai was stunned for a moment, patted her on the back, coaxed her with many good words, and sent her back to the bedroom to watch her fall asleep, and he almost kissed her goodnight. Although he looked gentle and infinite on the surface, he was already very troubled in his heart. As soon as Zeng Aiyu fell asleep, he frowned and left like a gust of wind. Except for the second mistress and the younger sisters, no one seemed to have the right to make trouble out of no reason. His patience and impatience with others was not based on the depth of his feelings but on self-restraint.

The afternoon was delayed by Zeng Aiyu, and it was time to go home for dinner, Cheng Fengtai couldn't help but go around the commercial house, thinking that he probably wouldn't see Shang Xirui at this time. You must sit in Shuiyun Tower. Unexpectedly, Shang Xirui was actually at home, guarding a saucepan with Xiao Lai, having dinner in the yard. As soon as Cheng Fengtai came, Xiao Lai walked away with the bowl. Shang Xirui carried his head on his thin neck, bowed his head and muttered, he answered everything word by word, very confused. Cheng Fengtai wanted to leave after a few words with him, but when he saw Shang Xirui's attitude, he didn't want to leave, he got angry and slapped him on the thigh: "When you lose your temper, you lose your temper too, right?" Facing Shang Xirui, he was completely lost.

Shang Xirui swallowed the last mouthful of noodles and punched it back: "I sealed my throat."

They opera singers often talk about sealing their throats. It's like a restaurant needs to repair the stove, and the throat is the same as the stove. Some actors do their best on stage, but rarely say anything off stage, just to recuperate their voices. Cheng Fengtai never thought that Shang Xirui would have his throat blocked one day, everyone's throat is made of meat, but he is like iron, he can run around three gardens in one night while singing. Teaching actors in the background, the sound shook the house, and the five thunders crashed. Shang Xirui blocked his throat this time, because "War Wancheng" is going to be sung after autumn, and some of the performers, such as Lei Shuanghe who sings Hualian, are as famous as Shang Xirui, and everyone in the city is staring at this song , not sloppy. And Shang Xirui is prone to coughing in autumn, so he can only take good care of it from now on, never leave herbal tea and diet every day, swallow a raw egg first when he wakes up in the morning, etc., very restrained. Cheng Fengtai hadn't seen anyone for a few days, and when he came here he dared to yell at him, Shang Xirui was about to beat him to death, but Cheng Fengtai grabbed his hand and said with a smile: "Boss Shang, speak up, you tell me to seal the throat and it's over? Why do you still want to beat people?" He said, put his hand on his knee, and patted it lightly: "You are a character with status, you can't flirt with your hands and feet without reason like this in the future, you know Is it? If you have a reason, you have to reason."

Shang Xirui nodded: "Understood. From now on, justify if you have a reason, and beat someone if you don't."

Cheng Fengtai sighed: "Hey, I can't talk to you anymore." While going home. Shang Xirui persistently asked Cheng Meixin if she was pissed off and what kind of reaction she was. Cheng Fengtai said: "She doesn't know yet, does she? She seldom goes out to socialize now." Shang Xirui snorted, and rubbed the diamond ring against his trouser leg, the diamond scratched painfully through a layer of cloth. Cheng Fengtai smiled and said: "You're serious about teasing you! How do you think my sister will react? Even if my sister finds out, she will at most be angry in her heart. If I put it on my face for the sake of a ring, I will Brother-in-law has bothered her a long time ago. All right, I'm leaving. "

Every time Shang Xirui sees Cheng Fengtai coming, he is always happy; every time he wants to see Cheng Fengtai off, he is always very indifferent, he never says goodbye to Cheng Fengtai decently. According to his temper, if he didn't see each other for a few days and left as soon as he came, he would definitely not agree, even if the two sides were angry and cold, Cheng Fengtai had to stay in front of his eyes, but he didn't want to quarrel with Cheng Fengtai again because of this, At this time, he wandered around in the small yard and ignored him. Cheng Fengtai said again: "I'm leaving!"

Shang Xirui turned his back: "Oh!"

Cheng Fengtai said: "Recently there are some troubles at home, if you can't come to sing "Zhan Wancheng", don't go crazy!" This is just in case Second Grandma is in a bad mood recently. These parents' short words cannot be explained to Shang Xirui.

Shang Xirui walked over quickly, clenched a fist and punched him in front of him, said viciously: "Can't come? You can't come? Do you know what this is?"

Cheng Fengtai pretended to look at the fist, and his danjiaoer's hand was clenched into a white and tender ball, as if it still smelled like gouache: "I recognize this as a meat bun." After saying that, he leaned forward and bit it Take a bite, and run away after biting, leaving a tooth mark.

Shang Xirui let go of his hands in pain, and shouted fiercely: "Don't you dare to come! I'll beat you up!"

Cheng Fengtai jumped into the car, backed up to the door of the Shang's house, said with a smile: "Boss Shang, don't shout, raise your throat well, and scare them to death when it grows up." It's like Shang Xirui has a big tiger in his throat . Shang Xirui probably really thinks that there is a dragon crouching and a tiger hiding in his throat, and when the day he opens his voice, he will startle all the people present and devour their hearts, ears, souls, and feel proud when he hears that Hold your head up. Cheng Fengtai blinked at him, blew a kiss, stepped on the accelerator and left.

