Winter Begonia

Chapter 90


Shang Xirui held Cheng Fengtai's hand tightly all the way without saying a word, Cheng Fengtai didn't dare to ask him a word. The car drove to Luogu Lane, Shang Xirui sat motionless in the car, did not get out of the car, did not speak, his eyes stared straight. On such a cold day, his hand holding Cheng Fengtai was actually sweating. Cheng Fengtai sat dryly with him until his legs were numb from the cold, then shook his hand and said, "Go home, huh?"

Shang Xirui's eyelashes fluttered suddenly as if in shock, and his fingertips trembled. Cheng Fengtai thought of the rabbits raised by Zhao Yuanzhen's family in Shanghai, sometimes one or two ran out to his yard, grazing with their backs to people, and yelled at them from behind, the rabbits had such dull and pitiful expressions , Everyone looks like a wolf. Shang Xirui kicked and beat so fiercely just now, now he is really fragile, wronged and heartbroken, he is a little orphan who was bullied by adults. Cheng Fengtai was so distressed that he leaned over and kissed his forehead for a long time before pulling him out of the car. Shang Xirui fell back on the bed when he entered the room, without even turning over, as if he was dead.

From the looks of it, the two of them didn't look right, and they didn't dare to ask questions, they went into the room silently to burn the charcoal basin, and kept their eyes on Cheng Fengtai. Cheng Fengtai sat by the bed and took off Shang Xirui's shoes, put his feet on the bed and stuffed them under the quilt, then put an index finger on his mouth and winked at Xiaolai. Xiao Lai lowered his head and pursed his lips, lit the charcoal basin and left.

Cheng Fengtai can't go home today no matter what. He took off his clothes and got under the quilt, put his arms around Shang Xirui and whispered softly: "Boss Shang, what's wrong, tell me." Unspeakable. This made Cheng Fengtai nervous, fearing that he would be beaten, so he quietly kneaded his shoulders twice. Shang Xirui leaned on his shoulder in silence, suddenly took a deep breath, turned over and straddled Cheng Fengtai, looking down at him with burning eyes, like two stars in the night.

Cheng Fengtai hadn't sensed the danger yet, he patted the back of Shang Xirui's head, said lovingly and gently: "Lie down well, the quilt has gotten into the wind."

Shang Xirui didn't say a word, suddenly turned Cheng Fengtai over! Before Cheng Fengtai could understand, his pants were ripped off! Shang Xirui grabbed his wrist, put that half-hard, half-soft thing against his buttocks, stabbed him twice, and put his other arm across Cheng Fengtai's back to firmly hold him down. Cheng Fengtai's brain exploded, he didn't know why in a blink of an eye, a good rabbit turned into a crazy donkey, he was caught off guard without any mental preparation! There was a living man weighing over a hundred catties on his body, he couldn't breathe smoothly, he opened his throat and sweared a few cruel and threatening words intermittently, but Shang Xirui ignored them. It is absolutely impossible for Shang Xirui to be so lustful at the moment, it is purely for the sake of making a fuss and venting, he is full of anger in his heart, whoever gets close to him, whoever kisses him, deserves it.

That semi-soft dick was finally rubbed hard, and the juice dripped out and stained Cheng Fengtai's lower body. Cheng Fengtai's slender-armed and slender-legged son, once Shang Xirui restrained his joints with force, he could hardly resist, he struggled meaninglessly, and Shang Xirui melted away all his strength. Shang Xirui used to say harshly to him: For a young master like you, I can beat you eight times! Cheng Fengtai felt that this must be a bluff, saying that I am a little taller than you, and five or six pounds stronger, if you can beat me up, you are considered a skilled person, and eight! However, up to now, Cheng Fengtai wants to cry but has no tears, and there is only one to obey! Shang Xirui started to move, he looked even more like a mad donkey not strangled, snorting heavily, kissing Cheng Fengtai's ear; Cheng Fengtai's shirt collar was torn a little, and he couldn't let go after biting his neck. After all, Cheng Fengtai was a person who had gone through a lot of wind and waves, and he was powerless to fight, but quickly calmed down, said in a low voice, coldly: "Boss Shang, you are unhappy, I will have a good talk with you. If you Take me as a punching bag, and there will be no next time for the two of us. I'm not kidding you!"

