Within the Web Streaming Business

Chapter 1: rebirth


The sky was gloomy, with dark clouds rolling in but no rain falling.

The perimeter of the courtyard was full of cars, media reporters and fans who came to express their condolences crowded together.

There is no noise, everyone is very quiet.

Bai Jinyan debuted at a young age and was at the peak of his popularity, but now he passed away unexpectedly in a car accident, and the whole street was crowded with people who came to express their condolences.

In front of the window in the corridor on the second floor.

The dim light reflected the slender figure of the young man, and the delicate half of his cheek was hidden in the shadow of the curtain.

The hands beside him were tightly clenched, and Qiao Huaiyao's eyes drooped slightly. When he heard the sound of footsteps, he paused, pulled away from his dazed and stagnant emotions, turned around and said, "Aunt Meng."

Meng Zheng nodded, "Too many things have happened in the past few days. I really don't have the energy to deal with them. Fortunately, you can help me."

She stepped forward and handed the key to Qiao Huaiyao, and said in a soft voice, "I will trouble you with Jinyan's stuff."

Qiao Huaiyao saw that her face was pale and tired, so she couldn't help frowning, "Aunt Meng, you have to pay attention to your health..."

"I'm fine." Meng Zheng hooked the corners of his mouth, but couldn't show a smile, "I'll go down first, there are so many people down here, it's not good for me to leave for a long time."

Lips opened and closed, Qiao Huaiyao still wanted to say something, but Meng Zheng turned and left before he could speak.

The key was inserted into the door lock, and the movement of twisting and opening the door was slow. From knowing the news of Bai Jinyan's death to attending his funeral now, Qiao Huaiyao still hadn't recovered from it. For some reason, he agreed in a daze. Aunt Meng.

When he really wanted to open the door and enter Bai Jinyan's bedroom, he hesitated again.

After a moment of silence, Qiao Huaiyao closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and pushed open the bedroom door.

At the corner of the stairs, Meng Zheng looked up at the young man who walked into the room above, with thoughts in his eyes moving slightly, he couldn't help but sighed softly, raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and walked down slowly.

Qiao Huaiyao walked into the bedroom, and casually put the key in the small rattan box on the left.

Seeing the photo frame standing next to the small box, Qiao Huaiyao paused with his fingertips.

— That was a photo of him and Bai Jinyan when they were in high school.

Looking at the two people with shoulders and backs above them, Qiao Huaiyao pursed his lips slightly, feeling a little astringent in his heart.

He and Bai Jinyan are neighbors across the door. Because they live close to each other and their ages are not much different, they often hang out together and have a close relationship.

Since elementary school, they all went to the same school.

As a result, after the college entrance examination, Bai Jinyan suddenly began to alienate himself for no reason.

Qiao Huaiyao approached him several times to inquire, but to no avail. Just at the moment when the admission letter from a prestigious school came out, and when he had good grades and failed to fill in his volunteer application, a teacher from the admissions office of a prestigious school came to him.

Originally, there were two schools of his choice that were of the same level. Qiao Huaiyao had a hard time making a choice. Because of Bai Jinyan, he chose the farthest university in a fit of anger. He packed his luggage, blacklisted and deleted all contact information of the other party, and got on the plane.

A few days ago, Qiao Huaiyao received a call from a stranger, and there was only a short apology on the other end of the phone.

The voice sounded feeble, but he could still recognize who the other party was. Bai Jinyan was very difficult to speak, and he had to pause for a moment when he spoke just a few words.

Qiao Huaiyao felt something was wrong, and if he wanted to ask Bai Jinyan again, he had already hung up the phone, and no one answered the call again.

A few hours later, he saw the news of the car accident on TV, and Qiao Huaiyao's eyes went dark.

From buying air tickets, getting on the plane, to attending Bai Jinyan's funeral, Qiao Huaiyao still couldn't believe it, and was immersed in a daze that hadn't recovered.

He thought it was just a quarrel with Bai Jinyan, but he didn't expect that the quarrel before leaving would be the last time he and Bai Jinyan would see each other in this life.

Knowing that they would not even have the chance to meet again after they calmed down, Qiao Huaiyao thought, before leaving, he would tell him what he had hidden and dared not say.

Even if it will make the relationship between the two of them more awkward.

Qiao Huaiyao clenched his teeth, turned the photo frame upside down, and deceived himself not to look at the photos inside.

There were several folded cardboard boxes on the ground, one of which contained a few books, and the rest were all empty. Qiao Huaiyao dragged an empty box, wrapped the photo frame with foam strips, and put it in.

The scattered and fragile small items were carefully wrapped and placed in the box. It took some effort to clean up the ornaments on the table.

After sealing the box, before he got up, he heard a 'bang' behind him.

There was a muffled sound as if something had hit the ground.

Qiao Huaiyao turned his head to look, and the books on the far end of the bookshelf fell to the ground.

At the same time, the books on the bookshelf clattered and fell, several in a row.

Qiao Huaiyao frowned, and found that the shelf on the top floor was loose and skewed, the books in front of it fell down, and the books in the back were not covered, and fell down one after another.

Folded pages, several books unfolded, piled up on the ground in twos and threes.

He sighed softly, squatted on the edge of the pile of books, was about to pick up the topmost book, but froze when he saw clearly what was written on the book.

