Winter Solstice

Chapter 29


After Tang Jie's car left the parking lot, Jiang Chengyi started the engine and drove the car out of the parking space.

On the way, Lu Yan sorted out her thoughts and took the initiative to say, "The reason why I spoke to Liu Yujie tonight is because I know she is Ding Jing's best friend, and I want to see if she has heard of 'Winter Solstice', since she was Judging from her reaction, she probably knew about it, and was just as frightened as Ding Jing, but for some reason, she had already sensed the danger, but she insisted on hiding it."

Jiang Chengyi still didn't speak, the air pressure in the car was so low that it was about to thunder and rain.

Lu Yan said to herself, "I have a few guesses about tonight's murderer: First, when the crime happened, Liu Yujie collapsed on the aisle in front of the small balcony, not far from Ding Jing's bedroom. There are black-and-white photos of Ding Jing in the room. Except for Ding Jing's younger brother, no one wants to go there tonight. That is to say, the place is very secluded, but Liu Yujie, for some unknown reason, not only avoided the crowd, but also got there. That was killed.

"Secondly, judging from Liu Yujie's symptoms at the time, it should have been a few minutes before she was discovered by the Ding family's younger brother after she was poisoned and fell to the ground. The murderer could use this time to leave calmly and mix into the crowd."

She was going to say that Jiang Chengyi's phone rang, and Lu Yan looked at the screen, it was Lao Qin.

Jiang Chengyi automatically answered the bluetooth, and quietly listened to Lao Qin for a while, and then the interface said: "No, the idea is wrong, the murderer did not come on a whim, but came prepared."

Lu Yan was surprised, and Lao Qin seemed surprised too.

Lao Qin said a few more words, and Jiang Chengyi said: "The syringe was found in the grass downstairs, and it should have been thrown from the terrace after the murderer murdered Liu Yujie. Judging from the modus operandi tonight, the murderer was very smart, not an impulsive personality. The reason why he chose to start in a place with many people is that he has made careful preparations long ago, and the other is intentional. In other words, he is provocative."

provocative? The strings in Lu Yan's mind seemed to be plucked by someone, making a humming sound. Almost all of tonight's guests knew Jiang Chengyi's identity as a criminal police officer. Knowing this, the murderer chose to attack on this occasion. It is self-evident who the provocation was.

Jiang Chengyi continued: "Liu Yujie has been sent to the ICU of the First Affiliated Hospital. She should know some key information. I just asked Xiao Zhou to stay there. As long as Liu Yujie's condition improves, Xiao Zhou will call me as soon as possible. Telephone."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Chengyi didn't speak again.

Lu Yan looked at him silently, but said, "There is one thing, I don't know if it has anything to do with the case, but because it involves my colleague Wang Qianqian, I still feel the need to tell you. When I was on the night shift last night, I heard from two other colleagues that Wang Qianqian had logged on to a website before his death, a divination website such as Tarot. Users can draw cards as long as they enter their details on the website. It is said that there is a chance that a deck of cards will be drawn. Very small, but once you get it, you can make a wish, it sounds very absurd, but for some reason, Wang Qianqian seems to believe this statement."

Jiang Chengyi remained silent, but Lu Yan knew that he was listening, so she continued: "This website seems to be told to her by a classmate from Wang Qianqian's B city, and her classmate should also be a medical staff. I always feel that the reason why Wang Qianqian believes in the website. That set of nonsense has a lot to do with her classmate in City B."

Jiang Chengyi's eyes moved slightly, he took the mobile phone and called Xiao Zhou.

After being connected, he said: "Xiao Zhou, look up the case of being strangled and then dumped in city B. Yes, the details of the case of Wang Qianqian and Ding Jing are very similar. The victim is also a nurse. Look at this person. Which school did you graduate from, and are you classmates with Wang Qianqian?"

Lu Yan was taken aback.

A minute later, Xiao Zhou called, and Jiang Chengyi said after listening to the other party's words: "I see. After arriving at the bureau tomorrow, check the search traces on Wang Qianqian's computer for the past year."

Lu Yan's heart jerked up, and she held her breath and asked, "Is that person killed in city b... Wang Qianqian's classmate."

Jiang Chengyi didn't nod his head, but it didn't seem like he was denying it.

Lu Yan's mind seemed to explode, and it was blank. After a long time, she was still a little confused: How could it be? Wang Qianqian's classmate was also killed? Coincidence, or something to do with that tarot website

She remembered the chat news in the group. Among her colleagues, more than one person mentioned that Wang Qianqian was in a bad mood before her wedding. Based on the news she just got, she suddenly had a guess: Wang Qianqian was informed of the murder of her classmate in city B. , Afraid of affecting himself, so he began to be suspicious

However, why does a wish-making website make Wang Qianqian have such a strange association? Are there any specific details when filling out the wish that can make Wang Qianqian smell dangerous signals afterwards.

When he got home, Jiang Chengyi went to the kitchen to pour water with a straight face.

Lu Yan stood at the entrance and looked at him.

Although Jiang Chengyi was too lazy to speak for the first few days, his mood tonight was obviously worse than ever.

The kind of atmosphere that is about to come, sinking under the hood.

Seeing that this was not a good time to communicate, she quietly followed behind him and walked to her room.

