Winter Solstice

Chapter 57


Yu Zheng answered: "Ah, yes, dv, that's a good thing. Although you didn't use it that time, I think you used it later, right?"

He deliberately paused and waited for Cheng Zhou to continue talking, but Cheng Zhou just laughed again, and in the next time, he was completely immersed in his memories, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

Yu Zheng had to continue to induce: "Although your plan to follow Lu Yan was interrupted, your thoughts have never changed. The homework in school is too easy for you. Your mother doesn't care about you all the year round. You wander around. The most frequent place to go is No. 7 Middle School. You go to watch your old friend Zhou Zhicheng, and take a look at your new friend Jiang Chengyi. Especially the latter thing, you will never get tired of it, because you only need to see Jiang Chengyi encounter setbacks. look, you will feel very happy.

"But a few days later, you found out that Jiang Chengyi had actually caught up with Lu Yan, and the opportunity for him to catch up with her happened to be because you followed Lu Yan. Not only did you not kill Lu Yan, but you also unexpectedly contributed to Jiang Chengyi's wish. You expected the exact opposite, and besides being surprised, you must have been furious at the time.

"What should I do next? Jiang Chengyi and his girlfriend are happier day by day. You see, you're going to go crazy. How can we make that perfect Jiang Chengyi fall into a desperate situation of pain, and how can we punish Li Xiaolan who is constantly emerging? Cheng Zhou, you are much smarter than me, tell me how you did it next."

Cheng Zhou snorted inexplicably.

Yu Zheng paused: "Did some of the girls in No. 7 Middle School come up with something new at this time, um, such as a website or something."

"A group of idiots are making a wish on it." Cheng Zhou said conceitedly, "Zhou Zhicheng heard a little bit of wind and told me about it, but he thought it was a petty joke among students after class, and he didn't think it was anything. I don't care what the website is for, it took me half a semester to hack into the website, and then I found a lot of silly women making wishes on it."

"I think you found out that Deng Man's wish is related to Zhou Zhicheng, but you already knew about it, it's nothing, the most interesting thing is that Ding Jingxu's wish, she wants Jiang Chengyi and his girlfriend to separate, You didn't expect someone in the world to have the same thoughts as you, it's just too much to your taste. So your tracking target was changed to Ding Jing, and from this you discovered a lot of secrets about Ding Jing, right?"

"Humph." Cheng Zhou smiled contemptuously, "That stupid woman made a wish, but she didn't know how to make her wish come true. When she learned of Deng Man's wish, she sent an anonymous letter to threaten Deng Man, and asked Deng Man to do so. Pretending to like Jiang Chengyi in order to destroy the relationship between Lu Yan and Jiang Chengyi, but apparently, Deng Man did not pay attention to the anonymous letter. But through this incident, I got inspiration, I photographed Zhou Zhicheng and Deng Man together to make out I secretly sent the dv to Ding Jing, this way to fulfill our common wish, fortunately this woman is not stupid yet, she will soon know what to do."

"It's really a smart decision." Yu Zheng 'appreciated' him, "This method gives you a new experience - it turns out that you can also be the master of others, which is really wonderful. Besides, You also gave Ding Jing sufficient reason to threaten Deng Man. You always thought that the 'Li Xiaolan' in the world was hopelessly stupid, and the 'Li Xiaolan' beside Jiang Chengyi was no exception. But you did not expect Deng Man was forced to follow Ding Jing's request, but Lu Yan did not break up with Jiang Chengyi because of this, and the two never even had a quarrel."

"What an unpredictable person. In addition to being irritated this time, you are also confused, because whether it is Jiang Chengyi or Lu Yan, you have encountered unexpected difficulties: their intelligence is not inferior to yours, They are not as easy to be figured out as others, and they also have strong personalities. All in all, you, who rarely lose, have once again hit a wall with this couple."

Cheng Zhou snorted coldly.

"You think about it, you still want to kill Lu Yan, but Jiang Chengyi is not far from her, you don't even want to approach her, and you have seen how Jiang Chengyi beat up another suspected stalker, you know clearly, if you don't Be careful to expose in front of him, it is tantamount to courting death, so you have to give up Lu Yan and continue to follow Ding Jing and Deng Man, I think you must find something in the next days."

Cheng Zhou was very contemptuous: "Hmph, I found that Lu Yan was also very good to Deng Man - an unnecessary emotion, it's ridiculous."

Yu Zheng pursed his lips: "It seems that Lu Yan attaches great importance to her friends, and also cares about their friends' joys, sorrows and joys, so you have an idea - the misunderstanding between friends has already occurred, and there is only one more left. You chose Deng Man for the opportunity of death. You may have just wanted to make Lu Yan suffer, but now, looking back on it, this plan was really impeccable: it contributed to the breakup of Jiang Chengyi and Lu Yan, As the master, he fulfilled Ding Jing's wish, killed the second Li Xiaolan, and successfully escaped the punishment of the law. Cheng Zhou, you are really the smartest person I have ever met. Can you tell me how you made it step by step? Did Deng Man push him into a corner?"

