Within the Web Streaming Business

Chapter 63: Whoops


The fur on the pair of ears will also shake with the movement of the wind.

The headband is hidden in the hair, only a pair of plush ears are exposed outside.

Qiao Huaiyao touched it with the palm of his hand. The black ears did not look cute. Coupled with Bai Jinyan's expressionless face and meaningful eyes, they felt a little more sharp.

Qiao Huaiyao blinked lightly, noticing the change in Bai Jinyan's expression, he coughed lightly, but still couldn't suppress the smile on his face.

He took a half step back calmly, "Brother, don't you think these ears are very smart... ah!"

Bai Jinyan raised his hand, and before Qiao Huaiyao was ready to run, he pulled him to his side.

Then he took a headband from the booth that looked similar to the one on his head, but of a different color, brushed Qiao Huaiyao's hair, and put the headband on him.

Bai Jinyan pinched his cheek, "Yes, it's really smart."

"Well—" Qiao Huaiyao narrowed his eyes and whispered, "Wok..."

Bai Jinyan let go of his hand, and rubbed his fingertips against the place he pinched just now, "See if there is anything else you like?"

There are many things on the booth, and headbands are just some of them.

Various colors and various shapes.

But if you buy too many of these things, you won’t need them, and you can only wear one at a time.

There should be related surroundings over other entertainment facilities, so it’s better to walk down and have a look.

Qiao Huaiyao didn't choose anything else, "Just buy these two."

"Yeah." Bai Jinyan lowered his hand, and wiped the sensing area of the booth with his wristband.

The vip passage is deserted, and the stalls at the exit are also unattended, smartly selling.

The booth will not open until the wristband is scanned, and if the weight of the booth is detected to be reduced, it will be recorded in the bracelet to purchase the corresponding items.

After a while, the booth issued a warning sound: "The booth is about to close, please do not touch to avoid accidents." '

Then, a transparent baffle outside the booth slowly rose, and the beep sounded until the baffle rose to the highest point, forming an arched protective cover, blocking the things placed on the booth inside.

There is a small road hidden in the forest outside the VIP channel. When the small road reaches the end, it goes back to the beginning, where the ordinary roller coaster ticket entrance is.

Qiao Huaiyao looked down at the phone, planning where to go next.

Bai Jinyan paid attention to Qiao Huaiyao's surroundings and feet, and walked slowly while holding his hand.

All the items I wanted to play were found out in advance, but I didn't add a map to analyze them at that time.

Now they are in the center of the entire amusement park, looking for a suitable path, avoiding detours in the amusement park and avoiding detours.

Bai Jinyan looked at Qiao Huaiyao's side face tenderly, carefully protecting him from the crowd.

Suddenly, Bai Jinyan seemed to have noticed something, he suddenly raised his head, and looked to the left expressionlessly.

Not far away, tourists are holding their mobile phones, and the camera is pointing directly in their direction.

Xu Shi could see it clearly in the camera, but Bai Jinyan's eyes were so frightening that the tourist immediately put down his phone and stood where he was without running away.

Artists usually appear under the media in public places, and there is no problem in spreading and retaining.

But during non-working hours, taking pictures in private is considered candid photography, no matter who it is, you must always ask for the consent of the other party.

The tourist paused, feeling that Bai Jinyan seemed to hate this kind of...

He was hesitating to delete, or wait for the assistant to come to the door, and delete them all in front of the assistant.

"Brother, let's go to the pirate ship." Qiao Huaiyao calculated the map, put away the phone and said, "It's next to the roller coaster."

Bai Jinyan withdrew his gaze and said lightly, "Okay."

The tourist blinked and watched the two people not far away walk away, but the assistant did not come over.

Is this... the meaning of not pursuing it


Follow the route on the map.

After playing through the next few items, the sky seemed to be getting darker.

This place is relatively close to the float tour, so they found a theme restaurant nearby and waited for the float while eating.

Did not go any further.

After ordering, the waiter came over and handed over another menu with a smile, "Hello, two tourists, our store is holding an event, and all customers who enter the store will give a small dessert. This is our menu. Please take a look at what you need. what."

Bai Jinyan didn't even look at it, and handed it directly to Qiao Huaiyao.

