Winter Begonia

Chapter 95


After listening to the news, Shang Xirui leaned back in his chair and shouted happily! Li Tianyao also relieved his anger, and said: "Go to Jiang's house and the boss of the business will go by himself. It's really fun to slap him in the face!" Shang Xirui shook his head slowly with a smile on his lips: "I won't go, I'm afraid of annoying." Shang Xirui Rui doesn't even have the patience to deal with complicated matters.

Cheng Fengtai ate a few mouthfuls of steak in his heart, and suddenly said seriously: "Oh, there is one more bad news to tell Boss Shang. The old Fujin of Prince An's Mansion is gone on the second day of the Lunar New Year. It lasted three days and three nights. When it was time for the burial, he jumped into the grave without saying anything, so Prince An asked someone to bury him together."

Before Shang Xirui could speak, Li Tianyao's expression changed: "How old is it, and Prince An's Mansion is still willing to bury the living?"

Cheng Fengtai smiled: "Hey, Boss Li, you don't know..."

"Once Shunzi dies, there will be no one in the huge Prince An's Mansion who knows how to play!" Shang Xirui deliberately interrupted Cheng Fengtai's words and Li Tianyao's mischief because he was in a good mood, Cheng Fengtai immediately understood, the two talked to each other with their eyes, laughed and Laugh, laugh badly.

Cheng Fengtai picked up the wine glass and said: "This glass is to Shunzi, loyal to the liver and courage."

Shang Xirui touched him with a teacup: "To my friends in Liyuan."

Li Tianyao was still stunned and confused: "No, I said... a big living person! Just buried like this? Lawless! Do you think it's their Aixinjueluo world!"

Cheng Fengtai couldn't help laughing, and asked, "Boss Shang has been away from Beiping for half a month, what news do you want to tell me?"

Shang Xirui heard that Cheng Fengtai had spent a lot of money to stand up for him, and it was difficult to say that he worshiped Liu Hanyun as a godfather, and felt like he had let down Cheng Fengtai's hard work. Li Tianyao didn't care, interjected: "Boss Shang! Hey! We, Boss Shang, are now half members of the committee!" Then he told Cheng Fengtai about the matter. Of course Cheng Fengtai's knowledge of the political situation and the world situation is much better than that of the actors, after listening to it, he scratched and drawn in his mind to calculate the advantages and disadvantages, and he didn't speak for a long time, showing no signs of happiness or anger. Li Tianyao realized that she was talking too much, so she looked embarrassing. Cheng Fengtai joked just now: "Boss Shang is so lucky, he must have won a big red envelope. You pay the bill for this meal." Other than that, the joking ones didn't say anything else, they each took a short break after dinner before going to the theater. When we were alone, Shang Xirui couldn't help asking: "What do you say about my godfather?" Cheng Fengtai fell silent again, and said after a long time: "Liu Hanyun has been staying in Nanjing, I don't know him very well. On the contrary, his godsons, all promising young people who have no backing in various fields, have been recruited by him. Based on this alone, I don't believe that he only loves fame and has no ambition. Political figures are too complicated, Boss Shang shouldn't get involved .”

A few words hit Shang Xirui's hidden worries, which made him sleepy and unhappy. He has a kind of foolish temperament, loves to listen to flattery, no matter how right the reasoning is, he can't do it if he doesn't like it. Originally, he wanted to hug Cheng Fengtai and make a fuss, but now he was in no mood, and fell asleep soundly under the quilt. But he also has advantages. When he woke up, he quickly forgot about these little things, and he was still happy to eat and drink. On the contrary, Li Tianyao had been angry with Prince An's Mansion for a long time. Cheng Fengtai drove them to the theater, and Li Tianyao chanted all the way in the car. When he entered the backstage, he couldn't help but say to people: "You know! They were buried with living people! They were buried together with the coffin! Is it scary?" The listeners changed their countenance, expressing their shock over and over again.

Shang Xirui just grinned silently, thankfully he could hold it back. Cheng Fengtai looked cute and hateful, he couldn't help scratching the tip of his nose, and said in a low voice: "Do you feel that you are boring? What's so naughty about this?"

