Within the Web Streaming Business

Chapter 75: discuss


Lu Lu scratched his head, feeling that he didn't understand you rich people very well.

And... Brother Bo seems to have more than one card, but now Bai Jinyan didn't specifically emphasize which card he handed in.

Combined with Lu Lu's understanding of Bai Jinyan since he became an assistant, Bai Jinyan was obviously in a good mood when talking about this matter.

Therefore, Lu Lu squinted his eyes, and finally came to the conclusion that he might not have handed in all the cards, and he kept none of them.

Although it is very convenient to pay by mobile phone now, it is still a small amount of less than 100,000 yuan. If you want to buy a high-end item, buy a company or something, you can’t use your mobile phone to transfer money.

It's not realistic or possible.

So, losing the joy of consumption... What is he, Brother Bo, happy about

Bai Jinyan was holding the necklace box, which was padded with black suede, and he casually took a photo.

After careful examination, I was not satisfied, so I took a few pictures from other angles.

Lu Lu's mobile phone received a message from outside, he raised his head and said, "Brother Bai, there are a little less people on the red carpet now, why not?"

Bai Jinyan closed the lid of the necklace, stood up and said, "Let's go."

Lu Lu nodded, and reached out to take the necklace box, but Bai Jinyan didn't intend to leave the necklace in the lounge.

After a short pause, Lu Lu went to the front to open the door, and didn't bother about the necklace anymore.

Lu Lu said: "Brother Bo, the photographer of the studio is also inside, wearing a badge on his chest, um... when we leave..."

Having said that, Lu Lu hesitated a little, as Bai Jinyan knew exactly what it was like to walk on the red carpet.

The only red carpet photo shoot was when Qiao Huaiyao was around, and the others were just luck shots in the studio.

Lu Lu hesitated to speak, and his voice was very low. When he opened the door, the chaotic voices outside were subdued, and he couldn't even hear himself talking.

Simply walk ahead to open the way, shouting: "Brother Bai, go to the right, I will clear the way for you!"

From walking on the red carpet to entering and sitting indoors, it takes about five to ten minutes if the speed is fast.

Bai Jinyan sent a message to report to this man who couldn't look at his phone for a few minutes.

After receiving Qiao Huaiyao's text message reply, Bai Jinyan put away his phone and walked onto the red carpet.


The fifth floor of the International Laboratory.

Miao Wenxuan held the instructions and explained while translating, turning over the pictures for them to see from time to time.

Because there are too many things, it is already two hours after all these things are explained.

From the time I came in until now, I have stayed here for half an afternoon.

Miao Wenxuan's voice was almost hoarse, and he talked while drinking water, "Okay, that's about it. If you have any other questions, you can ask me at any time. Now..."

Miao Wenxuan looked at the time and said, "Let's go to the fourth floor now."

Qiao Huaiyao signed the confirmation form, and instead of following the crowd, he followed silently with his hands in his pockets.

Qiu Shufeng and the others were also by Qiao Huaiyao's side, separated from the other students by a lot.

"I asked the seniors who came here to visit before. The visit time of each floor is about ten to twenty minutes. It depends on whether we will encounter experimental personnel who are not easy to mess with. We just stayed on the fifth floor for so long. .”

Think about it and get a little excited.

The time they only spent on this floor has exceeded expectations.

Moreover, the senior explained in detail the experimental equipment that is not commonly seen outside, earning a lot of money.

I didn't meet any bad-tempered experimenters either. Later, there were indeed more and more experimenters on the fifth floor, but they didn't lose their temper or anything.

They all stayed quietly and looked at the string of lists, maybe they were also curious about how much it cost to buy them.

No one knows the price of experimental equipment better than the experimenters working in the laboratory.

If there is no priority, you can get discounts after joining the job, and the qualifications to apply for experimental equipment, you can buy it yourself, and their laboratory can't support it.

It’s not enough to spend so much money for an experiment a year to win prizes and bonuses.

Too curious to care about anything else.

After the meal time, I didn't meet the grumpy experimenters who came out to eat and drove them away.

