Winter Solstice

Chapter 12


It was getting late, so I made a record, and the two police officers told me a few words, and then they were ready to leave. When they left, they did not forget to greet Jiang Chengyi: "Jiang team, let's go together."

Jiang Chengyi put down the water glass and stood up from the sofa.

Lu Yan and Tang Jie were sent to the door, and their minds were buzzing. Tonight's events were too creepy, and they had never encountered them before. They were exhausted after tossing about two o'clock.

Xu was afraid of disturbing the people, so the two police officers deliberately kept their voices low as soon as they went out, and tried to be as slow and soft as possible when going down the stairs.

After walking for a while, the two turned their heads, only to find that Jiang Chengyi was still standing still.

"Team Jiang?"

Jiang Chengyi took out his mobile phone and looked at it. He stared straight ahead and said, "That person may come back. If you don't want to be scared, you'd better live in another place tonight."

Lu Yan and Tang Jie thought about it for a while before realizing that Jiang Chengyi was speaking to them.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Lu Yan turned around and ran into the house, changing clothes as quickly as possible, and packing up her belongings.

Tang Jie originally wanted to ask Jiang Chengyi to wait, but Jiang Chengyi didn't seem to hear it and went downstairs soon.

She was at the door, staring at the empty stairwell.

As soon as the three figures disappeared, the eyes immediately returned to dead silence, and in the dark corner, it seemed that a pervert could jump out at any time.

With an "Ow", she hurried into the house to help Lu Yan pack up.

The two closed the door and came out, panicking down the stairs.

There was no one at the entrance of the unit, the alley was as silent as a grave, the moon faded like a crooked shadow, and the street lights were even more dim than usual.

The two walked in the alley, their hearts pounding non-stop.

Fortunately, the hospital was right in front, and the emergency hall was brightly lit. As soon as they approached, they heard the voices and coughs coming from the front. The two of them stepped into the world as if they had stepped out of the netherworld, and were completely relieved.

Standing at the entrance of the alley, the two discussed where to go, changed their minds several times, and finally decided to stay in a hotel.

"Look for an express hotel nearby." Lu Yan suggested.

Tang Jie objected: "What kind of express hotel are you staying in? Isn't there a Marriott near your hospital? It's not far from here, you don't need to drive the car, just walk over there."

Lu Yan has long been accustomed to Tang Jie's corrupt style: "Let's go then."

The two were about to leave when the sound of the engine starting suddenly came from behind, and when they looked back, a car just came out of the parking space.

The moment the headlights came on, the face of the man in the cab was clearly illuminated.

"Jiang Chengyi?" Tang Jie was stunned, "Didn't he leave early, why is he still here?"

She didn't notice anyone in the car in the parking space just now when the lights were dark. If they had known that Jiang Chengyi had not left yet, they wouldn't have to be frightened like that when they were in the alley.

Lu Yan glanced at the direction where Jiang Chengyi's car was heading, but didn't answer.

Tang Jie took Lu Yan's arm and said meaningfully, "Jiang Chengyi really looks like a different person."

In high school, although Jiang Chengyi was not a talker, he was not as cold as he is now.

I remember playing "Truth or Dare" among the classmates at that time. Once, a basketball player in Class 6 celebrated his birthday, which coincided with the end of the mid-term exam. When everyone was excited, they coaxed to celebrate that classmate's birthday.

Ming was a birthday party, but in fact it was just pooling money to buy some drinks and birthday cakes. Everyone sat around the indoor basketball court and made a mad scene.

She arrived early that day with Lu Yan and Deng Man, and as soon as they arrived, she helped everyone set up seats and distribute snacks.

When he was busy, Jiang Chengyi and several other basketball players also came. The sixth class was boiling. Jiang Chengyi was a god-like existence in No. 7 Middle School at that time. When he came, many girls were excited.

Unfortunately, as soon as the party started, Ding Jing's group also came.

At that time, Lu Yan and Jiang Chengyi hadn't been together yet. As the captain of the school cheerleading team, Ding Jing was chasing Jiang Chengyi fiercely. Everyone knew this, and seeing Ding Jing coming over was not surprising.

Later, everyone had a good time and started a round of Truth or Dare.

