Winter Begonia

Chapter 89


All the actors stretched their necks and poked their heads to see the mystery of those costumes, it was worth such a fight. Shang Xirui lowered his eyes and just glanced at it, he knew what it was, he stood there trembling with anger, his heart was on fire, he couldn't speak.

Mr. Jiang scolded: "Tell me, what is this!"

Seeing Shang Xirui deflated, Si Xier was overjoyed, picked up the few costumes on the ground and shook them off, showed them to everyone with a startled look, and said with a shrill laugh: "Hey! Look! Look at this! Can someone well-informed tell me, what kind of clothes are these? Tsk tsk tsk... If you put them on, you won't be able to find such a pair in Bada Hutong. Here you go! It’s good, and it’s easy to take off!” After he finished speaking, he laughed a long while without waiting for anyone to speak. It turned out that this was the antique Liuxian dress that Shang Xirui wore when singing "Zhao Feiyan" a while ago. The inner and outer layers of the dress are woven with light gauze, as beautiful as smoke and mist, ethereal and ethereal. At this moment, falling into Si Xi'er's hands, trembling with the wind and humiliating in public, it's like a beauty hanging from her beam with tears, her misery and injustice.

Shang Xirui stepped forward, snatched the costume quickly, staring at Si Xier. Si Xi'er didn't dare to confront him head-on, afraid of being beaten, she moaned and shook her seat three times, to see how he would be dealt with today.

Mr. Jiang said slowly: "Is this your costume?"

Shang Xirui said: "Mine."

Mr. Jiang stumbled on his crutches, his face changed, and he scolded: "You bastard! What are you wearing? Who allowed you to be so flirtatious on stage! You've lost all face! You If father is still alive, he can die of anger!"

The old man talks like he's scolding his grandson, Shang Xirui is such a big role now, he doesn't save any face. Dozens of pairs of eyes were looking at Shang Xirui, especially those actors from out of town, they had heard of Shang Xirui's name of acting as a monster, but they had never seen him make a fool of himself, it's a pity, now staring at that set The bewitching costumes are very eye-opening.

Shang Xirui said loudly: "The seventh young master personally traced the clothes from the Dunhuang rubbings. Ancient people wore them like this. Zhao Feiyan, who I sang about, is a concubine of the Han Palace. Why can't she wear it? I didn't tamper with anything!"

Mr. Jiang said: "How dare you say that you haven't tampered with it? Is Zhao Feiyan the one you acted in the play? Zhao Feiyan is a queen no matter what! You made her a prostitute! She did those dirty things? I don't know." Don't have the face to say it!"

Shang Xirui laughed angrily when asked. When Du Qi talks about plays, he always first explains the historical background so that he can understand the characters. Once he got involved in operas, Shang Xirui's ability to remember by ear is unparalleled, he opened his mouth and recited passages from "Historical Records", "Flying Swallow Biography" and "Xijing Miscellaneous Notes". Zhao Feiyan raised a noodle head, killed the prince, and slept with Zhao Hede in the same tent, all of which are based on the ancients' textual research. Shang Xirui's playbook was made up, but this one really didn't come out of nothing. The actors all felt that it made sense.

Mr. Jiang was provoked, paused for a moment, and sneered: "You can sing as the predecessors wrote! Then why do you want to play? It's more convenient to go to the teahouse to tell the story! You can teach the children to say" Our Peking opera plays beauties, not women'. My dirty jokes are all on stage!"

What the old man said, the actors heard it right. Ximen Qing seduces Pan Jinlian, this song can't take off her shoes and clothes on stage, can she? It's up to Shang Xirui to see how far Shang Xirui plays this drama, but there are no express regulations on things like scale, and there is no judge to judge, the ruler is only in the hearts of everyone. The actors from other places have not been able to witness Shang's "Zhao Feiyan". Just looking at the costume just now, it is vague and specious, so it is not easy to judge casually. Although the local opera singers have a distinction in their hearts, they dare not stand out at this time - no matter how popular Shang Xirui is, his roots are shallow. The Jiang family has three or four generations of veterans in Beiping. They have deep roots and have deep-rooted friendships with major newspapers and theaters. The influence is too great! Shang Xirui suffered from such difficulties today, let alone others! I can't help it! Let me say another old saying: It is better to offend a gentleman than to offend a villain. Shang Xirui is an innocent bastard, but the Jiang family's young and old are ruthless characters all over the family!