Shang Xirui smiled with brows flying: "I am willing, it's fun!"

Cheng Fengtai really wanted to kiss him.

Backstage preparations for the show were in full swing, and the time passed very quickly. Sheng Ziyun didn't show his face all day today, and Shang Xirui didn't mention him at all. Cheng Fengtai took the initiative to take care of the bag, leaning on the dressing table to point fingers, saying that the sapphire's head looks good and matches the color of the clothes, and he was about to insert the hairpin into Shang Xirui's head. Shang Xirui was so annoyed, he turned his head to hide: "Don't make trouble!". Li Tianyao said with an obscene smile: "Boss Shang, let the second master insert it for you!"

Shang Xirui felt very ashamed, so he clenched his fists and hit Cheng Fengtai twice.

When Shang Xirui came to the stage for the finale, Cheng Fengtai first stood behind the scenes with a teapot in his hand and watched for a while, then sat in Shang Xirui's seat as usual, sipping Shang Xirui's tea while reading the newspaper and talking to Li Tianyao Leisure day. Li Tianyao has figured out Shang Xirui's temper these days, she thought that when Boss Shang got off the stage and saw you drank all his tea, he would have to be beaten again, wouldn't he? When the silk strings were finished on the stage, Cheng Fengtai poured some hot water into the teapot, then mixed a cup of honey, and slowly shook the teapot to mix it up. Li Tianyao secretly admired the meticulousness of the local men. It is really rare for a young master to have a mind of serving others. Shang Xirui finished the show, a whirlwind swept backstage, his clothes were soaked in winter sweat, his makeup was soaked by sweat. Without saying a word, he raised his chin towards Cheng Fengtai, Cheng Fengtai handed the teapot to his mouth, irrigated it like watering a flower, and asked him: "Is it okay?" Shang Xirui said: "Let's do it. There's too much honey to pickle Throat." Cheng Fengtai said: "Remember it!" Hair combing master helped Shang Xirui remove his hair and face, Cheng Fengtai saw that the washbasin was shared by everyone, when he touched it, there was indeed a layer of powder and dirt in the basin. He frowned in disgust, scrubbed twice with soap vigorously, then poured scalding hot water and soaked the towel in it for high-temperature disinfection.

Li Tianyao just couldn't understand Cheng Fengtai. As for mime opera, Shang Xirui sang opera just now, and he didn't pay attention to it; as for charming, the trick to holding an opera singer is to show extravagance, which can satisfy the actor's vanity, sending two flower baskets is better than sending two Gold insoles fit much better. Cheng Fengtai is not someone who is short of money, he is rushing to be a reminder behind his back, putting in a set of invisible efforts, like putting a layer of gold insoles on Shang Xirui, Shang Xirui doesn't notice it It turns out that outsiders don't even know, what are you trying to figure out? Isn't it strange that holding an actor actually brings out the taste of life

A small handyman ran in from outside the door, and said in a panic, "Boss Li! A fake foreign devil has come outside! He is babbling English words and rushing to the backstage!"

Immediately after that was Li Tianyao's big shaft, and Li Tianyao couldn't get away. Shang Xirui pushed Cheng Fengtai: "Listen, here comes a fake foreign devil! You go and meet him!"

Cheng Fengtai was aggrieved: "Why, Boss Shang, I am a fake foreign devil in your heart?" Even though he said so, he still smiled at Li Tianyao: "I can speak a few foreign words, let me handle it, don't delay Boss Li Come on stage." Li Tianyao rushed to Fengtai to thank her, and hurried to the stage.

The reason why the person from outside is a "fake foreign devil" is because the person has black eyes, black hair, and a delicate face, which is obviously an East Asian species. Holding a box in his hand, the young man was chasing after each other with the handyman, dodging all the way, and his posture was extremely dexterous. Once the handyman jumped at him fiercely, he raised the box high, as if holding a jade seal, and shouted: "Oh, my god!"

