Wipe Clean After Eating

Chapter 44


At this moment, I sincerely have a deep sense of admiration for the two brothers of the Lu family. Imagine having such a unique and extraordinary mother, you can imagine how they thrive in the environment...

"Cough cough..." Father Lu coughed twice, breaking the silence caused by everyone's speechlessness, and said angrily to Mother Lu: "By the way, Junzhi brought his girlfriend back today for the first time, you Should the mother do something?" He glanced at the kitchen, obviously trying to suggest that she was going to cook.

Mother Lu suddenly realized this, but she stood up and turned around and asked enthusiastically: "By the way, do you see how nice the dress I am wearing today? Knowing that today my baby son is going to bring his girlfriend back. , I just spent half an hour picking this one."

I saw that Lu’s mother's dress embroidered with red peony flowers was a little speechless, but the two brothers of the Lu family almost said in unison: "Good-looking, mom, you look so young and beautiful today."

At this time, Lu Junzhi, who was sitting next to me, pulled my sleeves and winked at me quietly. I quickly nodded and said, "Yes, yes, you look very young and beautiful in this skirt, auntie."

Mother Lu smiled, her whole face was full of joy, but Father Lu shook his head disapprovingly, and said with a serious face: "Although, this dress is pretty, but your most beautiful dress is not This one, kid fucking, I think you should wear your most beautiful one now."

"Oh? Really?" Mother Lu asked hurriedly, "Which one?"

"Apron!" Dad Lu replied in one fell swoop, pulling up mother Lu's hand, and suggesting with a softly flattering voice: "Aren't some of their children going to the zoo to play today? It should have been a long time after shopping. I'm hungry, shouldn't our family cook now?"

"You said an apron is my best-looking skirt. I still agree with that." Mother Lu said with a smile and nodded, and her tone changed suddenly: "However, usually women are reluctant to wear the most beautiful skirts, so the child he Dad, you still have to cook today!"

Father Lu: "..."

Seeing that poor father Lu was finally forced to wear an apron to cook, I couldn't help but secretly wiped away tears of sympathy, and tugged at the corner of Lu Junzhi next to him and asked in a low voice, "General Manager, is your family like this? I feel like this. Uncle's status in the family seems to be very low."

"It's not usually like this." Lu Junzhi turned his head slightly and whispered in my ear.

Fortunately, my sympathy was calmed a little bit, and I heard him continue to say: "Usually my dad’s status at home is not very low, but he has no status at all. Today, when you are a guest, he has a little bit. say."

I:"… "

Is this still called the right to speak? What he said, Lu's mother directly ignored it. Isn't it the same as if he didn't say it? Sadly reminded father Lu!

"What are you two whispering over there?" Mother Lu asked suddenly in confusion. I hurriedly sat up straight and waved my hands with a smirk: "It's nothing, I'll just chat with him."

Mother Lu looked at me with an expression of a person coming over: "The little couple is just sticky. What anxious now, there will be more opportunities to get married and chat in the future." He said kindly and smiled and waved and said, "Xia Xia, you sit here. , No one has chatted with me for a long time, let's have a good chat for a while."

I nodded and moved towards her, only to see that Lu Junzhi and Lu Xiaodi both looked at me sympathetically. I was at a loss, but it was just a chat. What's the big deal

Just as I was sitting next to Mother Lu, she suddenly waved to the brothers with great interest: "By the way, you two children are fine anyway, come and chat with me!"

As soon as these words came out, the brothers stood up almost at the same time and said in unison, "Mom, let's help Dad wash the vegetables!"

I couldn't help but wonder, when did they become so diligent? He even took the initiative to ask to do housework!

"Go go." Mother Lu waved her hand. The two hurriedly got up and walked to the kitchen. Finally, Lu Junzhi gave me a deep look, as if saying, I'm going one step first, take care!

So there were only two of us left in the living room. Mother Lu looked at me with an easy-going look, and said in a relaxed tone: "Okay, Xiaoxia, let's start chatting."

I blamed to obediently nodded: "Okay, auntie."

Then she looked at me enthusiastically. I looked at her for unknown reasons, and there was endless silence...

After a while in this weird atmosphere, she suddenly said with a sad look: "What's the matter? Why don't you talk? You kid, don't you think your aunt is too old to chat with me?"

"No, no." I was in a hurry, so I hurriedly racked my brains to find a topic and said: "By the way, Auntie, where did you buy this skirt? The styles and colors are all very nice."

