Winter Solstice

Chapter 24


Lu Yan works the night shift at night. In order to have the energy to deal with various emergencies at night, she needs to keep her spirits up in advance, so after lunch, she goes to the bedroom to take a nap.

After she went to bed, she found that the phone was not with her. After thinking about it, she should have left it in the restaurant, but she was afraid that she would suddenly call in, and she was also afraid of distracting herself by using the phone. Drowsiness brewed, and soon fell asleep.

Start dreaming as soon as you fall asleep.

I don't know what's going on recently, but I can always dream of things from the past. It's a pity that the dream is not complete, it's all fragmented fragments.

It was as if she was back in front of the library of No. 7 Middle School. On a sunny and warm day, the eighteen-year-old was sitting next to Deng Man.

Deng Man was eating snacks while she and Tang Jie were talking.

Suddenly I don't know what to say, Deng Man looked touched, raised his head and glanced forward.

She had dreamed of this scene countless times, and when it happened, she would immediately turn her head to look at Deng Man.

In just one second, Deng Man lowered his head again, but because she had been paying attention to Deng Man, she still keenly captured the complicated emotions in the other's eyes.

I don't know where the strength came from, she suddenly stood up and looked forward. As far as she could see, as in memory, there were still several buildings next to each other.

What is Deng Man looking at

No, not the basketball hall, although she once thought it was.

Then the rest is the music hall and the third teaching building.

The picture in front of me was like a layer of yellow sand, blurry, unable to discern the truth.

Although she was in a dream, her heart became more and more empty, and she always felt that a little truth she had finally encountered was about to slip away from her eyes.

Startled and anxious, she turned around and shook Deng Man.

But Deng Man seemed to be in a trance, letting her shake for a long time without realizing it.

Anxiety stuck in her chest, as if she had received some kind of revelation, a light flashed in her mind, she was stunned for a few seconds, she slowly closed her eyes, yes, closed her eyes, in addition to her eyes, she also has ears , the invisible, captured by hearing.

She closed her eyes and listened, letting the wind gently brush her face.

Slowly, the originally indistinguishable voice in the ear became clear.

There was music in the invisible buildings.

No, it's not the instruments, it's the choir singing.

When I think about it, there was a time when the school choir rehearsed in the music hall at noon every day.

The lead singer's voice was particularly high-pitched and mellow, and she recognized it at once: it was Ding Jing.

There were several emotions in Deng Man's look just now: hope, admiration, more confusion and hatred.

And because the hatred was too deep and strong, his eyes were materialized, like a sharp arrow, shooting straight out of Deng Man's eyes.

She took a deep breath, opened her eyes suddenly, and stared at Deng Man in a stunned manner.

Why do these two diametrically opposed emotions appear in the eyes of the same person

At that time, besides Ding Jing, who else was there in the choir

She stood there in a daze, thinking for a long time, I don't know which year, she once went to the school to check the list of the choir, but that time, for some reason, she couldn't find the list of that year.

The singing in my ears gradually became weaker, and finally fell completely silent.

Everything is back to square one.

She turned back to find Deng Man, but there was nothing around her, and this time, even Tang Jie was gone. Looking around for a while, she suddenly felt a huge void in her heart, and she was overwhelmed by the impending emptiness, and burst into tears like a child.

Even in a dream, the brain can still sense the owner's mourning. In order to avoid the endless spread of negative reactions in the body, the self-defense mechanism starts to activate. After a few seconds, the dark picture in Lu Yan's mind gradually faded away, replaced by golden memory.

She sobbed for a while, then slowly stopped crying, and her sad face became quiet again.

It was very empty, as if in a classroom. There was a person standing in front of her. She was very good-looking. Sweat was shining on his forehead. His face was hurt. The bridge of his nose and the corners of his mouth were broken. Outside the large glass window, a crimson sunset was standing still above the building, and the light filtered through the window, clearly illuminating the scene in front of you.