The two have been together for several years, Cheng Fengtai still has a little knack for dealing with Shang Xirui. Shang Xirui is not afraid of Cheng Fengtai scolding him, not afraid of Cheng Fengtai beating him, but afraid of Cheng Fengtai's stern face, as if he is a stranger to him, it will make him terribly flustered and terrified. Hearing Cheng Fengtai's tone, Shang Xirui weighed it in mad rage, slowly stopped, froze there for a long time, hesitating, then let out a mournful sob, his whole body turned from a stinky hooligan into a piece just out of the pot The maltose was stirred and rubbed on Cheng Fengtai's body until it became greasy.

As soon as Cheng Fengtai's hands and feet were freed, he was about to throw him off his body, cursing angrily: "You are crazy! If you have such vigor, you will kill them! Bullying the weak and fearing the strong! You will put a cannon in the bed! You only hit your own people! "

The cannon that Shang Xirui set up under the blanket stood tall, loaded with live ammunition, the arrows were on the string, this cannon really only hit his own people. He pressed his lips against the hollow of Cheng Fengtai's shoulders, and the hot air sprayed Cheng Fengtai's neck, and Cheng Fengtai's breath filled his heart, the two shivered at the same time, relying on Cheng Fengtai's love for him, he was pretty It's unreasonable: "Give me a rub!" Then, without waiting for Cheng Fengtai to nod, he stuffed the cannon into Cheng Fengtai's thigh to force Cheng Fengtai to clamp it tightly, and started it up one by one.

Stars flashed in front of Cheng Fengtai's eyes, he didn't know if he was angry or what, he thought Shang Xirui wasn't crazy, but he was about to be made crazy by Shang Xirui! Usually put Shang Xirui under him to do things, Shang Xirui looks like a boy who is neither male nor female, coquettish and cute, so he doesn't think there is anything wrong at all. Today seemed to be the first time I realized that Shang Xirui was a man with nothing mixed in, that panting, smell, muscles, that aggressiveness that belonged to a man. Cheng Fengtai suddenly felt inexplicably surprised, so Shang Xirui is not a child anymore! Every time Shang Xirui pokes at him, it's as if it's in his heart, apart from shock and discomfort, there's also a little panic. With great difficulty recovering from the shock, a drop of hot sweat on Shang Xirui's forehead was falling into his eyes, so hot that Cheng Fengtai turned his head and rubbed his eyes, cursing: "Stinky opera singer! Take it easy! Second master's dick It's all worn out by you!" Shang Xirui only cared about his own comfort, let him go, snorted impatiently, wiped the sweat from his head and face, turned Cheng Fengtai over with one hand, and continued from Get going behind the scenes. Cheng Fengtai lived to be almost thirty years old, and it was the first time he was tossed and tossed on the bed like this, he was so angry that his heart ached and his eyes stared! But now this posture made him feel a little dangerous, Shang Xirui's sticky stick rubbed against his buttocks, and slipped through the gap a few times, Cheng Fengtai didn't dare to express any opinions to provoke Yan Prince. Shang Xirui hit Cheng Fengtai's body like this for half a night, making his lower body dripping with dirt, and finally panting exhausted, he fell on Cheng Fengtai's back, regardless of how Cheng Fengtai felt. Cheng Fengtai also breathed a sigh of relief, the ensuing anger was overwhelming, he pushed Shang Xirui away, without saying a word, he put on his clothes and was about to leave.

Shang Xirui silently watched him put on his jacket and trousers, suddenly put his arms around his waist and put his head in his crotch, sobbing and howling dryly, all the steam was on Cheng Fengtai's cock. Cheng Fengtai didn't dare to do anything to him, because his most deadly thing was on his lips, and if he got angry and became muddled, it would be creepy to bite it down. Listen carefully to Shang Xirui's howling, it seems to be: "They wronged me! You ignore me!"

