Within the Web Streaming Business

Chapter 47: red carpet


Qiao Huaiyao was observing Bai Jinyan's hair, when he felt the touch on the back of his hand, he was startled suddenly.

He raised his eyebrows, looked at Bai Jinyan leisurely, and said in a drawn out voice, "Brother?"

Bai Jinyan chuckled, and put his other hand on the back of Qiao Huaiyao's.

He gently rubbed Qiao Huaiyao's hand and asked, "Walk the red carpet with me later?"

Qiao Huaiyao shook his head, not wanting to go, "No."

He is not a star, nor is he an invited guest. Although Bai Jinyan can bring people on the red carpet, this is an awards ceremony after all.

Qiao Huaiyao didn't want to join in the fun.

What's more... He also wants to do other things.

Follow the red carpet, it is better to follow the photo below, when filming variety shows, the photos in the phone are occasionally added some new ones.

It has been a long time since I had the opportunity to take hundreds of photos at once, so I just took advantage of this red carpet to update the photos in my hand.

Qiao Huaiyao touched the hand on the side of his face, tapped his fingertips, and asked with a smile: "Are you a crew, or are you alone?"

The award presentation of a film may involve the entire crew.

For some blockbuster movies, from the leading role to the supporting role, even the director's kimono may win awards.

It's just that no crew has been able to achieve such a grand slam so far.

But some crews have been nominated, and if there are few artists invited to participate, they will find ways to stuff people into the red carpet crew.

Let little famous stars also have the opportunity to appear on the red carpet.

With Bai Jinyan's coffee position, most of them are helping to gain popularity along with the crew.

"Personally." Bai Jinyan said that except when he first debuted and did not shoot many dramas, he walked with the crew, and the rest of the time he was just by himself.

"I have participated in more than one nominated film, and I can't keep up with the group."

And no matter which crew you walk on the red carpet with, you don't have to wait for the awards live broadcast to end. This side of the red carpet is already on the hot search before it goes down.

The hat of favoring one another and another is directly buckled down.

It will also be discussed whether he is more inclined to this movie when he walks the red carpet with a certain group, and he is not satisfied with his other movies.

With such discourse and provocative rhythm, Weibo will definitely be particularly lively.

Instead of giving the marketing account a chance, it's better to walk the red carpet by yourself and try to be quiet.

There is no need to stop and wait for someone.

Qiao Huaiyao chuckled lightly and said, "Okay."

Walk the red carpet by yourself, it is better to take single photos.

When the styling time is over, the stylist steps up the stairs.

The elevator dinged.

Lu Lu knocked on the outermost door, "Brother Bai, the stylist is here."

After speaking, he stood in front of the door without pushing the door.

Until Bai Jinyan's voice came from inside, "Come in."

Only then did Lu Lu say hello, and opened the door to go in with the stylist.

"Okay, that's fine." The stylist saw that it was in good condition, almost the same as when she went out, except that the reinforcement had dried out.

The stylist said, "Just put on the accessories."

When they came overland, they carried jewelry boxes, all of which were big-name watches and brooches.

Used with this suit.

Lu Lu opened the cover, and in the large rectangular box, there was a row of watch boxes neatly arranged from left to right.

There is also a row of brooches on the top, in a semi-transparent display box.

Lu Lu put this set on the table in front of Bai Jinyan, "Brother Bai, take a look at these, they were selected after I sent you pictures last time."

No matter how good a mobile phone is to take pictures, it is inevitable that there will be chromatic aberration, and brooches are better in kind.

In the past, Bai Jinyan would pick two at random, and he would not wear these when he didn't have enough time.

There is plenty of time now, and…

Bai Jinyan didn't choose, he turned his head to look at the people around him, "Which one looks better?"

"This?" Qiao Huaiyao saw the single rose inside at a glance.

The roses are outlined with red diamonds, and the color of the edges is a little darker. The whole brooch looks very layered.

The branches and leaves are also made of gold as a whole, but when viewed from the side, they are a bit partial to the color of the real branches and leaves themselves.

From the perspective of accessories, it also looks a little real.

"That's it." Bai Jinyan picked up the brooch, "Huaiyao, help me put it on, it's inconvenient to wear the brooch by yourself."

Qiao Huaiyao: "Yes."