There was also the one who had a good relationship with Shang Xirui and was sincere, bowed his hands to Mr. Jiang and said, "Perhaps my grandfather has never seen "Zhao Feiyan" and took the nonsense that slandered Boss Shang seriously. I read the whole book with my own eyes. Judging from my perspective of having sung for twenty years, Boss Shang’s play is really not an exaggeration. Haven’t we seen civilized plays and movies now? Kissing, hugging the waist, baring the chest, everything! Our Beijing opera is in costume In terms of content, take a step forward and keep up with the trend!" After speaking, in order to ease the atmosphere, he laughed a few times to his colleagues on the left and right to seek resonance, and the colleagues around him also nodded and smiled in agreement.

Old Man Jiang sneered a few more times: "It's not an exaggeration to watch Shang Xirui's play with your 20-year-old eyes. With my 60-year-old eyes, you don't need to look at him to know that he is very wrong! It's you who are 20 years old. Is the vision of the year 2000 correct, or my vision of 60 years? Don’t talk about civilized movies and dramas. Foreign devils and monkey hair have not been shaved clean. Can it have the same meaning as our Beijing opera! If you say such a few classics and forget your ancestors, you should also fight!"

Mr. Jiang is in Liyuan, and he really doesn't give anyone face. He can discipline anyone he wants. When he scolded like this, the actors put on a straight face and didn't dare to laugh anymore, let alone stand up and speak for Shang Xirui. In all fairness, it's true that Mr. Jiang hates Shuiyunlou for running out of the Rongchun troupe, and it's true that he can't get used to Shang Xirui's wanton and subverting the tradition of Beijing opera. Ever since Shang Xirui entered Peiping, the old man had slapped his face in his hands, holding back to find fault with him, to kill his prestige, to correct the atmosphere of Liyuanxing. Helplessly, Shang Xirui comes from a family, he is generous and easy-going, he is very popular in the industry, and he can talk to all high-ranking officials and celebrities, Mr. Jiang gritted his teeth after thinking about it, and did not dare to rashly This slap was drawn out, just to cast a slap in the face. However, this slap can no longer be held to this day! Mr. Jiang knew that he had missed Shang Xirui's talk this time, and he had to wait for the limelight this time, I don't know how long it will be. He's getting old and he can't afford to wait! As for the sons and disciples, they discussed friendship with Shang Xirui on the same level, at most they used some dark tricks to slander him. For a red-hot guy like Shang Xirui, gossip is the lace of a costume, one person speaks at the other, it only adds to his luster and reputation, only public slaps are the real trick! Looking at the Pear Garden now, there are not many who can hit Shang Xirui!

Taking advantage of the breath of opium just now, Mr. Jiang shouted angrily: "You little bastard who has no teacher and no law! Your father still has to call me senior brother while he is still alive. How can I wrong you despite my old face? I can't extinguish your evil spirit, I can't support the righteousness of Liyuanxing, and I won't be able to see the patriarch after I die! Hurry up and kneel down! To the patriarch and to your father!" The source is far and melodious, and it really has the spirit of Bao Longtu back then. No matter how intentional it is, it sounds very fair and just, which makes people feel a little chilled.

Shang Xirui hadn't been scolded like this for many years, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, looked up at the old man in disbelief. To be reprimanded is nothing but a shame, but to kneel down to the patriarch is tantamount to overturning all the previous new plays, admitting that one's acting was crooked, wrong, and beyond the bounds, which is absolutely impossible! Shang Xirui burst into anger. Standing beside Mr. Jiang, Niu Baiwen waved at Shang Xirui with raised eyebrows and eyes, to show him to be patient. If Shang Xirui is disrespectful to Mr. Jiang today, he will be charged with disobedience to his master, and if his colleagues who hate him make a fuss about it, the title of the paper is not small. Back then, Jiang Heyue, a great martial arts student who was extremely popular, was conspired by his own master to force him to do something disobedient, but he was blocked by the opera circles in Beijing and Tianjin, making it impossible for him to come back when he went south to Wuhan. .

