Within the Web Streaming Business

Chapter 65: behave in a spoiled manner


Qiao Huaiyao blinked lightly, and wanted to say something, but she was kissed the moment she opened her mouth, and she didn't have time to say anything.

Several times in a row, Qiao Huaiyao couldn't help shrinking in, and asked, "Is... is there surveillance here?"

Cameras will be installed on the beach for the safety of tourists.

Although there are fewer people coming to the beach this season, it is not completely absent during the day.

If there is a camera, it may be on 24 hours a day.

"I've asked, but there isn't one here." What Bai Jinyan wanted to do, of course, was to prepare everything in advance, and asked where the monitoring was dead, where there was no monitoring, or the range that other monitoring could not capture.

Where they are now, it is obviously safe.

Ask, have you asked

Qiao Huaiyao was stunned for a moment, and felt a little hot when he sensed the meaning behind his words.

Bai Jinyan put his arms around him affectionately, and still asked: "Really not?"

Qiao Huaiyao's face turned even redder, and she simply buried her head in his arms, not in a hurry to break free, and let him hold her like that.

Bai Jinyan lowered his head and kissed Qiao Huaiyao's red ears lightly. Although the sea breeze was blowing, his ears should be cold, but his lips were very hot when touched lightly.

He laughed silently, Qiao Huaiyao seemed to have noticed something, but he still didn't come out, just looked up at him secretly.

Seeing Bai Jinyan lowered his head and approached again, Qiao Huaiyao hurriedly hid some more in his arms.

The fur on the collar blocked Qiao Huaiyao, and Bai Jinyan raised his hand and pressed down the fur at will, holding him with his back facing the sea, blocking all the sea wind.

Childishly hugging someone and kissing, even with his head buried in his arms, Bai Jinyan could still feel his blushing complexion.

I couldn't help teasing him first, and said with a smile on my face, "Bao..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Qiao Huaiyao had already raised his hand to cover his mouth before he could finish the whole address, and he no longer hid it inside like before.

Qiao Huaiyao raised his head and looked at Bai Jinyan with his eyes.

The four eyes met the smile in his eyes, Qiao Huaiyao's heart was pounding, and he couldn't help but look away, "Don't, don't mess up... Cough, it's getting dark, why don't you go back to the hotel?"

It was already dark when we came out.

Qiao Huaiyao didn't know what to say, and she said it casually, looking for something to say.

"Go back to the hotel." Seeing him like this, Bai Jinyan was still willing to tease him, and coaxed him, "I asked the back kitchen to prepare fruit tea, and I will go back and taste how well this shop makes."

Qiao Huaiyao said softly, "Well, let's go."


The amusement park covers a large area. Although Qiao Huaiyao and the others did not play all the items, they walked between several items and walked through most of the amusement park.

Coupled with the fact that the clothes rub against the skin between the moon, it is inevitable that there will be some discomfort.

Even though most of the entertainment is seated, he's walking a lot.

Tired day.

After walking around the beach, Qiao Huaiyao took a shower, changed into pajamas, and went to bed early.

Bai Jinyan turned off all the lights in the room, turned around and drew the curtains.

The curtains in the hotel are not too thick. In order to fit the overall light blue decoration in the hotel, even the curtains are also light blue, and there is a layer of gauze that simulates air bubbles.

Good-looking is good-looking, but it just can't block the light outside.

Turn off the lights in the house at night, and the curtains can let in the light from the outside, let alone during the day.

Bai Jinyan thought for a while, then pushed over the movable hanger next to it, and blocked it with the clothes on it.

The curtains are not floor-to-ceiling, but according to the size of the bay window, you can only block that part when you open it.

The hangers are neither high nor low.


Early the next morning, Bai Jinyan woke up just after dawn.

Subconsciously, he hugged the person next to him and kissed his forehead, guessing that it was the sunrise time outside, he whispered: "Honey, it's time to get up."

Qiao Huaiyao closed her eyes tightly, frowned, and said something vaguely.

Bai Jinyan couldn't hear it like a raving when he was half asleep and half awake, but he could probably guess what it was.