The desserts delivered by the theme restaurant also fit the style of the entire park. Just look at these types in the pictures, all of which are desserts made after small animals are drawn into plush images.

Qiao Huaiyao chose an ice cream, and chose the cake for the rest.

Except for these two, the others look very... sweet.

The waiter took the marked menu, bowed slightly and said, "Okay, I'll serve you right away."

Bai Jinyan put the drink in his hand and said, "There are a few events that are open at night, let's go and see them after the floats are over?"

Hotels in the park have been booked.

Lulu sent the hotel room number.

If you live in the park, there is no rush to go back.

You can play a few more projects outside.

They came too late, and some projects that were only open during the day were too late to play, but they could leave after playing during the day tomorrow.

If you live in a hotel in the park, you will renew your ticket by default.

VIP tickets do not need to be replenished.

Qiao Huaiyao nodded and said, "Okay."

He read a lot of guides. Although some of the items he picked out were not available, he would have a general impression after reading them, knowing what the items that are open at night are.

After five o'clock in the evening, the speed of darkness is much faster.

Desserts were served relatively quickly, but the main course hadn't been served yet.

Qiao Huaiyao took small bites of the ice cream, a combination of chocolate and strawberry, the taste was not bad, the milk was mellow and there was no ice residue.

Qiao Huaiyao scooped some ice cream with a spoon and handed it to Bai Jinyan's mouth, "Brother, try this, it's quite delicious."

"Yeah." Bai Jinyan was not interested in ice cream, but Qiao Huaiyao said it was delicious, so he thought it was not bad.

The air conditioner is on in the restaurant, the temperature is relatively high, and the ice cream melts quickly.

Qiao Huaiyao put down the spoon after eating for a while, and swiped Weibo with his mobile phone to do the task.

At noon, I would watch Weibo, which was all about the sports meeting.

But if you open it now, it becomes a chance encounter with Bai Jinyan.

Bai Jinyan's personal super chat and CP super chat are all about Bai Jinyan.

Qiao Huaiyao looked at the picture, as if it was taken in an amusement park in the afternoon. In the picture, he was looking down at his mobile phone, completely oblivious to the surrounding environment.

There are too many photos, and someone can't help but say in Chaohua: "Why do I feel that the whole world is encountering Bai Jinyan by chance?!"

"Others can touch it, but I can't touch it!"

"Speaking of which, is it an illegitimate meal? Brother Bai actually has an illegitimate meal??? It's incredible."

"What is Bai Jinyan wearing on his head? Is it the headband ears? Bai Jinyan actually wears this thing to go out?! Isn't Bai Jinyan the most despised such cute things, my mother , P went up, right?!"

"Calm down, Jojo is wearing a white one next to her, it's obvious that it's sugar."

"Is the third picture Bai Jinyan looking directly at the camera? Sisters are amazing, you can keep the picture, and you didn't ask you to delete it."

The blogger replied to this comment, and also answered other doubts: [It's not an illegitimate meal, I booked tickets several days in advance, and I'm here with my best friend today. It was just a coincidence that I saw Bai Jinyan after I downloaded the project.]

[I thought I read it wrong, my best friend reminded me, I just remembered to take a photo with my phone, there is no assistant to ask me to delete it, if you need to delete it, you can contact me at any time.]

[Speaking back to that picture, I was indeed frightened by that look, but Brother Bo did not ask me to delete it. At that time, Qiao Qiao seemed to say something. I didn’t record the video, but the thief who watched it clearly under the camera, Brother Bo did not ask me to delete it. His eyes softened a lot.]


"It's hard for me not to knock your last sentence."

"Have you learned it, sisters? I will shoot again when Qiao Qiao is around, and I might even consider asking for an autograph."

"When Qiao Qiao is not here: Bai Jin said the dragon is roaring! When Qiao Qiao is here: Bai Jin said 'Aw~'"

"Hahahaha, Bai Jinyan has to scold him before leaving."

Seeing this comment, Qiao Huaiyao couldn't help curling his lips.

Sitting next to him, Bai Jinyan saw Qiao Huaiyao crooked with a smile, and stretched out his hand to straighten the headband on his head, "Why are you so happy?"

While speaking, he looked down and saw the comment of '嗤呜'.