Cheng Fengtai closed his eyes in hatred.

Although Shang Xirui has a bad temper, he is a little bit good, knowing that he has lost his heart, he will scold Cheng Fengtai whatever he wants, without retaliation or anger, as if he knows his mistake. Cheng Fengtai has the temperament of the men in the south of the Yangtze River. When things happen, he doesn't like to fight, he tends to fight coldly or break his mouth. He can teach people endlessly, and he will be happy after scolding. Shang Xirui knew him well. During the whole night, Xiao Lai never stopped listening to the commotion in the next room. Sometimes he wanted to take a look, and sometimes he felt it was unnecessary, just hanging on his heart.

Cheng Fengtai was exhausted, his eyebrows lightened, his eyes became smoother, he looked at Shang Xirui's half-hanging head, and said: "Don't keep silent like you're a good boy, you're scolding me in your heart Yes or no!"

Shang Xirui drooped his head and did not speak, the energy of being a donkey just now disappeared, Cheng Fengtai held his face and looked at him, and saw that his mouth was hanging upside down and his lips were pouting, there were no tears in his eyes, he was just an unlucky face .

Cheng Fengtai laughed and said: "I thought you were scolded and cried by me!"

Shang Xirui snorted, turned over and leaned on the pillow: "What's there to cry about, I won't cry!"

Cheng Fengtai asked: "Didn't you cry in the Liyuan Guild just now?"

Shang Xirui raised his eyebrows and said, "They deserve me to cry too?!"

Cheng Fengtai stared at him for a while, couldn't help but smile, took off his clothes and lay back under the quilt, lay on a pillow beside him and started asking about the head and tail of the Liyuan Guild Hall. Shang Xirui refused to speak at first, Cheng Fengtai asked anxiously, he spoke intermittently in a few words. Cheng Fengtai lit a cigarette in the charcoal basin, held it in the corner of his mouth, frowned and twitched, thinking: "How did the costume get into Lao Jiangtou's hands? If you taught the children backstage, how would the outside know? ... It seems that there is more than one spy in Shuiyun Tower."

There are nearly a hundred people in Shuiyun Tower, and it is impossible to protect a traitor who is in Cao Ying and his heart is in Han. Who is it, how to guard against it, and how to deal with it. When Shang Xirui thought of these things, he felt very tangled and in pain, it felt like a bristle brush was scrubbing his ribs in his chest, it was so painful that he couldn't think about it! He is deeply afraid of the turmoil and entanglements in the world, and he wants to sing opera with a clean body. However, singing is a career that involves fame and fortune. Come rumors and gossip.

Shang Xirui covered his heart like a sick Xi Shi, frowning: "Uncomfortable, annoying! I'm going to be so annoying!" Cheng Fengtai patted his back lovingly, and pressed his forehead against his forehead, his heart was full of tenderness, one who suffered It hurts so much to bully a child who can't fight back. Shang Xirui leaned on Cheng Fengtai's chest, secretly thinking about the unexpected grievances that ordinary people have suffered in the past ten years. The pain of practicing kung fu when I was a child was worse than going to hell. My muscles and bones had to be stretched and crushed to make a new man, and I had to be beaten by my adoptive father every day. After growing up, he endured the harassment of movie fans and the profanity of nobles. Singing on the stage is the happiest and most worry-free time, but if the singing goes a little bit wrong, there are people scolding grandma for flying teapots up to hit people. The mouth can shoot out the brains of people. Singing for rich and noble families, seven times out of ten it is equivalent to entering a wolf's den. It is common to be forced to stay overnight. The slander and slander from peers has never stopped. The means of throwing dung on the newspaper and posting large characters are exactly what I learned from my colleagues after experiencing it. Shang Xirui never mentioned this to anyone, not even Cheng Fengtai, it seemed hypocritical to speak of self-pity. The three thousand Liyuan disciples all came here like this, and from what they saw, he was not the only one who suffered, and it was not worth complaining about. Today's encounter alone made Shang Xirui really disheartened, there are not many good people left in this business.