Hearing this, the stylist who was arranging the boxes couldn't help but look up.

She has made styles for Bai Jinyan for so long, such as brooches and watches, Bai Jinyan always wears them by herself, and will not ask Lu Lu to help.

Why is it suddenly inconvenient to wear it by yourself now

Qiao Huaiyao took the brooch, unwrapped it, approached it, and carefully slipped through the suit jacket.

Bai Jinyan looked down at his serious appearance, and when he got closer, he seemed to be able to kiss his forehead with a slight bend.

"Okay." Qiao Huaiyao corrected the angle, straightened up and raised his eyes to catch Bai Jinyan's eyes. When he noticed Bai Jinyan's intimate smile, he was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but hook his mouth.

Some things don't need to be said, just a look can understand.

Qiao Huaiyao helped him choose another watch, then stretched out his hand, palm up, "Hand."

Bai Jinyan chuckled and put his hand in his palm.

Qiao Huaiyao just wanted him to reach out his hand, but if he clenched his hand tightly like this, he couldn't put on the watch with one hand.

Bai Jin said he was not in a hurry, and rubbed his fingertips against his hand, showing no intention of letting go.

Seeing this, Lu Lu silently turned around, glanced at the time from time to time, and then continued to look out the window.

Qiao Huaiyao lightly tapped the back of his hand with his fingertips, put the untied watch on his wrist, "lift it."

After Bai Jinyan heard this, he raised his hand, and after putting on the watch, he put it down again.

Qiao Huaiyao let him hold her, got up and said, "Let's go."



The order of the red carpet is arranged by the organizer, comprehensively integrating various aspects, and ensuring that the artist can push up the popularity during the live broadcast.

The front is going through the motions, and the latter is to continue the popularity of the live broadcast to the awards ceremony.

In this way, the more popular artists will be in the back row.

When Qiao Huaiyao and the others arrived, there were crews being interviewed on the red carpet.

The car stopped before reaching the red carpet. Qiao Huaiyao planned to get off from this side. At this time, few media had paid attention to this side.

Lu Lu got out of the car first.

Loud sounds are isolated from the car's excellent silence.

Bai Jinyan approached and kissed him on the cheek lightly, "You go first, I'll go in soon."

Qiao Huaiyao smiled and said, "Don't be so anxious to walk the red carpet. I'll take some photos for you as a souvenir."

The media and fans will produce results in the red carpet photos, but due to Bai Jinyan's habit of walking on the red carpet, the clear red carpet photos have to be given by the organizer.

Qiao Huaiyao looked through Chaohua, but couldn't find a few.

As soon as I got out of the car, the sound of the shutter was uneven.

It is aimed at the direction of the red carpet, and some equipment flashes can be noticed from behind.

Lu Lu came down at this time to lead the way for Qiao Huaiyao, "Go this way, go around here, and I'll take you to the front row to take pictures."

While talking, Lu Lu opened the camera package, "Let's see if this camera is okay, I specially chose the best one from the company."

Knowing that Qiao Huaiyao wanted to use it, Lu Lu directly called all the professional photographers in the company to help with the selection.

Picked this from a room full of cameras.

"Hmm." Qiao Huaiyao put the camera strap on his wrist casually, so as not to accidentally drop it when it was too crowded.

As an assistant, Lu Lu took pictures of the red carpet photos and handed them over to the studio for revision before posting on Weibo.

Naturally, I also know where is the best angle to shoot the red carpet.

Lu Lu didn't directly take Qiao Huaiyao in from the back, but walked around inside to avoid the crowd.

Holding the staff ID card, he walked into the cordon unimpeded.

The cordon was still some distance away from the red carpet, and there were many assistants in the middle of the space taking pictures.

"That's it." Lu Lu glanced at his watch, he remembered the schedule of the red carpet deeply, "It just so happens that Brother Bo will come up in one minute."

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you." Qiao Huaiyao turned on the camera to adjust.

Lu Lu smiled and said, "Don't be so polite to me. This is my job. I don't know what to do if you keep being so polite."

Besides, Qiao Huaiyao's red carpet photo shoot was also helping him with his work. It should be him who thanked Qiao Huaiyao for relieving the pressure of the studio's photo production.

While talking, Bai Jinyan over there had already stepped onto the red carpet.

