With You for Thirteen Years

Chapter 7: seventh year


Hai Ruo blew out the candles on the cake amid the cheers of a group of people, the warm yellow light in the living room was turned on with a snap, and the friends cheered and applauded, vying to take a bite of the cake and put it on other people's faces erase.

Hai Ruo was the first to bear the brunt, her new hair was almost covered with cream, she smiled as if begging for mercy, hugged Dong Dong in her arms and circled the sofa to avoid the attack of her best friend.

At this moment, it was a spring night with a gentle breeze, and it was also Hai Ruo's thirty-sixth birthday.

It can be said that at the age of thirty-six, a woman's best years are almost over. While most women worry about their husbands and children, they will take the time to delay the irreversible sagging, fine lines and freckles on their faces, worry about their blue hair turning gray, and worry about the curse that no one can escape—Old go.

But when you see a woman like Hai Ruo, you can't help but question her age and the fairness of God.

It is really moisturizing, not like a thirty-six-year-old woman.

"Have a good life with your little boyfriend in the 'two-person world'." This witty man just returned from abroad, and he unconsciously made a "quote" gesture when he spoke.

"What?" Hai Ruo couldn't help laughing when she heard the title, put Dong Dong on her shoulder, and waved goodbye to all her friends.

"Okay, Dongdong." Hai Ruo looked at the room, although everyone helped to clean it up, but it was still a mess. "The happy time has passed, we have to work."

Dongdong also has to work. People who know Hai Ruo and her cat have said similar things - this cat is so smart that it is almost perfect, and Hai Ruo is also quite proud of Dongdong's IQ. Usually at home, Dongdong will also help with the so-called housework within her ability - does it sound like a primary school student

Well, the housework he can do includes tidying up the ancient shelves and bookshelves, helping to clean the coffee table and dining table, helping Hai Ruo get something to deliver clothes or something, and of course, help her make a bed sheet.

So when others understood what Dongdong could do, they all said that Hai Ruo really doesn't need a so-called man, "Because a husband's role is not only to provide you with a source of chromosomes, Dongdong can do it all. "This year, the new mother who gave birth to a baby BABY last year also brought her son. "What's even better is that he won't quarrel with you, Hai Ruo, you are indeed a winner in life."

After laying out the pink floral bed sheet, Hai Ruo somehow thought of this sentence and laughed, causing Dongdong to look at her inexplicably.

"Meow?" What's wrong

"It just suddenly occurred to me that Dongdong is my little boyfriend. In fact, I think so." Hai Ruo rubbed the fur on the back of Dongdong's neck and pinched the tips of his ears playfully. "I don't know what it's like to fall in love, but if you think about it, it's like this."

"The heart is like a double silk screen, with thousands of knots in it. What kind of emotion is it? I don't know, Dongdong. Do you know?" Pulling on the duvet, Hai Ruo patted the position beside her. Dongdong glanced at her, murmured, jumped up, rolled on the bed, and just lay beside her.

Facing her most intimate Dongdong, Hairuo has the desire to talk.

Dongdong is smart and understands human nature. This is the consensus of those who know that Hai Ruo has such a cat, but in fact, this is the result of Chu Chengyu's painstaking efforts. If a cat likes to watch TV, no problem, this is quite normal. If a cat likes to read books, um, it is probably just looking at pictures or something, which can also be explained.

But if a cat can understand human words and type all at once, it would be a bit incredible, at least most people will want to understand what's going on, and other people, such as scientists, are very likely to do it to him. The experiment was dissected out.

To show his IQ, Chu Chengyu carefully designed a timeline. At the beginning, he just seemed to be more interested in everything around him, and then he paid more attention to the behavior of the owner. After a period of time, he would simply do a few specific behaviors, have specific reactions to certain words, and then become the people around him. After accepting the idea of "this cat is really smart", then he can basically "do whatever he wants".

Because of the humanity he showed, Hai Ruo basically treated him equally after he passed the kitten stage, and would tell him a lot of things, and would "discuss" anything with him.

And now, Hai Ruo wanted to tell him some thoughts that she had never said to anyone.

"I'm always very strange about my inner world. To be honest, before puberty, I always thought that I was no different from anyone else." Hai Ruo held Dong Dong's body and held him up in front of him. "It wasn't until the friends around me fell in love one by one that I felt like there was something missing in myself."

"At that time, it was... high school, when I was in high school, a senior had already graduated from high school and went to college, and he confessed to me on the day of graduation... At that time, a lot of people were booing. That senior was very popular, and I felt rejected in person. It's not very good, so I talked to the senior privately afterwards."

"The senior said that he liked me for a long time and didn't want to give up. He said that he wanted to stick to it for a while and try." Hai Ruo put Dong Dong on her belly and ate hot pot a few times recently. Dongdong stepped on his front paws a few times, and it was soft, which made Hai Ruo burst into laughter.

"Itchy, don't make trouble. I felt ignorant that something was wrong with me at the time. The senior chased me for a long time, until I finished the college entrance examination and came to S University to study. The other people are very good, and I haven't contacted for a long time. I don't know what's going on now..."

Hai Ruo was silent for a while, as if sorting out the language.

"I don't know, what it feels like to like it." She stroked the fur on Dongdong's body, and unconsciously pulled the end of her hair to entangle it with his fur, "My friend said that the whole world suddenly It revolves around another person. I feel happy when the other person is healed. I feel that I want to stick with each other all the time... This is incredible, I thought at that time, how is it possible, how is it possible? Such a strong feeling burst out."