Cheng Fengtai went up to the messenger and left as a handyman, nodded to the young man, and politely asked him in English what he wanted to do. The young man probably didn't expect that there would be someone who could speak English in this place where ancient songs were sung, instead he stammered, saying that he was Shang Xirui's friend and came to give Shang Xirui a gift. Ask him what his name is so that he can go in and pass a message, but he can't say it vaguely. Of course Cheng Fengtai didn't believe him, it's not uncommon for theater fans to pretend to be his friends in order to meet Shang Xirui, and even pretend to be his cousin and aunt, and let him in to meet Shang Lang rashly, In case of crying and laughing and making people go crazy, they won't be able to drag it away. Cheng Fengtai smiled at him, hesitantly. As soon as the young man came to his senses, he opened the box to show Cheng Fengtai, and explained a few words. When Cheng Fengtai saw the items in the box, he immediately believed it, and heard the young man say: "Mr. Shang Xirui and I met at Yenching University, and Mr. Du Ruofang introduced us to each other."

Du Luofang is the surname of Du Qigong, there is nothing to believe. Cheng Fengtai led the young man into the backstage, where Shang Xirui was washing his face. Cheng Fengtai asked the young man to sit down for a while, but the young man didn't sit down, he held the box and looked at Shang Xirui with a smile. Shang Xirui still had beads of water on his face, he squinted his eyes and glanced at the young man, but didn't recognize who he was. The young man was not in a hurry to declare his family name, as if he was sure that Shang Xirui must remember him. He guessed Shang Xirui wrong, if he was a character written in the script, no matter how many years had passed, Shang Xirui would be able to tell his name when he saw his face. He is a living man with plain eyebrows and a faceless face, can Shang Xirui take it to heart? At this time, a small vendor brought in a few bowls of sweet-scented osmanthus rice balls for the female actress from the back door, Shang Xirui smelled the sweetness, stepped over to look around in two steps: "What are you eating?" Well, I only want to ask a question, and I immediately got a bowl in my hand and started to eat.

The young man couldn't hold back any longer, and said with a Shandong accent: "Boss Shang, I am Xue Zhicheng! You forgot about me!"

Cheng Fengtai turned his head to look at this kid in surprise, as if he heard the cat yelling, thinking that you can fucking speak Chinese? Then what are you pretending to be like with me!

Shang Xirui scooped a glutinous rice ball into his mouth and ate it, looking at Xue Zhicheng. Yukinojo knew that if he didn't verify his identity, he would be blown away by the backstage, so he put down the box and picked up a folding fan on the dressing table in a hurry, opened the fan and did two dance moves that he didn't know the name of: "Madame Butterfly!"

This trick is a good reminder, Shang Xirui can't remember anything when it comes to drama, even if it's just an action or a word, otherwise it would be useless to spend the night talking with him face to face. Shang Xirui quickly ate the two glutinous rice balls left in the bowl, wiped his hands: "So it's you! Long time no see! You've become different from before! Please sit down!"

No wonder Shang Xirui couldn't think of Xue Zhicheng. It must have been six or seven years since I met at the drama club of Yenching University. At that time Xue Zhicheng couldn't speak a word of Chinese, and it was all thanks to Du Qi to translate, dancing and telling the story of "Madame Butterfly" to Shang Xirui. Due to Du Qi's face, Shang Xirui invited Xue Zhicheng to listen to a play in the garden the next day. Xue Zhicheng and Shang Xirui chatted for several days in such an environment where they couldn't understand each other. Yukinogi showed Shang Xirui the insect specimens collected in China, they were all big bugs and moths, which disgusted Shang Xirui. A day later, Shang Xirui took Xue Zhicheng to drink bean juice and eat Jiaoquaner, which also disgusted Xue Zhicheng. When parting, Xue Zhicheng hugged Shang Xirui and shed tears, as if the friendship was very deep.

"Du once said that you are his muse and the birthplace of all his artistic inspirations. So that time, I went to Beiping to meet you." Yukinojo said: "After seeing you, I believed that Du was not exaggerating. I learned Chinese just to tell you this myself one day."

It turns out that Xue Zhicheng learned Chinese from Shang Xirui's fellow villagers. Shang Xirui didn't know who Muse was, so he didn't have the nerve to ask, seeing Xue Zhicheng's expression was so fascinated, it must be a good thing, so he politely smiled and thanked him. Cheng Fengtai felt very nasty, couldn't help lowering his head and whispering in Shang Xirui's ear: "Muse is an old man from a foreign country. He meant that, Boss Shang, you are like a patriarch."