Bai Jinyan put his arms around the man, wanting to wake him up, but he couldn't help but pat and coax him, not forgetting to bring up the quilt that had fallen a little.

Seeing Qiao Huaiyao's peaceful sleeping face, he lay down again, patted the hands on his back, and said softly, "If you don't get up again, you won't be able to catch up with the sunrise."

Chatting at dinner yesterday, Bai Jinyan heard Qiao Huaiyao mention that he had never seen the sunrise on the sea, so he thought of getting up early this morning to take him to see it.

The time is right now, not too early, and you can see the sunrise when you go out.

"Hmm..." Qiao Huaiyao pursed his lips, but still didn't open his eyes. He vaguely grabbed Bai Jinyan's hand and clasped it in front of him, "Brother, brother..."

His thoughts were still a little unclear, Qiao Huaiyao didn't know what to say, he just murmured to his brother.

"Huh?" Qiao Huaiyao didn't have any strength at all, he put his fingers on Bai Jinyan's hand, and he could easily pull it out.

But Bai Jinyan didn't break free, just being held down by him.

Feeling that Qiao Huaiyao was sleepy, Bai Jinyan thought for a while, then hesitated and said, "Then why don't we watch the sunrise?"

Qiao Huaiyao nodded vaguely, "Well... don't read it..."

Maybe Qiao Huaiyao thought he was nodding, but in Bai Jinyan's eyes, he couldn't detect that subtle movement unless he looked carefully.

Seeing his honest and well-behaved appearance, Bai Jinyan couldn't help curling the corners of his lips, and coaxed: "Okay, go to sleep, I won't disturb you."

Qiao Huaiyao narrowed her eyes, and put her hands on Bai Jinyan's shoulders, as if she wanted to bring her to her side.

Bai Jinyan thought that he wanted to pillow his arm, so he leaned towards him.

Then I saw Qiao Huaiyao raised his head and kissed him, then buried his head in his arms, found a comfortable position to rub against him, took a long breath, and closed his eyes to sleep.

The movement is smooth and smooth, and it is done in one go.

Bai Jinyan smiled, and instead of getting up for a morning run, he took the ointment from the bedside, spread it evenly, and helped him gather the quilt.

Qiao Huaiyao slept soundly and did not intend to wake up.

Bai Jinyan put his arms around the person in his arms, and soon fell asleep.


The sense of returning to the cage is comparable to the existence of time travel.

After waking up, I want to sleep for another ten minutes, but don't turn on the alarm clock and close my eyes. When I wake up again, it may be two hours later.

Qiao Huaiyao vaguely remembered waking up once in the middle, and when she opened her eyes again, it was already past ten o'clock.

He looked at the message on his phone. Director Zhao Jiamo sent it. The first sentence was: [I sent a message to Bai Jinyan but he didn't reply to me. I sent it to you as a last resort. I said hello in advance.]

Then there is the matter of variety show promotion.

Zhao Jiamo: [The latest variety show is here! The content of forwarding and promoting is all prepared for you, just send it directly, it’s OK, thank you for your hard work!]

The second variety show was launched on the last day of Qiao Huaiyao's vacation.

The enthusiasm around Qiao Huaiyao and Bai Jinyan has not gone down these days, and many CP fans are eagerly waiting for the variety show.

The two proprietors only occasionally post on Weibo, and they are not open for business. Fans waiting to feed on the Internet can only see pictures of other people's encounters, but they are not high-definition.

Although it doesn't affect knocking on CP, it won't work if you save it and watch it later.

Perhaps it was because their enthusiasm was too high, which largely covered up the enthusiasm of other guests.

Zhao Jiamo didn't care much about this. This kind of thing has both advantages and disadvantages. It was covered up a bit, but it also brought a lot of new heat and attention.

Most importantly, the overall popularity of the variety show has risen several levels.

What's more, the guests whose brilliance was covered up happily retweeted it, they didn't suffer a loss.

For other artists, after participating in a popular variety show, they can use it when talking about resources afterwards.

It's just that they themselves may not have the enthusiasm. Now that they participate in a variety show, they can get a raise in the future. Who would dislike this good thing.