Before the people came over, Lu Lu quickly passed on his experience and said, "Brother Bai won't stay on the red carpet for too long. When you take pictures, you may have to rely on snap shots. You have a premonition of which angle is good. Don't hesitate to press the shutter."

Qiao Huaiyao nodded and said, "Okay."

As Bai Jinyan approached, the cordon behind was pushed forward.

The security guard hurried inside to block it.

Bai Jinyan walked to the middle of the red carpet, and immediately saw Qiao Huaiyao in a light blue suit.

Compared to other people who fumbled and pressed the shutter, Qiao Huaiyao moved his fingertips from time to time, precisely selecting the most suitable lens.

Lu Lu continued to talk about Bai Jinyan's usual red carpet process, "Brother Bai will not stop after signing, just walk over, take two photos of the back, let's move to the front of the red carpet for interviews."

While talking, Bai Jinyan took a pen to sign and did not leave directly.

After returning the pen, he simply stood in front of the signature wall, usually with a cold face, but now the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if with a slight smile.

Lu Lu: "???"

What is this

Lu Lu has been an assistant for so long, what scene has he not seen

It was the first time he encountered this scene.

But thinking about who is currently taking the red carpet photo for Bai Jinyan, Lu Lu feels that it is not so surprising.

Under the focus of the flashlight, Bai Jinyan's eyes always fell on Qiao Huaiyao.

As Qiao Huaiyao adjusted the angle, it kept changing.

Qiao Huaiyao bent his eyes and took a few more photos.

Then he pointed to the right, motioning him to go ahead and wait for him.

Standing on the red carpet, Bai Jinyan saw these little moves clearly.

The smile on his face deepened, and he slightly raised his head and nodded slightly.

Qiao Huaiyao put away the camera, saw that Lu Lu was still in a daze, so he patted him on the shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Let's go."

Lu Lu hurriedly came back to his senses and replied, "Oh, good."

Seeing Qiao Huaiyao move, Bai Jinyan didn't stop for a moment, turned around and followed.

One person on the red carpet, one person under the red carpet, step by step, intertwined with the feeling of walking side by side.

The host in front smiled and handed over the microphone, "Long time no see, Jin Yan, the last time I saw you was the last time. I haven't seen you for a short time, and you look much more handsome."

"You seem to be in a good mood today. Did something good happen?"

Bai Jinyan took the microphone and said flatly, "Yes."

The host raised her eyebrows. She just asked casually, but she didn't expect Bai Jinyan to actually answer.

The red carpet host will do his homework before going on stage to see how the other red carpets of the invited guests are, and remind himself not to step on the thunder.

Bai Jinyan on the other red carpets will not respond to questions other than movies,

It's almost like promoting a movie.

The host couldn't help asking: "What is that? Can you share it with us?"

Qiao Huaiyao tilted his head, and the camera remained the same as before. He avoided the camera and looked at Bai Jinyan from the side.

Seeing this, Bai Jinyan chuckled, "I'll share it later when I have a chance."

The host asked the question in a hurry, and didn't even think about asking for an answer, "Okay, okay, first of all, congratulations to Jinyan for being nominated for several consecutive awards this time."

"Continue to make more and better films in the future, and strive to double the nominations for awards when we come back next year."

Qiao Huaiyao sounded like the meaning of the concluding remarks, and clicked the shutter button twice, got up and walked inside.

Bai Jinyan answered the host's questions about the movie, and then walked off the red carpet.

Qiao Huaiyao was waiting for him at the end of the red carpet.

Bai Jinyan put his arms around his waist naturally, "Go in first."


The auditorium was already full, and there were still scattered vacancies for the guests in front.

As soon as Qiao Huaiyao entered, he saw fans supporting their idols, sending out banners to those around them.

It should be that the fan support club bought that seat, so that the big supporters are easier to see.

What Qiao Huaiyao didn't expect was that he saw Bai Jinyan's light sign.

Bai Jinyan said that the company officials do not touch these, it should be spontaneously organized by fans.

Qiao Huaiyao thought for a while, then turned to look for Lu Lu, but he couldn't see anyone else.

Bai Jinyan put the pillow on the seat, and led Qiao Huaiyao forward to sit down, "What are you looking at?"

"What about the land route?"

Qiao Huaiyao remembered that Lu Lu was always by his side.

