Within the Web Streaming Business

Chapter 68: mine


Although Bai Jinyan doesn't care about the box office, and the box office of movies with Bai Jinyan's participation will not be too low.

But... Chartering is an attitude, giving support to people you like.

Bai Jinyan was stunned for a moment, then he couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and didn't say anything more about the movie booking.

He picked up a piece of ribs for Qiao Huaiyao, and said with a smile, "Then when are you free recently? I want to treat you to a movie."

Qiao Huaiyao bent his eyes, thinking of the recent schedule, he hesitated again.

In addition to the class time, which is inevitable, there is not much other free time, and the time that can overlap with Bai Jinyan.

Qiao Huaiyao took a sip of the lemonade, and he thought about it: "Do you have time this weekend?"

Bai Jinyan nodded, "Then it's the weekend, I'll make arrangements."

Qiao Huaiyao said, "Okay."

During the meal, Bai Jinyan thought about his upcoming work schedule, "I have a film conference tomorrow, and I may be back very late."

Now Bai Jinyan's itinerary will be sorted out by Lu Lu after it is finalized, and then sent to Qiao Huaiyao after sorting out.

But this time it was an impromptu arrangement that did not exist in the itinerary.

Qiao Huaiyao asked, "Are you in this city?"

"No, Ningxing's side, drive there."

Qiao Huaiyao thought for a while, it wasn't too far away, it was next door, but even if he left in the morning, it would be too late to come back after the press conference.

"Don't worry, be careful on the road and ask the driver to drive slowly."

"Yeah." Bai Jinyan confiscated the lemon tea in his hand and replaced it with a small bowl of cold beef.

Qiao Huaiyao blinked lightly, "Brother?"

Bai Jinyan tapped the side of the cold beef with his fingertips, "Finish this."

The cold stewed beef is more refreshing than other methods. It is not heavy oil, and the cold salad is not spicy. It is just right to eat with fresh vegetables.

Bai Jinyan watched Qiao Huaiyao eat the small bowl of beef and returned the lemon tea to him, "Which class is this afternoon?"

Qiao Huaiyao said: "Temporarily change it to Introduction to Experiments, the class time remains the same, and it will be changed back next week."

It is common for teachers to be unable to attend classes on time due to errands, and it is common to find a familiar teacher to transfer classes.

University teachers do not have many courses, and they do not ask for leave unless necessary.

Qiao Huaiyao only had one class in the morning, but was busy in the laboratory after class.

Classes are full again in the afternoon, and only at noon can I take a break.

The noon time is short and there is no lunch break.

After lunch, it was almost time for class.

Qiao Huaiyao felt like he didn't sit for a while, and the alarm clock set on his mobile phone rang.

He helped to put away the takeaway box, took the book that will be used later and said, "Brother, I went to class."

Bai Jinyan got up and took his coat, put his arms around him and kissed him, "I'll take you to the classroom."

Qiao Huaiyao went to class, and he didn't bother to stay in the dormitory by himself. He just returned to the set after seeing off Qiao Huaiyao.

Bai Jinyan took Qiao Huaiyao's book in his hand, "Let's go."

"it is good."


The experimental equipment arrived much earlier than Qiao Huaiyao expected.

It was still dark, and the phone by the bed was ringing non-stop.

Qiao Huaiyao was woken up, took a look at the phone, and several receipt information were refreshed in it.

[Your 'experimental equipment' has arrived downstairs in the Tsingda University laboratory, please sign for it in time.]

[If there is a problem with the goods received, you can refuse to sign, and contact this number in time, we will have professional customer service within three days to give you a perfect solution.]

Qiao Huaiyao frowned, arrived

He originally thought it would be next week, but the laboratory was just cleaned yesterday, and the experimental equipment was brought downstairs to the laboratory today.

It was unexpectedly fast.

But the stuff has arrived, and it's always worth taking a look.

Bai Jinyan set off for Ningxing today, and left in the early morning.

Qiao Huaiyao got up and sent a good morning message to Bai Jinyan, then got up and walked into the bathroom.

Before the morning class started, Qiao Huaiyao had already arrived at the laboratory.

