Winter Solstice

Chapter 13


If Fuyiyuan is the midpoint, Songshan Road and Ansan District are like two ends of a long axis.

On the way from the Ansan District Branch to the Songshan Road Apartment, you will definitely pass by the First Affiliated Hospital.

Lao Qin fastened his seat belt with a cigarette in his mouth, put his arms on the window to dust off the soot, and looked out leisurely.

The roadside passes the municipal library, shopping malls, and a hotel in turn, and further ahead is the best hospital attached to the city.

Sitting in the car at this time, looking up, you can see the modern buildings in the hospital. Although it is past get off work hours, the lights in the buildings are as usual.

The hustle and bustle outside the window made the car quiet even more. He breathed out smoke silently, and when his throat itch, he couldn't help but start looking for something to say: "Team Jiang, did you buy it on Songshan Road for the convenience of going to work?"

Jiang Chengyi looked at the rearview mirror, turned on the turn signal, and began to merge into the straight lane: "No."

Lao Qin nodded: "Yes, in our line of work, there is no certain number of people who sleep in the open air. How can you say that you are close to work? In my opinion, the most suitable people to live on Songshan Road are the doctors from the First Affiliated Hospital, but I heard that the worst houses on Songshan Road cost tens of millions, and all those who buy there are rich people. Hey, there is a saying - born with a golden spoon in hand. Jiang team, this is not what you said. of-"

Jiang Chengyi smiled and turned on the radio: "Old Qin, if you are bored, just listen to the radio."

Lao Qin smiled. Blame him, he was so good at chatting to death. Team Jiang doesn't like to talk about personal matters, so how should Team Jiang answer the words just now

To defuse the embarrassment, he started dialing the radio station: "Listen to music, listen to music."

He dialed several nearby stations one after another, all of which were rock and roll. He frowned, thinking to himself, he didn't expect Team Jiang to be so good.

Seeing that Jiang Chengyi was concentrating on driving, he dialed the channel to "Gossip at 7:30", which he usually listens to the most.

This show is very interesting. It starts at 7:30 every night. First, the citizens call into the radio station, and then the host answers it online.

The authenticity of the content cannot be tested, but listening to it casually on the way to get off work is enough to pass the time, so this show has been on the air for several years, and it has been prosperous for a long time.

A middle-aged woman was speaking on the radio, and she vividly described how she found evidence of her husband's infidelity through some clues.

When Lao Qin started listening, the story had already been told halfway, but because the parties involved had a pleasant voice and clear articulation, he still listened with relish.

But as she spoke, the woman began to recount the bad behavior of the scumbag, and she couldn't help sobbing loudly, the more she spoke, the more her emotions collapsed.

Old Qin frowned, this show should add a filter function, if only the trivialities of the seven aunts and eight aunts were eliminated, and only those interesting gossips remained.

He looked at Jiang Chengyi, who had no emotion on his face, and obviously had no problem with his behavior of listening to such a boring show.

He sighed that the Jiang team is easy-going.

The host has a strong ability to control the audience. When the woman was sobbing and out of breath, she decided to hang up.

The next call came in, this time it was a man, his voice hoarse as if it had been scratched by rough gravel, obviously an old gentleman.

The host directly called the other party Abo: "What would Abo want to talk to you about today?"

But the old man didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and after saying "hello", he was silent.

The host joked: "Abo, there are still many online listeners waiting to share stories. If you don't speak again, I can hang up."

The old man choked his throat and said slowly, "It's almost the winter solstice. Young people and children don't run around outside at night."

"Abo, what do you say?"

"It's haunted." The old man snorted, "You young people, you threw away all the things of your ancestors, don't you know that there are three ghost festivals in China since ancient times? Qingming, Zhongyuan, and Winter Solstice? And The most yin day in the year is the winter solstice.”

Although across the phone, Lao Qin seemed to be able to see the old man blowing his beard and staring.

This show is very good at setting off the atmosphere, and soon, ghostly background music came in.

Host: "Recently, it seems that many listeners are willing to share anecdotes about the winter solstice. Abo, did you choose to call at this time because you encountered any stories during the winter solstice?"

The old man paused for a few seconds and said mysteriously, "Don't believe me, the winter solstice is really evil. Just before the winter solstice last year, I saw a dead man with my own eyes."

"Dead people?" The host came to the spirit, "Abo, I don't understand this, what do you mean by dead people?"

Old man: "A woman who should have died long ago."

Silence again.

Lao Qin said "++": "Can this old man finish his words happily—"

Suddenly, there was a sudden braking sound, and he was unprepared, and his upper body slammed forward and then leaned back.

When he regained his senses, he quickly stabilized his body and turned his face in surprise.

Seeing that Jiang Chengyi's face was extremely ugly, as soon as he stopped the car, he took the mobile phone from the center console and dialed the phone without saying a word.

The two words on the screen were clearly visible, it was Lu Yan.

It happened so suddenly, Lao Qin looked confused: "Team Jiang, what happened."

Jiang Chengyi was full of anxiety, stared at the intersection not far behind the car, and said in a low voice, "Lu Yan, Lu Yan, ++, Lu Yan, please answer the phone!"

Exasperated, but secretly contains a kind of prayer.

Lao Qin was stunned for a while, and when he saw Jiang Chengyi just staring in front of him, he also leaned out and looked out.

The red light just turned green, and the pedestrians at the crossroads flowed endlessly.

He turned his head to look in front of the car again. This road can only be turned right and straight ahead. You cannot turn around or pull over to stop.