"It's boring." He looked at the top of the bed curtain and said, "It's really boring. I don't want to be with them anymore. Anyway, I have saved enough money. If I don't take their seats, they won't look for them." Follow me."

Hearing this, Cheng Fengtai's heart moved, and he said with a smile: "You're not talking about storytelling, you can do it with one person and one seat, but you can't sing without them."

Shang Xirui thought for a while: "I can set up a private team like Jiulang and Master Jin, without too many people, except for the civil and military field, a dozen is enough!"

Cheng Fengtai has a general idea of this type of private small classes, most of them are selected by semi-retired famous actors, all of them lead their own apprentices, and all the singers are acquaintances. Buying tickets and booking private rooms on the market is actually the most popular way of playing. Movie fans who really have taste, such as Du Qi, a rich and leisurely family son, are often willing to invite such a small class, across the pavilion. In the pond, quietly invite friends to drink tea and listen to music. If you are interested in elegance, you may play a guest role in a play, or play the flute and pluck the strings. After the singing, the host chatted and laughed with the famous actors, and talked about the play, both parties enjoyed it greatly. That kind of brilliance is not something ordinary theater fans can enjoy, and ordinary opera singers are not worthy of this bowl of favors. After Shang Xirui became popular, he has acted with such a small class several times, and feels that the style is really different from public performances and ordinary halls. Apart from other things, first of all, there is no such indecent gesture as touching hands and waists. They came here sincerely to listen to the play.

Cheng Fengtai stroked his hair and agreed: "This kind of small class is very good, the singers are high-level, and the listeners are also high-level, quiet and quiet."

Hearing the quietness, Shang Xirui suddenly thought in a daze that he was only in his early twenties, and he was expected to have more than ten years of blooming flowers on the stage, so he retired like this? He couldn't help being hesitant, retreated, shook his head and said: "I'm too young, I don't have enough qualifications to start a small class." He added: "Besides, they don't like to watch fake faces, and they don't like to watch martial arts, all my efforts will be wasted. "His original plan was to sing Dan and sing until he was forty, and the private class was after forty. If he hastily advanced the plan, he would feel unsure, because he hasn't shown enough limelight yet! Cheng Fengtai remained silent, he was not in a hurry to do something, he also knew that Shang Xirui was reluctant, and that's all he said.

Cheng Fengtai babbled and explained for him, talking about what he had seen and heard when he traveled all over the world, talking about the injustices in this world, and said with a smile: "Old man Jiang will at most ruin your reputation, look at those colleagues in our chamber of commerce, if it is not for the hindrance of Commander Cao They can collude with bandits to kill me and tie up my child's ticket, do you believe it or not? Isn't this better than your Liyuan trip?" Shang Xirui listened to Cheng Fengtai's voice dully, and suddenly A layer of cold sweat broke out in the depths of winter, my heart was pulling a tendon on my forehead, beating violently, and I couldn't suppress the bad breath in my head. He knew that he was suffering from an illness, a mental illness, the root cause of which had fallen on Jiang Mengping in Pingyang, and would attack whenever he was stimulated. People outside said that he was crazy, but it was not all slander. Shang Xirui groaned in pain, bit Cheng Fengtai's shoulder, and slowly rubbed the man between his lips and teeth.

Cheng Fengtai gasped in pain, but a deep pity for his son slowly surged in his heart, which was both sour and gentle. Enduring the pain, he pressed the back of Shang Xirui's head with one hand while kissing his hair. In Cheng Fengtai's eyes, Cheng Fengtai couldn't stand a big deal, but he was so distressed, Jiao Si Xier was right, when he saw Shang Xirui suffering, he felt so distressed that he wanted to put himself in a panic. The whole thing was fed to Shang Xirui, the mad beast, and he chewed it alive to relieve the pain. Shang Xirui took a big bite of his lover's flesh, made a silent sound in his throat and stared at Cheng Fengtai, Cheng Fengtai's eyes that were so tender in the night.