He stood downstairs, holding the list in his hand, watching the staff who came with the car carry it inside.

Check the list from time to time to confirm the quantity of experimental equipment sent in this batch.

The name of the device is on the box.

Wait a while to unpack and put everything in order, and then check it again.

The first few small experimental equipment went in, and the staff had to wait for the staff to come down before moving them.

These equipment cannot pass through other people's hands, otherwise, if there is a problem, the responsibility will not be easy to divide.

While waiting for someone, Qiao Huaiyao sent a message to Bai Jinyan with his mobile phone.

Qiao Huaiyao: [Brother, are you in the car yet?]

Bai Jinyan: [The crew just finished filming here, and now they are going to leave.]

Qiao Huaiyao: [Maomao nods. jpg, the experimental equipment has been delivered.]

Bai Jin said: [Yes. Check to see if there is anything missing.]

From ordering to delivery, the company has always had a fixed time to report the location, and Bai Jinyan naturally knew that the experimental equipment would be delivered today.

It was a surprise for Qiao Huaiyao that the experimental equipment, which had been waiting for a while, was delivered in advance.

Qiao Huaiyao bent his eyes, [Enough.]

He told Bai Jinyan that the equipment on the list was far less than the experimental equipment sent over now.

It must be that when his brother was choosing things, he added some more.

Bai Jinyan: [The crew has something to do, I'll tell you in the car later.]

Qiao Huaiyao: [Okay, brother, you go first.]

Bai Jin said: [Hey, touch your head. jog.]

During the typing chat, Qiao Huaiyao ticked off a few more on the list.

Qiu Shufeng and the others originally thought that after cleaning up the basic equipment yesterday, they would come here today for sanitation and disinfection.

As a result, I was stunned downstairs.

Qiu Shufeng scratched his head, he couldn't help but feel a little unreal, "God of learning? Your lab is so quick to apply, how come the lab equipment arrives so fast?"

Experimental equipment is different from a laboratory. The laboratory already exists and is still free. After you apply, there is a probability that the laboratory will be used by you.

But experimental equipment, some specific equipment, or equipment that cannot be reused, are all included in the loss.

The experiment has not yet started, so many equipments have been added

Qiu Shufeng couldn't count how many large items were moved in, but the large truck that transported the goods was really not small, and he had been watching this item being moved here for a while.

And judging from the packaging diagram, there are many equipment that are not common, at least the kind that will never be used in the experimental class.

It will only be more difficult to apply for conventional equipment that is not arranged by the school.

Wang Zhan didn't understand either, "Why is the school so generous this time?"

"My brother bought it." Qiao Huaiyao wrote on the list while explaining, "I didn't apply for experimental equipment from the school."

Slow approval is one thing, but also... the school has limited funds.

Qiu Shufeng felt dizzy when he heard these words.

How much does it cost!

Experimental equipment is generally recognized as expensive. Those big luxury brands, perhaps the most expensive clothes or bags, may not be able to buy a special screw for experimental equipment.

Wang Zhan gasped, "I apologize for my outrageous words before."

How dare he? How dare you say that it was for the god of learning to do experiments

If he really found it, his father and uncle would have to scream over him.

It’s true that experiments burn money, but it’s even more expensive for Xueshen to do experiments.

Yu Xingfan said indifferently: "As for it? The god of learning is not bad, and Brother Bai is not bad either."

Qiu Shufeng: "..."

That's true, spending the money might just be a little bit of pocket money.

Wang Zhan froze for a moment, and suddenly thought of something.

Regardless of Bai Jinyan's identity as an artist, as far as he can find it online, Bai Jinyan also runs a company.

It seems that there is also investment in the production of experimental equipment.

It was news a long time ago. At that time, many people were guessing that Bai Jinyan was a star and would not open a brokerage company. It is understandable to engage in finance, after all, he makes money.

But what does a company that invests in experimental equipment do

They were curious, and Bai Jinyan didn't give any response on this matter.

The fans are also used to it, and there has been no news since then, and the matter just passed away.

Because of the high popularity, Wang Zhan also paid attention to the setting of basically all detectives for a while.

I didn't know what was going on at the time, but thinking about it now...

