Within the Web Streaming Business

Chapter 79: coaxed


"Exactly." Qiao Huaiyao looked at the time, and it was almost noon, "Go have lunch and take a ten-minute nap."

Bai Jinyan nodded and asked him, "What about you?"


The temperature of the solution was dropping slowly, and in no hurry to return to the laboratory, Qiao Huaiyao thought for a while and said, "Wait a little longer, I will rest when the second stage cools down."

His time does not need to be squeezed according to work, saving time, and resting while waiting is the best.

Bai Jinyan propped his chin with one hand, tapped the table with his fingertips, and raised his final voice slightly: "Skipping lunch?"

Anxiously waiting for the results of the experiment, how can I have the mood to eat.

But of course you can't say that.

Qiao Huaiyao hooked the corner of his mouth, picked up the wrapping paper of strawberry candy on the table and shook it, "Eat it."

Bai Jinyan slowly raised half of his eyebrows, "A piece of candy?"

"Two." While talking, Qiao Huaiyao removed another one.

Bai Jinyan sighed incredulously, and coaxed: "Anyway, there is no result yet, go eat now."

“I just had breakfast, and now…”

The doorbell of the laboratory rang without warning, interrupting Qiao Huaiyao's words.

The deep and elegant cello sound, even if you are concentrating on it, the sound will not appear too abrupt.

Qiao Huaiyao glanced at the door, and the people outside the doorbell were the staff members of the building, and the uniform clothes were easy to recognize.

It should be here to deliver materials related to the experiment.

Qiao Huaiyao got up and took the phone and said, "Brother, go to sleep for a while, I have something to do here."

He reminded him to pay attention to rest, and then hung up the video call.

The staff member saw the door of the rest room opened, nodded slightly through the glass door, and put the bag in his hand on the table at hand.

Spray and disinfect in front of Qiao Huaiyao.

The staff member said: "Hello, young master, this is a city delivery from the International Chemistry Laboratory, and this is the attached card."

"External disinfection has been completed." With that said, the staff pressed the button at hand and put the bag on the conveyor belt.

After finishing, the staff bowed and turned to leave.

Qiao Huaiyao waited for the bag to arrive.

After disassembly, there are three failed samples and two experimental solutions.

Miao Wenxuan: [In addition to the things you asked for, I also brought you the ones that I failed. There are labels on them, so pay attention to distinguishing them, so as not to take them by mistake.]

The failed experiment can be used as a reference. Miao Wenxuan wanted Qiao Huaiyao not to step on the pitfalls he stepped on during the experiment.

Eliminate some of the wrong answers first, and the remaining experiments will have a higher probability of deriving the correct answer.

Qiao Huaiyao put the failed copies aside, and the temperature of the solution was almost usable at the moment.

Put on the gloves again and start the second phase of the experiment.


The sky darkened unknowingly.

The smart lighting in the laboratory will intelligently distinguish the most suitable light when it feels that the light in the room is dim, and automatically turn on the adjustment.

The sky outside the window changes little by little, and the lights inside the house are always maintained in a simulated state that is almost daytime.

If you are too focused when doing experiments, it is easy to ignore the changes around you.

After the last part of the data was written, the solid extract was also decomposed from the solution on the side.

Qiao Huaiyao straightened the mask on the front, opened the cuffs on his wrists, and said softly, "New York time, at 4:30:38 in the morning, the experiment is over."

As soon as the words fell, Qiao Huaiyao suddenly stopped.

Why is it so late

The last time I checked the time was almost noon, around ten o'clock in the morning.

Ignoring the experimental materials in front of him, Qiao Huaiyao lifted the edge of the glove and turned to leave.

During the movement, the hem of the white coat was slightly raised, and the next moment Qiao Huaiyao froze in place.

In the nearby lounge, Bai Jinyan was sitting behind the glass, looking at him tenderly.

A person stays up all night working in the laboratory, concentrating on the experiment, sometimes causing hypoglycemia.

The late exhaustion made people too lazy to move, so they lay down on the bed in the lounge to sleep after eating something casually.

But now, someone is sitting quietly on the side, not disturbing the progress of your experiment, waiting silently, and accompany you through the whole experiment.

Qiao Huaiyao blinked lightly, and the warmth in his heart spread, "Brother."

He couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, and asked softly, "When did you come? Why didn't you sleep for a while?"

"Not long ago." Bai Jin concealed the exact time without any trace, walked in and took the gloves, "Go to sleep, leave it to me here."

Qiao Huaiyao put back the half-removed gloves, "I was thinking of sending you a message, and I'll clean it up when I come back."

Bai Jinyan nodded thoughtfully, "I just thought of sending me a message in the early morning."

The tone is so light that no emotion can be heard, but there is always such an obvious trace of...

Qiao Huaiyao coughed lightly and explained, "I thought it was still early, right..."

Before he could apologize, Bai Jinyan put his hands behind his back and kissed him on the lips.

The kiss was tasted and ended, he said: "I don't blame you."

"But remember to tell me next time."

Qiao Huaiyao responded with a chuckle, "Yes, good."

A lot of equipment was used in this experiment, some of which were soaked in water in advance after use.