It was too late for Qiao Huaiyao to reach out to block him again, the smile on the corner of his mouth paused, he half leaned on Bai Jinyan's body, slowly raised his eyes, and looked at Bai Jinyan innocently.

Bai Jin said, "Aww?"

While talking, Bai Jinyan flipped the switch under the table, and the door of the private room was automatically locked.

Qiao Huaiyao: "?!"

He straightened up immediately, "They said... um!"

Qiao Huaiyao's words disappeared in the kiss. Thinking back to that comment, she still couldn't help but roll her eyes with a smile.

Eyes full of smiles met Bai Jinyan's eyes.

Bai Jinyan bit his lips lightly.

Qiao Huaiyao's eyes widened suddenly, Bai Jinyan put his arms around his waist and brought him to his lap, with his hands behind his waist and lowered to the edge of the table, he leaned over to deepen the kiss.

The scenic spot will take into account the inconvenience of each tourist. The restaurant has separate private rooms for people to choose from, but the area is the same and very small.

So small that it can only accommodate a table and two sofa chairs.

From the chair to the small place beside the table, Qiao Huaiyao couldn't move at all, his face turned red when he couldn't breathe, his hands were hanging weakly on Bai Jinyan's shoulders, and his fingertips slightly curled up the folds of the clothes on his shoulders.

After maintaining this position halfway back for an unknown amount of time, Bai Jinyan pressed the man into his arms, and kissed him lightly with a smile on his thin lips.

Bo Jinyan leaned close to Qiao Huaiyao's ear and said softly, "Wow."

Qiao Huaiyao: "!!!"

His breathing stopped suddenly, and his already flushed face suddenly became hotter.

Bai Jinyan kissed his ear, seeing the blush on it, he couldn't help chuckling, and wanted to say something to tease the person in his arms, but before he could speak, Qiao Huaiyao had already silently buried his head in his arms inside.

As if avoiding him, after hiding, he still raised his hand to cover his exposed ears.

Seeing this, Bai Jinyan didn't bother him anymore, but just kissed the back of his hand like this, "If you don't eat any more ice cream, it should melt."

Qiao Huaiyao still didn't look up, just kept like this, and said in a muffled voice, "Yes."

There was a very soft sound, as thin as a mosquito, if they weren't so close, Bai Jinyan might have missed this response.

The more Qiao Huaiyao was like this, the more Bai Jinyan wanted to kiss him.

Before he could coax him out of his arms, the waiter outside knocked on the door.


After dinner, the float tour outside just started.

There were already many people standing on both sides of the road.

Compared with the parks that are scattered in various amusement projects during the day, it is obvious that all tourists gather here in the end.

It looks a lot more.

Bai Jinyan didn't take Qiao Huaiyao out, but went to the second floor of the stand, where he reserved a seat in advance.

This place is perfect whether you are watching a float tour or watching fireworks for a while.

There are desserts and some snacks on the round tables in the stands, as well as brewed lemon tea.

Qiao Huaiyao didn't touch those snacks, but only drank hot lemon tea.

Looking down, you can see the floats approaching not far away.

As the floats approached, the soundtrack became clearer.

During the day, the staff of each park waved to the tourists on the floats.

Many people were taking pictures with their mobile phones, and the sound of music couldn't suppress the continuous sound of shutters.

The sound of 'click' was almost connected.

Qiao Huaiyao was thinking casually, when he heard the sound of the shutter in his ears.

He looked back, and saw Bai Jinyan holding his mobile phone, the camera was facing him instead of the bustling floats below.

Seeing him looking over, Bai Jinyan took a few more pictures.

Although the floats cannot be photographed at this height, the color of the lights on the floats will appear somewhat under the lens.

The light at night centered on Qiao Huaiyao, even in a chaotic environment, looking at the people in the camera, it still felt very peaceful at the moment.

After taking enough photos, Bai Jinyan put down his phone, sat next to Qiao Huaiyao, put his hand on his shoulder, and watched the floats with him.

The fireworks are ten minutes after the floats leave.

When the two appear at the same time, some people may want to take pictures of floats and fireworks, but they cannot take care of both left and right.

Therefore, the park has stipulated from the very beginning that the fireworks will start after the floats are off.

Before the fireworks started, the surrounding lights dimmed uniformly.

