Wipe Clean After Eating

Chapter 2


Sitting in the waiting area nervously, watching the applicants being called into the examination room one by one, and one by one coming out with a frustrated face, I was very entangled. I was thankful that they were not admitted and the places were not occupied, and I realized that they were even I failed in interviews, I am afraid that I who have offended the interviewer are even more hopeless!

When my name was shouted inside, my nervous mood suddenly rose to the highest point. I took a few deep breaths and finally relieved it, but found that everyone around me was staring at me, and the test room passed. The female voice that came out was also a little impatient, and I rushed into the examination room with my bag in a trot.

I saw five interviewers sitting inside, the chief examiner in the middle, and the others sitting on the left and right sides. As soon as I walked in, I immediately felt like I was taken to court in ancient times, almost shouting mighty.

I looked up to the front, and saw the handsome and elegant man sitting in the center seat. On the desk in front of him was a standing sign with his name: Lu Junzhi written on it.

At this time, he changed into a light blue shirt that was appropriately tailored, and he outlined a sexy arc on his upper body, which made him look even more gentle and handsome. When I entered the door, he was tapping his fingers like enclaves at the computer. When I approached the desk, his hand just left the keyboard. He casually leaned on the rotating leather chair and picked up a pen lightly. Tucked between his fingers, tapped slowly on the desk, so I took a moment to look at me with a worried face, and there seemed to be a deep smile on the corners of my elegant mouth.

My scalp numb subconsciously, and I quickly handed over my resume with both hands, and then quickly sat down on a small chair opposite him.

He lowered his clear and quiet black eyes, quickly glanced at his resume, then raised his head and raised his eyebrows and asked, "Miss Xia, are you ready?"

I hurriedly straightened my back, sitting upright, and nodded seriously.

"Very well, then start asking questions now." He nodded slightly, his eyes looked at me for an instant, and he asked in a very formulaic tone: "Miss Xia, please tell me truthfully and in detail about your interview before coming to our company. experience."

"Uh, experience... true and detailed..." I thought about my own experience for a while, and then replied very seriously: "Before I came to your company for an interview, I took a taxi from home after breakfast at 8 o'clock. The traffic jam on the road delayed my ten. It took about 30 minutes to reach your company, and I fell down when I went up the steps..."

"Okay." His originally calm and elegant face turned black, and he interrupted me decisively, and then he lifted the pen decisively and said: "No work experience, careless."

I:"… "

In the silence, the examiners on the left and right saw the difficult and tolerant expressions of the examiner...

I am angry! Did you define it so hastily! ? This is not fair!

After finishing writing, Lu Junzhi raised his head again, ignoring me who was depressed and protesting, curled up his lips and smiled gracefully: "Now, let's move on to the next question."

I took a deep breath and nodded. After learning the lesson just now, I couldn't help but make up my mind. This time I must not reveal my shortcomings again, and try to involve my own advantages!

At this time, his gaze fell on my resume, and he took a closer look at the content on it, and then slowly said: "Ms. Xia, with regard to this resume of yours, talk about what makes you most proud of. Bar."

"The most proud part... Well, the frame of this resume form is very beautiful! I made it myself after an hour." I confidently pointed to the pattern on the cover of the resume and was able to design it by myself. Is such a beautiful and complicated pattern an advantage

I don't want my voice just to fall, and the corners of the sexy lips on the other side twitched and looked at me speechlessly. After a while, I returned to nature. I lowered my head and looked at my resume again, and said unbelievably: "One hour? Such a simple pattern can usually be made four or five in twenty minutes." He said and started writing decisively. Record: "It has no advantages in itself, and its efficiency is extremely slow."

I:"… "

This time I guess I couldn’t help it. There was a snicker on the left and right. I gritted my teeth and suffocated my tears. Oh, you Lu Junzhi can do four or five in 20 minutes. It doesn’t mean that Xia Ye can do it too!

"Next question." With a creepy smile on his face, he raised his eyebrows and asked: "If you are accepted by this company, what qualities do you want your boss to possess?"

Upon hearing this question, I suddenly remembered the unpleasant conversation with him not long ago, so I hurriedly said: "I have no other requirements. I just hope that my boss can tolerate a lot and be informal, and it is best not to hold grudges. Not only will he not be held accountable for those who have offended him, but he will also forgive generously. The best thing is to be considerate and kind!"

I had just finished speaking, so he began to record again: "Simple mind, like to make some fantasy that is impossible to achieve."

I:"… "

Pampered boss of big company, young and promising general manager! You clearly cut my back! After such a comment, which company will accept me in the future

After the three questions, I was completely desperate, and I don't want to continue the interview anymore. My back, which was originally straight, was bent down, and my head was involuntarily pulled up. My appearance must look like a cock that was defeated in a fight.

Just when I was extremely disappointed, the person on the other side seemed to be very satisfied with my expression. Between his eyebrows and eyes, he was relaxed and comfortable. With an elegant cheek, he began to summarize the statement: "Ms. Xia, you have no work experience and are careless. He has no advantages, is extremely slow in doing things, has a simple mind, and likes to make fantasy that is impossible to achieve. I think an employee like you will be unemployed for a long time and it is difficult to find a job."

I nodded very self-consciously: "Yes... I understand, I will leave now."

Saying that I stood up weakly, and was about to turn around and walk towards the door. At this moment, the elegant and pleasant voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Miss Xia, congratulations, you have been accepted by our company."

I froze in place with a dull look.

Admitted, accepted, accepted... These three words keep repeating in my mind. Obviously, I was not the only one who was shocked. The examiner on the left used to prop up his chin with his elbow, but now he turned his hand and hit his chin directly on the table. The spectacles of the examiner on the right were crooked, and his eyes were bulging and almost falling out.

In short, the current situation is that everyone is staring at the calm boss with all their faces.

The boss of University of Lu apparently saw that the scene was a bit out of control, cleared his throat, and said solemnly: "Didn't the company set up a charity event to assist long-term unemployed college students? I think Miss Xia is very eligible for assistance."

I:"… "

So those previous comments that hurt one's self-esteem became the reason for being admitted now? I... Should I feel honored

At this time, several other people also resumed their normal looks. One of them asked weakly, "But, the general manager, when did this charity event start? Why am I completely impressed?"

So someone calmly typed a few keystrokes, and the printer on the side quickly came out a few papers, and after slowly distributing them to the people, he declared calmly: "This is the event plan I wrote just now. It will be officially implemented from now on."

Everyone: "..."

I suddenly realized that when he came in just now, he was typing, and he was writing this event plan! Since I was planning to admit me a long time ago, why did I lose my value to nothing, anger! But then again, if this method is not used to explain that I will be unemployed for a long time, there is no reason to admit me.

Did he harm me to admit me, or did he admit me so that he could continue to harm me in the future

For a while, I was entangled in contemplation...