There are quite a few left on the sink and on the table top.

Fortunately, two people wash up faster.

Those that can be sterilized and dried can be put in a cabinet on one side, and those that can’t be put in can only be placed in a place specially drained and air-dried.

During the experiment, while waiting for the results of each stage of the experiment, Qiao Huaiyao integrated the data at that time.

After the entire experiment is completed, the data of these various stages are integrated together, and some language modifications are added to make it coherent. The experimental data is almost complete.

Qiao Huaiyao packed it and sent it to Miao Wenxuan.

The solids including the experimental results were also photographed.

After that, pack this thing up and put it away, and take it with you when you go to the laboratory tomorrow.

Messages to Miao Wenxuan went unanswered.

Should be asleep.

For this experiment, Miao Wenxuan has been staying up all night, and he may not have rested since he received this task.

The hard-working man couldn't bear it. After several failures, the data was sent to Qiao Huaiyao. He should go to rest.

After doing the experiment for a long time, Qiao Huaiyao was also a little tired, so he went to bed after taking a few bites.

Although the laboratory is single, the bed in the lounge is double.

It may be that the single bed is too small to sleep in. When I was preparing, I made some upgrades and changes in some details according to the appearance of the basic lounge.

More than enough to sleep two people.

What's more, they are used to being close. There is a large space behind Bai Jinyan, but it happens to be able to push Qiao Huaiyao against the wall.

He put one hand on Qiao Huaiyao's waist, leaving some space for Qiao Huaiyao to not lean against the wall.

The constant temperature air conditioner is turned on in the lounge, but the walls are cold.

Bai Jinyan patiently and carefully hugged Qiao Huaiyao in his arms, raised his hand and turned off the light.


The experiment ended late.

Just tidy up again, and it was almost five or six in the morning when I went to sleep.

The curtains are so thick that almost all sunlight is cut out.

The house was as dark as night.

Bai Jinyan kept track of the time, and quietly removed Qiao Huaiyao's pillowed arm little by little after not sleeping for a long time.

Qiao Huaiyao slept very deeply. When he was busy with the experiment, he didn't even have time to drink saliva. He kept spinning like this for more than ten hours.

Bai Jinyan didn't disturb him, and wanted Qiao Huaiyao to sleep a little longer.

However, before he got up, Qiao Huaiyao frowned.

Bai Jinyan didn't dare to move his arm, but waited quietly.

He inadvertently held his breath, before he breathed a sigh of relief and got up quietly, he heard Qiao Huaiyao say: "Brother..."

There are some signs of awakening, the voice is very low, and it is easy to miss if you don't listen carefully.

Like a faint murmur between half-dream and half-awake.

"Yeah." Bai Jinyan responded softly, helping him close the quilt, "It's still early, sleep a little longer."

Qiao Huaiyao moved her lips, as if she said something again.

But Bai Jin didn't hear clearly, but it didn't prevent him from coaxing: "Hey, go to sleep."

Gently smoothing his frowning brows with fingertips, Bai Jinyan kissed him on the lips, and when he left the lounge, afraid that the sound of locking would be too loud to disturb him, he just put it on in a concealed manner.

The phone outside flickered wildly.

Even though it was already broad daylight, news flickering at this frequency was still very noticeable.

Miao Wenxuan: [! ! ! one night? You made it in one night? ! Did you make it yourself?]

[Really, don't make me happy, I have a bad heart, so don't make fun of me.]

As calm as Miao Wenxuan, after getting this experimental data, he couldn't help but feel a little restless.

The news is still flashing.

Including all kinds of small expressions and speeches full of exclamation points, as well as calls and videos, without exception, no one answered.

Bai Jinyan typed indifferently: [He is resting.]

The messages from Miao Wenxuan stopped suddenly.

The chat box looked a little calmer.

Miao Wenxuan: [Are you...?]

Bai Jinyan didn't answer any more, and after replying to the message, he turned the phone upside down on the table.

The lounge is very quiet.

Only the sound of Qiao Huaiyao's steady breathing.

Near noon, the sun is three poles.

Only sporadic sunlight peeped in through the gaps in the curtains.

Qiao Huaiyao frowned and turned over to avoid the annoying sunlight.

The fingertips resting on the pillow curled up slightly, and when he opened his eyes, he was a little dull and couldn't tell what time it was.

Subconsciously, she wanted to take the mobile phone by the bedside, but belatedly remembered that the mobile phone was left outside.

Qiao Huaiyao let out a long sigh of relief, lifted the quilt and got up.

Only through the glass of the laboratory did I realize that the sky was already bright.

The phone is full of unread/unconnected messages.

In addition to Miao Wenxuan, there are also the school teacher and Qiu Shufeng.

But... After Miao Wenxuan replied: [Please, Qiao Huaiyao, please reply after waking up.]

No new news came in after that.

Qiao Huaiyao looked at the dialog box and sent a full stop.

Miao Wenxuan: [! You finally woke up!]

Judging from these exclamation marks alone, Miao Wenxuan seemed to be screaming with excitement.

Qiao Huaiyao: [Is there a problem with the experiment content?]