Shang Xirui knows the pros and cons of it all too well! Mr. Jiang brought these seven or eight apprentices under pressure. If he couldn't walk away, he would only suffer a loss if he did it, and he would be charged with a big crime! Shang Xirui swallowed his breath, tears almost flashed in his eyes, and said, "I'm not wrong! I didn't act in a pornographic scene! I have a clear conscience!"

Mr. Jiang slapped the table: "Presumptuous! How dare you be stubborn!"

The old and the young fought like cocks, and there was a stalemate for a long while, and there was no sound from all around. It was Si Xi'er who came to life first again. As Mr. Jiang's peer, he is qualified to say a few words at this time. He shook his head and walked to the tablet of the patriarch, clasped his hands together, and bowed from his lapel. Pulling out a handkerchief from the button, he wiped Shang Juzhen's memorial tablet and wailed pretendingly, "Old Lord Shang, you are pitiful! You have chosen a child who has spent half a lifetime of painstaking efforts in training, so you don't look good! Your His reputation will be ruined in his hands! It will be ruined at the end of the year! Please show up and say something!"

Si Xi'er wants prestige but not prestige, virtue but not virtue, and there is no one who thinks highly of him in the Liyuan business. Shang Xirui didn't want to contradict Master Shi, he was not polite to him, he glanced at him and said: "How do you know that my father won't agree to my play? Did you go down and ask him if it's okay? My father will definitely like my play !"

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched restrainedly, as if they couldn't help smiling. Si Xi'er was too familiar with this mocking look, immediately a sense of shame and anger welled up in her heart, she turned her face, pointed at Shang Xirui and said: "Shang Xiaosan! You are still proud! Don't think you are popular, In this pear orchard, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, it is your world! You can be domineering and domineering! Your fans dare to kill and set fires for you, attacking cities and looting villages! All good things are taken care of for you! How majestic you are! I am an old grasshopper who has passed Jing'er! I can't take care of you, someone will take care of you..." Shang San was originally Shang Xirui's ranking, and few people called him that when he left Pingyang. As for if Si Xi'er hadn't poked his fingertips on his nose, he wouldn't have realized that it was him who was talking about it, he was obviously not overbearing at all. As the fingernails were talking, they seemed to be about to scratch someone flamboyantly, Shang Xirui grabbed Si Xier's wrist and pushed it deftly, Si Xier took four or five steps back, fell onto the chair with an ouch, It's crazy to jump up and beat people.

Mr. Jiang chopped his cane to the ground and glared at Si Xier: "Enough! It's outrageous!" What Si Xier said was completely wrong, and he had almost pointed out today's topic, so he couldn't be allowed to speak again. Mr. Jiang's eyes rolled, from bottom to top, he stared at Shang Xirui miserably, but pointed at the actor sitting below him: "You made your career first and became a boss, and then you became a boss." I’ve just met you, I’m a master, you must be dissatisfied with me. Today I specially invited so many famous actors and actresses to make a judgment. Just ask, if there are three of these colleagues who say that your play is correct, this article will be exposed immediately. Already!"

Mr. Jiang said sarcastic remarks. A colleague stood up to speak for Shang Xirui before, but was scolded by Mr. Jiang and scolded him as a warning to others, now that he wants to ask for justice, who would dare to show shame? Being silent and unknown in the crowd doesn't count as offending Shang Xirui, even if Shang Xirui wants to blame him in the future, there is a reason why the public cannot be blamed. But if you stand up and say a few fair words, say something in your heart, and nod your eyes like a single target, then you will suffer! Maybe Shang Xirui will capsize this time, be attacked, isolated, excluded by the whole Liyuan Bank, and become the next Jiang Heyue, who is willing to sit with him? I'm sorry, I don't have such a deep friendship! People, let's take care of ourselves!

So everyone here, look down at the ground, look up at the sky; women look at their nails, and men take snuff. Those who have neither nails nor snuff, break off the ring to taste the fineness of the gemstone. He didn't go to see Shang Xirui anyway, because he felt sorry; he didn't dare to look at Mr. Jiang, for fear of being mistaken for provocation. It is something that has nothing to do with oneself, is held high, and is not beneficial to oneself, and refuses to say a word. Otherwise, if one competes with another in Liyuan, all the glazed eggs have become essences! Those who are qualified to receive an invitation from Mr. Jiang today are the fruits of the big waves washing the sand, and they are very good at distinguishing the direction of the wind.

