Winter Solstice

Chapter 26


Tang Jie said a few more words over there, and Lu Yan corrected her: "Her family has moved to Lanzhu Garden, not the original Nanzhu Villa, so don't make a mistake."

Putting down the phone, Lu Yan found that Jiang Chengyi was looking at her.

"How do you know that Ding Jing's house has moved?" he asked.

Lu Yan's eyelashes twitched, put the phone back in her bag, and said calmly, "Oh, I saw it in the alumni group a few days ago."

Jiang Chengyi looked forward with no expression on his face: "Really?"

Lu Yan pulled her hair behind her ears: "Well."

Jiang Chengyi opened the car window and handed the billing card to the security guard. After a few seconds, he said, "The situation of Ding Jing's family is getting worse and worse. For the sake of the company's operation, the Ding family only changed hands last month and moved the family to Lanzhou. Zhu Huayuan, with Ding Jing's character, this matter may not be willing to take the initiative to bring it up to others."

Lu Yan's throat suddenly got a little itchy, but she managed to hold it back before coughing: "It seems that the classmates will listen to Liu Yujie at that time. After all, they are all in the same city, and there will always be someone among the classmates who know about it."

There seems to be something wrong with the sensor screen for swiping and billing. The security guard failed to display the price after swiping several times. While waiting, Jiang Chengyi turned on his mobile phone and found the alumni group that he hardly paid attention to. information.

The speaker was Ding Jing's best friend Liu Yujie.

[Students, I just confirmed with Ding Jing’s parents that Ding Jing’s house has moved, not in Nanzhu Villa, but in 3601, Building D4, Lanzhu Garden. Don’t make a mistake.]

Lu Yan happened to be reading WeChat too, and when she saw the news, she stared at the screen without saying a word.

Jiang Chengyi gave her a meaningful look, no longer asked, threw the phone back to the center console, took the billing card handed over by the security guard, and drove out of the parking lot.

When she got home, Mrs. Liu was still nowhere to be seen. On a sunny day, it seemed that the windows of the house were bright and clean.

Lu Yan said, "If there's nothing else, I'll go back to the house to rest."

Jiang Chengyi put his hands in his trouser pockets and watched Lu Yan's figure disappear at the end of the corridor, before returning to the house in a hurry.

He and Lu Yan's bedroom are directly opposite. After closing the door, he should not hear any movement, but vaguely, it seems that she can hear her sobbing yesterday.

She didn't answer the call when he called her at that time. He was so anxious that he found the door of her bedroom all the way. As soon as he opened the door, he saw her curled up on the bed, crying like a child, with tears on the pillowcase.

He stood at the door and looked at her, although he could probably guess what she was crying, but when he thought about what she did to him eight years ago, he felt depressed and turned around and wanted to leave.

At this moment, she actually started muttering in her sleep again, her voice soft and murmured.

He unknowingly walked over to the bed and leaned over to look at her.

Her eyelashes were wet, clumps covering her eyes.

Her lips parted slightly, full and bright like velvet roses.

The three words rolling in her throat were clearly "Jiang Chengyi".

How did he kiss afterward? He was unwilling to recall the details. Anyway, he refused to admit that it was his own initiative.

He only knew that until this moment, the sweet taste left by her light bite still remained on his lips, and he could clearly remember the touch of her warm and delicate body in the palm of his hand.

After thinking for a while, he got hot for no apparent reason. He frowned and threw his phone beside the bed, unbuttoned the collar of his shirt, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Lu Yan slept until sunset and woke up.

I haven't eaten for a day, and when I wake up, my legs are a little weak.

In the evening, she was going to Ding's house to express her condolences. She simply groomed and left the bedroom.

When I walked to the restaurant, I happened to see Jiang Chengyi coming back.

He also looked much better than in the morning. He changed into a black suit with a dark shirt with a black tie and black leather shoes. Although it was an orthodox attire of condolences, he had wider shoulders and longer legs than usual.

He was answering the phone, and the meaning of obedience should be that he just came back from the bureau.

Seeing that he was busy, she went to the kitchen to start dinner.

She opened the refrigerator to find the ingredients, and she ordered two bowls of Yangchun noodles.

The soup used the chicken soup left by Mrs. Liu. After simmering, the soup was golden.

Two poached eggs, a small pile of green vegetables, and finally she sprinkled some chopped green onion on the shiny and crystal clear soup surface to bring out the lingering fragrance.

She deliberately put more noodles in his bowl, and chose the bigger poached egg.