Second Mistress has always wanted to beat Cheng Fengtai from time to time, and play tricks with Cheng Fengtai, Cheng Fengtai is quite obedient, and sometimes she doesn't go out automatically. From the first day of his marriage, he has been confused about why the second grandmother likes to keep him at home, cursing and making troubles to keep him, but in the end, it is not to stay with him, but the second grandmother is always in front of the children. Taking the children there, or playing cards with the fourth aunt, and occasionally sitting in the same room embroidering things, is relatively silent with him. On this day, another more incomprehensible thing happened. Second Mistress said very seriously that she would marry an aunt for him, and she proposed several candidates, including Zhao Yuanzhen, his childhood sweetheart. Cheng Fengtai wasn't sure if he was looking for faults and quarreling, or spying on something, no matter what the purpose was, he would definitely not accept this kind of arrangement, it's ridiculous for the eldest wife to marry a younger wife! He felt that he was too busy doing business and listening to the theater, and the three children in the family were also bored to death. Wouldn't it be fatal to add another wife and have a few more children? Second Mistress saw that his attitude was very firm, she felt comforted and murmured at the same time, and finally discussed with the Fourth Aunt and said: "I'll go and see this Shang Xirui when I have time, he's so fascinated that he doesn't even want to marry seriously." Don't worry anymore."

This sentence was put on hold, Shang Xirui kept his throat shut for a while and Second Mistress was busy looking after the children again. When "Zhan Wancheng" starts, several actors are very famous, adding Shang Xirui, it's like celebrating the new year for the audience. Among the things that have caused a sensation in the whole city in Beiping in the past few years, Shang Xirui accounted for at least eight of the ten things, even the second grandma heard about it in the Shenzhai compound, so she started to look at each other again, and made an appointment with the fourth concubine During the day, the first scene was too lively and crowded, so I was going to watch the next scene. The second grandma is a woman raised in the most standard high-ranking family, and she must be accompanied by her husband when she goes out once in a while. She never said that she went out for a walk or a meal for no reason , pastime. This was the case in Shanghai in the past, and it is the same in Peking now. She lived in a city for several years, and she didn't know where the city gates opened.

This day, he said to Cheng Fengtai early in the morning: "Leave the car to me today, I want to go out."

Cheng Fengtai said: "Where are you going? I'll make arrangements."

Second Mistress said: "You don't need to follow, I will go with Fourth Aunt, you can stay at home and watch over the children."

Cheng Fengtai heard it and didn't take it seriously, until after the afternoon nap, Second Mistress washed her face, powdered her face and combed her hair with osmanthus oil under the service of the girl. Put on a set of imperial concubine red Hangzhou silk flag dress, and embroidered shoes embroidered with pomegranate flowers. Because I don’t go out twice a year, these shoes are still new after half a year. The earrings and bracelets inlaid with gold and jade are all old items from the former palace. She is so richly dressed, although they are all outdated attires, but they don't look weird. The makeup is meticulous, and she has an extra layer of elegance than the ladies and wives who are open today. If you stand in a crowd of women, you must see You can see that it is extraordinary.

Cheng Fengtai put his hands in his trouser pockets and turned around behind her, bent down and said with a smile: "Second Mistress is dressed so nicely, is this going out for a wedding?"

Second Mistress stared at herself in the mirror, and she was quite satisfied. Although she usually dresses beautifully at home, she has never cared so much about her appearance like today. She is five years older than Cheng Fengtai, and she has given birth to several children. Logically speaking, she should look a little old ? But now looking at it from a mirror, I really can't see any difference! The second grandma took out a sandalwood-colored gauze bead flower from her dowry, compared it to her temples, and answered the wrong question: "This was sent by someone from An Wang Lao Fujin on the Qiqiao Festival. It is still Wang An's mansion, where is it now?" And the master patiently made this, look at this big bead! Old Fujin still treats me like a little girl!"

She didn't know that it wasn't because the current needlework masters were impatient to do delicate work, but because fewer and fewer people bought it and wore it. There is no one to do it. Second Mistress would not approve of these facts. Cheng Fengtai took the sideburns and said with a smile: "You're not that old!" He put a hairpin into Second Grandma's hair while facing the mirror.

Second Mistress tilted her head and looked in the mirror: "How is it? Is the color too tender?"

Cheng Fengtai said seriously: "Tender, delicate and tender, so beautiful!"

Second Mistress was annoyed by his slick tongue, so she glanced at him, got up and walked out to the door. Cheng Fengtai was still worried, and wanted to follow him, but the second mistress refused to take him, and when he walked to the second door, he met the fourth concubine waiting there, and the fourth concubine also persuaded: "We should just bring a few more people, the second master will follow." How inconvenient for our women's house!"

Cheng Fengtai smiled and said: "Then you should also tell me where to go, if I get lost, I can find you."

The fourth aunt couldn't answer this question, she could only look at the second grandma, who turned her head and sneered at him and said, "Where do you usually go for fun, we will go there today."

Cheng Fengtai raised his eyebrows: "Oh? I go to good places." He looked straight at the fourth aunt, hoping to see some signs. The second mistress didn't give him this chance, so she got into the car with the fourth concubine on her arm, and the maids and mothers took two other rickshaws behind. Cheng Fengtai watched this group of people leave without a trace, his heart pounding.