Every minute and every second of everyone's silence, coupled with the Jiang family's sneer, became an embarrassment for Shang Xirui. Some of these people called him brothers, and some sent flower baskets backstage in "Zhao Feiyan" to say hello, Shang Xirui was not stupid at all, he knew that people in Liyuanxing were so thin, but he didn't expect it to be so thin. This is still him, a famous business owner who is willing to spend money, if it is someone else, maybe someone will jump out and throw trouble at this moment!

Seeing this situation, Niu Baiwen felt obliged to take the lead. He took a step forward, like facing a notebook, and before he could speak, he bent down with a smile and cupped his hands. Mr. Jiang couldn't tolerate his talking at all, so he took a sip of his tea and said, "Master Niu! I have always respected Ning Jiulang, old man, and Qin Yanshe. Everyone knows that you and Shang Xirui are real brothers, so don't Protect the calf for Ning Jiulang!"

The co-author is the first one, and Mr. Jiang is going to suppress the other one, so what can people say? This deadly intention was too obvious, and Si Xi'er got it again, he didn't dare to touch Shang Xirui himself, and pointedly made up his mind: "Master Jiang! We can all see it clearly, it's clear that it's lewdness." Play! Some people are just trying to save face and refuse to admit their mistakes! If you want me to say, if the donkey does not drink water and forcefully presses its head, and presses its head in front of the patriarch, it is to return your teacher's innocence, and he has to say Do you agree?" As he spoke, he gave the disciples of Jiang's family a wink, and the disciples looked at Mr. Jiang to show him, but Mr. Jiang remained motionless, as if acquiescing, and several apprentices were eager to try. Niu Baiwen shouted anxiously: "Grandfather! This is impossible!" However, no one paid any attention to him. All the actors stared wide-eyed, if Shang Xirui got kowtowed today, he would be ashamed and humiliated.

Shang Xirui's whole body tightened.

As soon as Du Qi left the hall, he slammed the gas pedal angrily, and drove home in a hurry. Cheng Fengtai was always outside waiting for Shang Xirui. There was a bit of snow in the sky for a while, and a bit of wind for a while, freezing Cheng Fengtai into a sorbet. Is there any major social event that can be discussed for more than two hours, and no one goes out or enters, and there is no movement? At one moment Cheng Fengtai was afraid that Shang Xirui would suffer from everyone, at another moment he was afraid that Shang Xirui would have a temper tantrum and kill all his colleagues inside, he didn't find his way out. Lao Ge watched him sitting in the car for a while, standing outside the car for a while, tossing and turning back and forth, which was really annoying, so he bought him two packs of Camel cigarettes. Cheng Fengtai opened a bag and took a sip, then suddenly made up his mind, no matter what's inside him, he can take him away! Pushing open the car door and thinking about it again, he didn't understand the depth of their Liyuan trip, what should he do if he broke in and made a fuss? I was so sad that I lit another cigarette.

Several Jiang family disciples came to surround Shang Xirui. Shang Xirui rolled up the costume and put it under his armpits, opened the frame and looked at them, and shouted: "I'll see who dares to touch me!" Anyway, let's fight first! The Jiang family is determined to bully people too much, so let's make things worse! At worst, he won't hang out in Beiping anymore, he's going to find Jiang Heyue to act in! If he could beat up a few of the Jiang family, he would have earned it!

At this moment, a voice suddenly burst out from the audience: "Oh! Keep someone under the sword!" Li Tianyao got up from his seat and brushed his robe. From the very beginning, Li Tianyao kept making strange noises, he himself had a temper, he would come and go, Shang Xirui is a real lunatic, this is just pretending to be a lunatic, he keeps having seizures, everyone is mad Don't be disobedient. Li Tianyao walked up to Shang Xirui and made a bow, and said in a blunt voice in Beijing opera: "Oh, Boss Shang! I wonder if I can take a closer look at this dress?"

Shang Xirui was dumbfounded by him, in such a serious atmosphere, where did all this trouble come from? Shang Xirui put away the work frame and stood up straight, foolishly saluted him back, then frantically unfolded the costume to show Li Tianyao. While watching, Li Tianyao clicked his tongue, oops, and pretended to stroke his beard, which didn't exist at all, shaking his head.

Mr. Jiang saw too many moths in Liyuan, so he was not surprised at all, and sneered, "It seems that Boss Li has a good idea. Look, how about this costume?" As long as Li Tianyao said something to Shang Xirui, Mr. Jiang can run him to death.