When it was Jiang Chengyi's turn, a buddy of the basketball team asked the first question: "Jiang Chengyi, do you have someone you like?"

Everyone quickly quieted down, and many girls had bright eyes, all waiting for Jiang Chengyi's answer.

Jiang Chengyi was playing basketball in his hand: "Yes." Lazily, but in a very determined tone.

A blast on the spot.

"Is that girl there?"

After a brief silence, the basketball was thrown to another buddy, Jiang Chengyi smiled and said, "Yes."

Everyone went crazy: "Quick, quick, tell me who it is."

Tang Jie shoved potato chips into her mouth, and excitedly poked Lu Yan next to her: "Hey, Jiang Chengyi has actually descended into the world."

Seeing that Lu Yan didn't speak, she turned her head in confusion and saw that Lu Yan was sorting her schoolbag as if nothing had happened, turning a deaf ear to her words.

She felt bored, turned her face to the other side to gossip about Deng Man, only to find that Deng Man was looking coldly at Ding Jing in the crowd.

It was also because she was too slow. It wasn't until a long time later that she realized that Jiang Chengyi was playing Truth or Dare that day, and was clearly flirting with girls in public.

However, she was still puzzled why Deng Man stared at Ding Jing with those eyes, even after many years.

Just thinking about it, Lu Yan next to him said, "Deng Man is about to celebrate his birthday. In a few days, I want to go to the suburban cemetery to see Deng Man."

Tang Jie was stunned for a few seconds: "It was so dangerous, I almost forgot." Deng Man's birthday is the winter solstice every year, which is very memorable.

The two were silent for a while, Tang Jie remembered something, and quickly said: "Forgot to tell you, Deng Man's mother called me two days ago, saying that their house was demolished and they were going to move to a new house in Dongcheng. , While sorting things, Deng Man's mother accidentally discovered some of Deng Man's relics that were kept in the sundries. Among them was a memorial book, which was full of photos of the three of us at the beginning. , and hesitantly asked me if I wanted to go there to pick it up, just as a souvenir, and said that I knew you were busy with work, so I didn't call you. I was afraid that my aunt would be sad, so how dare I say no. "

Lu Yan stopped: "When are they moving?"

"I heard it's the end of the month." Tang Jie thought for a while, "Why don't we make an appointment with Auntie, and when we go to the cemetery to see Deng Man, we'll get the things back together by the way."

The next day, the two of them checked out of the hotel room and went to the real estate agency to see the house. They only asked two things: one was to be close to Lu Yan Hospital, and the other was to have a good public security environment.

It seems that only the high-end properties on Songshan Road are the most suitable.

The intermediary took them on-site inspections, and when they were halfway through, the Nanshan Road police station called: "Miss Lu, we have found some information. Please come to the community security room."

When the two received a call, they went straight to Nanshan Lane without being able to look at the house.

In the security room, the surveillance video has long been called up, but the police handling the case has replaced two other people.

Seeing Lu Yan and the others coming, the two police officers pointed to the screen and said, "Do you know this person?"

When they were near, both of them were inexplicably nervous.

Lu Yan was especially flustered. For some reason, since the accident last night, absurd ideas have been popping up in her mind from time to time.

The sweat on her back didn't subside until she saw that the person on the surveillance was a complete stranger.

"It was 00:43 when you called the police last night. Between 00:00 and 1:00 last night, a total of eleven people entered the building where Miss Lu lives. After careful verification by several community security guards, ten of them They are all owners of the unit building, only the woman who appeared on the screen at 00:38 they have never seen before. The woman left the unit building at exactly 00:46, that is to say, three minutes after you called the police She left after that and stayed in the building for a total of eight minutes. The woman had come the night before, but left after only two minutes."

Lu Yan and Tang Jie stared at the screen.

It was a medium-sized woman, dressed quite "fashionably", with a gray straight coat, short black ankle boots, perhaps to keep out the cold, and a silk scarf wrapped around her head. Tang Jie quickly recognized that the silk scarf came from a lady's card that started with the letter H.

She was full of questions: "I haven't seen this person before, Yan, have you? Is it your colleague?"

Lu Yan slowly shook her head: "I haven't seen it before."