It's okay to say this in the Shuiyun Tower to flatter, but outside the Shuiyun Tower, it's ignorant of the sky and the earth, and it's unbearable! Shang Xirui jumped up from the chair as if his ass was burned by flames, and cupped his hands repeatedly: "Where is this! Shang can't afford it!"

Yukinojo held the well-protected box in his lap and said: "A few days ago I heard that you were also in Shanghai, so I came to look for you, but your servants prevented me from seeing you. Today I can only Pretending to be a foreigner, they have nothing to do with foreigners."

Shang Xirui wanted to say that you are a foreigner! When the words came to his lips, Xue Zhicheng slowly opened the box and presented the contents inside to Shang Xirui, who swallowed the words. Inside the box is a blue butterfly perched safely on the nobile, its wings gleaming like satin, like pearls, like a piece of moonlight reflected on the sea, no matter how expensive the material is, it cannot produce such a moving luster.

Yukinojo said: "I remember you said that the more real things on stage, the better. This is a real butterfly I caught in the American continent."

Shang Xirui couldn't resist the temptation of the brilliance, he looked at the butterfly hairpin to the lamp again and again, the back of the butterfly is mounted on a very thin piece of glass, the hairpin underneath is made of red gold, it must be sturdy enough to move on stage. The actors gathered around and expressed their admiration, saying, "This butterfly looks a little bit emerald, but even a little bit of emerald green can't make such a big piece."

Xue Zhicheng only looked at Shang Xirui: "There is also a poem I wrote for you, please accept it too!"

Shang Xirui was used to receiving gifts from movie fans, so he accepted it after a short refusal. Xue Zhicheng sat in the backstage for a long time, showing off his Chinese to Shang Xirui, and talking about his views on Chinese opera culture, of course the tone of the talk was extremely amateurish, only Western operas were used, and Oriental madness was there for example. He didn't know that Chinese operas are self-contained, they don't need to be referenced, and there is no way to compare them. For example, no matter how beautiful English is, they can't translate the "Book of Songs", and listening to Chinese operas with foreigners' ears will not match up . Shang Xirui didn't argue with him, put on a perfunctory attitude towards theater fans, smiled slightly and listened like a cricket. The more Xue Zhicheng talked, the more enjoyable he was, Shang Xirui's smile and silence became a kind of approval in his eyes, while talking, he put his hand on Shang Xirui's and shook it.

Cheng Fengtai just can't stand him acting like a baby, it seems that everyone loves to touch and rub Shang Xirui, what's wrong with Shang Xirui's body dripping with honey? Cheng Fengtai took Xue Zhicheng's hand away, and pretended to him in English: "I'm sorry, Du probably didn't tell you that in China, opera actors who play female roles can't be touched by men off the stage at will, otherwise it will anger us in China." muse."

Yukinojo loves to hear such nonsense, and feels that Chinese opera is unfathomable, reserved and mysterious. Immediately gathered his hands and feet, sat and talked dignifiedly. Although Shang Xirui couldn't understand English, seeing Cheng Fengtai looking at him and smiling, he guessed that Cheng Fengtai was talking nonsense to lie to the fool again.

After this round of contact, anyone can see that Yukinojo is a stunned young man. Shang Xirui and Cheng Fengtai flirted absently, he didn't realize it. It wasn't until Li Tianyao came off the stage to take off her make-up, and everyone was going back, that Xue Zhicheng said goodbye, before going to Shang Xirui to promise that one day he would come to Peiping to find him, Shang Xirui nodded: "You are here, I will invite you Drink soy juice." Xue Zhicheng's Shandong teacher didn't teach him the word soy juice, and he couldn't put the word into his seat, he was flattered.

As soon as Xue Zhicheng left, everyone immediately started making jokes about Shang Xirui. Li Tianyao made a fuss and laughed and said, "It's amazing! Even the Japanese are listening to the show! It's Boss Shang who has the ability!"

