Wipe Clean After Eating

Chapter 35


As the door slammed shut, Xiaoyi's figure disappeared from my sight. I clenched fists with both hands and looked sad and angry, hum! If it weren't for this dead child to run fast, I would really like to rush to him like Crayon Shin-chan's mother, and knock him a big bag like two cactus balls!

Lu Junzhi looked at me with a smile, and rubbed my head affectionately: "What's the matter, this little blow is so angry?"

I glared at him angrily: "This is called a small blow? If someone says that to you, can you not be angry?"

He raised his eyebrows and shrugged, and said slowly: "No one has ever said that to me, but you are different. You have to be irritated once every three days. I thought that you have been exhausted after thousands of trials and hard work. It seems that your psychological tolerance The ability has to be exercised."

What is this called! Your own conditions are good and you will not be damaged by others, so there is no need to worry about it, and I have to exercise a strong psychological endurance, right

Ah yeah, I am really mad at me! I glared at him furiously, turned and walked towards the kitchen, when someone laughed cheerfully behind me.

I went into the kitchen and put on my apron and started cooking, but when I opened the refrigerator, I found that there were not many things inside, only tomatoes, vegetables and some eggs. Fortunately, there were noodles in the cupboard, so I could make at least a bowl of tomatoes. The egg noodles come out.

However, as soon as I put the pot on the stove to boil water, I felt a familiar breath approaching behind me. I turned around subconsciously and just hit Lu Junzhi's chest. Before I could recover, he stretched out his arms. He hugged my waist, my eyes dimmed slightly, and my lips felt a little warm. There was a sudden bang in my mind.

He kissed attentively and earnestly. He closed his eyes lightly, his slender eyelashes hanging down quietly, as if tasting a delicacy carefully. The attitude of cherishing made me involuntarily immersed in it, and for a moment I felt as if it was true. She became the Cinderella whom the prince liked, enjoying the blessed happiness, intoxicated by the fairy-tale beauty, and I gradually responded to him.

I don’t know how long it took, Lu Junzhi finally let go of me, I panted slightly on his chest, my thoughts were still blurred, and looked up at him with a vague look, "General manager?"

I don't know if it was my appearance at this time that stimulated him, his eyes deepened suddenly, and suddenly he picked me up and was about to walk out of the kitchen.

I suddenly woke up and cried out in surprise: "What are you doing? Didn't you say that you are hungry? I haven't cooked this yet..."

He lowered his black eyes and looked at me deeply, as if he was about to suck me into the abyss, his voice was slightly muted: "Yes, I'm hungry, I've been hungry for several days."

While I was talking, I was soft underneath and was already lying on the bed, and immediately after my body sank, his breath came on me, and I cried out in a panic: "General manager, no... I refuse to have a relationship before marriage..."

Lu Junzhi chuckled lightly, his lips pressed against my ears, and he whispered with warm breathing, "hasn't it already happened? The difference between once and twice is not very big."

I thought about it for a moment, yeah, it makes sense, it seems that there is not much difference between once and twice...

Just when I was in a daze, he had already leaned over and bullied him, my mind was blank, and I completely lost consciousness.

The plan for a day lies in the morning. There is a gap in the curtains that cannot be closed. You can see that the sky outside the window is slightly bright and white. Under the floor-to-ceiling curtains, there is a circle of velvet light. The surrounding is quiet and only a shallow breath can be heard. , I was holding a corner of the silky quilt, looking at Lu Junzhi's peaceful and handsome face, who was sleeping very sweetly. I thought of everything last night, tears streaming down my face, and I only repeated one sentence in my mind. I was eaten and eaten again. Was eaten...

If you can comfort yourself last time and say it was an accident, how can you explain it this time? Tie Zhengzheng's fact is, I really become the boss's Xiaomi!

I can’t let my mother know about this, and I can’t let my colleagues in the company know about it, otherwise I won’t have to confuse it... Seeing Lu Junzhi’s quiet sleeping face, I feel very resentful, thinking how much Xia Ye was originally. The great young man who worked hard, has now become his underground lover!

Putting away the sad emotions, I gently got out of the bed, picked up the clothes on the ground like a thief, put them on one by one, and then sneaked a glance at someone on the bed, still sleeping soundly and deeply. It looks like I was really tired last night... Yeah, it was XX and OO last night, can you not be tired

Thinking of this, my face felt hot again. I quickly walked to the door with my coat and my toes, and quietly put on my shoes to open the door, and escaped from the wolf's den before Lu Junzhi woke up.

Back home with sore legs and weak body and mind, I went into the room and fell asleep. My mother thought that I was too sleepy on the night shift and rarely disturbed me, so I slept peacefully until the afternoon.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah..."

When the familiar ringtone woke me up, my consciousness was still a little confused, and I half-squinted my eyes and pressed the answer button: "Hello?"

"Xia Ye, listening to your voice is so confused, won't you still be asleep?" Allie called out in surprise on the other end of the phone, her voice was so sharp that it aroused me to wake up.

I yawned and asked lazily, "I worked overtime last night, so I can make up my sleep now. Why do you remember calling me? What's the matter?"