"He's outside." Bai Jinyan said, "What's the matter? Just send him a message."

Qiao Huaiyao nodded, "I want him to buy some hot drinks."

While talking, he found Lu Lu's chat box.

Qiao Huaiyao: [Please help me buy some hot drinks and send them to my brother's fans. In my brother's name.]

After the news, Qiao Huaiyao directly transferred the money for three hundred cups.

Now that the temperature is cooling down, the fans come much earlier than the stars, and it is colder in the morning, and they have been waiting until now.

Lu Lu: [Alright, I'll go buy it right away. There is no need for money, it should go to the company's account.]

After sending the message, Qiao Huaiyao selected a few photos that looked good and sent them to the studio through Lu Lu's hand.

After such a short period of time, there were a lot of people on the guest seat.

Some people walked past the red carpet and didn't come directly, but went to their own affairs first, and came when the awards ceremony was about to start.

Bai Jinyan held Qiao Huaiyao's hand on his lap, and looked sideways at the photos in the camera with him.

Qiao Huaiyao flipped through them one by one, each one was very beautiful, but there were a lot of photos taken, and it was not realistic for the studio to post all the retouched pictures one by one.

Qiao Huaiyao struggled with the two from the same angle, "This one or this one?"

Bai Jinyan was taken aback for a moment, and he tightened his grip on Qiao Huaiyao's hand.

These two... aren't the same

When Qiao Huaiyao repeatedly swiped the two photos left and right, Bai Jinyan frowned and said cautiously, "The one on the left?"

Qiao Huaiyao hesitated, "Well..."

Bai Jinyan made a decisive decision and said without hesitation: "The light on the left is a bit dim, and the one on the right is better."

After what he said, Qiao Huaiyao also felt that it was right, "Then post the one on the right."

Bai Jinyan breathed a sigh of relief.


Lu Lu moved quickly, and ran out to buy milk tea after receiving the news.

Now the milk tea shops are all adjacent to each other, sometimes there can be no less than ten on one street.

I bought a lot by road, so I found three shops to do it together. After I was done, I asked the driver to help carry the milk tea. I went in through the back door, found the fans on the side of the Baijinyan light sign and started posting.

"This is the milk tea that Brother Bai bought for everyone." Lu Lu strictly followed what Qiao Huaiyao told him.

"Bai Jinyan bought it?" The fan holding the support stick in his hand looked surprised, "He won't know that I call Qiao Qiao's wife online, so he wants to get rid of me by sending milk tea?!"

Lu Lu: "...?"

You are so brave.

"Haha, I'm just kidding." Fans and Bai Jinyan exchanged a lot of online chatter, "I've recently lost weight and resisted sugar, so I can't drink milk tea."

The girl next to her also said, "I don't like sweet drinks either."

When Lu Lu heard the words, he first distributed the milk tea to the fans behind.

Everyone was very quiet, so they sat silently in their positions holding the light board and waiting.

When I came back from a circle, there were still a few glasses in the box.

Lu Lu bought so many milk teas according to the principle of buying more and not buying less. He rolled his eyes and whispered, "Brother Bai and Qiao Huaiyao bought this for everyone together."

"?!!" The anti-sugar fan immediately stretched out his hand, "Say it earlier, you said earlier that I don't even eat breakfast, so give me a drink."

"When you say that, I suddenly want to drink something sweet."

In the end, it was sent out again, and everyone here has a cup of milk tea.

The remaining special cup, Lu Lumao trotted to deliver it to Qiao Huaiyao in the front row.

Lu Lu said: "Hot, seedless lemonade with less sugar."

Qiao Huaiyao was taken aback, "I didn't..."

Lu Lu winked at him and motioned him to look at the person next to him, "Brother Bai told me to buy it."

Bai Jinyan took the lemonade, it was a little hot.

Milk tea shops rarely sell hot lemonade. If it is not handled well, it will taste very bitter. Most of them sell cold drinks and there will be more.

So there are usually special requirements.

After delivering the things by land, where did they come from, they will return directly on the same road.

He didn't say a single word that was superfluous, and didn't stay for a moment.

Bai Jinyan put the straw away, "It's a bit hot, take a sip."

"Yeah." Qiao Huaiyao took it, feeling the cup was a little hot, but drinking it was fine.