It was the first time they were so close, she was a little embarrassed, but she didn't want him to see her nervousness, she slowly dug out cotton balls and Band-Aid from her bag, then turned around and stood on tiptoe Help him heal the wound.

After all, the skin was broken and the alcohol touched the wound, which was actually very painful, but he looked down at her and let her play with it.

Her heart was beating fast, helping him deal with his temples first, then the bridge of his nose. When he was about to wipe the corners of his mouth for him, he was caught off guard, and a warm breath brushed his lips, and he kissed her lips.

Her heart paused for a second, and then began to beat violently. His breath was very good, with the smell of lime soda. His breathing was very hot. , her body will become a little softer, and at the back, her whole body will become soft like being stuck in a pile of cotton.

Then his body lightened suddenly, and he hugged her and sat on the desk behind him, kissing her deeper and deeper.

Her back was numb, her brain became even more dizzy, but her heart seemed to drink a large glass of honey, sweet and satisfying, she should have fallen in love with him long ago, not only did she not reject this kind of intimacy, He also quickly indulged in it. It turns out that the taste of two lovers is so beautiful that people can't help but sink. And she didn't seem to know what to back off by nature, and kissed and kissed, she started wrapping around his neck and responding to him like he kissed her.

I don't know how long it took, her body gradually started to get hot, she was no longer satisfied with just kissing, she wanted more and more, she hugged his neck tightly, pressed close to his body, and wished that she would stick to him tightly. .

"Jiang Chengyi..."

She murmured, kissed the corner of his mouth, kissed his face, put her hand on his neckline and unbuttoned his clothes.

After unraveling, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. In the dream, he was wearing a T-shirt, but the clothes under his hands had buttons, and his waist and shoulders were a little different from before.

Even so, she still didn't want to stop and pestered him to suck and bite like a wild cat.

But before he knew it, the sense of reality around him was getting stronger and stronger, the light was bright, and the nostrils could clearly smell the scent of the grassy shower gel on his body, and the sound of the bed being weighed more and more clearly beside his ears, These were all too specific and realistic for her to continue immersing in them.

Finally, she opened her eyes, and the moment the light entered her eyes, it hurt her eyes.

She blinked her eyes hard to recognize the person in front of her.

Sure enough, it was Jiang Chengyi, but his face was intact, there were no minor injuries left in the fight, and he was not wearing that white T-shirt, but a shirt, and they were not in the classroom of Class 3 of No. 7 Middle School at all. , has been on her bed.

Her arms were still clinging to his shoulders, but his neckline had already been untied, and there were some red spots on his neck that looked like hickeys, which were extremely dazzling, and the color of his eyes was blurred like a black night, but his face His expression remained calm.

Lu Yan's scalp exploded, she quickly pushed him away, rolled and sat up, her mind was in a mess, she couldn't calm down, no, what's the situation, isn't she taking a nap, how could Jiang Chengyi appear in her room.

Jiang Chengyi stood up slowly, his voice was hoarse, but his tone was calm: "There have been some new changes in the case, I was worried that one of the murderers' targets was you, so I called you, but you didn't answer, I was afraid that something would happen to you, so I arrived. Find you in your room."

Lu Yan's mind was completely frozen, and she couldn't think for a while: "Murderer? Target?"

No, no, she only cares about why she suddenly hugged him and started chewing.

Damn, she clearly remembered that when she was pestering Jiang Chengyi just now, although he didn't take the initiative, he didn't seem to refuse.

When she got into the car, she had barely calmed down, her face no longer had the suspicious flushing at any time, and she could fasten her seat belt as if nothing had happened, but when she saw the hickey on his neck, she was still so ashamed that she wanted to bite her fingernails. .

In the few minutes just now, Jiang Chengyi took a bath and changed clothes. With a refreshing look, he took her to the entrance of the First Affiliated Hospital and said to her: "I'm nearby, if you have something to do at night, you can call me at any time. Telephone."

She snorted and got out of the car pretending to be calm.