Wang Zhan narrowed his eyes, amazed at his own imagination, "These are not the experimental equipment that Brother Bo specially customized for you, right?"

Qiao Huaiyao paused with his fingertips. He actually didn't know very well, but as for experimental equipment, unless some equipment itself is specially modified for the experiment, at other times, most of the equipment has fixed data and cannot be modified.

After thinking about it, Qiao Huaiyao said, "No."

After all the equipment is carried upstairs and placed according to the planned location of the laboratory.

The staff member wiped off his sweat, "That's all, thank you for checking it, and I will report to the higher authorities if there is any problem."

The experimental equipment is expensive, and obviously some materials are not so fragile and easy to break, but some experimental equipment will break if it is slightly bumped.

At that time, it is good to have inaccurate values, and most of them simply cannot be used directly.

Qiao Huaiyao walked in and started to check the experimental equipment closest to the door.

New experimental equipment will inevitably have a material smell, and some new experimental equipment will take a long time before they can be used normally.

In the high school experiment before, I used the equipment prepared by the government, and it had that smell.

The batch of equipment that Bai Jinyan gave him didn't have that pungent smell, but instead had a faint fragrance. I couldn't tell what it was, but it didn't smell bad anyway.

Qiao Huaiyao used a solution to do a simple peeling, and it took only 20 minutes to check it.

"Okay, no problem." Qiao Huaiyao signed the acceptance form, "Thanks for your hard work."

"Should be." The staff took the list and did not forget to take away the packages containing the equipment when they went out.

Qiu Shufeng swept away the dirt on the ground with the broom, and asked inadvertently, "Xue Shen, are you going to enter the laboratory?"

Generally, for students entering the laboratory, the teacher submits an application, and the instructor will arrange everything, and there is no need to go to class.

But you still have to take part in the final exam.

If your experiment results before the final exam, and the results are very different, you may be allowed to skip the final exam.

If you concentrate on the laboratory, you can watch the in-class tutorials if you have time.

Qiu Shufeng thought that Qiao Huaiyao would not be in class all the time, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

He couldn't help feeling sad, "What will I do in the next exam?"

Qiao Huaiyao poured the experimental liquid into a professionally disposed trash can, and said casually, "If you don't know how to do it, you can come to the laboratory to find me."

He is very familiar with the textbooks of the Chemistry Department of Tsinghua University. Even if he is asked to write the original text of the textbook silently during the exam, Qiao Huaiyao can write it out.

Exam questions are an extension of the tutorial. For Qiao Huaiyao, it may be easier than writing the original text silently.

"Okay!" Qiu Shufeng responded immediately, and immediately became more motivated, "With your words, I feel relieved."

During the previous exam, Qiao Huaiyao had sorted out the notes that Qiao Huaiyao gave him. There was no class at that time.

Qiu Shufeng fully believed in Qiao Huaiyao's self-learning ability.

The reason why the god of learning can be called the god of learning may be because the god is in this kind of place.

After Qiao Huaiyao finished, he turned on the self-cleaning of the experimental equipment, turned around and said, "Let's go, go to class first."

Self-cleaning takes two hours, and it is just right to check the time after class.

Qiu Shufeng put his hand on Wang Zhan's shoulder, waved and said, "Let's go."


The sky was gloomy, and before the second class in the morning was halfway through, it was snowing heavily outside.

Looking through the window, the vision was blurred by the vast expanse of whiteness.

There is no snow on the ground yet, but the green belt wrapped by the roadside is covered with a layer of white snow.

The teacher handed out a paper, judging from the handwriting on it, it should be written by the teacher himself.

Everyone is doing the questions quietly, occasionally whispering to each other, and some secretly searching for answers on their mobile phones. It's not an exam, but they will talk about the questions in order later, and they all figure out which question is their turn, so hurry up and find the answer.

Qiao Huaiyao wasn't in a hurry. He glanced at Ningxing's weather forecast. When he checked last night, the weather forecast still showed sunny days and normal temperature.

Looking at it now, it has been replaced by heavy snow.

Ningxing is near here, and the weather is not too bad.