In the last period of time, the frequency of entry was quite high.

In the blink of an eye, the kung fu guest seats were full, and the fans behind were all in their seats. The lights and banners were all ready, and some seats on the second floor were even full.

The more people are seated, the more conspicuous people are walking back and forth between the seats.

So the guests sitting in the front row didn't move much.

The lights in the entire hall slowly went out.

When the auditorium was shrouded in darkness, the lights on the stage suddenly lit up.

The two hosts came to the stage together.

Qiao Huaiyao was originally looking at the stage, listening to the host's jokes, many audience members were amused, and the atmosphere was good.

But vaguely felt a glimpse of sight, he looked to the side, and saw Bai Jinyan's eyes looking at him without blinking.

Looking at... Lemonade

Qiao Huaiyao blinked lightly, and tried to pass the lemonade over.

Bai Jinyan seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't hold back a chuckle.

He asked, "It's past three o'clock, are you hungry?"

Qiao Huaiyao shook his head, "When will it end?"

"It's past zero." The award ceremony will be interspersed with performances, and the overall process will be very slow.

Bai Jinyan said: "You don't have to wait until the end, you can leave early."

When you don't have your own nomination later, just leave.

Except for the artists who came here to show their faces, the other invited guests all left at the appointed time.

Bai Jinyan turned over Qiao Huaiyao's palm and put a piece of strawberry candy inside.

Qiao Huaiyao couldn't help being a little surprised, he and Bai Jin changed clothes in the company's fitting room, "Where did you get the sugar?"

Bai Jinyan smiled and approached Qiao Huaiyao's ear, and said softly, "Kiss me once and I'll tell you."

The warmth in his ears made Qiao Huaiyao's eyes widen suddenly. When he came back to his senses, what Bai Jinyan said, he coughed lightly, and ignored him with a sipper in his mouth.

Bai Jinyan stroked Qiao Huaiyao's hair, "Just kidding."

He hooked the corners of his mouth and continued to tease him, "I won't tell you if I kiss you."

Qiao Huaiyao: "???"

Bai Jinyan intertwined his fingers, resisting the thought of kissing him, and explained with a smile on his face: "I put some candy in the company, and put it in when changing clothes."

Qiao Huaiyao was about to speak, but he and Bai Jinyan appeared on the big screen.

He froze immediately, shook his hand to remind him to look at the big screen, and whispered, "Brother."

There were several people in the nominated promotional video, and Qiao Huaiyao was so absent-minded that he didn't pay attention to who was finally nominated.

He didn't react until the big screen swept across the auditorium.

The smile on Bai Jinyan's face has not dissipated, he raised his eyes slowly, "Huh?"

The host on the stage laughed and joked: "It can be seen that Bai Jinyan is very happy now, this is the first time he has sung an episode for a movie, and he won the gold award for the best episode of the film, which is a great breakthrough. "

"I invite Bai Jinyan to come on stage to accept the award."

The first prizes are all small awards, and the heavyweight awards such as the best male and female lead are all behind.

Accompanied by applause from the audience, Bai Jinyan stood up and went on stage.

The teacher presenting the award also came to the stage at the same time, took the trophy from the etiquette hand and handed it to him.

Bai Jinyan never prepared any acceptance speeches, and said concisely: "I am very happy to receive this award, thank you."

Ready to step down after speaking.

The host answered quickly after hearing the words: "Obviously, this happiness is definitely not adulterated."

Although he didn't know why Bai Jinyan was so happy after winning a small award, when he was nominated for Best Actor when he was young, he always said he was happy with a cold face.

The award ceremony needs enthusiasm, if it is not a dry award ceremony, who will watch it.

The host inadvertently asked: "Then let me ask a little more, Jin Yan, is today the happiest day for you, the kind that is happier than when the next door took the best actor?"

Bai Jinyan said lightly, "No."

The host paused, and let the matter pass without a trace, "Really, hahaha, indeed, then the happiest day must be..."

Bai Jinyan said, "Yesterday."

The host didn't expect Bai Jinyan to answer, he was just repeating the words, but after listening to the answer, he said, "Huh? 'a bit.

Bai Jinyan ignored the host who deliberately made a fuss, and met Qiao Huaiyao who was sitting in the first row with his downcast eyes.

He said in a good mood: "Yesterday was my happiest day."