Moreover, the car has clearly passed the traffic post. As long as you drive a few hundred meters, you can turn right and enter the famous mansion "Yifengbowan" with a large greenery in the busy city. Well, why did Team Jiang suddenly park the car on the side of the road

The phone didn't seem to be connected, Jiang Chengyi dialed several times, his face became more and more ugly, and finally he simply pulled off his seat belt, opened the door and got out of the car: "Old Qin, please help me drive the car forward first, wait for my call."

After all, after working as a criminal police officer for many years, Lao Qin realized that the situation was extraordinary, and said quickly, "Okay, we'll meet you later, Team Jiang, pay attention to safety."

When he started the car and looked back, Jiang Chengyi's figure had already disappeared from the crowd.

Lu Yan and Tang Jie looked at the room for an afternoon, and the more they looked, the more uncertain they became.

The two adjacent buildings on Songshan Road are super-large units, and one month's rent alone can catch up with her half-year's salary.

In fact, there was still some money left over from her father for the purchase of the house, which was enough to pay the rent for three months, but after all, she had just gone to work and was still in the saving stage, so she didn't want to spend money indiscriminately.

Tang Jie took out her wallet and wanted to pay the rent for her by swiping her card: "Don't you want to rent an old house again, those communities need property without property, and security without security. If something goes wrong, no amount of money can be exchanged. Besides, it's not much, if it's a big deal, I'll put it on for you first, and you can return it to me slowly."

Lu Yan stopped her: "No, I figured it out. If I go back to my mother's house in Dongcheng, I'll just get up an hour early every day and take the subway."

Tang Jie screamed strangely: "Wake up an hour early? Don't say that your department will be on duty at 7:30 in the morning. When you have cardiopulmonary bypass surgery, you have to enter the operating room at 7:00. And after leaving the subway station, you have to You can walk to your hospital in ten minutes. Don’t tell me that you plan to get up at 5:30 every day on such a cold day. Also, your department is so busy, when there are many surgeries, when you get off work, the subway station is full of It's closing."

However, Lu Yan had already made up her mind: "Hold on for a month at most. When the police find out where the woman came from, I can move back? Anyway, I don't spend so much money on renting a house."

Tang Jie was furious: "Where is your family Lu Jiaming, I heard that his business is booming, and he will soon get married for the third time. Recently, he has spent a lot of money for his sweet wife, and he is buying a mansion and planning to pack an island. The wedding, now that his daughter has something to do, he is too embarrassed to do nothing?"

Lu Yan: "That's his money. It's his freedom to spend it. He has no obligation to meet the unreasonable demands of his adult daughter."

Tang Jie was defeated.

Lu Yan glanced at the time: "It's almost 7:30. Take the subway at this time. You can get home before 9:00. I'll go back to my mother's house tonight."

Tang Jie followed Lu Yan out of the door of the real estate agency: "Let's go have a meal first, and I'll drive you back in a while."

Just as he was talking, Tang Jie's cell phone rang.

When she saw the caller number, a special brilliance suddenly appeared in her eyes.

Lu Yan saw it in her eyes and said with a smile, "Your family's big bell, the United States, is back?"

Tang Jie waited for the phone to ring several times before picking up the phone lazily: "Hello."

I don't know what was said over there, but Tang Jie said greasy and crookedly, "I'm with Lu Yan, and the first hospital is attached."

After saying a few more words, he hung up the phone and said embarrassingly, "This guy, don't make a call in advance when he comes back."

Seeing Tang Jie's unconcealed joy, Lu Yan pulled up the scarf for her: "Okay, you two have been gone for almost a month, and the big bell is back, please don't mess around with me. Now, hurry up, I'll take the subway back now."

Tang Jie hesitated for a while before saying, "Then you should pay attention to safety and call me as soon as you get home."

Lu Yan: "Understood, let's go, don't make the big bell wait too long."

The two broke up, and Lu Yan walked to the nearby subway station.

The night wind was so strong that it blew off the collar of her coat at every turn, making her neck cool.

The more she walked, the more she couldn't hold it, so she put the mobile phone in her bag and freed her hand to hold the collar tightly.

On weekends, there are many pedestrians on the road. When waiting for a traffic light at an intersection, many people gather around. At first glance, most of them are rushing home, and their faces are full of fatigue.

After waiting for a while, she suddenly felt that her back was a little heavier, as if someone had pressed her palm against it.

She was a little surprised and was about to turn around, but at this moment, the red light turned green, and the crowd swarmed, pushing her forward like a tide.

She couldn't look back to confirm, so she had to passively follow the crowd.

Cross the pedestrian crossing, turn right, and walk a few hundred meters to the subway station.

There are not many people on Line X. She stood by the platform, thinking of what happened just now, and was a little puzzled, but when she looked around, the people closest to her were a few meters away.

She breathed a sigh of relief, remembering that she should call her mother in advance, so she took out her mobile phone from her bag, but before she opened the screen, she found that there were several missed calls on the screen.

Recognizing the familiar three words, she stayed for a moment.

Soon, the phone rang again.

She stared at the screen, tried to remain calm, and turned on Thong Jian.

"Lu Yan."

She should have calmed down, but when she heard the man's name for eight years, her heart still seemed to be clenched tightly, and blood flowed straight to the eardrum along the veins.

"Don't talk yet." Jiang Chengyi's voice was low and fast, "Don't let anyone get close to you, I'll come right over and tell me where you are—"

At this moment, the subway entered the station, and the crowd was approaching. Lu Yan just put down her phone and was about to turn and leave as fast as she could, when an inexplicable force suddenly struck behind her.