Shang Xirui waved his hand pretentiously, looking down on foreigners from the bottom of his heart: "What do they know! The donkey's head is wrong, it's just a new look! They want to know theatre, unless they are reincarnated!"

Everyone laughed. Cheng Fengtai pinched Shang Xirui by the back of the neck, and said softly: "Boss Shang recognized a high official as his godfather in the blink of an eye, and became a fan of Japanese movies in the blink of an eye, what else do I not know?"

Shang Xirui rolled his eyes to his face, and smiled: "You don't know a lot! When Jiulang received foreign envoys for Prince Qi, I also met many red and white foreigners. What is a Japanese? !"

Li Tianyao said: "Do people still have red?"

Shang Xirui replied: "There are foreigners whose entire faces are red, and they can sing Guan Gong without putting on any makeup!"

That night, Lao Ge finished his errands for Cheng Fengtai and returned to work as a driver. Cheng Fengtai held the box Xue Zhicheng sent under his arm, and whispered to Lao Ge for a while, when suddenly a person barged in on the road ahead, Li Tianyao yelled, Lao Ge almost stepped on the brakes. Li Tianyao asked suspiciously: "Isn't this Young Master Yun?"

Sheng Ziyun looked angry, stood in front of the car and glared at Cheng Fengtai, his face was full of tears, he punched the car cover with his fist, and shouted: "Cheng Fengtai!!!"

Cheng Fengtai was called by Sheng Ziyun's name and surname, at that time he reached out to open the door, preparing to teach Sheng Ziyun how to behave, but before he could move, Sheng Ziyun turned his head and ran away. Cheng Fengtai murmured a word of brat, and he knew the reason for Sheng Ziyun very well. Shang Xirui vaguely understands what Sheng Ziyun's anger and tears are for, many movie fans have a desire to possess him, like between lovers, but so what? These two people didn't take Sheng Ziyun to heart at all, and they didn't even talk about him.

Shang Xirui and Li Tianyao were chatting in the back seat, Cheng Fengtai couldn't get in the conversation, so he opened Xue Zhicheng's box when he had nothing to do. In addition to the butterfly hairpin, there was indeed a letter, the letter paper was well folded, the printing grass was sprinkled with perfume, and the Chinese characters on it were also very delicate. Cheng Fengtai read this sour poem once, immediately crumpled the letter into a paper ball and flew out of the window, cursing in his heart to fuck you.

In this way, Hu Tianhu sings, sings, plays and sleeps, and it is almost the Lantern Festival, and it is time to go back to this day anyway. Cheng Fengtai went to Sheng's house to return the car, met his old classmate Sheng Ziye for dinner, but did not meet Sheng Ziyun. A while ago, Sheng Ziyun stayed in Shanghai to be a follower for Shang Xirui, the university had started, he didn't want to go to class, he just made up nonsense for his family. But on the second day after that tearful night, Sheng Ziyun hurried back to Peiping as if hiding from a ghost. Sheng Ziye was suspicious, so he couldn't help questioning Cheng Fengtai about his younger brother's situation in Beiping. When we were in school, we would at most treat female students to drink cold drinks and go for a walk in the park. Today’s kids actually know how to be an actor! Hey, I don’t know where he learned it from!”

Sheng Ziye pushed his glasses, frowned and said, "Actor? A Peking opera actor?"

Cheng Fengtai said: "I can't tell you that."

Sheng Ziye's eyebrows frowned even tighter. Seeing Cheng Fengtai's foolishness, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but smile: "I ask you to take care of him, why are you telling me now? When did this happen?"

Cheng Fengtai said: "Even earlier I didn't notice it. He's a young man, can I put him on his waistband? He's a literary student, so it's normal to listen to operas, how can I think that he has such thoughts."

Sheng Ziye put away his smile: "If I don't ask you today, you will never think of telling me. Then it will be a crime! Rent a house in Beiping for me, the dormitory can no longer live, I will find someone to watch with him."

