Winter Solstice

Chapter 59


Old Qin led Lu Yan to a door in the basement and swiped the card to open the door.

Standing at the door, Lu Yan looked inside suspiciously. It was white on all sides, square, and an ordinary room. It really didn't look like a place to identify a suspect.

Just as he was about to ask Lao Qin, the next room lit up.

Then she saw Cheng Zhou through the entire glass wall.

It's not the first time we've met, but since this time it was clear that he was the suspect, the moment she saw him, the root of her nose seemed to be hit by something heavy in the face, and a metallic odor suddenly appeared in her nose. diffused in.

She couldn't hear the other person's voice, but she could see him talking.

When he spoke, he looked so relaxed and arrogant that if she hadn't known that he was a prisoner on trial, she would have mistaken him for sitting in a cafe drinking coffee.

The last time I saw this person at Dazhong's birthday party, he was too good at disguise, knew her and Jiang Chengyi early in the morning, but acted like he was meeting them for the first time.

Thinking that this person had followed her eight years ago, and it was also related to Deng Man's death, she couldn't stand anymore, walked over quickly, put her palms on the glass wall, and stared at that person closely.

"The confession is still incomplete." Lao Qin walked to Lu Yan's side and said solemnly, "Two days and one night, this person is as stubborn as a cold stone. After the trial, Dr. Yu's psychological research has been somewhat improved. However, this person's psychology is very different from that of normal people. He only vomited a small part lightly, and there are still many key details of the crime that are unclear. Dr. Lu, at this time, the testimony of witnesses is particularly important. You must recognize it. Don't be afraid, when it comes to us, this dog can't escape."

"Okay." Lu Yan swallowed her bitter saliva and slowly released her clenched hands.

The interrogation seemed to have come to an end. Not long after, Jiang Chengyi and Yu Zhi said a few words, got up from behind the desk, and came out one after the other.

Lao Qin also went out with Lu Yan.

"This is just the beginning." Yu Zheng turned his back to them, looking a little tired, "Look, the idea and timeline of the crime are barely known, but a lot of content is still blank, I can imagine that there will be a lot more to come. We need to do the work, but Team Jiang, I am ready to fight a protracted battle, and in the next half month, I will continue to cooperate with your work until the prisoner's confession is perfected."

"The next work is too trivial, leave it to me to arrange it, Dr. Yu, it's been too hard these days, you should go and have a good rest first." As he spoke, Jiang Chengyi's eyes suddenly swept over Yu Zheng, and turned to Lu Yan and the others. Look past.

When he saw Lu Yan, he felt at ease. Especially after such an interrogation just now, his chest seemed to be heavily pressed by two hard stone slabs, and he couldn't breathe. room, to confirm her safety with your own eyes.

At this moment, knowing that she was safe and sound, he couldn't help but look at her again and again.

She approached slowly, her eyes always glued to his, very silent, but not depressed.

"Doctor Lu." Yu Zheng turned his head, "How is it, finished identifying?"

Lu Yan didn't want to let her emotions show, so she walked up to Jiang Chengyi and forced a smile and said, "Yes."

Yu Zheng smiled and said with some emotion: "Well, it's not easy, but it's finally over."

All four were silent.

Jiang Chengyi turned to Lao Qin and said, "Lao Qin, you are tired too. Go to rest with Dr. Yu, and leave the following matters to me."

"What are you talking about, Team Jiang?" Old Qin obviously knew that there was still a lot of work to do, but he was resolute. "I'll take Dr. Xiao Lu to record the testimony first, and I'll come and try the pervert with you in a while."

Lu Yan was thinking about Cheng Zhou's confession about Deng Man, but Jiang Chengyi didn't mention it, and the occasion was wrong, so she naturally didn't dare to ask.

After entering the elevator, Lu Yan took a close look at Dr. Yu's face and asked with concern, "Dr. Yu, your face is not quite right, are you not feeling well?"

Yu Zheng shook his head, his voice was a little dull, the elevator door opened, he raised his foot and was about to step out, but he couldn't move, his body swayed, and he fell straight to the front.

When he arrived at the hospital, Dr. Yu was diagnosed with transient hypertension and electrolyte imbalance, and was in urgent need of bed rest.

In the evening, Jiang Chengyi and Lu Yan watched Dr. Yu and came out of the hospital after learning that his condition was stable.

"Let's go have a meal first." Jiang Chengyi was still thinking about the Sichuan restaurant that Lu Yan was going to eat in the morning, "I have to rush back to the bureau to work overtime after I finish eating."

"Can't you go home and sleep at night?" After staying up for two consecutive nights, she was really worried about his health.

"Back." The heating was too high, and the car was a little stuffy. He took off his suit and unbuttoned the first shirt to dissipate the heat from his body.

She looked at him and said nothing.