The weather forecast on their side showed snow very early.

Counting the time, Bai Jinyan should still be on the way.

Qiao Huaiyao flicked the phone lightly with her fingertips: [Brother, is it snowing heavily over there?]

Bai Jinyan: [It's not very big yet, the press conference will be changed indoors, so it may end early.]

Qiao Huaiyao thought for a while, then typed and said: [It's not easy to walk on snowy roads. If it's too late, you can rest nearby for a night and come back at dawn tomorrow.]

The snowy road is difficult to walk, let alone at night.

Bai Jinyan didn't respond, but just sent a head-touching emoji.

Qiao Huaiyao was about to continue typing, only to hear the teacher who came back from receiving the hot water say, "Qiao Huaiyao? Are you done?"

Maybe it was because other students were writing furiously, but Qiao Huaiyao was the only one holding the pen.

The teacher can't help but ask such a sentence.

The paper under his hand didn't even write his name, Qiao Huaiyao: "Teacher, I..."

"Exactly, the teacher took the wrong paper, you come up and write your answer on the blackboard." The teacher stretched himself, he didn't bring the answer, and he had to do it again if he wrote it himself, just let the students who are good at learning do it for him.

The teacher blew hot tea and said: "Just write in order, and don't forget to mark the title."

Qiao Huaiyao didn't say anything after hearing the words, and went up with the blank paper.

After reviewing the questions, write down the answers.

Qiu Shufeng: "???"

I just made a few questions, and Qiao Huaiyao answered the whole paper

This is faster than searching online.

There are not many questions on one paper, and there are multiple choice questions and filling in the blanks. Only a small part of the blackboard is used to write the answers.

The answers to the remaining big questions are enough to fill the entire blackboard.

When Qiao Huaiyao was writing, except for folding the test papers and turning the pages, the hand holding the chalk writing did not stop.

While drinking tea, the teacher leisurely watched Qiao Huaiyao write on the blackboard.

When he finished the last stroke, the teacher turned his head and asked, "Have everyone finished their papers?"

Many students wailed and yelled in unison: "No!"

If you have an answer and don't know the process, you will still be confused when you talk about it later.

I can only say no, to buy time.

The teacher sighed, "Okay, write for another half an hour, Qiao Huaiyao, go back first."

Qiao Huaiyao put down the chalk, "OK."

The teacher compares the answers on the blackboard with the blank paper in his hand.

As soon as Qiao Huaiyao sat down, Qiu Shufeng turned sideways and said in a low voice, "God of Xue, let me have a look at your paper. Some questions are blocked and I can't see them."

There is a tall classmate in front of me who just blocks those questions.

There were several rows away, and Qiu Shufeng couldn't make that student lower down a little.

Qiao Huaiyao didn't give him the test paper directly, but asked, "Which question?"

"It's a bit worse." Qiu Shufeng was embarrassed to ask Qiao Huaiyao to tell him the answer one by one. When Qiao Huaiyao put the test paper on the table, he subconsciously glanced at it, and then saw a completely blank, new one. A test paper with nothing but folded marks.

Qiu Shufeng: "...?"

Wait, what's the situation? I'm a little dizzy.

Qiu Shufeng couldn't believe it, "Xue Shen, why is your test paper empty?"

"I didn't write it just now." Qiao Huaiyao had been chatting with Bai Jinyan since he got the paper.

"The answer on the blackboard...?" Qiu Shufeng probably already had the answer when he asked this question.

Qiao Huaiyao said lightly, "I wrote it up."

Qiu Shufeng and Wang Zhan were dumbfounded.

Forget about the multiple choice questions, it doesn't seem to be surprising to see an answer at a glance with the strength of the god of learning.

But that is to say, why is the big question written so smoothly? It has not been modified at all, as if from the first word, you already know how to write the following content.

Qiu Shufeng couldn't help but said: "Xue Shen, don't write so easily next time, I think I can do it too."

Wang Zhan dismantled the situation without hesitation, "You can do it with a hammer, you can't do this in your dreams. Think of it as elementary school one plus one."

"You sixth child, I'm really..." Qiu Shufeng didn't answer any questions, turned and dueled with him under the desk.