The luck is really good.

Wang Zhan smiled, and put his arm around Qiu Shufeng's shoulders, "The rest will be demonstrations of the use of experimental equipment, so you have to watch it carefully. If you perform well, you may be able to apply for a trial by yourself. If you miss this village, you won't have this shop."

"I... how is it possible, there must be a chance." Qiu Shufeng raised his elbow and bumped into him, and said with confidence: "I have a good relationship with the Xueshen, and I can watch it when I go back to help the Xueshen!"

Qiu Shufeng raised his jaw proudly, "Are you a god of learning?"

Qiao Huaiyao said lightly, "Yes."

"I want to learn God too!" Wang Zhan immediately let go of Qiu Shufeng and moved closer to Qiao Huaiyao. "I work neatly. I don't need wages. I don't need to be named. The highest record of staying up late is three days without sleep. I can help you keep an eye on the progress of the experiment!"

Qiu Shufeng locked his throat, and grabbed him back like a chicken, "You want a hammer, shut up and don't grab me."

Open your mouth and stay up late for three days, you are trying to kill me. Are you waiting to boil the eagle? !

The laboratory is so big, and there are only so many opportunities to fight.

Can you just grab me directly

Teacher Peng glanced back when he heard the movement, "Be quiet, there are all experimental equipment here, be careful if you accidentally break your wallet."

Jingui's machine may go on strike if you accidentally tap it.

If this fight is affected, it is no small matter.

"Good teacher!" Qiu Shufeng immediately touched his head, perfectly showing his brotherly friendship with Wang Zhan.

fight? nonexistent.

The relationship is very good.

Wang Zhan took a step too late to pluck Qiu Shufeng's hair.

But there was still a slight smile in Mr. Peng's eyes, and the corner of his mouth overflowed slightly: "You're a fucking dog..."

Qiao Huaiyao took a pen and left a few lines on the shopping receipt given by the cashier just now, and said casually: "This experiment will help you in your future studies, come and have a look."

"Okay! Here we come!" Wang Zhan immediately raised his hand and spoke before Qiu Shufeng.

If he and Qiu Shufeng hadn't choked each other, he would have walked over.

Qiu Shufeng hissed, and didn't waste any more time with him here, and pushed him away in disgust, "Here I come, Xue Shen."

But when he walked to the front, Qiu Shufeng's eyes were darkened. He saw that Miao Wenxuan was still selecting the experimental materials for demonstration, and he asked in a daze, "What kind of experiment is this?"

Did senior Miao Wenxuan say that just now? Qiu Shufeng tried his best to dig out his memory, but it seemed that he didn't have any.

He should have heard what was said.

Qiao Huaiyao didn't know either, he could analyze the experimental content from the experimental materials, but now there is nothing, only a machine.

This machine can do a lot of experiments, with content in all directions and angles, guessing without any clues, the probability of one in a thousand.

Therefore, he does not know what kind of experiment it is.

Qiao Huaiyao clicked on a few lines of small English characters next to it, on which there is the full name of the machine, "This machine is relatively high-grade, and it is basically used for A and above. No matter what the specific experiment content is, this experiment will be helpful to you. .”

Qiu Shufeng glanced at it, and he couldn't understand English even after CET-6.

However, if Xueshen said it was useful to them, it must be of great use.

Qiu Shufeng firmly believed in Qiao Huaiyao's words, "I understand Xueshen, I will read it carefully and try to memorize it."

The last time Xueshen said it was useful was when I was looking at a notebook.

He read the exam carefully and passed it once, so he must be right to listen to the god of learning.

Yu Xingfan knew that Qiao Huaiyao didn't like to be crowded with others, so he found a place not too far away, "Xueshen, come here."

Qiu Shufeng also greeted, "Let's go, the four of us are together."

Qiao Huaiyao thought about it, but he didn't stand in the front row that Yu Xingfan gave up.

He has operated this machine many times by hand, so it is better to leave them with a clearer angle to see the experimental process without looking at the details.