Seeing that she was about to push the door and enter, she remembered what happened just now, hesitated for a while, but took out the tie from her bag, called him and said, "Jiang Chengyi—"

These three words are like flipping a switch on a trigger. As soon as he exited, Jiang Chengyi was stimulated by something, suddenly turned around and pushed her against the wall: "Lu Yan!"

Lu Yan was caught off guard and was stunned.

His strength is not heavy at all, but the anger in his eyes is real, like hailstones that have been suppressed for a long time, wrapped in countless small and sharp ice slag, hitting his face, and the pain is dense.

She tried her best to control her emotions: "Jiang Chengyi."

"Shut up." Jiang Chengyi stared at her and said word by word, "I don't want to listen to you tonight."

After speaking, he released her suddenly and slammed the door shut.

Lu Yan stayed in the corridor, looking at the closed door in front of her, before returning to her room after a while.

Putting down her bag, she resisted the urge to cry and lay down on the bed, exhausted.

She not only remembered the two sentences in Deng Man's diary that Tang Jie said just now, she even knew them by heart.

But even so, eight years later, she still hasn't touched the edge of the truth.

I don't know which book I read, "Happiness shortens time, and suffering lengthens time."

For her, the memory before and after Deng Man's accident was particularly long and bitter.

In order to find the truth, these years, she was like picking out the pebbles in the riverbed, rummaging in her memory over and over again, but no matter how she recalled, what impressed her the most was the time she bumped into Deng Man outside the basketball hall Jiang Chengyi's scene.

It seems that a few days before the college entrance examination, she had made an appointment with Jiang Chengyi to meet at the back of the basketball hall, but when she was about to leave, she was temporarily called by Teacher Zhou to the office to talk.

Teacher Zhou asked her about her intention to fill in the volunteers, and explained some ways to ease her emotions in the examination room. After talking to Yan Yuese for a long time, she was released, so she arrived ten minutes later than the agreed time.

When she got to the back of the basketball hall, she saw Deng Man standing in front of Jiang Chengyi from a distance. Jiang Chengyi looked a little puzzled and looked at Deng Man lightly.

Deng Man just lowered his head and blushed.

As soon as she saw her coming, a panicked look flashed across Deng Man's face, and he turned and ran in the other direction.

She shouted twice, but Deng Man ran faster and faster. She didn't know what she meant. She approached Jiang Chengyi and asked inexplicably, "What is Deng Man doing? Why did I run away as soon as I came? What did she say to you just now?"

Jiang Chengyi looked at Deng Man's back, and said thoughtfully: "I just said that I have something to tell me, I thought you asked her to tell me something, so I came out with her, but she just stood there and said nothing. Say."

Thinking of this, Lu Yan's head suddenly throbbed violently. Eight years ago, she and Jiang Chengyi seemed to be in the fog, pulled by an invisible rope, and walked into the wrong horn step by step.

"No, I shouldn't be so selfish, I shouldn't betray friendship."

She closed her eyes and repeatedly chewed on the words in her diary for a long time, sighed sarcastically, and got up to take a shower in the bathroom.

Although he yelled at Lu Yan, Jiang Chengyi still couldn't contain his anger.

He should have gone straight to take a shower and sleep, but he stood in the door, listening to the silence in the corridor, and couldn't help but press the urge to walk away.

After waiting for half a minute, no, ten seconds at most, I heard the sound of the door closing on the opposite side.

He was stunned, fine, there was neither a knock on the door nor an explanation. Although he knew that things were not so simple, but for eight years, this woman always owed him an explanation.

He unbuttoned his shirt and went to the bathroom to take a shower, suppressing his anger.

After taking a shower, he fell onto the bed. He forced himself to stop thinking about Lu Yan and closed his eyes.

I was too tired during the day. Although I was full of fire, I fell asleep quickly.

Somehow, I came to a spacious and clean room, the outside was full of greenery, the sun was bright and dazzling, and it looked like summer.

Beneath him was a sweaty face.

Although his vision was a little hazy, he could still see her jet-black hair sticking to her smooth and white forehead, and her cheeks, like buds blooming in the wind, were dyed with peach blossoms.

With his impact, her eyes became more and more blurred, like a pond full of water in spring, rippling in circles.

He captured every subtle expression of hers, and the more he looked at it, the more he was moved, and he lowered his head, wanting to kiss her lips.

But the flowers in front of him suddenly came to the corridor outside again. He was glaring at her angrily, obviously showing a very cold look, but she didn't flinch at all. She stretched out her arms around his neck and thought about Take the initiative to kiss him, just like every time we met a long time ago, she smiled and threw herself into his arms.

He disliked it very much, but let her get close, seeing her soft breath brushing against his face, he suddenly remembered how she helped Liu Yujie with artificial respiration before, and quickly pushed her away.

He didn't want another woman's breath on his lips.

She looked hurt and wanted to say something, but at this moment, the phone rang.

Out of professional habit, his consciousness was immediately pulled away.

It should be in the morning, when he opened his eyes and saw that the sunlight was pouring in through the curtains, he ignored the strangeness in a certain part, touched the phone, and answered in a very hoarse voice: "Hello."

I heard Xiao Zhou say over there, "Team Jiang, Liu Yujie is awake."