The floor lamps placed on the ground are lit up one after another, and when people look up at the fireworks, they will not be affected by the light of the floor lamps at all.

But when you don't want to watch the fireworks and look down to find the way to leave, the floor lamp can also guide you to the fastest route to leave here.

Qiao Huaiyao was sitting on the side of the stands on the second floor. After the lights dimmed, he looked down. The first thing he noticed was the floor lamp.

Bai Jinyan reminded: "The fireworks are about to start."

"En." Qiao Huaiyao responded, and then felt Bai Jinyan's hand covering his ear.

He froze for a moment, and was about to turn his head to ask, when he heard "咻—"

Then there was a 'bang', the fireworks flying towards the sky suddenly scattered, and the colorful fireworks falling scattered scattered.

The fireworks are fleeting, and finally the plush image of a theme doll in the park appears in the air.

After the first firework, several patterns followed.

The falling fireworks are like shooting stars, flashing across the sky quickly, and soon after disappearing, other fireworks disperse.

The fireworks dissipate every moment, but the fireworks in the sky always exist between the old and the new.

Qiao Huaiyao looked at those patterns, and finally there was no plush, just a simple pattern of stars.

He bent his eyes, smiled sideways and said, "Brother, isn't this pretty?"

The light from the fireworks is reflected on the face, the eyes are bright, and the beautiful face is full of smiles.

Bai Jinyan nodded lightly, his eyes outlined Qiao Huaiyao's face, and said softly, "It looks good."

Qiao Huaiyao was stunned for a moment, and he blinked his eyes slowly. Under the light of the fireworks, his heart beat faster as he breathed and intertwined with the people close at hand.

He couldn't help looking around, and only this one of the stands was open.

You can't see the top from the first floor, and the only entrance has been locked from the inside of the stands, so no one will come in.


As if seeing Qiao Huaiyao's hesitation, Bai Jinyan rubbed his cheek with his fingertips, "There is no camera here."

Before coming up, he had already notified the person in charge of the restaurant.

Qiao Huaiyao curled up her fingertips, and couldn't help but feel a little flustered when she was seen through, but she saw the narrow smile in Bai Jinyan's eyes.

He paused, then approached directly, kissed him on the lips, and said softly, "I'm not looking for the camera."

Bai Jinyan chuckled, "I was looking for the camera."

The corners of Qiao Huaiyao's mouth raised up little by little, and he leaned over again to imagine the touch just like a superficial touch.

But this time, the moment their lips touched, the hand on Qiao Huaiyao's shoulder silently pressed against his back, pressing him towards him.

Qiao Huaiyao flickered, his eyes widened in astonishment, and the next moment, Bai Jinyan's hands covered his eyes.

Qiao Huaiyao closed her eyes subconsciously, and kissed silently against the backdrop of the sky full of fireworks.


The fireworks show lasted for half an hour, and Qiao Huaiyao only saw the first few patterns.

After the star fireworks, you don't know what's behind.

Back to the hotel.

After using four or five anti-inflammatory sheets, my lips are still a little hot.

Qiao Huaiyao pursed her lips, feeling a tingling pain that couldn't be suppressed by medicine.

I didn't feel anything before I used it.

this time…

Qiao Huaiyao lightly tapped his lips with his fingertips, and couldn't help thinking about what happened in the stands. He closed his eyes, only feeling the lingering warmth on his face.

This medicine is mainly based on mint. It is said to be a medicine, but it is actually a bit like mint candy.

After another two tablets were melted, I felt that the situation had eased.

When Bai Jinyan came back, Qiao Huaiyao had already lay down.

He put the ointment he brought back on the bedside, "Is it better?"

Qiao Huaiyao wrapped herself in a quilt and nodded slowly.

Bai Jinyan stroked his hair, "I've been tired all day, I'll take a rest early today, and I'll take you to the rest of the project tomorrow."

Qiao Huaiyao responded, "Okay."

Having said that, Qiao Huaiyao wasn't sleepy at all, and was looking at his phone boredly.

Bai Jinyan didn't bring the script when he came out this time, he changed into pajamas and came up, hugged Qiao Huaiyao from behind, and hugged him in his arms.

Qiao Huaiyao was used to it, so he stretched out his hand to grab the quilt, and looked down to see a message pop up in the small group.