Shang Xirui bowed his head again, and gave Cheng Fengtai a deep, inseparable kiss. Shang Xirui was as cowardly and cowardly as when he was a teenager, thinking that no matter how famous I am, once there is a difference, only the second master will never leave me and never change my original intention. What is the reputation that I have earned for so many years, it is all fake! Cheng Fengtai thought to himself that this little opera singer looks like a house full of gold and jade, incomparably prosperous and incomparably lively, when he is really desolate, I am the only one watching him toss and turn. Lingering together on a winter night in such disheveled clothes, the two of them felt like they were dependent on each other in the universe, and the love and intimacy in their hearts increased countless overnight, which cannot be explained to outsiders.

The next day, Niu Baiwen rushed to the commercial house at neither early nor late, but the two of them struggled all night, and only closed their eyes at dawn, and now they are still hugging each other and dreaming big dreams! Niu Baiwen glanced at the bedroom window, and said softly to Xiao Lai, "Still asleep?" Xiao Lai replied yes. Niu Baiwen lowered his voice even more: "Is Second Master Cheng here?" Xiao Lai muttered with a small face, ashamed to speak.

Niu Baiwen knew that as long as Shang Xirui was accompanied by Cheng Fengtai, Shang Xirui would be fine, he nodded and smiled with relief: "Let them sleep, let them sleep. The sun is good today, I'm basking in the sun in the yard, you are busy with you Yes." Xiao Lai made a pot of tea for him, and Niu Baiwen really basked in the sun all morning in Nababa. The two in the room woke up and didn't know that there was a guest, whispering and laughing on the bed. Shang Xirui's chest is full, he doesn't want to joke with Cheng Fengtai. Cheng Fengtai teased him on purpose, saying that Shang Xirui's set of good things under his crotch had been worn out, so he grabbed Shang Xirui's hand and let him rub it. As soon as Shang Xirui grasped it, he squeezed it hard, Cheng Fengtai let out a groan, and Niu Baiwen jumped up from his chair in fright, unable to hold back his curiosity, he put his ear to the window, and heard Shang Xirui's yelling through the window. Seriously said: "Who told you to mess with me! I'll kill you!"

Niu Baiwen drank his tea restlessly, his mind was full of wild thoughts: everyone said that Gandan was "bullied", now it seems that Gandan can become popular as Shang Xirui, but someone is rushing to "be bullied" up. Second Master Cheng... I didn't expect that!

After another three quarters, Shang Xirui called Xiao Lai to fetch water to wash up, Xiao Lai entered the room and told Niu Baiwen that he was here, Shang Xirui brushed his teeth while letting Niu Baiwen come in and talk. Although they are not outsiders, Niu Baiwen still feels weird walking into the room where the men are stealing and raping like this, so to cut a long story short, he whispered: "I talked to Boss Ning on the phone last night." Shang Xirui heard Ning Jiulang, wiped He stopped halfway through rubbing his face, and listened respectfully. What Ning Jiulang said in public was nothing more than some relief. You sit down, I think you are here to make up for favors. What do you mean?" Niu Baiwen was afraid of Shang Xirui's temper, so he tried to persuade him: "I said we'd better see each other, it looks like we're being generous!"

Shang Xirui thought for a while, nodded and said: "See! Of course!" He threw the towel into the water, looked up at the mirror carefully, then leaned over and splashed water on his face, patting his cheeks, making My complexion looks better, and I can no longer be haggard in front of my colleagues. He, Shang Xirui, has to hold his head high and his chest high all the time!

Cheng Fengtai coughed in the wing room: "What are you doing! Smacking yourself for fun? - Who's here?"

Shang Xirui replied naively: "Oh! I won't tell you!"

