Winter Solstice

Chapter 19


In order to hide her guilty conscience, as soon as she changed her shoes, Lu Yan dodged into the kitchen.

Mrs. Liu is quite capable. The huge kitchen is well-organized, from the silver tableware to the snow-white stove, everything is sparkling.

Putting the dishes on the island, Lu Yan walked over to open the refrigerator.

The moment she opened the door, although she was mentally prepared in advance, she was almost blinded by the ingredients in the refrigerator.

What is "all-inclusive, everything" refers to Mrs. Liu's refrigerator, just to deal with a Jiang Chengyi, so there is no need to make such an exaggeration.

After regaining her senses, she began to study the many ingredients in the refrigerator. She couldn't manage the complicated ones at all. She could only start with the simple ones and pick them over and over again. In the end, she chose eggs and winter bamboo shoots.

The meat and tomatoes were bought on the road, and with these two ingredients, she planned to make fried winter bamboo shoots with meat and tomatoes and eggs.

Anyway, Jiang Chengyi just doesn't like to eat fish, and she doesn't pick anything else, not to mention these two dishes she is best at, enough to fool people.

After washing, I was about to start chopping vegetables when someone came in behind me.

She looked back strangely, Jiang Chengyi? What did he come in for.

"It'll be fine soon." She turned around and continued to cut vegetables slowly, "Two vegetables, let's make do with it tonight, my skills are average."

"I see." Jiang Chengyi glanced coldly at her vegetable cutting posture.


See what.

"I can see that your craftsmanship is average." He rolled up his sleeves and took the knife in her hand.

Before she could realize what happened, Lu Yan was inexplicably left to the side.

Jiang Chengyi started chopping vegetables, and Lu Yan raised her arm with the pestle aside, staring at him.

She was curious, and more than that, she was not convinced. In addition, she had to admit that he looked very handsome when he was cooking.

Seeing that Jiang Chengyi had already sorted out the dishes, his movements were far more adept than hers, she quickly realized the gap between herself and the other party, and after a few seconds of stunned, she went out in despair.

Sitting at the table, she still felt puzzled.

It's not scientific.

Jiang Chengyi said before that he never entered the kitchen, not only him, but also his mother, who is not in the sun. hands-on.

She remembered that when she first heard about this, she proudly despised him, saying that she could cook when she was in junior high school, and the fried dishes were so delicious that even her mother couldn't help but praise him.

It seems that on Sunday, Jiang Chengyi was playing a high school league game in the city gymnasium. To cheer, many students from No. 7 Middle School came.

As soon as the game was over, Jiang Chengyi didn't have time to celebrate the victory with his teammates, so he ran over to find her.

In addition to her, Deng Man and Tang Jie were also outside the gym at that time.

A few days ago, a student from the temporary school followed her. After being beaten by Jiang Chengyi, the perversion subsided a lot. Although this incident has been in the past for a while, everyone still has some lingering fears.

Afraid that the pervert would come to pester Lu Yan again, Deng Man and Tang Jie refused to leave first.

It was not until Jiang Chengyi came over that Tang Jie dragged Deng Man away because he refused to be a light bulb.

She stayed where she was, and seeing Jiang Chengyi's head was covered in sweat, she dug out the clean towel and iced soda she had prepared from her schoolbag and handed it to him.

Jiang Chengyi took Sprite, but refused to take the towel. He raised his head and drank the soda while looking at her with bright black eyes. The hints in his eyes could be understood at a glance.

What a bad guy, she glanced up at him, walked up to him, and wiped his sweat on her feet.

He kept staring at her, and when she rubbed his ear, his eyes swayed, he lowered his head, and kissed her unexpectedly.

After coming out, it was still very early, so Jiang Chengyi proposed to watch a movie she had wanted to see for a long time, and then send her home.

On the way, the two were talking and talking, and somehow they talked about cooking.