Cheng Fengtai agreed, went back to the hotel to pack his luggage, and saw Li Tianyao stuffing money into Shang Xirui. After just over a week of singing, Shang Xirui made a net profit of 2,000 yuan, Li Tianyao wrote a check and put it in a red envelope, but Shang Xirui refused to accept it, pushing and tugging with Li Tianyao there. Li Tianyao wanted to do this favor wholeheartedly, and didn't want to be said that he took advantage of Shang Xirui, that he was not a decent person. Shang Xirui was determined not to, and said: "At the beginning we agreed to help you stand on the platform, we didn't mention the box office. You want to give me money now, I can't accept it, we agreed!" In Xirui's mind, the "dealed" thing is iron and copper, and there is no change - even if it is changed in a direction that is beneficial to him, he can't turn this corner, he is almost chest tight and short of breath. Cheng Fengtai always felt that his inflexibility was actually a manifestation of his mental insanity, if he broke away from the rules and agreements, he would not be able to act. Li Tianyao was embarrassed to only think of Shang Xirui, and still stuffed money into his arms, Shang Xirui grabbed Li Tianyao's wrist firmly, Li Tianyao was puzzled: "What do you mean, Boss Shang, I will give you money, you It's like catching a thief."

Cheng Fengtai separated the two of them before Shang Xirui got impatient, and said to Li Tianyao: "The friendship between the two bosses who draw their swords to help each other is so vulgar with money! In the future, there will be a lot of times when you can rely on Boss Li to sing operas from south to north. Is Boss Li still afraid that there will be no chance to communicate?"

Li Tianyao smiled and didn't insist anymore. Early the next morning Cheng and Shang set off back to Peiping with a Chu Qionghua, and Li Tianyao went to see him off. He took Shang Xirui and walked a few steps away and said to Shang Xirui: "Boss Shang is a generous and blessed person who doesn't care about details. In the circle of Liyuan in Sijiu City, the water is too deep, and people's hearts go back and forth, so Boss Shang has to keep pace with every step."

Shang Xirui nodded and said with a smile: "Soldiers, come and block, I'm a kid who has grown up in this circle, there is always a way to make things right."

Li Tianyao said: "It doesn't necessarily mean that we have to go all the way to the dark, like this time, it's not disgusting enough! We have no other way out, roll in the quagmire and resign ourselves to our fate, you are different." He glanced at Cheng Fengtai: "I've been watching coldly for the past few days, seeing that Cheng Fengtai is not an ordinary actor, but I seem to be sincere to you. In the future, if I have the opportunity to resign from the show, I will let Cheng Fengtai help you and help you do something like Yuan Xiaodi Isn't it better to be a decent businessman than to be in the low class?"

Shang Xirui couldn't hear such self-deprecating remarks, his smile changed a little at that time, but it was hard to refute Li Tianyao, especially the words that one day he would stop singing, he would never dream of it , I wonder how Li Tianyao can figure it out, it's ridiculously ridiculous! Shang Xirui actually also knows that most of his colleagues only regard singing as a breadwinner, not a career of destiny, and it's perfectly normal to change jobs and change careers. For those who really like to sing, they don't know if they can count with their hands.

Li Tianyao realized that she had made a slip of the tongue, and quickly apologized, "Look at me, Boss Shang, don't worry about what you said like a bastard."

As soon as we parted, Shang Xirui suddenly understood, and said thoughtfully: "Boss Li told me the best plan in your heart, I appreciate it. But, it's true that everyone has their own ambitions. I was born with In this muddy water, if I go ashore, I won't be panting."

The two finished their words here, and bid farewell to each other. When Shang Xirui got on the train, Li Tianyao watched them off from the platform. Shang Xirui waved goodbye to Li Tianyao, in the gap between the crowd, he seemed to see Li Tianyao drew a painted face of Liu Jin from "Famen Temple", and it was gone in the blink of an eye.