The intimacy between the two made Niu Baiwen even more embarrassed, Cheng Fengtai was about to get up, wouldn't it be embarrassing to break the adulterous relationship face to face like this, he would not be able to pretend to be a fool in the future. Niu Baiwen took the initiative to avoid going to the back street to buy some meat and vegetables, and he deliberately waited for a while, when he came back with the vegetables, Cheng Fengtai really got up. Cheng Fengtai was wearing Shang Xirui's homely thick padded jacket, with a sleepy face, sitting there drinking a cup of tea. He didn't dare to walk around casually, only when he got up did he realize that Shang Xirui's dick was really worn out, and it hurt when he rubbed against his pants, he was so useless! After meeting and greeting each other, Cheng Fengtai's attitude was very natural, like the host of this family, he greeted to sit down and eat food, Niu Baiwen felt that he was being supercilious. It was mentioned at the dinner table that the bosses would come to visit after a while, Cheng Fengtai endured a little cock pain, and sneered, no wonder he saw Shang Xirui wearing clothes for meeting guests: "They have a lot of face!" He turned his head Said to Shang Xirui: "Aren't you going crazy? Don't be mean! When they come later, I see you beat them all out with the latch, huh?"

Niu Baiwen became impatient when he heard it, he held up his chopsticks and waved them vigorously, thinking that if Second Master Cheng didn't try to persuade him, why would he be so angry! He still has the impression of Shang Xirui's recklessness in his youth, but he still doesn't know Shang Xirui well enough. Liyuanxing will not accommodate a real lunatic. Shang Xirui only does what he wants with those closest to him, he is a very humble gentleman to outsiders, very sensible and cautious, he speaks and acts with reason.

For example, now, Shang Xirui is very calm and unprovoked, swallowing hot soup with a look of compassion and compassion for all sentient beings: "In that case, it's not wrong to be wise and protect yourself. Don't help scold me, even if it's friend."

Niu Baiwen nodded emphatically for this understanding: "Yesterday, because of seniority, the bosses couldn't say anything, and they must have understood it in their hearts. Even I was imprisoned as soon as I opened my mouth—even I didn't say anything." It's a whole sentence!"

Cheng Fengtai couldn't understand their ambiguity of right and wrong, so he made many criticisms of Liyuanhang with a long-term perspective, and sneered: "There is a way! If you don't speak on the spot, you won't offend Boss Jiang; if you say something nice now, you won't offend Boss Shang. The singers are too good at acting It's too easy to be a man!" Shang Xirui knew that he was forced to "do it" yesterday, and his dick hurt and he was in a bad mood, so he didn't argue with him or talk back, and just ate with his own head. Niu Baiwen listened to his complaints very humbly, and then smiled and said, "This is the pear garden! It's not like the second master, who hires some soldiers alone, and can do business with a few guns. How dare you challenge the entire chamber of commerce? If you say stop contact, stop contact, and no one will hinder your eyes. Isn’t the trip to Liyuan just like people carrying people in sedan chairs! The stage is short, and youth is even shorter.

Cheng Fengtai smiled: "Master Niu made it clear." Niu Baiwen also laughed, and they clinked wine glasses. In the second half of the afternoon, when the opera bosses woke up and had enough to go out for activities, they really came to the commercial house in groups of three or five, and they stood together chattering. Cheng Fengtai used to think that actors were very mysterious and poetic, but now that he knew the inside story, he didn't even bother to look at their faces, he leaned on the bedside in the bedroom to read the newspaper, and kept an ear to listen to the movement outside. Niu Baiwen was afraid that Shang Xirui wouldn't be able to handle this, so he stayed by the side to socialize like a big brother, when he heard a group of people denounce the Jiang family in outrage. Shang Xirui thanked them very heartily, and sent them off kindly, the whole process was very considerate to the guests, Niu Baiwen had no room to intervene. Cheng Fengtai thought that he was not as good at dealing with business as Shang Xirui on the scene, he had the temper of being angry and cursing, and Shang Xirui had never scolded the Jiang family overtly or secretly until now.

