Wipe Clean After Eating

Chapter 33


There was a hint of coldness on Lu Junzhi, as if the cold wind had been blowing here for a long time, but what was even colder was the expression on his face: "Where did you go?"

I shuddered suddenly, stood firm and stepped back two steps, bit the bullet and answered honestly: "Blind date..."

He listened to a sudden sneer, and slowly and slightly nodded: "Very good." As he said, he suddenly approached, with a slight mockery: "The blind date is love at first sight, so soon has it reached the point of marriage? "

Meeting his inquisitive gaze, I suddenly felt a lot of pressure, and quickly changed the subject: "General Manager, it's so late, what can you do if you come to me..."

His complexion grew gloomy, his eyes narrowed, and he looked at me steadily: "Do you think a man, who stands at the bottom of a woman waiting for her at night, is what else is it for?"

I thought about it seriously. According to normal thinking, standing and waiting for someone with the cool night breeze like this, represents the man's deep... love for that woman? But now this man is too good to be better than Lu Junzhi, and this woman is too ordinary to be more ordinary me... I really don't have the confidence to think about this problem with common sense.

Seeing my hesitant expression, Boss Lu suddenly became angry and coldly shouted: "Forget it, get out of here, I don't want to see you."

"That... this is my home..." I reminded me weakly, and quickly compromised to his gloomy gaze: "Okay, let me go, let me go!"

I glanced at him with a depressed look, and walked straight in. However, after only two steps, I felt that the person behind me was bullying him. Before I could react, the waist was tight and the whole person was hugged by him. Entering his arms, he hugged me tightly from behind, his warm breath circling my ears.

I was at a loss for a while, and whispered softly: "General manager?"

His face was buried in my neck, his voice was a little helpless and compromised, very light, low, annoyed and painful: "How can I be so stupid that I would like a stupid woman like you."

What, this seems to be scolding himself, but in fact it is mainly scolding me for being stupid! angry!

No... What did he just say like? He likes me? I reacted slowly, and there was a stormy sea in my heart. This was the second time he said he liked me. The first time was at the hotel that night... He said that what a man said before going to bed was unreliable, but I was happy when I heard it. Seriously, but this time is different... This time he said it completely awake, so, can I believe it

I slowly turned around and carefully looked at the expression on his face: "General manager, what are you saying is true?"

Lu Junzhi furrowed his eyebrows and nodded my forehead with a look of hatred for iron and steel, "You woman with a stiff head!"

He didn't look like he was joking, and there was a hint of sweetness in my heart, but still a little confused: "I don't understand, what do you like me?"

Usually in such a situation, I should say some of my strengths to increase the atmosphere, but he showed a more confused expression than me: "Yeah, what is it about you that I like."

What kind of reaction is this? Do I really have no advantages? I frowned depressed, thought about it seriously, and then asked: "What do you think of my body?"

He looked at me and answered without hesitation: "Type S."

The clouds turned clear, and a small bubble of joy appeared: "Do you really think my figure is very curvy?"

He paused, and said furiously, "I mean your belly."

I:"… "

I lowered my head and squeezed my belly. As expected, the flesh on my abdomen piled up into a small S shape. This man's eyes are really sharp and his mouth is really poisonous!

Then I asked: "Then what do you think I look like?"

He said seriously: "It's very suitable to marry home and be a wife."

As soon as I heard this, I floated up, and I couldn't help but fell into the little woman's tone: "Look at what you said, how can I be so seductive..."

There was a smile in his voice: "You misunderstood, I mean to be your husband, don't worry about wearing a green hat."

I:"… "

Just when I was so sad that I was speechless, Lu Junzhi suddenly touched my head and said, "Let's go, come back with me."

I was stunned, and some inexplicably asked: "Go back? Your home?"

He looked at me faintly, and said slowly: "I have been standing here for three hours and fifteen minutes."

I nodded and quickly expressed my concern: "General manager, you have worked hard, go back and rest quickly."

He casually continued: "I haven't eaten dinner yet."

"Don't you want me to cook for you?" I asked cautiously. Looking at his affirmative gaze, I shook my head bitterly: "No, it's so late now. My mother will definitely not allow it. "

"Really?" Lu Junzhi raised his eyebrows, and then took out his cell phone to broadcast a call. A bad premonition surged in my heart. As expected, I quickly heard him yell in a gentle and polite manner: "Hello, auntie."

My mother's voice faintly came from the other end of the phone: "It's Xiao Lu, did you look for Xia Ye? Unfortunately, she went out for dinner tonight, and she hasn't come back yet."

Lu Junzhi squinted at me and said, "No aunt, Xia Ye is with me now."