The godfather Shang Xirui recognizes is really useful. Originally, after Cao Guixiu's intimidation, the Jiang family didn't dare to say a word, but after all, they couldn't prevent others from making irresponsible remarks. As soon as Liu Hanyun's comment appeared in the newspaper, the entire Peking opera theater fell silent, and other opera critics followed suit, eventually giving Shang Xirui some reputation. There were only two people missing, Du Qi and Sheng Ziyun. Du Qi felt that their faces were flattering and ugly, and he didn't want to keep pace with them. He rejected the editor's invitation to write several times. Prove once again to people that Seventh Young Master is a bitch who would rather quarrel than agree, and should not be easily provoked. On Sheng Ziyun's side, there was nothing to say. Sheng Ziyun hated because of love, but the person he hated was not Shang Xirui. He hated Cheng Fengtai's flair and absurdity for tricking Shang Xirui, a simple play idiot, and obscenely tarnishing Shang Xirui's body and reputation. After returning to school and being silent for a few days, one day when they met on a narrow road, he called out to stop Fan Jinling.

Because of the rumors of Fan Jinling's engagement to Sheng Ziyun in the past - I don't know which bastard said that Sheng Ziyun came to Peking to study, but it was actually for the marriage of Sheng and Fan. Probably the parents had this discussion in the past, but in the end it was just talking, and they didn't really match them up or anything. In the past two years, she kept far away from Sheng Ziyun, just to avoid rumors, not to mention that she and Du Jiu are so in love now.

Sheng Ziyun said, "Come with me, I have something to tell you."

The female classmate next to Fan Jinling pushed her and winked at her, embarrassing her angrily: "I won't go! Talk here if you have something to say!"

Sheng Ziyun grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her to a corner with her back behind her. Fan Jinling's face was full of anger, but his heart was not completely angry. Even if she absolutely had no intention of falling in love with Sheng Ziyun, a young girl's heart can't avoid a trace of daydream. Besides, when Sheng Ziyun was silent like this, he looked like a handsome boy. Fan Jinling blushed and turned her head away under Sheng Ziyun's gaze. She had already made up her mind that if Sheng Ziyun said something in her heart that she shouldn't say, she must reject it immediately. She will be engaged to Du Jiu when she graduates this year, she must not let Sheng Ziyun have illusions at this time.

Sheng Ziyun's voice was very cold, and he said to her: "Keep your brother-in-law away from Shang Xirui, he has a family and should do more for his family."

Fan Jinling was stunned for a moment, her eyes widened: "What nonsense are you talking about! My brother-in-law and Shang Xirui - that's my brother-in-law who was also seduced by Shang Xirui!"

Sheng Ziyun said angrily: "Slander! Shang Xirui was busy singing in Shanghai during the Chinese New Year, what is your brother-in-law doing chasing after him? Could it be Shang Xirui who seduced him?"

Fan Jinling was in a daze, unable to think of appropriate words to refute Sheng Ziyun for a while, the two glared at each other and broke up unhappy. After class, Fan Jinling went to see her elder sister at Cheng's house. Her elder sister was still sitting cross-legged on the kang for ten years, smoking, embroidering, and patting the children to sleep. Lu Lai Fengfeng was in a hurry, and all the braids ran away, and the hair on the forehead was broken. Get married tomorrow, look how much my uncle hates you!" Second Mistress couldn't help but call the old lady to re-braid Fan Jinling. Fan Jinling combed her hair, and gradually calmed down. The second grandma told her to eat dumplings filled with mutton at night, and because Cheng Fengtai was not used to eating pasta, the whole family would eat rice along with it. Today, when my younger sister comes to the house, she can eat it openly, so she doesn't have to accommodate Cheng Fengtai. She told her that the nephew of the fifth aunt's natal family was going to get married, but in the dowry, there was a pair of Babao painted beauties on the screen and a white jade incense burner. Fifth Aunt looked at her, Miss Fan, who left the cabinet and left home, but she actually knew everything.

Fan Jinling sat in front of the dressing table and didn't speak. Since having Du Jiu, she has gradually gained an understanding of the marriage between men and women, and she can perceive the incompatibility between her sister and brother-in-law. Fan Jinling felt guilty for her sister and didn't dare to tell her sister the rumors rashly. She asked, "Brother-in-law was not at home during the Chinese New Year, where did he go?"

The second grandma got angry when she mentioned this matter, and complained that Fan Lian was useless, and wanted Cheng Fengtai to cross half of China to work. Compared with her younger brother, Second Mistress obviously loves her little husband more. Fan Jinling didn't make a sound after hearing this, and left with a heavy heart after dinner.