Li Tianyao walked up to Mr. Jiang and read: "Success, Mrs. Jiang! This dress is so weird, it's not long, it's not short; narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, wide at the bottom and narrow at the top. The arms and legs are exposed, but the nipples are covered. It is offensive to say that it is immoral; it is true to say that it brings forth new ideas from the old!"

The person sitting next to him laughed out loud, knowing that he was a gentle person. Mr. Jiang frowned: "What are you talking about! What the hell!"

Li Tianyao made Zhuge Liang go back to the camp, lifted his robe and sleeves, and turned around with great effort: "Hey! You say you are fair, he says he is fair; God knows who is fair!"

Mr. Jiang could see now, he was here to break the siege for Shang Xirui. However, Li Tianyao is only active in the south, rarely comes to the north, and cannot make friends with Shang Xirui. On the other hand, Mr. Jiang and Li Tianyao's master had been acting partners for two years. At this time, he scolded him like he was teaching his nephew: "Nonsense! Get out!"

Li Tianyao clasped her fists together: "Decree!" Kicking the hem of her robe and holding it in her hands, she walked towards the door, and said a playful line in her mouth: "If you know your kindness, you will repay a true gentleman, and if you don't save yourself, you are a villain!" Walking around, he really went out the door. Once he walked out of the second door, he threw off his robe and walked normally. With a corner of his mouth, he turned his head and sneered and said, "Hmph, this bastard." Xirui, went to the phone room and dialed a number, and suddenly thought that those characters from Peking were all sitting in it at the moment, but they didn't fart! Who else can I look for, who can sacrifice his life to save others? Li Tianyao shook her head with a wry smile, walked out of the gate slowly with her hands behind her back, and saw Cheng Fengtai's car in the snow. Li Tianyao stepped forward suspiciously, and looked at people through the foggy window glass, Cheng Fengtai was startled, got out of the car and said with a smile: "Sir, who are you?"

Li Tianyao said: "Second Master Cheng, right? Are you waiting for Boss Shang?" Cheng Fengtai nodded, not knowing what he meant, Li Tianyao had found a hope, and said: "Go in quickly! Xiangzhe made up a lie to get Shang If the boss takes it away, he will suffer a lot this time!"

When Cheng Fengtai heard this, he didn't even need to ask Li Tianyao's name, and ran in to rescue his boss Shang.

Interrupted by Li Tianyao just now, the matter of forcing Shang Xirui to kowtow was delayed. It was also instigated by Si Xier just now, the heat was on his head, after thinking about it carefully, he was also worried about Shang Xirui's madness. There is an old saying in this industry again - don't bully the young when you bully the old. Shang Xirui tried his best to fight against the Jiang family, they have been enemies for decades, Mr. Jiang didn't have such a long life to see to the end. But it seems that it is not reconciled to expose it like this. Mr. Jiang scolded Shang Xirui's sins one by one, but Shang Xirui didn't answer a word, just stood upright and endured. There was a class leader Lu who sang Du Qi's book by stealing a copy last time, but halfway through the performance, Du Qi smashed the stage, because of this, he hated Shang Xirui for not a day or two, and today he finally took the opportunity to step on him With one kick, Mr. Ying and Mr. Jiang, and Team Leader Lu also scolded him there. The rest of the opera singers thought that Lu was a stick, and Mr. Jiang dared to scold him because he had seniority and roots. What are you

Leader Lu didn't dare to mention the matter of stealing the book in the past, so he could only use his costumes to scold him: "... Boss Shang, you really need to correct some problems. You just admit your mistakes. What's the point of gnashing your teeth? It's a waste of our time. Then what about "Zhao Feiyan", I watched it, it's even more lewd and vulgar than a fan drama. We usually respect your reputation, and we dare not say no. Today, the old lady said every word It's reasonable, you still don't recognize it after being hit on the face? Look at the Liyuan Tour from south to north, where can you find people wearing this clothes and singing this song, you can only look for it in kilns!"