Qiu Shufeng still wanted to be modest, but Qiao Huaiyao had already lowered his shoulders and pushed them in one by one.

Miao Wenxuan prepared the materials and was not in a hurry to start the experiment. Instead, he turned his head and said, "Qiao Huaiyao, do you want to try it?"

If it were someone else, Miao Wenxuan might not take the initiative to propose.

There are very few experiments that allow students who have not graduated to do it themselves, and most machines are prohibited because they are expensive.

If it breaks, I can't afford to pay for it, and their laboratory is not easy to solve.

Therefore, these public facilities can only be used with the permission of the experimenters.

But Qiao Huaiyao is different. If it breaks, it will be broken. Compared with what Qiao Huaiyao spent just now, the money for repairing the experimental equipment is a drop in the bucket.

This is even without the worries of money.

The most important thing is... Listening to Qiao Huaiyao's tone of voice just now, Miao Wenxuan always felt that he seemed to understand it very well.

Miao Wenxuan also wants to meet a student who can be called a genius by his instructor.

"No." Qiao Huaiyao had no interest in this experiment, "I'm not proficient in doing it, so I won't waste time..."

"It's okay, what's the matter." Miao Wenxuan smiled and put away the experimental materials and waited for him to come. "The professor said let me take good care of you. Come on, there is an experimental sequence. Try it. There are not many opportunities. If you miss it, you may not be able to meet it." machine."

The other students cast envious glances.

Being able to experiment with their own hands, even if it is only once, they did not come in vain this time.

Qiao Huaiyao didn't agree right away, "I'll give a demonstration, which doesn't count as an experiment opportunity. If there's no problem, give my roommate a few more experiment opportunities."

Miao Wenxuan froze for a moment, then grinned, "Okay, no problem."

Qiu Shufeng's eyes widened, he only hated that the teacher was present, he couldn't raise his hands and cheer for Qiao Huaiyao.

To be able to speak with such certainty, Qiao Huaiyao must have already made up his mind.

Miao Wenxuan handed over a pair of gloves, "Student Qiao, in this case, I won't be able to provide you with any help."

Demonstration and experimentation opportunities are still different.

The latter is an opportunity to have the teacher help you throughout the process.

"Hmm." Qiao Huaiyao put on his gloves, twisted his knuckles lightly, and glanced casually at the materials on the table.

With just one glance, Qiao Huaiyao had a rough idea of the experiment in his mind.

Qiu Shufeng and the others followed suit.

Before picking up the beaker, Qiao Huaiyao said, "I'm starting."

Miao Wenxuan raised his eyebrows slightly. If he read correctly, Qiao Huaiyao didn't seem to have read the experiment process that was at hand.

However, Miao Wenxuan didn't say anything, and nodded to indicate that he could start.

Qiao Huaiyao did not explain, this experiment is simple.

In the process of doing the experiment, the clouds flowed smoothly and there was no lag at all.

When some materials are weighed, the estimation is not accurate, and they have to be adjusted more or less when they are put on, adding a little bit, or taking it out.

This is very time-consuming, but you have to be careful.

If the measurement is wrong, it doesn't matter how the experiment process is, it is definitely wrong.

But Qiao Huaiyao couldn't, put it on, and pick it up depending on the weight.

It's as if you put it on a scale to determine the grams, and then move on to the next step.

Miao Wenxuan narrowed his eyes and carefully studied Qiao Huaiyao's hand.

Until the last step was over, Qiao Huaiyao took off his gloves and casually threw them into the waste material bucket beside him, "Okay."

Miao Wenxuan raised his jaw slightly.

Thinking of what Qiao Huaiyao said at the beginning of 'not very good'. Hmm... Not really, I just finished an experiment casually without reading the tutorial.

Miao Wenxuan couldn't help clapping his hands, "I finally know why the professor said that."

The experiment does not look at the experiment itself, but at Qiao Huaiyao's performance in this experiment.

Qiao Huaiyao raised his eyebrows, "Huh?"

Miao Wenxuan shook his head with a smile, without further explanation, he turned his head and said, "Who is the roommate? Come on, line up."

