Wipe Clean After Eating

Chapter 11


Mom's order is irresistible, not to mention that I took her things. If I don't follow her instructions, a feather duster will definitely be inevitable. The date of the blind date this time is set at 1 o’clock noon, and the work time in the afternoon is more than 2 o’clock. Since it takes nearly half an hour to drive from the company to the appointment place by bus, considering that I will definitely not be able to return to the company to work after dinner, so I am tomorrow You must ask for leave in the afternoon.

So in order to get a leave from my boss, as soon as I entered Lu Junzhi’s office that day, I put on a flattering face and pinched my throat in an obsessive manner: "General Manager, the clothes you wear today It’s so beautiful. The well-fitted tailoring and the elegant lines with fresh color and lustre will further set off your face like a crown, graceful and graceful, noble and noble in the sky..."

"Okay." Lu Junzhi suddenly interrupted helplessly. He raised his head from a pile of documents, and his dark eyes glanced at me faintly: "Say the important point."

I hurriedly folded my hands on my lower abdomen, and said with a correct attitude: "This is the way things are. For some unavoidable reason, I want to take a half-day off tomorrow, can I?"

Lu Junzhi raised his eyebrows slightly: "What's the reason?"

I am a little embarrassed: "Blind date..."

He looked cold, and then asked, "Where is it?"

I nodded and bowed, and replied: "It seems to be in the XX restaurant"

He continued to ask: "For whom?"

I subconsciously opened my mouth to answer, but suddenly reacted. This conversation is not right. He is just my boss and not my husband. Why should the person tell him the time and place of the date? And it's the tone of interrogation!

Thinking of this, I stopped obeying blindly, and said in a low voice, "That... General Manager, this seems to be my personal business."

He stopped talking now, just staring at me with his eyes open, the expression on his face was a little dark, and I saw my scalp numb and creepy...

I was so scared that I lowered my head silently, and didn't dare to say a word, but, is this fake agreement or disagreement

This morning the company had a staff meeting, and as the secretary to the general manager, I had to take care of the minutes of the meeting. At nine o’clock, the spacious and bright conference hall was full of colleagues from the company, and male and female employees were sitting on the left and right. On both sides, as soon as I walked into the conference hall, I turned my search gaze to the left. At first glance, I saw a few young men with good looks and temperament in the crowd, although they were not as shocking as Lu Junzhi. People, but they can be regarded as delicate and seductive, and they are indeed a well-known big company. It is really talented!

The entire conference hall was quiet and solemn. After a short wait, General Manager Lu walked into the hall leisurely under the gaze of everyone, and boarded the podium under everyone’s gaze. The clear and quiet black eyes were very gentle. After a week of glances, the audience nodded gracefully and announced the start of the meeting.

I held my glasses with my middle finger and looked over. I saw that he was wearing a neatly tailored suit. His shiny eyes seemed to be soaked in a bit of ink in the clear pond, and his long eyelashes sprinkled on the straight and tall bridge of the nose. In the next shadow, the thin lips that he often pursed were not angry and mighty, but his fair skin gave him a somewhat elegant and scroll-like atmosphere, and the look of him speaking on the podium with a flying and calm expression was even more confident and charming.

This picture is undoubtedly a huge lethality to women. Seeing the obsessive and admiring eyes of those female colleagues, how I want to tell everyone, in fact, all this is an illusion!

This meeting lasted for more than an hour. Just when I was boring to hear and recorded like chicken feet, Lu Junzhi finally stopped and said with a slight smile: "Today’s meeting is over here, do you have anything to want? supplementary?"

"General Manager, everyone has been working so hard during this time. Should the company hold an event to relax?" As the meeting ended, the atmosphere in the meeting room became a lot more active, and a male employee stood up and took the lead in making a fuss.

Lu Junzhi also changed his previous serious expression, nodded and smiled very easy-going: "It just so happens that the company will have a group event tomorrow. If you have colleagues who are willing to participate, you can register directly with Secretary Xia, and colleagues who don't want to participate will have a day off."