If the heat is higher, their future work may be smoother.

Many guests would send messages to Bo Jinyan from time to time to get in touch.

It's just that the treatment is similar to that of Director Zhao Jiamo.

Qiao Huaiyao watched the first episode of the variety show, but considering director Zhao Jiamo's editing techniques, he didn't click on the second episode.

No need to ask, I must tell the director that the deleted content was not deleted, and edited as usual.

You might feel a little embarrassed before.

But now... Although he still feels embarrassed, he and Bai Jinyan are already together, and it is actually a very normal situation if it is like that in variety shows.

The quick questions and answers recorded by the variety show are edited in the second issue.

Qiao Huaiyao found out through comments.

The comment area is full of comments: "Is this the tacit understanding between brothers? The highest score in the audience, the director is stupid."

"Qiao Qiao: Aren't these all sub-questions? The director is grand."

"I missed it during the live broadcast. I watched the screen recordings of the sisters several times. Now that the feature film is finally out, I declare that Bai Jinyan and Qiao Huaiyao must be a real couple! The kind who got the certificate!"

"All of you here are VIP members. Bo Jinyan, I'll call you Brother Bo. We are all a family. That is to say, when will you reveal your love to your family? I'm ready to crack sugar."

"It's really hard to end without getting married."

Qiao Huaiyao retweeted the second episode of the program group, with a poster promoting the Weibo.

The promotional content was edited by Zhao Jiamo. In fact, you can also write it yourself, but the promotional language should naturally be written beautifully and fit the content of the variety show.

Fearing that some guests would be too lazy to write and push it to the people in the studio, and the writing would be unsatisfactory, Zhao Jiamo simply wrote it himself and sent it to them one by one after finishing.

Qiao Huaiyao thought about it after posting that long section of publicity, and wrote at the very beginning: [After this episode aired, everyone knew that I was a picky eater. (Helpless.jpg)]

The next moment, Bai Jinyan directly forwarded this Weibo.

Bai Jinyan V: [It's not picky eaters, it's just that some ingredients don't suit your appetite. (touch the head.jpg)]

Seeing this Weibo, Qiao Huaiyao was taken aback for a moment, and then he heard the door of the hotel unlocked, and Bai Jinyan came in with breakfast.

Qiao Huaiyao sat up and said, "Brother, did you go for a morning run again?"

"No, I just went to get breakfast." Bai Jinyan ordered takeaway, but the waiter couldn't come up the corridor, so he had to send it to the stairs, so he went out to get it.

Qiao Huaiyao nodded, lifted the quilt, got out of bed, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

After coming out to sit at the table, Qiao Huaiyao couldn't help asking, "Brother, did you post your Weibo by yourself?"

The contents of the speech should be posted by his brother, but just now Bai Jinyan was getting breakfast outside, so he probably doesn't have time to read Weibo... right

"Yeah." Bai Jinyan said lightly, "I happened to see Zhao Jiamo's text message, and I saw you when I opened Weibo."

After that... Zhao Jiamo didn't use a single word of what he had prepared, and only answered Qiao Huaiyao's question.

Qiao Huaiyao bent his eyes, took a bite of the steak, and picked up his phone to look at the comment section again.

It was inconvenient to eat steak with one hand, so Bai Jinyan used a knife and fork to help him cut it into pieces, which fit the size of his mouth.

Qiao Huaiyao noticed his movements, and fed him a piece with a fork, "Ah—"

Bai Jinyan bit off the piece of meat, kissed him, and put down the opened milk with the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

The Weibo comment area is very lively, especially the Weibo after Bai Jinyan forwarded it.

The screen of Qiao Huaiyao's phone was still on Bai Jinyan's Weibo, and he didn't bother to switch back, so he clicked on the comment section here.

The first hot comment in the front row is to list all the ingredients that Qiao Huaiyao didn't like that Bai Jinyan wrote in the variety show, and then add a colon, saying in the tone of the ingredients: "Ah, yes, yes, yes Blame me, you old six, I am really convinced."