There was no need to hand in the test paper, so Qiao Huaiyao didn't fill in the answers again.

Continue to send messages to Bai Jinyan with the mobile phone.

There are several unread messages on the phone.

Bai Jin said: [Here we are, the road is bad and later than the expected time, so I canceled the make-up.]

[After the press conference will be broadcast live, I may not be able to reply to your message.]

A few more messages followed one after another. Perhaps Bai Jinyan also realized that Qiao Huaiyao was not looking at his phone, but he still reported the situation on his side at any time.

Qiao Huaiyao: [Okay. Just went to the blackboard to write the answer. Brother, be careful.]

Bai Jin said: [Yes. Will you watch the live broadcast later?]

Qiao Huaiyao raised his eyebrows, pursed his lips and smiled intentionally and said: [Don't watch, the live broadcast of the press conference is nothing interesting.]

Bai Jin said: [Don't you want to watch it? Then I won't send you the process.]

Qiao Huaiyao was stunned, and typed quickly, but before the news was sent, Bai Jinyan had already sent the schedule.

Qiao Huaiyao tried hard to suppress the corners of her lips that could not help but cough lightly to hide the smile on her face.

Long press the picture with your fingertips to save the flow chart.

Most of the time is given to the media to ask questions, not random questions. In order to control the scene, the crew will add their own people among the many media reporters.

When asking questions, if you ask targeted questions, your own media will promptly cover them.

In addition, there are some classic scenes in the restoration play.

This drama has been on hold for a long time, not because there is any problem with the drama itself, but because I have been waiting for a good opportunity, thinking about the holidays, but there are always things that prevent it from going to theaters smoothly.

Now it's finally settled, and the press conference is held immediately.

There will be more than one press conference, and how to arrange it after that has not yet been decided.

Qiao Huaiyao sent several more messages to Bai Jinyan one after another. The teacher got up to arrange the students to give lectures, so he put down his phone.


The live broadcast started early.

The press conference officially started at one o'clock in the afternoon, and the live broadcast began at twelve o'clock.

Qiao Huaiyao had two classes in a row in the morning. As soon as the teacher announced that the get out of class was over, he used his mobile phone to enter the live broadcast room.

I don't know if it's a problem with the mobile phone traffic, or because there are too many people and the picture is stuck.

"Student God—I treat you?" Bai Jinyan didn't come, and Qiu Shufeng tried to bring back the meal he owed.

Qiao Huaiyao shook the phone, "Watch the live broadcast."

Wang Zhan threw himself on Qiu Shufeng's back, "I know this, isn't it "Homecoming"? It has been promoted a long time ago, how long has the poster been out, and it is only now online, and I have already booked tickets."

Qiao Huaiyao's reserved movie is another one. This one can be reserved when the tickets are officially sold after the pre-sale.

Qiu Shufeng joked with a smile: "You guys are too... Tsk, alas, that's probably what happens when you fall in love."

No matter how busy you are, you have to eat together. Bai Jinyan went to work, and Qiao Huaiyao also had to pay attention to the live broadcast room. He really couldn't leave for a while.

Yu Xingfan said indifferently: "You, a single dog, definitely can't understand."

Qiao Huaiyao took the book, got up and said, "Let's go."

Now the snow is not as big as before, and the snow on the ground has not turned into ice, so it is not very slippery.

But Qiao Huaiyao still didn't go outside, but went directly from the teaching building to the right, this corridor can lead directly to the stop of the school bus.

Qiao Huaiyao put on the bluetooth headset and stayed in the live broadcast room for a while. The live broadcast stabilized and was not as stuck as before.

In the live broadcast room, Bai Jinyan was playing with the hero's weapon in the movie, but he didn't respond when he watched the barrage.

Barrage: "I didn't come in to see your cold face, give me a smile."

"Fuck, if it weren't for Bai Jinyan's moving hands, I would have thought there was a promotional poster here."

"I want to swear, but I can't swear with this face. I feel wronged."

Qiao Huaiyao gave gifts as usual, and after discovering that the platform had released new special effects, he picked out two of the good-looking ones.

Then... The live broadcast room got stuck.