Qiu Shufeng: [God of learning! ! ! You are too awesome! I was able to share a dormitory with you during my military training, and a class in Tsinghua University. I am so lucky!]

Qiao Huaiyao: [...?]

The news had no beginning and no end, and it came suddenly.

Even Qiao Huaiyao didn't understand it, but Qiu Shufeng seemed to be more excited than before.

Qiu Shufeng excitedly sent more than a dozen emoticons, and then typed to explain what was going on.

[I went to the supervisor's office today and heard that the supervisor and the professor were talking about your application for the laboratory, and it seems that the approval process is going to be accelerated.]

What is the concept of quick approval? It is to bypass the previous cumbersome process and delete all possible time-consuming reviews.

Only those who have the right to speak are left, and they will be directly reviewed. After the review is passed, the laboratory will be assigned.

There is such a rule, but it seems that no one has ever been able to make Tsinghua University use it.

There was a senior before, and the approval was relatively fast, but it was not an express approval, but the professor helped to hand it in, which is still different from the express approval.

What Qiu Shufeng thought at the time was like a fairy tale that he had heard too much, but now it really happened to him.

It was unbelievable that he had witnessed the quick batch with his own eyes.

It has already been mentioned, and it is only a matter of time before the laboratory is down.

Now during the sports meeting, there is no need to attend classes, and the teachers are also free, maybe the approval will be faster.

Qiu Shufeng never doubted what would happen to Qiao Huaiyao's application for the laboratory.

He felt that with Qiao Huaiyao's strength, the teacher might have given the three words Qiao Huaiyao on the application.

I didn't expect to use the quick batch now.

Qiu Shufeng: [God of Learning, do you really need a useless little assistant who can do experiments?]

He even wanted to go with Qiao Huaiyao instead of the professor.

The professor has many students, but Qiao Huaiyao is a student himself, so he only needs to handle his own experiments well, and he doesn't need to bring other students.

Wang Zhan: [It's your turn? I am much better than you, and my grades are higher than yours.]

Yu Xingfan: [cough cough.]

Wang Zhan: […]

Qiu Shufeng: [? ? ?]

Still roll me, don't you

Qiao Huaiyao had never taken any students with him. He had always done experiments by himself, and he was used to it.

And already contacted the professor, Qiu Shufeng and the others couldn't change it casually, Qiao Huaiyao just thought they were joking, joking.

After a while, Qiu Shufeng said again: [The news of the quick approval hasn't come out yet, please don't tell others, just bear with your mouth. I'm just talking in the group to make you happy.]

The teacher hasn't spoken yet, so it's not good to spread the word from them first.

Qiao Huaiyao: [Yes.]

WANG Zhan: [You just @I got it. And everyone, boo! Your mouth is broken! ]

"Quick approval from Tsinghua University." Bai Jinyan put his arms around the man, tapped his fingertips and said thoughtfully, "Except for basic experimental equipment, send me a copy of anything else you need."

There should only be basic equipment in the laboratory. If you need anything later, you have to write a report and apply to the school.

Moreover, the school has fixed buyers, and the experimental equipment purchased may not be smooth.

Qiao Huaiyao has a laboratory at home, and most of the equipment in it is bought by Bai Jinyan for him, replacing the original experimental equipment in the laboratory little by little.

Compared with other companies, the ones he bought, Qiao Huaiyao will be more comfortable to use.

Qiao Huaiyao thought for a while, "Then I'll sort it out and send it to you."

"Okay." Bai Jinyan hugged the person in his arms, his Adam's apple moved slightly, and he couldn't help lowering his head again, but he didn't kiss his lips, but a series of delicate kisses on his cheeks.

Qiao Huaiyao curled up in his arms, subconsciously wanting to move his hand.

Before reaching out his hand, Bai Jinyan grabbed his wrist.

Bai Jinyan kissed lightly on the back of his hand, thought for a while, and lightly bit his wrist.

Under Qiao Huaiyao's dazed eyes, Bai Jinyan chuckled and said vaguely, "Wow."

Hearing this, Qiao Huaiyao immediately remembered that comment, and said angrily, "No, no!"

After a pause, he realized that he had made a mistake, and quickly changed his words: "Don't bite me..."