The actors chatted for more than half an hour before they left. Xiao Lai had just removed the teacups when the second wave of condolences came again, making it too late for the hot tea to be brought up. The speed of spreading the word in this industry has always been top-notch, and it is estimated that the entire Beiping Liyuan circle knows that Jiang Shang's uncle and nephew are at war. Although some opera singers are trying to make up for favors, they have hypocritical intentions; the other part are purely fighting against injustices, loathe the Jiang family's domineering, pity Shang Xirui's grievances, they must not close the door to welcome guests. Everyone was talking in the main hall, probably this group of opera singers had a special friendship with Shang Xirui, once they started talking, they kept talking, blocking Cheng Fengtai from the bedroom. He didn't go home all day and night, he was afraid that the second grandma would blame him, so he wanted to go back and have a look, finally the last group of guests also left, Cheng Fengtai immediately wanted to leave, when Shang Xirui lifted the curtain, the corners of his mouth and brows With a melancholy childlike air, I couldn't see the all-rounded beauty just now, without saying a word, I hugged Cheng Fengtai by the waist, put my chin on his shoulder, and said in a low voice: "I'm so annoying, I'm so annoyed. It's annoying..."

Cheng Fengtai sighed helplessly, patted Shang Xirui's head, saying that he couldn't be left alone at this moment.

The two had a hasty dinner, washed up and went to bed to lie down. Limbs intertwined in a quilt, whispering words. As long as Cheng Fengtai fell asleep and stopped talking, Shang Xirui kicked his legs unwillingly: "Say, keep talking, I feel uncomfortable when I'm quiet!" Shang Xirui had seen all the scars from rashes when he was a child. At this moment, I can only search my stomach and start talking about the privacy of other people's homes. According to the degree of closeness and closeness, the first unlucky one was Shanghai's female neighbor Zhao Yuanzhen. However, the Zhao family is also quite a legendary family, and there are many deeds that can be praised. Speaking of Second Grandma fighting Zhao Yuanzhen and borrowing Second Young Master's shit to disgust her, Shang Xirui laughed vulgarly and commented: "It's funny, what happened to her afterwards?"

Cheng Fengtai said: "Later, I came to Beiping with Commander Cao in order to do business, and I only talked to her occasionally, I don't know how she is doing." He said with a smile: "Anyway, she has a good life. Variety."

Talking until the middle of the night, Zhao Yuanzhen's story was finished. Originally, a girl in her twenties didn't have so many wonderful things to say. After talking for most of the night, Cheng Fengtai was already spitting out lotus flowers. Cheng Fengtai was so sleepy that his eyes were closed, Shang Xirui couldn't wake him up by kicking him, so he turned over and lay on top of him to bite his nose: "Don't sleep! Play with me!" Cheng Fengtai covered his nose and opened his eyes, frowning and smiling Said: "I have really committed a crime. I have not coaxed the three young masters in the family for a whole night since they were young, but the retribution is in your hands... Why are you not tired?"

After he was injured in Pingyang that year, Shang Xirui couldn't sleep all night for a month, and only managed to stare for two or three hours at dawn - this is also one of the sequelae. Of course he won't explain it to Cheng Fengtai, he just grinds people blindly. In normal times, no matter how good-tempered Cheng Fengtai is, he would not allow him to make such unreasonable troubles, so he would definitely be scolded. But this time, Shang Xirui has suffered a real loss, he is well-known as a teacher, so he is very qualified to make a fuss. As usual, they talked with each other until dawn, and the two slept soundly. Du Qi had just finished an all-night gamble, took advantage of his excitement to rush in all the way, saw the person on the bed, he frowned, knocked on the door frame to wake everyone up, then hooked his finger at Shang Xirui :"come out!"