Qiu Shufeng: "!!!"

Suddenly there was a feeling of being taken away by the boss.

Qiu Shufeng was the first to be taken out by Miao Wenxuan to do experiments, and he didn't even have time to talk to Qiao Huaiyao.

After Qiao Huaiyao washed his hands, he walked out of the inner circle. Teacher Peng handed him a tissue, "The experiment was done well. I remember you applied for the laboratory, right? Have you considered your supervisor? You need a teacher for your graduation defense." Help you debate the Confucianism."

Mr. Peng promoted himself calmly, "My eloquence is pretty good."

Seeing Teacher Zhang, he couldn't help teasing him, "What, you want to poach the wall? The professor is still waiting. It's just a freshman, so you dug it too early."

Before the first winter vacation after enrolling, I began to prepare for my graduation defense.

Teacher Zhang crossed his arms and said with a smile: "Also, have you read the experiment that Qiao Huaiyao handed in? Go back and review it. If you really defend this material, the instructor will be confused by then."

Teacher Zhang shook his head, and couldn't help but think that maybe the difference between Qiao Huaiyao and other students is:

Another student replied: He wouldn't ask me questions, would he

Qiao Huaiyao replied, the teacher in the audience: He won't ask me questions, will he

Sometimes, the students are too strong, and the teachers are helpless.

Mr. Peng was seen through his little thoughts, and calmly said: "Don't you want to snatch it?"

Teacher Zhang coughed twice and avoided answering.

The two teachers chatted, but Qiao Huaiyao didn't speak.

He was leaning on the railing beside him to look at his phone, and there was a red carpet picture about Bai Jinyan on Weibo.

Every red carpet look is different, but because the picture resolution is too low, there are not many fans discussing Bai Jinyan's outfit.

The comment section is also mainly ridiculed: "If it weren't for the fact that the red carpet is not allowed to run, I am afraid that Bai Jinyan will regard this as the scene of the 50 sprint."

"I'm still rebellious, and I have to pick up the brand of this clothes today!"

"What's the matter, the red carpet burns your feet? Whose red carpet pictures are so blurry!"

"The photographer buckled the chicken legs, where was the photographer from last time? I want to see pictures of the same level as last time."

"I've never seen a celebrity who doesn't like to stay on the red carpet so much in my life. Look at the one next to her. The carpet is almost worn out under her feet. She's posing so hard that she can't move. Bai Jin said you should learn from others. "

In these pictures, the pictures behind Bai Jinyan are all clear.

It is enough to see how fast Bai Jinyan walked.

Qiao Huaiyao bent his eyes, and couldn't help but think of the news from Bai Jinyan that he received after stopping for more than ten minutes.

It's just that the makeup here is really not clear.

Qiao Huaiyao thought about it, and forwarded the message that Bai Jinyan had sent to him before on Weibo.

This one is Bai Jinyan taking a selfie in the lounge after finishing his styling.

I took it myself, and it was for Qiao Huaiyao to see, so it is clearer.

Qiao Huaiyao V: [LSAIPC's couture is impeccable under any light.]

Comment area: "???"

"Am I not mistaken, is this Bai Jinyan taking a selfie?"

"Hiss... Whenever I change my hair, I feel like it's a fan pic."

"Some people, the red carpet goes so fast, I don't see the clothes tags clearly. Then I took a selfie of my wife in private. What's the matter, is it illegal for me to take a look?!"

"Long time no see, Qiao Qiao. The last few episodes of the variety show have been suspended for unknown reasons, woo woo woo... miss you so much."

"Hey, looking at this photo, looking at Bai Jinyan's face, I really can't blame him. Is there any way I can save him in the late stages of Yan control?"

"I haven't posted on Weibo for a long time, but now I post on Weibo to praise my husband's clothes, heh, young couple in love."

"Qiao Qiao, you don't have to be so euphemistic, replace the words 'LSAIPC's high-end' with 'Bai Jinyan', we all understand!"