As soon as she heard this, she increased her voice and cried out with some dissatisfaction: "Dead girl, I can't find you if I have nothing to do? I haven't missed you for a few days. Get me out of bed and go shopping with my sister!"

I thought about it, and that’s right. During this period of time, I was either working or mingling with Lu Junzhi. It’s really been a long time since I went shopping with my sisters. Thinking of this, I made an appointment with Avery for a meeting place, and then I woke up slowly. Start changing clothes.

Just when I was about to go out, the phone rang again, this time it was Lu Junzhi. Thinking of what happened last night, I suddenly felt embarrassed and ashamed. I subconsciously didn't dare to face him. I looked at the flashing screen and hesitated. Should I answer it or pretend not to hear it? The phone rang persistently. Just when I finally got the courage to answer the call, the ring suddenly stopped. I slowly breathed a sigh of relief. However, after a while, the phone rang again. This time I bite the bullet and press directly. Press the answer button: "Hello, hello, general manager!"

Lu Junzhi's voice over there was a little heavy: "It took so long to answer the phone?"

I quickly apologized in a low voice: "Um... I'm sorry, I just fell asleep just now."

He still had a cold interrogation tone: "Is he asleep, or don't want to answer my call?"

It's not forgiving, right? I suddenly became angry, and fiercely accused me: "If it weren't for the good things you did last night, would I be so tired that I can sleep all day?"

Lu Junzhi seemed to be startled, then the clouds turned clear, and he chuckled, "Well, it's my fault. Next time I will control it."

next time? Next time? My eyes widened, my face flushed, and I quickly changed the subject: "That what... I'm going out to go shopping, the general manager, what do you want to do if you call me..."

He paused, and then slowly said, "I will be on a business trip after an important meeting today. I'm afraid I won't be back in three days."

I was very pleasantly surprised: "Really?"

The voice over there suddenly became unhappy: "What's your reaction? Then do you want me to go?"

Seeing him showing signs of anger, I quickly changed my words to please: "Ah, no, I mean it’s really too regrettable. I haven’t seen your stalwart figure and handsome face, the general manager for three days. I’m afraid I will have to The days are like years!"

"That's it..." Lu Junzhi's voice seemed to be a smile, and he said slowly: "I thought you had just returned from Guilin, and you shouldn't travel a long distance with me on business, but since you are so reluctant to bear me..."

My face suddenly became bitter, and I begged feebly: "General Manager..."

"Okay, I don't know what your thoughts are?" Lu Junzhi sighed, and then ordered in a tone like the head of the family: "In the past few days when I'm away, you can stay honestly for me. You are not allowed to recruit three. Provoke four, do you know?"

I nodded quickly: "Yes!"

It was only after I answered that something was wrong. How did it sound like what a husband said to his wife before a business trip

When I rushed to the appointment with Ellie, it was obviously a little late. As soon as Ellie saw me, she stretched out her finger and pointed my head: "Oh, you damn girl, I walked up to the brick, handsome guy Lu. A good stone-level man, he just played a big deal, right? Let my sister have waited for you for so long!"

I hurriedly held her shoulders affectionately and told mercy: "Good sister, I was wrong, it was really delayed. Otherwise, how dare I keep you waiting?"

"Huh!" Allie wrinkled her nose, and pulled me away and took a step forward: "Let's go, don't walk around these streets today, don't think I will let you go home!"

In fact, before I came out today, I had already had the consciousness to go shopping with soft legs, but I forgot that Ellie is a woman with all the natural characteristics of a woman. In addition to shopping and shopaholics, she also likes gossip and gossip. Obviously Lu Junzhi Both the excellent appearance and the wealth of Dorkin are good targets for gossip, so Ellie began to question me for more than two hours.

I don't have anything to hide from Ellie. I have been holding back in my heart for this period of time, and I can just complain about it right now. So while I was shopping and bargaining, I told her about what happened with Lu Junzhi intermittently. The special treatment in the company forced me to be a cooking and cleaning mother at his house, and occasionally revealed concern. Ambiguous, and the night in Guilin...

Allie's eyes were sparkling when she heard it, and she said enviously: "You lackeyed girl looks stupid. What kind of luck is this, so you can have such a good blessing! From the analysis of all the signs, the handsome guy Lu I definitely fell in love with you. As I see it, you can just wait to be the young grandmother of a rich family."

Seeing her excited expression, I couldn’t laugh: “Did he really like me? You said, I’m a person who is short-sighted and stupid, and has a mediocre appearance and education, but he has a career. A successful social elite, a handsome and handsome guy with outstanding appearance, such a big difference, can he really like me? Or is it just a whim for me?"

At this time, we have been shopping for nearly three hours. Allie took me to a position next to a bus stop and sat down and rested her feet, while analyzing thoughtfully: "You are rightly concerned, the man's heart is needled, this matter Your child is related to your life’s happiness, so you can’t be careless."

I was infected by her serious expression, and hurriedly asked for help: "Then what should I do? Ellie, you are my best sister, you have to help me!"

Ellie asked, "Do you want to know if the handsome guy Lu is sincere to you?"

I nodded: "Of course I do!"

Avery patted his chest triumphantly: "You are looking for the right person for this matter today. Sister, I have seen countless people in the love scene. I can help you try it out if it is true or false!"