"However, at that time, I never felt the slightest bit of such a feeling. If someone confessed to me, I didn't even have the most basic vanity they said.

"I can feel the sweetness and bitterness from listening to sweet or bitter stories from my friends, and I can know the depth of love from love songs and movies, especially from the words, I can chew out different emotions and charms. Because of this, I just chose the path and career of my life.

I was fascinated by "It was only ordinary at the time", I was also attracted by "I don't know what to do", and I even cried for "After the phoenix tree was half-dead and cleared of frost". But when it was my turn, I couldn't feel the same way. "

"There are also people who were friends with me before, but they never saw each other after I rejected them. At that time, I was very sad and felt extremely wronged. Now that I think about it, I am really young. I lived with my aunt for a while when I was young, and I lived with her. Close, you know, she is also single until now, but unlike me, she has had several boyfriends and pursues romance from time to time. But in the end, she still shares my thoughts with me.

She asked me, if it's hard to say no to letting him go, why don't you just accept it

I remember answering her this way:

'I don't want to delay another person's life just because of my inexplicable loneliness in my heart, it's really irresponsible. '

On the contrary, my aunt said that I am still too considerate of others, and I don’t even have the idea of being responsible for other people’s lives. It is already very difficult to live my own life comfortably, and it is not realistic to worry about others. "

Dong Dongan lay quietly on her body, listening to her narration with a smile, her heart was calm.

"But then I was a little overwhelmed. It seems a little strange to stay single around people, but it's not difficult after finding the trick." Dongdong knows what "trick" is, whenever someone introduces her to a man When, at the right time, there is no need to continue with a hint of sadness.

The friends who really make friends with her can also be regarded as knowing her, jokingly calling her an "asexual" patient.

"However, there are always some people I don't want to hurt, but I hurt unconsciously... It's like Xiao Jing, I... don't understand why."

Xu Jing participated in many exchanges with Professor Wu this year, and the evaluation of the paper was also very high. In short, everything went smoothly. On Hai Ruo's birthday, she also asked someone to bring her a gift - a crystal mermaid statuette, which is now placed on the TV cabinet and can be seen every day. Hai Ruo started to take graduate students again. This time there were two boys and one girl. They were still very friendly, but they were not friendly anymore.

Xu Jing, she didn't want to do it again.

She didn't understand why anyone liked her like this. Hai Ruo has always been generous in her dealings. She asked herself that she would not leave room for ambiguity. After she clearly expressed her thoughts, most of the suitors left the scene sadly. , this happened more than once, which puzzled her.

Hai Ruo, her name, I don't know if it was a beautiful coincidence or her parents got it on purpose, but it actually means the god of the sea.

And she is really like a goddess in the sea, broad and tolerant, but also the most senseless and ruthless.

Yes, she would never know that when a sea god who is supposed to be aloof and frosty always smiles at others gently and softly, this in itself is the greatest connivance and temptation.

And they never get her.

And how many people, their life is always chasing their "can't get".

But Chu Chengyu, he felt that Hai Ruo was not like this. And the way he fell in love with her was not the same.

"You said, Dongdong, isn't it weird?" Hai Ruo was a little sleepy as she said, "I really can't figure it out."

Yes, Hai Ruo, who didn't know what love looked like, naturally couldn't figure it out.

If it was the former Chu Chengyu, he might not have understood this feeling, but God gave him a life-and-death catastrophe and made him meet Hai Ruo.

In fact, Hai Ruo doesn't know that when she and Dongdong are together now, she is happy, she wants to take him with her all the time, and feels uneasy when she leaves him... Except that he is not a human being, it is almost in line with The definition of a lover.

It's just that this definition overlaps too much with the family's definition, so that she doesn't distinguish it at all, and she can't tell the difference.

However, Chu Chengyu thought about it, and felt that it didn't matter, and his mood suddenly became brighter.

All pain comes from you, all happiness comes from you.

This thought made him feel especially good, it made him feel alive.

When he wakes up tomorrow morning, he will say love to Hai Ruo as usual, and will kiss the corner of his mouth that only he understands.

His love, a confession that he has never been able to utter, and will never be able to utter, has only one way of being realized.

This method is called companionship.

small theater

It's raining today, so it's hard to take Dongdong out.

So at home:

After reading the financial news as usual, Dongdong was bored on the sofa - rolled and hit again.

Skilled in booting the Internet, browsing a few webpages, I feel that there is nothing to see, what can I do

Turning his head to look, hey, the bookshelf is a bit messy, it must be that Hai Ruo didn't have time to sort out the information this morning.

Well, just do this.

Well, let's put the literature on one side, and the professional on the other side. This book... The tome of Cihai is too heavy, so let's put it here.

Hai Ruo, who went home in the evening, saw that the information she had worked so hard to find in the morning was "returned", Dongdong's expressionless "black face" flashed with anticipation.

"Dongdong is so powerful and smart." Hai Ruo didn't even pause, and immediately picked up Dongdong and turned around a few times, "That's great, you've helped me a lot."

After that, every time Hai Ruo finished flipping through the information and put what he needed on the other side, he would pick out the basic light and mess it up.

Well, Hai Ruo forgot to clean up again. Fortunately, I am here.

Dongdong placed the book expressionlessly, squatted at Hai Ruo's feet, waiting for Hai Ruo to kiss him lightly on the tip of his nose.

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