After she was done, she brought the two bowls of noodles to the restaurant and looked around with satisfaction, believing that this was the best cooking she had ever done.

"Let's eat." She glanced at him, put down her chopsticks, and sat at the dining table.

Jiang Chengyi came over after a while and saw the bowl of noodles. Although he didn't speak, he didn't show any disgust.

While eating, Lu Yan tried her best not to look sideways, but she still showed a proud expression when she saw Jiang Chengyi eating the bowl of noodles she made cleanly.

Jiang Chengyi didn't leave the table after eating, and kept drinking water until she finished eating and then stood up.

Lu Yan stared at the hickey on his neck, which was high, close to the edge of his jaw, and the tie was not enough to cover those marks.

Thinking that she might meet many high school classmates at Ding's house for a while, she hesitated.

Jiang Chengyi didn't seem to notice her hesitation at all, walked to the entrance, looked back and saw that she was still standing still, looking at her: "It's getting late."

She had to go back to the room to get her bag and go out with him.

Orchid Flower Garden is not in the city center, but it is not too far away. From Songshan District, it takes less than 40 minutes to arrive at the gate of the community.

This community was built ten years ago, and it was considered a luxury house in the city back then, but looking at it now, it feels somewhat declining.

Driving into the underground parking lot, Lu Yan saw Tang Jie standing in front of the elevator with some students from No. 7 Middle School before she had parked the car.

Tang Jie seems to have been paying attention to this side. As soon as she saw Jiang Chengyi's car, she hurriedly raised her hand: "Lu Yan, Jiang Chengyi."

After the two got out of the car, they found that not only Ding Jing's third class, but also many other classes had come.

Tang Jie was wearing a black dress and a black dress, with more surprise than sadness on her face. She stood there and watched Jiang Chengyi and Lu Yan approach. Seeing that they were still as good as they were back then, she felt the kind of feeling in her heart that was brought about by Ding Jing's death. The haze suddenly dissipated a lot.

When she got into the elevator, she was about to pull Lu Yan to speak when her eyes swept across Jiang Chengyi's neck inadvertently.

This dead woman, who seems serious on the surface, is so intense behind the scenes.

Although Lu Yan has never mentioned it over the years, according to her judgment, Lu Yan and Jiang Chengyi definitely rolled over the sheets back then, and they should have rolled over more than once.

It's been eight years since I've been absent, and now I finally have a little reconciliation. Lu Yan doesn't know how to pester Jiang Chengyi these days, tsk, don't push too hard all at once.

She looked at Jiang Chengyi, and then at Lu Yan, and found no similar marks on her neck. She rubbed her mouth and shook her head. She just said, in terms of sullenness, who can compare to Lu Yan? But Jiang Chengyi is a man after all, isn't Lu Yan still hungry? Should not be ah.

Everyone else noticed it too, and they couldn't help but notice, because Jiang Chengyi was considered white among men, and the hickey was too red, which was really eye-catching.

Lu Yan and Jiang Chengyi just pretended they didn't see the glances around, one looked down at the phone, the other looked straight ahead, and when they reached the thirty-sixth floor, they got out of the elevator one after the other.

This apartment has two houses on one ladder, each with 200 square meters. The Ding family opened up two adjacent flat-floor apartments, so the living room looks very large.

I heard that Father Ding ran a film and television company in the past. Although the company collapsed later, he has also made a few newcomers popular. In addition to the classmates from No. 7 Middle School, there are many friends of Father Ding in the business world, including some big and small stars in the entertainment industry. There were far more people than Lu Yan thought.

As Ding Jing's best friend, Liu Yujie was standing at the door with red eyes and helping the guests.

Seeing Jiang Chengyi coming, she hurriedly greeted him.

Jiang Chengyi glanced around the huge living room with his eyes. He didn't see his father and mother, so he took out his mobile phone and called his mother.

Liu Yujie failed to speak to Jiang Chengyi, her eyes rolled around his face, touched his neck, stayed for a few seconds, and then turned to look at Lu Yan.

"Lu Yan." Her voice was as light as her smile.

Lu Yan watched her quietly: "Liu Yujie."

"Come in quickly." Liu Yujie turned to greet the classmates behind.

"Cheng Yi, Miss Lu." Suddenly someone came over.

Lu Yan saw that it was Jiang Chengyi's mother.

Mother Jiang's black narrow skirt, black pointed high heels, a black round hat on her head, and a black mesh hanging from her forehead, she rarely wore any jewelry, and she looked a little sad. Holding Lu Yan's hand while watching, "You guys are here? Cheng Yi, your father and Uncle Ding are talking inside."