Upon hearing this, there was a burst of cheers from the rostrum, and I was also happy to smile, which is really great, now there is no need to ask for leave! Who knows that as soon as I smiled, Lu Junzhi glanced at me unconsciously, and solemnly compensated and said, "Except for the secretary to the general manager."

I couldn't help but get furious. Everyone is a company employee. Everyone should be equal. Why should I be the exception

However, before I could ask, a male colleague asked with a look of anticipation: "General manager, where are you going for this event? If it's just going to a small restaurant for a drink and a meal, we won't agree. what!"

"Of course, it's not just that you didn't agree, but I also don't approve of going to places that are as meaningless as restaurants." Lu Junzhi's attitude is very kind, and there is no boss.

As soon as the man heard this, another male employee couldn't wait to ask: "Boss, where are you going?"

Lu Junzhi slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and Qingjun smiled a little bit ill-intentioned on his face: "It can only be understood, it cannot be said. In short, it is a place where many girls don't wear corsets." Added: "This event is not suitable for female colleagues, but I hope that male colleagues can sign up actively."

As soon as these words came out, the meeting room was like a roar of cheers. Almost all the male colleagues seemed to be bloodied. Their faces were full of interest and blood boiled. The female colleagues looked at Boss Lu with reddish cheeks, and looked a little shy and shy. Some flickering...

My heart was suddenly filled with contempt and contempt, and it turned out to be a misfortune. This poor man, who only pays attention to the lower body, even organized his own company's employees to go to the nightclub collectively! It is simply the scum of the scum!

After I was disbanded from the conference room, I was very busy, because almost all the male colleagues in the company signed up to me, and I dutifully took notes while sighing that men didn’t have a good thing.

After recording, Lu Junzhi asked me to send the list to Director Yu on the fifth floor. I looked at someone who was calm and calm, and snorted dissatisfiedly: "If the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, what kind of boss is there? What kind of employees are there!"

He lifted his head from the document, and hurriedly omitted a sentence: "Aren't you also my employee?"

I was blocked, and if I couldn't find any rebuttals, I had to leave the office with the list in a desperate manner, and a string of magnetic, clear-rhyme laughter came from behind me.

I took the list and took the elevator to the fifth floor. I saw that Director Yu was a little old man over half a hundred years old. When he saw the densely packed names on the list, he was shocked. He sighed and muttered in wonder: "Strange. Now, why are so many employees participating in this labor service activity that repays the society?"

I was dumbfounded and looked at him inexplicably: "Repay the labor activities of the society?"

Director Yu’s kind face was filled with gratification and admiration: “Yes, I thought that there were not many enthusiastic people in these years. At most, a few people would participate in such drudgery. I didn’t expect that our company would have so many happy people. A good helping young man..."

I was confused when I heard it, and couldn't help but interrupt him and asked, "What kind of activity is it?"

Director Yu gave me a glance: "What else can be done, that is, go to Hope Primary School to repair broken tables, chairs and benches!"

So I got it, Hope Primary School, a place where most girls don’t wear corsets...

Because repairing broken tables, chairs and benches is physical work, this event is not suitable for female colleagues to participate...

So as we approached the end of get off work today, on behalf of the general manager, I announced to everyone that the colleagues who did not sign up will all have one day off tomorrow, and the colleagues who signed up will gather their nails and hammers at the door of the company at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning and go to Hope Primary School to do all the work. Repaying the labor activities of the society, as soon as the words came out, the male compatriots collectively wanted to cry without tears and howled, and the female compatriots all held their belly and laughed.

Before I got off work that day, I walked up to Lu Junzhi with a grimace: "Why will all the female colleagues have a holiday tomorrow, except for me?"

He looked at me and replied solemnly: "Because you are the secretary to the general manager."

I was embarrassed for a moment, and then asked: "Then why should the general manager's secretary be excluded?"

He smiled slightly and said seriously: "Because the secretary to the general manager is you."

I:"… "

Just play with me as much as you want! Play to death!