"Ah? Why are you together?" The mother over there cried out in surprise, and I waved to Lu Junzhi with an anxious expression. Don't tell me my relationship with him, or my mother knew I was cheated. She must kill me. Lu Junzhi nodded clearly, then smiled wickedly, and pointed his finger at his left cheek. I gave him a depressed look. Really, at this time I was still talking about conditions, and I didn't care about that much, so I quickly gave him a kiss on the face.

Lu Junzhi raised his eyebrows slightly, and replied calmly to the phone: "Oh, yes, I asked Xia Ye to deal with some work matters. In addition, the company has some urgent documents that need someone to stay on duty at night, so I thought about it. Xia Ye can do the job, don't know if you agree?"

The mother's voice over there was very firm and decisive: "How can this be done? Our Xia Ye is the most sleepy, but I can't stay up all night."

Lu Junzhi's voice was a little disappointed: "Well, my aunt will bother you, I'll find someone else." When I heard this, I secretly delighted, wondering why he gave up so easily, so I saw him hanging up the phone. He said to himself: "By the way, the company seems to stipulate that colleagues who voluntarily work night shifts can get extra year-end bonuses..."

"Hey, wait!" Mother's voice rang on the other end of the phone, and her tone turned 180 times: "That... Xiao Lu, I suddenly remembered that Xia Ye's secretion disorders during this period of time, and insomnia every night Can't sleep, it would be more appropriate to have her on the night shift!"

I:"… "

Mom, when did I endocrine disorders? I was so resolute just now. Why did I see the money open! I really don't look like you at all! I am definitely not yours!

After hanging up the phone, Lu Junzhi looked at me with a smile, and he seemed to be happy and said, "This is the second time you have kissed me actively."

I retorted dissatisfiedly: "What initiative, you are obviously threatening me!"

He raised his eyebrows slightly: "When did I threaten you?"

I glared at him, and pointed to my cheek as he did: "Just now, you are like this!"

There was a smile in his dark and gentle eyes: "I wanted to tell you that something is stuck on your left cheek."

I was stunned, stretched out my hand and touched, I really don't know when it got a little bit of dust.

Depend on! Wrong sentiment again!

He came to his house all the way in the car of Big Boss Lu. He just took out the key to open the door when he got out of the elevator. The door of the house opposite opened suddenly, and a cute little face appeared. Xiaoyi who made me half angry last time!

Unexpectedly, when he saw my eyes lit up, he suddenly became very excited. He ran over and grabbed the corner of my clothes like a straw: "Sister Xiaye? I have been waiting for you for several days. Finally here!"

I took some precautions against this kid, took away my paws vigilantly, and asked carefully: "What are you waiting for me? Is there anything wrong?"

Seeing my reaction, he seemed to be a little hurt, his mouth pouted slightly, but his eyes looked at me sincerely: "I participated in an art training class, and the teacher asked us to draw a portrait of a person. Sister Xia Ye, you can let me Paint you?"

I looked at him inexplicably: "Why draw me?"

His mouth was sweet: "Because Sister Xia Ye gave me a lot of creative inspiration."

"..." I'm a little speechless, and my feelings have become the source of his creative inspiration? Why did I never know that I was so useful

In the end, I couldn’t beat Xiaoyi’s begging gaze and Chuchu’s pitiful look. I agreed to let him draw a portrait for me. When he saw me, he nodded and hurriedly took the drawing tools and followed me into the house. While looking at me intently, I started to paint seriously.

Lu Junzhi looked at us two quietly on one side, his eyes were different from the usual tranquility, but also with a bit of pampering and tenderness. Such eyes suddenly reminded me of a good model man, staring softly at myself. Wife and child...

Thinking of this, my face suddenly became a little red, and my thoughts floated, and I had a little yearning for such a sight.

I didn’t know how long it took me to lose my mind, Xiaoyi suddenly yelled happily: "Finally I finished the drawing!"

I suddenly came back to my senses, and saw him jumping around with the painting, with an innocent smile on his small face: "Sister Xia Ye, I am very confident. I will definitely get the whole class for this painting. First!"

I was overwhelmed by what he said, and the corners of my mouth raised involuntarily. I pretended to give him an embarrassed look on my face: "Look at what you said, how can my portrait be so good?"

Xiaoyi looked at me with a ghostly expression: "Thank you anyway, brother and sister, I will leave first, so I won't disturb the world of both of you."

Just when Xiaoyi was about to disappear at the door, I suddenly remembered something and asked curiously: "Right, what is the topic your teacher asked this time?"

He returned to his round head and looked at me earnestly, his voice is still so innocent and lovely: "The teacher taught us that we should not judge people by their appearance, and we can't just draw beautiful people and ignore those who are not beautiful. So the topic this time is: The ugliest person in the world."

I:"… "