Although separated by the screen, judging from this person's walking posture and dress, it couldn't be more unfamiliar.

Tang Jie was puzzled: "What's wrong with this lady, she didn't stay at home in the middle of the night, and ran to other people's houses to hang around."

"We will investigate this matter in the future." The two police officers said, "Ms. Lu had better think about it carefully after she goes back, and then contact us if she thinks of something."

When they came out, although the two were still full of doubts, the anxiety in their hearts was miraculously relieved.

"I have a suspicion now." Tang Jie's tone was serious, "There is a mistress living in your building."

"Little San?"

"Yes, last night that woman came to trouble the mistress and accidentally admitted the wrong door, so she was sneaking around for two consecutive nights, but she didn't take any practical action."

Lu Yan felt that Tang Jie was whimsical: "Will you?"

Tang Jie spread her hands: "Then what is the possibility? Don't say we don't know the woman at all, even if we do, what kind of deep hatred needs to be used to scare people in this way? However, no matter what the origin of this person is, it will be handed over to the police. Go check it out, during this time you move to Songshan Road first, I will help you find a house together, and when you are settled, I will go to B city with my dad to talk about equipment."

Ansan District Criminal Investigation Brigade

Lao Qin pushed open the office door, saw Jiang Chengyi sitting at the desk with his eyes fixed on the computer screen, he approached and said, "Team Jiang, the alibi of Wang Qianqian's fiance in the First Affiliated Hospital has been verified. For a while, he was playing mahjong with a few friends in the chess and card room, and in addition to the testimony of several witnesses, we just transferred the surveillance video."

After speaking, he sat at Jiang Chengyi's desk, lit a cigarette, and glanced at the computer screen, only to realize that what Jiang Chengyi had just watched was also a surveillance video.

It was like in front of the door of a unit building in a community, a woman opened the door and entered the building, and after a while, she left in a hurry.

What Jiang Chengyi watched over and over again was the part of the woman from entering to leaving.

"Team Jiang, is this?"

Jiang Chengyi still stared at the screen and said without changing his face: "A suspected burglary at the Nanshan Road Police Station, I suspect it has something to do with the cases we have, so I asked the Nanshan Police Station to make a copy for me."

Lao Qin wondered, how could the burglary be linked to the murder case in the hands of Team Jiang? You can't even hit eight poles.

Could it be that there is something new to discover.

Seeing that Jiang Chengyi didn't want to talk further, he didn't want to continue to ask questions, so he had to change the topic and say: "Now Wang Qianqian's fiance has been temporarily ruled out, but there is still one doubt that I still can't understand, when Wang Qianqian died. Between 23:00 pm and 1:00 am on the 28th, that is to say, whether it was the apology message she sent to the head nurse the next morning, or the WeChat message she sent to Dr. The hand of the murderer. The strange place is here. The murderer did not do special treatment to the body when he threw the body. We should know that we will find out the exact time of death of Wang Qianqian sooner or later. So the murderer pretended to be Wang Qianqian and sent text messages to acquaintances, which would not work at all. How much confusion it has, it's completely superfluous."

Jiang Chengyi took the information handed over by Lao Qin, glanced at it and said, "Judging from the way the murderer throws the body, this person is very smart and rigorous, so he shouldn't do some unintentional actions. I guess the reason why he There are several possibilities for pretending that Wang Qianqian sent text messages to acquaintances the day after committing the crime, one of which is: he still has something to do, which will take some time to complete, and during this period, he does not want to let others Knowing that Wang Qianqian has been killed, so I pretended that Wang Qianqian was still alive in order to delay time."

Old Qin took a breath of cigarette: "What needs to be delayed? Run away? Destroy the evidence?"

Jiang Chengyi stared at the photos of Wang Qianqian's murder scene for a long time, his eyes were as quiet as a blue sea.

"Ah?" Old Qin's expression became complicated.

Jiang Chengyi closed the information page and looked at his phone: "It's seven o'clock, Lao Qin, come to my house for dinner."

"Okay." Old Qin's eyes lit up, "It's rare that Team Jiang didn't ask to work overtime today, and the mansion on Songshan Road is so famous for a long time, I've never visited it."