Because Bai Jinyan said that there is no normal picture in the relevant content of the red carpet this time, and the official picture will not be released until very late.

Therefore, after Qiao Huaiyao posted this Weibo, the official studio immediately forwarded it and added the red carpet related information.

It doesn't matter if it's not on the red carpet.

It's all about red carpet styling.

Qiao Huaiyao was flipping through the comments, and the experiment over there was over.

Miao Wenxuan was doing simple tidying up, while telling them what happened after going downstairs.

Qiu Shufeng came over and said, "Xueshen, let's go, let's go downstairs."

Qiao Huaiyao closed Weibo, "Yes."


Except for the relatively long delay on the fifth floor at the beginning.

The next few floors are simple demonstrations. Students can try the machines that can be used by themselves. If they don’t work, Miao Wenxuan will demonstrate and explain.

There are many exits in the international laboratory, but the one that usually walks the most, the only exit on the surface is the entrance, and the entrance is the exit.

From the fifth floor down to the entrance on the first floor, the visit ends in less than four hours.

Going out and seeing the sunshine outside, Qiu Shufeng stretched his waist, "Oh, it's over, it's like a dream."

Wang Zhan turned his head and looked at the laboratory building, "I have material for tonight's dream, so I'll do it when I get back."

Qiu Shufeng asked with a smile: "Xueshen, will you come to work here in the future?"

Qiao Huaiyao opened the car door, and said without hesitation, "No."

If some experiments can be done here, if they can also be done at Qingda University, he will still give priority to staying in Qingda University.

Qiu Shufeng froze for a moment, feeling incredible, but when he thought about it carefully, with Qiao Huaiyao's strength, he would shine wherever he stayed.

That feels reasonable.

Qiu Shufeng didn't get too entangled in this matter, and got into the car and put on his seat belt, "God Xue, are you going back to the hotel later?"

Qiao Huaiyao shook his head, "There is a brand catwalk show today, I'll go and see it."

Bai Jinyan said that he hadn't returned to the hotel yet, and it ended early here.

Qiu Shufeng smiled and said, "Xue Shen, you are still interested in this."

He also thought that Qiao Huaiyao's character of being indifferent to everything would not be interested in anything other than experiments.

Qiu Shufeng said: "But having said that, I remember that Brother Bai is also here? Why don't you go to Brother Bai?"

Qiao Huaiyao propped his chin with one hand, leaned his elbow on the armrest and looked out the window. Hearing this, he slowly raised half of his eyebrows and glanced at him sideways.

Qiu Shufeng suddenly fell into hesitation.

This is... what's wrong

How come I don't understand it.

Then, suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his head, and Qiu Shufeng understood it all at once.

Ah, let's go find Brother Bo.

The reason why I went to the show was because Brother Bo was there.

Wang Zhan put his hand on the edge of the chair, "Xueshen, are you planning to go too? I saw the promotional picture on the Internet before."

Qiao Huaiyao asked, "Are you interested?"

Wang Zhan shrugged, "I'm just curious. My uncle has a ticket. He took his daughter to see it. The ticket is not for public sale. I wanted to buy a few tickets for my brothers to watch, but I didn't have this opportunity."

For tickets that money can't buy, Wang Zhan can only look at the promotional pictures.

Qiao Huaiyao tapped her fingertips and said casually: "If you want to see it, just go there with me later."

He didn't have a ticket either, but... all the companies under their family, big or small, knew who he was.

And the butler will arrange everything.

He doesn't have to worry about tickets.

Wang Zhan's eyes lit up a little, "Brother Bai was invited to participate, isn't there a lot of free tickets?"

Qiao Huaiyao flicked his fingertips across the screen of the phone, and he didn't ask if there were free tickets, "I'm not sure. There should be."

"Huh?" Wang Zhan scratched his head, feeling a little logic bug.

Shouldn't it be to know that there are free tickets first, and then take them in.

Yu Xingfan tugged at the hem of his clothes, pulled out the man whose head was almost stuffed into the gap in the front seat, and handed him the phone silently.