"What's the matter?" He leaned over and fastened her seat belt himself, "Maybe you'll be back later. If you're tired, go to bed first. When I'm not at home in the future, I'll ask Mrs. Liu to accompany you at home. "

She was still looking at him silently, and she always felt that after the few hours just now, his attitude had changed subtly. Whether in the police station or the hospital, she could not wait to look at her all the time.

"Did Cheng Zhou explain about Deng Man?" Realizing that he had been deliberately avoiding this topic, she simply took the initiative to bring it up.

He put the phone aside and avoided answering.

Her heart sank, and she looked at him directly: "What's the matter, is Deng Man committed suicide or murdered? Does it have anything to do with Cheng Zhou?"

The light from the parking lot shone through the window glass and lightly hit his side face.

He was silent for a while, took out a voice recorder from his left trousers pocket, and turned to look at her: "This case is too special, Cheng Zhou's confession cannot be transcribed, but Dr. Yu, as a psychologist who assisted the police in solving the case, was arrested. I was allowed to keep the confession of the suspect, and as early as yesterday when I communicated with Dr. Yu, he agreed that I would bring some of his audio-visual materials to you."

His attitude was still hesitant.

"So I can listen right?" she asked, breaking up and taking the recorder from him.

He turned his head to look forward, and made no objection.

Her chest was stuffy and she waited for eight years, just for the truth, she carefully pressed the play button, and heard a man's voice: "She has been messed up by the DV affair, she failed the college entrance examination, and her friendship is about to fail. Go on, this fragile person has a very miserable life every day. In order to help her complete the most perfect 'suicide', I made a lot of preparations in advance."

Jiang Chengyi intercepted a total of three confessions, adding them together, about 45 minutes of recording clips.

In the parking lot, cars come and go.

She listened so intently that she completely forgot about the world around her.

She has tried very hard to control her emotions, but when she got to the back, her chest turned overturned and sad, especially when Cheng Zhou said that he watched Deng Man go to the stationery store to buy pens, she felt like a huge hole had collapsed in her heart, and she couldn't help feeling sad. cry loudly.

"Deng Man-"

Tears poured down.

He held the small voice recorder tightly in his hand, his knuckles turning white from the force, as if he was holding the hand of Deng Man who was in the water at the time.

He listened to it, and felt that his heart was full of unspeakable emotions. He turned sideways, took her into his arms, kissed the top of her hair silently, and comforted her silently.

She was crying out of breath.

For friendship, for love, for lost lives.

After crying, she couldn't tell what she was crying for: Deng Man, she and Jiang Chengyi, or herself. All she knew was that she had never felt so uncomfortable before, and she desperately needed an outlet for her suppressed emotions for eight years. She was desperate and couldn't think of any other way to vent. She wept his shirt a lot, and cried hoarsely. There is no intention to stop.

The car started, she shifted positions, curled up on the seat, and wept the back of the seat a lot, but she was addicted to crying, angry, sad, helpless, all kinds of emotions stuffed her chest, she mourned. Weeping like a trapped beast.

When the car stopped, he took her into his arms, and maybe after another hour of crying, she gradually calmed down.

He unbuckled his seatbelt, got out of the car, walked around the front of the car, and opened her door.

He took her and walked for a while. There were people coming and going around. She recognized that it was the way to the Sichuan restaurant and held his hand tightly, and finally stopped crying at all.

When she reached the road with relatively few people, she suddenly said, "Jiang Chengyi, I'm still very uncomfortable."

"How can you not feel uncomfortable?" He stopped, wiped a tear for her, and looked at her with infinite patience.

"Can you carry me for a while?" With her eyes swollen into walnuts, she asked confidently.

When he looked at her, he didn't find it ugly at all, but felt that she was childish.

He was a little stunned, as if he saw the eighteen-year-old her, inexplicably a little heartache, and a little flustered, he turned around happily and said, "Come up."

She crouched on his back and let him carry her steadily.

She put her arms around his shoulders and pressed against his profile, a strange sense of security came over her, willing to be carried by him for the rest of her life.

"Lu Yan." After a while of silence, he said, "Let's get married."

Quiet around.

When she reacted, the root of her nose was sore, and she hugged his neck tightly, without any hesitation, she said in a choked voice, "Okay."

Something dripped from his neck. It was cool. He knew that it was her tears. After walking for a while, he said lightly, "I'm going to cry tonight and cry all at once."

"Why?" She was inexplicably aggrieved, and the tears couldn't stop at all.

He turned his face slightly and said confidently, "From tomorrow onwards, there will only be laughter, and there will be no chance to cry."

She was stunned for a while, then pulled his cheek hard, kissing him hard enough, and said with a tearful smile, "Jiang Chengyi, why are you so nice."

One word is for sure.

Just as you said.

From now on, there will be only smiles, no tears.