Qiao Huaiyao watched helplessly as after the three gifts, the screen of the live broadcast room was stuck to a black screen, and then the screen of Bai Jinyan appeared occasionally, and then disappeared again soon.

It got stuck several times, and the live room didn't return to normal until the special effect of the gift was played.

Bai Jinyan frowned, and clicked on the gift list.

The bullet screens all said: "Brother Bai said not to buy gifts, who is so ignorant?"

"It's over, it's over, is Bai Jinyan angry?"

"It has nothing to do with me. I don't have money to give gifts. Don't hurt me, an ordinary little fan."

A large barrage of bullet screens passed.

At this time, Bai Jinyan had already opened the gift list.

Looking at the name on it, Bai Jinyan paused with his fingertips, and his complexion softened immediately. He leaned back on the chair, and slightly raised his mouth, "Thank you Huaiyao for the fireworks, and thank you boss."

After finishing speaking, Bai Jinyan turned his head and said, "Is the person in charge of the live streaming software here? Check it out, why did you send a gift card like this? There is something wrong with the software."


"I'm waiting for you to get angry. I'm ready to scold you. You've changed my face with this click?"

"Jojo sent it? Then I understand."

"Don't blame Qiao Qiao! It's all my fault for the live room card! Qiao Qiao is innocent."

"I gave the gift, it has nothing to do with Qiao Qiao!"

"Good guy, you are indeed wearing a fan brand. You learned this change of face from Bai Jinyan, didn't you?"

Bai Jinyan smiled and asked, "get out of class is over?"

Qiao Huaiyao typed and said, "Yes."

Bai Jinyan nodded and said: "Be careful when you go back to the dormitory, the road is covered with snow, remember to take an umbrella."

Qiao Huaiyao brought a folded umbrella when he came to class, but it was troublesome to open an umbrella just after he came out of the teaching building and went straight to the car.

When he got out of the car, he thought about the last few steps before going back to the dormitory against the snow.

Although I thought so, I still replied when typing: "Okay."

Now there is nothing to do while sitting, the other dressing rooms are busy in full swing, compared to the other side, Bai Jinyan's side is much more brisk.

He was casually talking to Qiao Huaiyao, concerned about what he would do when he returned to the dormitory, and arranged everything properly.

The viewers in the live broadcast room said one after another: "Without Qiao Qiao, you are like a sculpture sitting there. If you don't know, you may think that the program crew has dumbed you down. When Qiao Qiao comes, you will be completely talkative."

"I said what's wrong with this live broadcast room, why is no one calling **?"

"Damn! Why can't I type those two words."

"'lao po'? Brother Bo should have set these two words as prohibited words. Otherwise, we would have swiped the screen long ago, okay?"

"Good guy, Bai Jinyan, can't you afford it!"

Qiao Huaiyao went back to the dormitory despite the heavy snow, and didn't watch the live broadcast room, but with the headphones on, he could hear what Bai Jinyan said.

As soon as he returned to the dormitory, Bai Jinyan was ready to go on stage.

The pictures in the personal live broadcast room are unified and organized into the total live broadcast shot.

Qiao Huaiyao patted the unmelted snow on his body, hung up his coat, turned around and nestled into the sofa to watch the live broadcast.

The leading actors participating in the filming are all standing on the stage.

The camera must be aimed at the most central C position. The director did not show off at this time, nor did he stand in a row with the protagonists, just walking back and forth in front.

The leading actors are dressed as they are in the play.

The camera would shift occasionally, but Qiao Huaiyao's gaze was always on Bai Jinyan. Even in the entertainment circle full of handsome men and beautiful women, Bai Jinyan's appearance was still eye-catching.

Yu Ji held up the microphone and asked, "May I ask Bai Jinyan, your next movie will also be a movie with the main theme, will you consider changing or making a romantic drama?"

Bai Jinyan has never been exposed to scripts about love since his debut.

It was because of her young age before, but now she is old enough, and no news about any romantic drama has been released.

The director raised his eyebrows and winked at Yu Ji next to him.

Seeing this, Bai Jinyan said indifferently: "I don't think about it, I will never accept it. If there is any relevant news, I will directly transfer it to the company's legal affairs."