"Sun Wukong didn't have this kind of grievance when he was crushed on Wuzhishan for stealing peaches."

"I'm a picky eater, and my brother gave me a big fight. Qiao Huaiyao was a picky eater, and his brother coaxed him to pick up his favorite food. So are we really in the same world?"

"Who knows if you want to replace my brother with Bai Jinyan?"

"Calm down, sister, do you think that Bai Jinyan treats Qiao Qiao well because of his good personality? No! It's because he is Qiao Huaiyao!"

With such a wave of rhythm, there is much less discussion about the content of the variety show itself.

Part of the content in the second issue was broadcast live during the recording. Many people watched the screen recording live broadcast and then watched the feature film clips, and then they all joined in the ridicule that the ingredients were not suitable for their appetite.

Qiao Huaiyao flipped through the comments below, most of them were teasing Bai Jinyan.

He thought for a while, and posted an emoji in Bai Jinyan's comment section: '猫猫拍摄.jpg'

No matter what the comments afterward were, Qiao Huaiyao didn't refresh them.

A message popped up on the chat software, saying that someone in the group chat wanted him to open a temporary session.

Qiao Huaiyao suspiciously opened it and found that the person who chatted with him privately was the instructor.

He has the contact information of the tutor, but does not have the social account of the chat software of the tutor.

Instructor: [Are you in school now? Come to my office whenever you have time, the sooner the better.]

This news seems a little anxious, it may be something big.

Qiao Huaiyao: [Good teacher, I'm outside now, go back as soon as possible.]

Instructor: [Well, be careful on the road. I will be in the office until three o'clock in the afternoon, but the confirmation materials will continue to be handed over. You still have to come back as soon as possible. If it is in time, I will stay up late today to make a decision for you.]

Qiao Huaiyao: [Okay, received.]

Putting down the phone, Qiao Huaiyao said to Bai Jin, "Brother, our instructor asked me to go back to school."

Bai Jinyan asked, "What's the matter?"

Qiao Huaiyao shook his head, "The instructor didn't say it clearly, I guess it might be related to the application for the laboratory."

Because it mentioned the materials handed up.

In fact, if this step has been reached, there is no time to hand it up any time. After all, this is considered to be the laboratory's decision, so there is no need to rush for a while.

But Qiao Huaiyao vaguely felt that the supervisor might want to shorten this time to the fastest speed. When it was recorded in the record, the time for applying for the laboratory was less than three days from the start of application to the approval.

This time is very particular.

Take it out and put it on the campus forum of Tsinghua University or the official website, and you can make a separate news presentation.

I was suddenly in a hurry today, maybe the director just realized that the time can be sped up a bit.

It is also a coincidence that when the teachers in the sports meeting are not busy, coupled with the quick approval, it is possible to apply for the laboratory and create a record for Tsinghua University.

Bai Jin said 'hmm' and said, "Let's eat first, I'll contact the driver to come over."

Not to mention taking a taxi on the cold seaside, there are no private cars on the roadside.

It will take a while for the driver to come over, enough for Qiao Huaiyao to finish the breakfast in a leisurely manner.

Qiao Huaiyao nodded and said, "Okay."

But after all, steaks are big pieces of meat. After eating half of them, there is still a lot on one side of the plate.

Qiao Huaiyao blinked and looked at Bai Jinyan innocently, "Brother..."

Bai Jinyan looked at the steak and said, "Eat a few more yuan, the driver hasn't come yet, so waiting is just waiting."

Qiao Huaiyao fed him the steak silently, "Brother."

Bai Jinyan looked at him intently, Qiao Huaiyao bent his eyes, and smiled obediently: "Brother..."

Bai Jinyan ate it, then took the fork from Qiao Huaiyao's hand, and also used the fork to bring a small piece of cut steak, "Ah—"

Seeing this, Qiao Huaiyao could only slowly bite off the steak, then quickly took the fork and continued to feed his brother.

A fork was repeatedly switched back and forth between Qiao Huaiyao's hand and Bai Jinyan's.

They didn't bother, and finished the remaining steak on the plate bit by bit.