Cheng Zhou laughed. Deng Man's death should be one of the most proud things in his life. Until now, as long as he thinks of this incident, he can't restrain his sense of accomplishment.

"She's been messed up by the DV thing for a long time." He stopped laughing, "Failed in the college entrance examination, and the friendship is almost unsustainable, this fragile person has a very miserable life every day. In order to help her achieve the most perfect' Suicide', I made a lot of preparations in advance, I went to the riverside where they were dating, I went to the house of a nervous old man in our community to steal sleeping pills, I stole two pills a day, and I also took some intimate clips from the dv in advance I printed it out, and tricked Zhou Zhicheng into recording two recordings. I did all this, and I was always waiting for that day to come.

"Later, Deng Man ran out of school and cried very sadly. I think she was either coerced by Ding Jing again, or she broke with another Li Xiaolan. I guess it was the latter. She felt that the opportunity had come. Just followed her back home, but she soon came out of the house again, and went to the stationery store to buy a pen.

"She met Zhou Zhicheng that night. Afraid of their relationship being exposed, they felt unsafe in the city, so they met every time at the river on the outskirts of the city. The place was very secluded, and few people passed by during the day or night, so they I think that place is the best place to date. But they quarreled as soon as they met. Deng Man planned to confess everything to his friends, but Zhou Zhicheng disagreed, because when the teacher-student love happened, she was still in high school and not yet an adult. , He can't even be a teacher. Deng Man, that stupid woman, loves Zhou Zhicheng very much, and almost takes Zhou Zhicheng as her life. In short, because of this sentence, Deng Man failed to convince Zhou Zhicheng, and they broke up in the end.

"The next day, when I went to Zhou Zhicheng's house, Lin Chunmei became a wooden man and lay in bed all day. I put a few sleeping pills in Zhou Zhicheng's drink. After he fell asleep, I turned off his cell phone and then I went to the outskirts of the city and waited for Deng Man under a tree that could not be seen by surveillance cameras. She really came. I pretended to be panicked and ran towards her, shouting: Someone jumped into the river. She was startled and asked what happened. I showed her the recorder in my hand and the black-and-white film materials, and said that someone jumped into the river just now, and I found this by the river.

"I made her appreciate how she was with the teacher, and played the pre-recorded recording of Zhou Zhicheng in front of her: this incident has spread in the school, and I have no face to live. Deng Man believed it to be true, because Ding Man believed it was true. Jing sent her the final announcement anonymously long ago. If she refuses to follow the requirements within the stipulated time, she will publicize it. Although she should have guessed that it was Ding Jing, but there is no evidence, now I will give her Created an illusion: because she was disobedient, Ding Jing began to act.

"When I spoke, I kept looking at her nervously. I was thinking, if she refuses to go to the river, I will kill her in other ways, and then put the blame on Zhou Zhicheng. I told her: that person may She is about to die, save the people first, and I will call them right away. She was stunned and looked very anxious. She ran to the river without thinking about it. After a while, I heard the sound of jumping into the river. She should be able to swim, but there were a lot of water plants in the river. She fished for a long time, but when she couldn't find Zhou Zhicheng, she started struggling to call for help. I hid behind a tree not far away and watched her, and I kept seeing her dead. I just left."

Jiang Chengyi looked at Cheng Zhou expressionlessly.

Yu Zheng said: "I guess the scene that night left a deep impression on you, because in this way, you inadvertently copied that night many years ago, and what makes you feel particularly satisfied is that this time The person who was struggling in the water was replaced by 'Li Xiaolan', and the huge hole in your heart was filled. All in all, the origin of this incident was Ding Jing. As the master, you fulfilled her wish and let Lu Yan and Jiang Chengyi All were implicated, and this perfect crime laid the foundation for the three elements of your next crime: wishing, 'Li Xiaolan', water, and from that time on, you began to pursue the aesthetics of crime."

Cheng Zhou closed his eyes slightly, showing an unforgettable expression.

"I think your next target was originally Ding Jing, because you have become her master, you can throw her into the water at will like Li Xiaolan back then, so although Deng Man is not the first person in your ceremony , but he is the key person in the turning point of your crime, let me ask, why didn't you immediately take action against Ding Jing back then?"

"She went abroad." Cheng Zhou regretted, "She thought Deng Man committed suicide, and she committed suicide under her coercion. She was afraid that this incident would be exposed, so she went abroad to hide for four years, not even during the summer vacation. Come back, I can't find a chance to start."