Mr. Jiang was very satisfied with this booing friend, he twirled his beard, and said in a righteous tone: "I can't control other land boundaries. In Beiping—especially in my teacher's school, such indecent things must never happen. The old man, I am not right about things, I don’t mean to embarrass anyone. It’s my Rongchun class. From today on, I have to check all the plays on stage carefully. The actor didn't follow the rules and made dirty jokes. Check! Check carefully!" Uncle Rong bent down and agreed to his father. Mr. Jiang said to the crowd: "I hope all the bosses here will also cherish themselves and check themselves!"

Leader Lu first said: "Of course. I have always told the children to behave properly when they sing on the stage, but you can't do those naked kitsch to please others just for the sake of box office and popularity. It won't last long!"

Si Xier's Yunxi troupe is a well-known pink opera troupe in Beiping, but at this time he also expressed his position: "Don't worry! How can we save it! The movements on the stage are closely watched, and there must be no mistakes! We have been singing in Liyuanxing for half our lives, and we are all shameless people!"

These two filthy ones were scrambling to save face, and the other actors, whoever had a guilty conscience, expressed that they would check themselves. Mr. Jiang said this, in fact, just to guard against Shang Xirui. Because according to the general rules of fighting, he slapped Shang Xirui in public today, and Shang Xirui will definitely gather his followers tomorrow to find faults in his Rongchun class and punch back hard. He didn't expect Shang Xirui to be different from them, Shang Xirui didn't grow up eating human flesh, now Shang Xirui is left with nausea.

All the actors were in danger there, afraid that Mr. Jiang's trend of catching monsters would get bigger and bigger, and don't get involved in his old account in the end. Shang Xirui stared at Leader Lu and Si Xi'er talking such nonsense, sparks burst out of his eyes, and at the end he yelled: "You fart!"

Cheng Fengtai entered the second gate, and heard the sound of thunder. He knew that the food was going to be spoiled, so he ran there, and shouted before entering the gate: "Boss Shang! It's about time! I'm here to pick you up!"

Shang Xirui turned his head, Cheng Fengtai saw his eyes, without saying a word, he knew he had been wronged, the child's stubborn and sad eyes were still a little shimmering, with red eye sockets. All the actors in the audience were sitting upright, pointing and asking, and he was the only one standing there. What does it mean to be famous all over the world, there is no second or third bosom friend, Shang Xirui knows this kind of loneliness best.

With a thought in his heart, Cheng Fengtai grabbed Shang Xirui's arm without any scruples, Shang Xirui was stunned, he dragged him, moved half a step stiffly, and wobbled. Mr. Jiang squinted his eyes, and said with a sneer, "I said Second Master Cheng, let's teach the disciples in the Liyuan tour, why does it hurt you?"

Cheng Fengtai said bitterly: "My dick hurts!" Shang Xirui leaned into his arms submissively and put one hand into the collar of his coat, like a woman coquettishly. Si Xier was still talking lowly, and sneered: "Second Master Cheng is distressed! Boss Shang knows how to be distressed!" Just as he finished speaking, Shang Xirui's hand suddenly pulled a piece of hanging from Cheng Fengtai's arms He gritted his teeth and pointed the heavy pocket watch on Si Xier's face with a gold chain, and smashed it at Si Xier's face! Si Xi'er yelled, covered her face and fell to the ground, not knowing how she was hurt. Leader Lu saw Shang Xirui acting wild, he was the first one to refuse, and wanted to catch him, but Shang Xirui stepped forward in two steps and kicked him on his back!

I endured it, but I still couldn't hold it back! It's not easy for the people in the teacher's sect to fight. It's not for nothing to beat these two things!

Mr. Jiang was so angry that he was trembling all over, his crutches were no longer supported, he rushed over and cursed: "You bastard! Who will allow you to be presumptuous!" Niu Baiwen took advantage of the chaos, grabbed Mr. Jiang's arm to slow him down, and patted him. Rubbing his back and giving him comfort, he greeted the disciples of the Jiang family and said, "Hurry up and help the grandfather! Don't be so angry!"

Mr. Jiang was so angry that he sent people away: "Get up! I don't need it!"

In the time it took to speak, Cheng Fengtai had already dragged Shang Xirui out of the second door, like a pair of desperate mandarin ducks. Mr. Jiang pointed tremblingly at Shang Xirui's shadow, and said angrily to the left and right: "Why does Shang Juzhen raise such a son who does all kinds of evil? Ah?!"

The two wounded on the ground over there were still moaning. All the actors felt that today was not in vain.