As I asked, I thought about the skirt in my mind. When she heard what I said, she immediately smiled and replied with high interest: "This morning I went to buy vegetables with the aunt Wang next door. There is a seafood shop selling crabs that are big and fresh. They must be very delicious when they are used for braising. Now that I think about it, I feel greedy."

"..." I was silent, so I cooperated with her and changed the subject: "Uh, aunt, do you like crabs?"

Mother Lu said: "I went to Hawaii last month. You didn't know it. The scenery there is beautiful and beautiful, but it's fun! You have to go and see if you have a chance!"

"..." I swallowed a breath of blood from the internal injury, pretending to be very interested and asked: "Okay, I will go if I have a chance. Then who did you go with?"

Mother Lu suddenly shook her head regretfully: "Oh, it's a pity. I forgot to watch the finale of that TV series last night. I don't know if the pair of fateful mandarin ducks were together in the end."

"..." I only felt dizzy, still making a very concerned and curious look on my face: "Really? What is the name of that TV?"

Mother Lu thought for a while and said, "The name seems to be "Muslim's Funeral." You don't know. After reading this, I was moved to death."

I suddenly became excited. The topic didn’t jump for an instant this time. Aunt Lu, you finally answered my question. Just when my badly hurt heart improved a little, I heard Mother Lu continue to say, “It’s a pity. I don’t know where I put this book, I haven’t found it for a long time after looking for it a while ago."

I:"… "

Oh my god, you just thunder down and kill me!

In this way, I chatted with Mother Lu for more than an hour. Her thinking was very jumping, so I had to jump with her. After the chat, I felt that I was almost neurotic.

When Dad Lu came out of the kitchen with a plate to announce the meal, I was finally relieved. Although I am not very hungry at the moment, it was the first time I was so eager to watch the dishes on the table. Want to eat!

After eating dinner at the fastest speed, Lu Junzhi was ordered to drive me home. I was paralyzed in the front passenger seat and felt exhausted. But Lu was very happy. He manipulated the steering wheel proficiently while facing off. I said: "My mother just told me quietly, she is very satisfied with you, your prospective daughter-in-law, and she also said that she has a common language when chatting with you."

I had a bitter face: "General manager, please forgive me. Your mother is talking to me, it's exactly like playing the piano to a cow."

He raised his eyebrows with a non-smiling smile: "I don't think you are a cow, at best you are like a pig."

I looked at him feebly: "Stop kidding, I'm going to be serious with you, your mother is too strong, I am not her opponent at all!"

He suddenly interrupted: "My mother."


He: "It's not my mother, it's our mother."

I:"… "

The car stopped at the entrance of my community, Lu Junzhi turned sideways slightly and looked at me solemnly without turning his eyes: "Xia Ye, I have something to say to you."

I just felt dizzy at this time, and got out of the car as if running away: "General Manager, I am really tired today, let's talk about it tomorrow if I have anything to say!"

As I said, I hurried to go home. When I returned home, I saw my mother was eating sunflower seeds. I immediately threw on her and hugged her tightly. I always thought you were a strange flower, but now I finally understand that you are actually quite normal!"

My mother banged my head on my forehead: "Dead girl, what are you talking about! When did your mother become abnormal?"

I still hugged her tightly and shouted from the bottom of my heart: "Mom, I love you!"

She glanced at me inexplicably, and suddenly remembered something, with an expression that saw me through, she clutched the paper bag in her hand and said: "Don't shout, even if you break your throat, I won't divide the seeds. There’s only so much left for you, I don’t have enough to eat myself!"

I:"… "

I went back to my room exhausted physically and mentally. I was falling asleep when I was equipped. Suddenly, my phone rang, and I lay on the bed with my eyes closed and answered the phone...

"Hey, who is it?"

Lu Junzhi's clear voice on the other side of the phone rang, as he usually does, he said directly and decisively: "Xia Ye, let's get married next month."

Thinking of the terrible mother-in-law of the Lu family, I was the first to two years old. I don’t want to step into the palace of marriage so early. At least it’s not too late to let my heart's endurance exercise for another year and a half to get married. So decisively pretended not to hear: "Hey, who? Please speak?"

He faintly replied: "It's me."

Me: "Hello? Talk, why don't you talk?"

He: "Why? Can't you hear? Why can't you hear?"

Me: "Yes! I can't hear anything, maybe the phone is broken!"

He: "... Xia Ye, you are fine."

I:"… "