"Why are you dragging me? I'm chatting with Xueshen." Wang Zhan was still cursing after being pulled out, "Whose phone is it? It's not mine."

He is holding the phone in his hand, what is Yu Xingfan doing

When he was wondering, Yu Xingfan motioned him to look at the content on his phone.

Wang Zhan took a closer look, oh, the brand of Winter Show, um, um... um

Wang Zhan: "..."

I stopped talking.

I used to have a relatively wide industrial chain, and I didn't have any concept of "wide", but now I probably understand it.

Indeed, very broad.

Take a special car from the international laboratory.

Return to the place where you gathered in the morning.

The car arranged by the butler is waiting here.

Qiao Huaiyao said, "Shall we all go together?"

Qiu Shufeng waved his hand, "I didn't sleep at night, and I'm so sleepy now, I have to go back to catch up on sleep, the two of them can go."

Just as Wang Zhan was about to talk, he touched his head and remembered that he forgot something, "Xueshen, you go first, I have to go back and get something."

Yu Xingfan also said, "I'll go back first too."

Qiao Huaiyao nodded, "If you go back, just ask the housekeeper to make arrangements."

Wang Zhan waved his hand and said with a smile, "Okay."


It took less time to come out of the laboratory than expected, but the weather was actually not very early.

Bai Jinyan didn't leave early, and kept chatting on the phone about the progress.

As soon as Qiao Huaiyao's car stopped, the person in charge standing beside him stepped forward to open the car door with a smile on his face, "Good afternoon, young master."

"The location has been arranged, right next to Brother Bo."

The more advanced the show, the higher the requirements for the people who come to watch the show.

A little carelessness may lose the reputation of the brand, so the seats are relatively loose.

Knowing that Qiao Huaiyao was coming, the person in charge arranged directly beside Bai Jinyan.

That in itself is the best place to watch the show, plus the two of them know each other, so it's great to be with friends when watching the show.

Qiao Huaiyao didn't wear high-definition clothes, but picked out a piece of ordinary clothes from the suitcase.

After all, he went to the laboratory first, and it was not appropriate to wear high definition.

"Master, I have arranged Chinese tea and snacks, as well as some Western-style afternoon tea." The person in charge said as he walked in: "Apart from these, what else does the young master want to eat today, or need something else?" What? I'll have someone prepare it."

Qiao Huaiyao said lightly, "No need."


The person in charge walked in front and waved his hand to indicate that there was no one entering the infield from this road, and the entire road was vacant for Qiao Huaiyao to enter and exit.

It would be a lie to say I'm not nervous.

The person in charge walked in front, and felt that the carpet was a bit warped, so he had to grind it hard before passing.

I was afraid that something wrong would trip Qiao Huaiyao, so I just turned back and turned it into a letter of resignation.

In this short road, the sweat on the forehead of the person in charge came down after he walked by.

Fortunately, the lights inside were relatively dim, so no one could see his nervousness.

"Go this way, watch out for the steps."

There are few people in the first row, but it is only the place facing the center camera.

There are quite a lot of people on both sides.

It is naturally better to rub the heat and the camera in the first row, and there may not be a camera in the back row.

But... Those who can sit in the front row are not easy to mess with. In addition to the central position, the organizer will adjust the camera angle from time to time. Once someone who is not in the seat is found to sit down, the security guard will directly carry it away.

It doesn't matter whether the catwalk is going on or not, and it doesn't care about your face. If you become popular, you will lose your face. Black and red don't live like this.

The organizer's methods were vigorous and resolute, and the starlets who wanted to catch the heat were stupid to sit in the middle.

In this way, the piece in the middle is vacated, which is quite obvious from behind.

There are almost two or three seats separated from each other, especially Bai Jinyan's side.

Moreover, before Qiao Huaiyao arrived, Bai Jinyan had already set up a table beside the empty seat on the right.

The tables full of afternoon tea seemed a little out of place with this show.

Qiao Huaiyao: "Brother."

"En." Bai Jinyan stretched out his hand, and Qiao Huaiyao subconsciously passed it over when he saw this.