Yu Ji was stunned when he heard this crisp answer.

The next question he prepared was, if he had to think about it, which star in the circle would he want to play against.

As a result, the rejection is so straightforward now

"Uh..." Yu Ji hesitated, "Can I ask why?"

Bai Jinyan kept his face cold and expressionless: "Because I have someone I like, so I can't make emotional scenes with anyone."

From the beginning of entering the circle to now, there is only one reason for not accepting emotional dramas, and it has always been this one.

The media people present: "?!!"

-what? !

In a word, it was like a thunder on the ground.

Including Yuji, the actors on the stage were dumbfounded.

This, can this be said

Did you say girlfriend fans won’t drop

Hmm... Although Bai Jinyan doesn't rely on fans, and the main combat power is those fans who are fighting with Bai Jinyan.

Thinking about it carefully, there seems to be nothing that cannot be said.

Qiao Huaiyao on the other end of the phone suddenly opened his eyes wide, his heart pounding, and his brain crashed.

What about his brother...

Not only did the people at the scene fail to react, but there were gaps in the barrage in the live broadcast room.

It took a while to brush up: "I'll go!?"

"Really? Liar? How could such a thing be said so casually."

"Is it okay to like? I also have someone I like, but I'm still single. Calm down."

"Bai Jinyan's bad temper, who can bear it, go dreaming."

"Ah? What's the situation? Do you have someone you like? Mom won't allow it! Bai Jinyan said that you are still young, and your mother won't allow you to fall in love with anyone other than Qiao Qiao..."

"My Yaoyan CP, my dream is broken."

"Sister Calm, Bai Jinyan only said that he has someone he likes, but he didn't say that the person he likes is not Qiao Huaiyao."

"Hiss—reasonable, well-founded! This impure contemporary detective, my sister really deserves you!"

The barrage is nothing more than CP fans and Bai Jinyan's fan comments.

The two form a delicate balance.

Maybe he had a lot of confrontation with his fans, but Bo Jin said that the fans didn't believe it.

Qiao Huaiyao pursed his lips slightly. When he tapped on the screen, colorful love bubbles would pop up. He didn't type, but tapped twice slowly.

After thinking about it, I clicked a few more times.

After Bai Jinyan said this, the Yu Ji wanted to ask something more, but the director didn't give him this chance this time, and pointed directly at the Yu Ji next to him, "I didn't hear what you asked just now, please speak up Say."

With this interruption, Yu Ji, who asked questions at the beginning, was pushed to the back of the crowd.

About the person Bai Jinyan said he likes, quietly went on the hot search.

Fans don't believe it or not, but it's still very real to find someone by digging into the details.

I searched over and over again.

It's because he didn't find a shadow of someone he might like in a certain video of Bai Jinyan.

fan:"… "

This fellow is not really bluffing us, is he

After debuting for so many years, even the cat around him is male, where else can fans find it.

The heat in the live broadcast room dropped a bit, and the fans came back to watch the live broadcast after searching for nothing.

Qiao Huaiyao opened the phone holder and put the phone on it.

As soon as the angle was adjusted, Bai Jinyan, who was in the live broadcast, smiled towards the camera.

Because Bai Jinyan's expression was as indifferent as ever since he took the stage, this smile was very obvious.

At the same time, Qiao Huaiyao's cell phone buzzed.

He opened it suspiciously, and found that it was a message sent to him by Bai Jinyan: [The live broadcast has started for two hours, I miss you.]

Lu Lu was right under the stage, and the camera could occasionally catch it.

This message... should have been scheduled before Bai Jinyan took the stage, and it was automatically sent on time.

A little smile appeared on Qiao Huaiyao's face, he tilted his head, and Bai Jinyan on the other side of the camera did not look away, as if their eyes were facing each other at the moment.

Qiao Huaiyao hung his fingertips on the screen of the phone. After thinking for a while, he also replied with a message: [Persist a little longer and it will be over, cat cat loiter.jpg]

Every half an hour thereafter, regular messages would be sent to Qiao Huaiyao's cell phone.