Qiao Huaiyao's pupils suddenly shrank, and he stared at the book without blinking.

On those two pages of single-line paper, the words 'Qiao Huaiyao' occupied the entire surface.


Qiao Huaiyao's heart tightened, and he picked up the book with trembling hands, only to realize that it was a diary.

The edge of the diary's cover is a little worn, as if left over from frequent opening.

Opening the diary, there are only a few sentences written in it, and all the words written after that are his name.

Qiao Huaiyao's eyes blushed as he brushed the sharp words on it with his fingertips.

Twist the thin paper and turn the page, the next page also has the words 'Qiao Huaiyao'.

Qiao Huaiyao sat against the wall, holding the diary, and flipped through it page by page.

Until the name disappeared, there was a large blank on the paper, only a line of date was written in the middle.

It was the day he reported to the school.

The handwriting was scribbled, and the last stroke even cut the paper abruptly.

Seeing this, Qiao Huaiyao's heart trembled, and the sourness and grievance instantly magnified infinitely.

Tears were caught off guard on the diary, he closed his eyes, let the tears fall, the corners of his mouth were drawn into a line, without making a sound, he erased the traces on the paper, and closed the diary.

Qiao Huaiyao couldn't figure it out, couldn't figure out why!

It's not that there is no reason for estrangement, it's just that Bai Jinyan didn't tell him.

At first, he thought that Bai Jinyan really wanted to draw a line with him, but he tried to find Bai Jinyan several times, but he couldn't find out why.

I thought it was just a moment of anger, and everything would be fine when I calmed down, but now...

If he had known today, during the quarrel, he should have grabbed Bai Jinyan and asked everything.

Qiao Huaiyao leaned back, raised his head, and held the diary tightly in his arms, his fingertips pressing on the edge of the diary turned white.

He closed his eyes tightly, his heart was heaving and his collar was wet with tears.

The heart seemed to be clenched tightly by an invisible hand, the sound outside did not know when it would dissipate, and the sunlight was drawn away by the window.

Night fell in the room, and the boundless darkness strangled the neck, making it difficult to breathe.

Qiao Huaiyao curled up in a corner with his diary in his arms. The moonlight in the middle of the night was icy cold, pouring like frost into the house.

He frowned, his dry eyes were stinging even the slightest movement, the moonlight was too glaring at the moment, he narrowed his eyes with difficulty, lowered his head into his knees, and completely lost consciousness.


"Student? Classmate!"

Under the scorching sun, the senior who welcomed the new students waved the enrollment brochure in her hand, and asked suspiciously: "Student, Qiao Huaiyao? Are you listening?"

The senior sister pointed to the roster on the table, "Sign the report here, and then you can go in and choose a dormitory."

Under the sun, the boy outside the parasol slowly raised his eyes, his handsome face was a little dazed, and there was a moment of hesitation in his slightly raised peach eyes.

This is... where

Didn't he pack his belongings in Bai Jinyan's room

Why is it here

Handing over the roster at hand, Qiao Huaiyao's pupils suddenly shrank when he saw the date marked on the corner. Is this...

Where is Qing University Newspaper

The thoughts in Qiao Huaiyao's mind were chaotic, and the noisy environment around made his unclear brain even more stagnant.

The roster was clenched tightly, and the page under his fingertips was already wrinkled.

Seeing him not moving for a long time, the senior sister said, "Student, is there a problem?"

Hearing the senior sister's voice, Qiao Huaiyao came back to his senses and forced himself to calm down. He blinked his eyes lightly, concealed the unnaturalness on his face calmly, hooked the corners of his mouth, and said, "No, it's just me I suddenly remembered something else at home, sorry."

With that said, Qiao Huaiyao put down the roster in his hand, quickly signed his name at the registration office, and then left with his suitcase.

"Eh? Classmate!" The senior sister was stunned for a while, and only hurriedly saw the back, she hurriedly said: "What's the matter, don't worry, you haven't chosen a dormitory yet..."

Qiao Huaiyao didn't stop, waved his hands without looking back, and said, "Listen to the school's arrangements."


Looking at Tsinghua University with people coming and going, as well as the congested traffic, the sense of unreality that seemed like a dream was broken at this moment.

Qiao Huaiyao couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, he really came back.

Back in the day when the university reported.

At this time, Bai Jinyan should still be staying at home.

Tsingtao started reporting five days in advance, and the schools reported by Bo Jinyan will be later.

Qiao Huaiyao hurried out of the school gate, fiddling with the phone in his hand, and eagerly opened the chat software, he desperately wanted to contact Bai Jinyan.

But when he was looking for the profile picture of the contact, he couldn't help but snapped at his fingertips, and he deleted all of Bai Jinyan's chat methods.

Unable to send a message, Qiao Huaiyao simply turned off the chat software, quickly swipe with his fingertips, opened the number pad, and pressed the string of numbers he had memorized fluently without hesitation.

However, after calling, there was a busy tone of 'beep'.

Have you changed your number

Qiao Huaiyao was suspicious, checked the phone number in disbelief, and dialed again.

Another burst of busy tone.

Qiao Huaiyao stood in front of the stop sign, looked at the approaching taxi, and raised his hand to stop.

After getting into the car, Qiao Huaiyao said, "Master, go to the airport."

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