Bai Jinyan held his slightly cool fingertips, and led someone to sit beside him, "Why are you here so early?"

When the person in charge arranged afternoon tea here, Bai Jinyan guessed that Qiao Huaiyao would come.

When talking about the time while chatting, Qiao Huaiyao was still in the laboratory at that time, but he didn't expect to come here in a blink of an eye.

"The end has come a long time ago." Qiao Huaiyao tilted his head and leaned on his shoulder, "What do you think of this show?"

Bai Jinyan, who didn't look at it at all, just chatted with Qiao Huaiyao on his mobile phone and interacted with his children on Weibo, heard that he glanced at the petals on the stage, and said without changing his expression, "Not bad."

After a pause, it seemed that such a compliment was perfunctory, so he added: "It's very artistic."

Hearing these words, Qiao Huaiyao seemed to have heard something. He suppressed the corners of his mouth slightly and said seriously, "Do you think the fifth set of windbreaker is better, or the seventh set of goose down?"

Bai Jinyan held his hand to play with, and said casually, "Trench coat?"

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Bai Jinyan realized that the first few episodes were from the very beginning of the show.

Qiao Huaiyao was still in the laboratory at the time, how could he have time to watch the show

Bai Jinyan lowered his eyes slowly, and caught a glimpse of the smile on Qiao Huaiyao's face.

Qiao Huaiyao rolled his eyes and said narrowly, "I also think a windbreaker is better."

As soon as the words fell, he suddenly felt his waist tighten.

Qiao Huaiyao froze suddenly, before the corners of her raised mouth could fall, she rushed forward without warning, raised her hand to put on Bai Jinyan's shoulder, her eyes were full of surprise when she raised her eyes.

Bai Jin helped him to sit still without a trace, and pinched his cheek, "Go back and..."

Afterwards, the words disappeared in the ear, and the warm breath brushed against the ear, as if a light kiss fell inadvertently.

Under the dim light, Qiao Huaiyao's ear pinna appeared faint pink, and then became more and more red.

After being let go, he silently retracted to pillow on Bai Jinyan's shoulder, and caught a glimpse of the neck that was close at hand.

… Bite him!

Qiao Huaiyao lightly poked Bai Jinyan's leg with his fingertips.

Bai Jinyan stretched out his hand to catch him, but Qiao Huaiyao quickly withdrew his hand, and when Bai Jinyan missed it, he put his hand on his and pressed it down.

Bai Jinyan raised his eyebrows, taking advantage of Qiao Huaiyao's carelessness and following his example, he held down his hand.

Childish little gesture.

The two of them played like this for a long time. You press me, and I poke you.

Finally, Bai Jinyan grabbed Qiao Huaiyao's hand and interlocked his fingers on his lap.

Rubbing his hand lightly with his fingertips, Bai Jinyan said, "Look at these, do you like anything?"

They are all new, new ones that haven't been released yet.

If Qiao Huaiyao has something he likes, he can directly accept the manuscript, set a fixed number, and only publish one piece.

Or refine and fine-tune.

Qiao Huaiyao shook his head, "There are clothes at home."

They are all prepared according to his size, customized by the designer of the high-end brand, and sent directly to the home after making the ready-made clothes.

The frequency of sending clothes is very high, and there are still many clothes in the closet that I haven't worn once.

Qiao Huaiyao is not the kind of person who throws away clothes after wearing them once, and lives a relatively frugal life.

Bai Jinyan picked out a piece of strawberry cake, put it on the table, and dug out a small piece with a fork, "Here."

Qiao Huaiyao took a sip, and the taste was not bad.

The red velvet cake is soft and thick, with a touch of cream and sweet strawberries, it is neither greasy nor sweet.

Qiao Huaiyao said, "This is delicious."

"Then eat a few more bites." Bai Jinyan fed Qiao Huaiyao, looking through the cards below to see if there was a brand, or something to find the store's logo.

But no, the person responsible for bringing up the cakes handled all these labels and the like very cleanly.