Qiao Huai replied while watching the live broadcast.

None of them fell.

At the end of the live broadcast with half an hour left, Qiao Huaiyao replied: [Thank you! hug.]

When the live broadcast was over, the leading actors on stage bowed and thanked each other.

The live broadcast room was closed amid the wailing of the audience.

Bai Jinyan also replied to this message: [Who to hug?]

Qiao Huaiyao lightly smiled and said: [Hug my brother!]

Bai Jin said: [Is it just brother?]

Qiao Huaiyao blinked lightly, then stopped immediately.

Just looking at this news, he vaguely felt that the temperature in the room seemed a bit high, but Bai Jinyan said that today was a hard day...

Qiao Huaiyao's fingertips slowly swipe across the keyboard, [Hug...boyfriend.]

Before sending it out, there was already warmth on his face.

However, Bai Jinyan's reply was: [Is there any more?]

It seemed to be a little vague, so he added: [Two words.]

Qiao Huaiyao's breathing was stagnant, and the warmth spreading from behind her ears immediately flushed her cheeks.

Bai Jinyan was waiting for an answer, Qiao Huaiyao pursed his lips, and was about to send an emoji, but after thinking about it, he typed instead: [Hug brother!]

two words.

Word for word.

Seeing this answer, Bai Jinyan chuckled, thinking that Qiao Huaiyao on the other side of the phone might have blushed too hard to speak.

Qiao Huaiyao's complexion was fair, and it was especially obvious when she blushed, especially when she was distracted and pretended to be calm.

Whenever he showed that expression, Bai Jinyan couldn't help but want to tease him, kiss him, and make him blush even more.

But now with the mobile phone and no one around, Bai Jinyan stopped teasing him.

Bai Jinyan thought for a while, and called him. It was not a video call, but a pure voice call.

After a while, the phone was connected, and a mosquito-like voice sounded from the opposite side: "Brother."

Bai Jinyan responded with a light smile, and asked, "Did you eat on time today?"

Qiao Huaiyao said, "Eat."

They are all takeaways delivered on time, so there is no possibility of them not being on time.

"The gifts you gave have all been discounted to my card."

There was no commission for the live broadcast, and the original price of the gift from Qiao Huaiyao went to Bai Jinyan.

Bai Jinyan's eyes were full of smiles, "Thank you baby for the pocket money."

Qiao Huaiyao paused for a moment when his eyes fell on the roses, "It's your reward for your hard work today."

Bai Jinyan hesitated, "Then can I change it?"

"What?" Qiao Huaiyao subconsciously asked.

Before Bai Jinyan went out, he lowered his voice in the noisy backstage, "Change it to a kiss."

Qiao Huaiyao pursed her lips and said in a low voice, "This... no exchange."

After finishing speaking, after realizing what he said, Qiao Huaiyao curled up his hand on the pillow instantly, and touched the tassels of the pillow with his fingertips.

On the other side of the phone, after a moment of silence, there was a chuckle.

Wearing earphones, the chuckle seems to be close to the ear, and you can feel the heat of your breath in a trance.

Qiao Huaiyao closed his eyes, changed the subject without any trace and asked him: "During the live broadcast just now, why did you suddenly mention...that matter?"

It is to change the subject, and I am really curious to ask.

Based on Bai Jinyan's personality in the circle, even if he ignores this question directly, if he didn't hear it, no one will say anything.

But his brother answered seriously this time.

Bai Jinyan walked around the crowd and walked into the car. He actually heard what Qiao Huaiyao didn't say clearly, but he didn't answer directly, but asked him instead: "What's the matter?"

Bai Jinyan was obviously teasing him again, Qiao Huaiyao immediately sat up, "Brother!"

Bai Jinyan coaxed softly, "Yes, I'm here."

He restrained his smile and explained: "I just suddenly thought..."

After a pause, Bai Jinyan felt that this explanation was not satisfactory, and he said softly, "I can't say it was sudden, I thought about it a long time ago."

Qiao Huaiyao asked suspiciously, "Think... what?"

In the empty car, Bai Jinyan looked out the window at the pitch black night, and said in a deep voice, "I want to tell everyone that you are mine."