After hearing that she could cook in junior high school, Jiang Chengyi expressed his disbelief and deliberately teased her: "How old are you in junior high school? Can you reach the stove?"

"Who can't reach the stove?" In order to prove that she really knows how to cook, she began to list the detailed steps of egg fried rice one by one, and besides egg fried rice, she said that she would also cook a few home-cooked dishes.

She was here like a family, but he fell silent and asked her, "Do you often cook at home?"

She nodded: "Mom often has to work overtime, and sometimes she comes back very late. I'm hungry, so I have to learn to cook by myself."

She deliberately avoided the topic of her parents' divorce.

In fact, she seldom mentions these things at home to others, and even the intimate ones like Tang Jie and Deng Man are not very clear.

She knew that her mother had a hard life after her divorce, so she was very obedient. In addition to studying hard, she would help with housework as much as she could when she was free.

It was getting late, and the two of them were talking and walking to the back of the cinema unknowingly.

She was still talking about egg fried rice when Jiang Chengyi suddenly stopped. She was puzzled and thought she had met her classmate. After looking around, she looked up at him: "What's wrong?"

He looked at her with complicated eyes.

She thought he had something to say: "what's the matter?"

He smiled and said casually, "It's fine."

She still wanted to ask, but he held her hand and walked forward.

During the lunch break the next day, she and Tang Jie and Deng Man bought snacks and sat on the steps of the library while eating and chatting.

Tang Jie thinks that Lu Yan has become more and more focused on sex and friends recently. After criticizing her, she talked about who fell in love with whom in the grade, and who was rejected and who was pursued. It was nothing more than some extracurricular gossip.

Seeing that Deng Man never answered, Tang Jie and Lu Yan looked at each other and poked Deng Man's arm: "Deng Man, what are you thinking, hey, I said, do you have someone you like?"

Deng Man was staring at a building not far away. Hearing this, his face changed and he shook his head hurriedly.

"Why are you scared like this?" Tang Jie was dissatisfied. "You are the most boring guy. Don't tell me or Lu Yan anything."

Deng Man covered Tang Jie's mouth with the Snickers in his smiling hand, and said, "When will I not tell you, don't wrong me."

Lu Yan was attentive and felt that Deng Man's eyes were very strange. She even followed her gaze to look at it. In that direction, there were several buildings next to each other.

She recognized it for a while, and once thought that Deng Man was watching the school's indoor basketball court. It was not until much later that she began to doubt her judgment at that time.

Lu Yan looked at the steaming three dishes and one soup on the table.

Jiang Chengyi's efficiency is really high. In less than half an hour, the dishes are already on the table, and it doesn't matter if they smell the fragrance. The appearance of the dishes is also very good, at least much better than the dishes she made.

As soon as she picked up the chopsticks and tasted it, she was immediately ashamed.

A few years have passed, and her cooking skills are still in place, but Jiang Chengyi is already so decent.

When eating, she always had the illusion that the opposite gaze fell on her, but when she raised her eyes, she realized that she had misunderstood, and he didn't even look at the corner of his eye.

She ate calmly. Although she didn't say anything to praise her, she didn't need to praise her cooking skills at all. She couldn't hold back and eat two bowls of rice in a row, which was undoubtedly the most powerful affirmation of Jiang Chengyi's cooking skills.

Jiang Chengyi ate faster than her. After eating, he didn't leave the table, but just sat at the table drinking water. I don't know if it was Lu Yan's illusion, but Jiang Chengyi's paralyzed expression actually had a faint sense of satisfaction.

Perhaps the temperature of the air conditioner was set too high, and she suddenly became a little hot. She lowered her eyes and packed up the tableware and sent the tableware to the kitchen.

After starting the dishwasher, she washed her hands and came out of the kitchen.

Jiang Chengyi hasn't returned to the room, but he just took a stack of documents from somewhere, and slowly flipped through it while drinking water.

She glanced over and found a stack of documents full of English, with "Serial murder case" written on the top of the page—serial murder case