Bai Jinyan took a photo and sent it to the person in charge.

Qiao Huaiyao took the fork from Bai Jinyan, picked up the cake and sat on the chair to eat it.

As for the camera in front of the auditorium...

Qiao Huaiyao: [I was erased from this section during post-editing.]

The person in charge replied in seconds: [Good young master! By the way, young master, this is the location of our camera, monitoring and live broadcast equipment. Most of the live broadcast equipment is aimed at the stage, but occasionally it will sweep to the auditorium. When you come in here, the smart live broadcast equipment has been set It is determined to deviate from the place where the young master is. If there is any problem in the follow-up, the young master should contact me in time.]

Qiao Huaiyao: [Yes.]

There should not be many people watching the live broadcast of the show.

Especially for foreign shows, most of them are still recorded and edited and sent in China. The transnational live broadcast process is cumbersome, and entering the live broadcast room is also troublesome.

Qiao Huaiyao was paying attention to those cameras just now, so he probably missed him.

Just to be on the safe side, I opened Weibo and took a look.

The content of the discussion was still about Bai Jinyan's red carpet picture.

Nothing else.

It's just that I haven't been on Weibo for a while, and the account of Bai Jinyan's studio posted Bai Jinyan's red carpet look.

Before night or the next day, the only photos the studio could produce were red carpet photos, mixed with a high-resolution photo of Bai Jinyan's selfie.

The one posted by Qiao Huaiyao was forwarded by the studio, and then saved and posted another collection.

The funniest thing is the Weibo content posted by the studio.

Bai Jinyan Studio V: [The retoucher hugged the only clear picture in position C and cried loudly, calling Qiao Huaiyao for help while crying.]

The comment area is full of laughter: "Let's just say, the Bai Jinyan in the official picture: chic, eclectic, and can't take a straight face. The Bai Jinyan who took a selfie for his wife: clothes, expressions, and the phone is not in the way." Face."

"I feel that Bai Jinyan's selfie seems to be a peacock with a cold face exuding charm. It looks very disdainful, noble and glamorous. In fact, its tail spreads out and flowers bloom, shouting to my wife to look at me. Hahaha I really laughed out loud. .”

"I've never seen a brother like this before. Usually Weibo is open... oh, this shit is posted by others, and there is no other person to take a picture. The studio takes screenshots from the show, let alone selfies. .”

"Qiao Qiao's Weibo was forwarded and liked by Bai Jinyan. It's not a good time to look at the clothes during the show. You are secretly playing with your phone in the audience."

Qiao Huaiyao watched the comments below gradually change to continuing to slander Bai Jinyan, and couldn't help chuckling, "Brother, look."

Bai Jinyan didn't care, and continued to feed Qiao Huaiyao with afternoon tea, "Try this, it seems to be flower and fruit tea."

According to Qiao Huaiyao's taste, he deliberately spread and developed, and prepared a lot of new products.

It won't taste bad after all, just to see if Qiao Huaiyao likes it.

Qiao Huaiyao took a sip, then stopped suddenly.

The smell of flowers and fruits is very…

The taste of this tea was very average, Qiao Huaiyao moved the cup back a little.

Seeing this, Bai Jinyan put it back on the table and changed to another cup.

The models on the stage step forward steadily with the accompaniment, mainly according to the season, and there are both men's and women's models.

In order to ensure the overall display of the clothes, the organizer did not divide the models into two separate shows, and decided the order of appearance according to the clothes styles.

When Bai Jinyan was holding a tissue, he caught a glimpse of the model on the stage, looked at the brooch on his chest, and immediately frowned.

Come to think of it, besides the necklace, the brooch should be almost finished.

The material of the brooch is special, and it took a lot of time to wait for the material.

So it came out later than the necklace.

When paying just now, the person in charge didn't mention the brooch, so he probably only paid for the necklace.

In a foreign country, the penniless Bai Jinyan thought about it, and put his arm around his shoulder.

Leaning close to Qiao Huaiyao's ear, he said softly, "Honey, can I advance some pocket money?"