Cheng Fengtai turned over in annoyance. Shang Xirui knew that he was not as tempered as Du Qida, out of a bullying mentality, he had to lower his posture to resist sleepiness, put on his clothes and talk. That was another long talk. Du Qiye heard rumors at the wine table, the rumors spread wildly, I don't know if it was a child of the Jiang family who blew the wind out, saying that Shang Xirui's Drum Shangwu stole the Jiang family's secret immortal footwork , That's why Master Shi was annoyed! When Du Qi heard this, he slapped the table on the spot and scolded Jiang's father and son severely. He scolded the Japanese ancestor for fucking his wife. He openly wanted to form this hatred and made those who spread the rumors feel ashamed.

Hearing this, Shang Xirui couldn't help but scold "Fart" angrily! Du Qi yelled and cursed there high and low, making Cheng Fengtai unable to fall asleep. By the time Du Qi finished drinking and went home to sleep, Cheng Fengtai and Shang Xirui were both over sleepy. After lunch was set on the table, I took two bites when the door slammed again.

Shocked, Shang Xirui put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth to welcome the guests, saying: "Now I'm scared when I hear the knock on the door!"

Cheng Fengtai laughed and said: "You should install a revolving glass door of an international hotel, how convenient it is for guests to come!"

It was Li Tianyao who came, with a jar of Shaoxing Huang in one hand, and a roast chicken and braised beef offal in the other, humming a little tune in a very relaxed and carefree manner, not treating himself as an outsider at all. He and Shang Xirui have known each other for a long time, when Shang Juzhen was alive, he took a class in Shuiyun Tower for two months, and in these two months, he quietly abducted a senior sister. The old class leader hated him because of this, and the two parties lived in the north and the south and did not communicate with each other. But he probably still remembers some old friendships, otherwise he wouldn't have helped in the Liyuan Guild Hall. Shang Xirui was grateful and treated him extra politely.

Seeing Cheng Fengtai here, Li Tianyao didn't ask if it's convenient or not, and said with a smile: "We don't sing operas these days, we brothers will have a drink with Cheng Erye together!" Cheng Fengtai was also very special when he saw him Courtesy, not only stood up to greet him, but also personally took the wine to the kitchen for Xiao Lai to warm up. Li Tianyao saw that Cheng Fengtai's eyes were bruised, his face was pale, his lips were withered, and his walking posture seemed to be holding an egg, so he couldn't help but smacked his lips in surprise, turned his head and looked at it Shang Xirui, very proud. After three rounds of drinking between the guests and the host, Li Tianyao said: "I'm here to say goodbye to Boss Shang, and I'm going back to Nanjing for the New Year tomorrow." The old man is so excited, it’s too much to correct and it’s a mess! Our small place is clean! The boxes are also sealed, Boss Shang, why not take a walk with me to relax?"

Shang Xirui suddenly showed a subtle expression of leisurely yearning, hesitantly said: "I'm afraid I can't leave, I have a lot of guests these days."

At this moment, Shang Xirui's honesty can be seen. Cheng Fengtai looked at him and smiled: "It is precisely because there are so many guests that you should go all the more. Just in time for the Chinese New Year, when the mess in Beiping is straightened out and the dust settles, you will come back."

Li Tianyao also looked at Shang Xirui and smiled, Shang Xirui understood such a simple truth after a little thought. That night I packed my luggage and informed my relatives and friends. The next day, he went to Li Tianyao to go to Nanjing without packing lightly, not even taking Xiao Lai with him. On the way, Cheng Fengtai personally drove them to the station, and when they got there, he bowed his hands to Li Tianyao and said solemnly: "Boss Li, I will leave it to you. Please take care of him. I am very grateful!"

Li Tianyao was a little touched by entrusting Shang Xirui as precious and precious as a child, and returned a gift to Cheng Fengtai, smiling generously: "Don't worry, Second Master Cheng, if Boss Shang comes home with a piece of nail short, you Just ask me!"

Shang Xirui has been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, he has been everywhere, when he has received this kind of love, seeing this scene in front of him, he also feels quite ashamed, he pretends not to see it, but feels a little at ease in his heart. Before parting, Cheng and Shang quietly shook hands again, and Li Tianyao also pretended not to see it.