While typing, he cut out the chat box and sent a message to Bai Jinyan, [Good morning.]

There is a message from Bai Jinyan to him in the chat box.

It should be recording a show at this time, and I didn't reply to his message in time.

Qiao Huaiyao washed with cold water, and when the cold water touched his face, he would instantly wake up.

After a while, Miao Wenxuan posted more than a dozen more.

Qiao Huaiyao sat at the dining table, took a bite of the sandwich, and casually scrolled through the news.

Miao Wenxuan: [I read it, there is no problem.]

But it was because there was no problem that made him even more excited.

He knows the difficulty better than anyone else in the experiments he has done.

Even if you don't count from the time when Qiao Huaiyao's experiment started, from the time when the experimental materials were in Qiao Huaiyao's hands, to the time when the experimental data was sent to him, it only took more than ten hours to solve this experiment? !

When Qiao Huaiyao said it for three days, Miao Wenxuan didn't believe it. He just didn't want to put too much pressure on him. After all, they are all from the same school. It's good to have this direction of struggle.

But who knows, three days is Qiao Huaiyao's conservative estimate.

Miao Wenxuan: [I'm downstairs in your laboratory now, but the housekeeper won't let me go up. When you have time, can I trouble you to come down and give me a solid, or someone can hand it down.]

Qiao Huaiyao pursed her lips, looked at the sandwich she had just eaten, and typed: [You come up.]

Then he sent another message to the housekeeper.

After a while.

Miao Wenxuan came out of the elevator, followed by the housekeeper.

Miao Wenxuan was in a hurry at first, but after meeting Qiao Huaiyao, he was inexplicably less anxious. He sighed and said, "I see you. I've been so excited since morning."

Qiao Huaiyao said lightly: "The experimental results are in the thermostat cabinet."

The housekeeper looked at Miao Wenxuan carefully, seeing that Qiao Huaiyao didn't respond, he waited for a while before returning to the elevator.

When Miao Wenxuan came in, the surrounding environment made him say: "Your laboratory has caught up with the level of international laboratories."

It can't be said that it is catching up, it is equal, and it may be even more favorable in terms of comfort.

Even a seat cushion is a famous brand, which international laboratories can't do.

Qiao Huaiyao didn't go into the laboratory after eating breakfast, and asked Miao Wenxuan to get it by himself.

The cabinet was emptied, and only one of the results of this experiment was placed.

Miao Wenxuan didn't open it in a hurry. From the visible window above, he couldn't move his eyes from the small area.

When he woke up, he was so sleepy that when he received the news, his brain froze on the spot before he could turn around.

It's just a 'buzz' all of a sudden.

The sleepiness disappeared instantly.

Holding the phone in his hand, he didn't know whether to open the file first or send a message to Qiao Huaiyao first.

In the end, I chose to read the document while typing. If typing is inconvenient, I will post an emoji.

Now that he really saw the results of the experiment appearing in front of him, Miao Wenxuan could hear the sound of his heart 'thumping', and was about to jump out of his throat nervously.

It really... worked out.

such a short time.

Moreover, there are still unused experimental solutions in the cabinet next to it.

In terms of quantity, Qiao Huaiyao seemed more like a success, and he didn't even use the extra solution.

It was horrific.

The success rate of the experiment is high and the time is fast.

Where is to release an unknown experiment and blindly repeat the test.

The most important thing is that the known experiment may not be so fast if it is done step by step.

Qiao Huaiyao is still a student, a freshman, and he has not even passed his first semester since he first entered school.

Miao Wenxuan pinched the center of his eyebrows, feeling a little dizzy again.

Could it be that he thought too much about the results of the experiment, so when he was dreaming, it was Qiao Huaiyao who succeeded in the experiment, right

Miao Wenxuan said softly: "I have a particularly strong sense of unreality now."

Qiao Huaiyao took small bites of the sandwich, picked out the meat inside, and only ate bread slices and lettuce.

He said: "The upload of this experiment also needs to be reviewed. If you haven't submitted it yet, aren't you afraid that others will preempt it?"

Reports for exchange will not have any effect, but there is only one reward.

If you go late, it will belong to someone else.

Miao Wenxuan shook his head, "No hurry, where are they going to make it?"

I have endured for such a long time, and all that came out were failures, and the progress of others may not be much better.

In the morning, there was also a notification whether to enable the joint experiment.

Miao Wenxuan refused, but there seemed to be quite a lot of experimenters who signed up. Except for the experimenters who usually don't like to participate in these things, almost all of them signed up.

It can be seen that... no one is ahead of schedule.

Except for Qiao Huaiyao.

Qiao Huaiyao didn't say anything after hearing the words, and ate the rest of the sandwich in a lukewarm manner, "Did you tell the teacher about the experiment?"

"That's right." Miao Wenxuan carefully took out the beaker containing the experimental results, "I couldn't find you, I sent you a message but didn't reply, and I was anxious and worried that something might happen to you, so I contacted the teacher."

But he didn't say anything directly, he just mentioned the experiment.

Qiao Huaiyao nodded, washed his hands, got up and walked into the laboratory, "If there is no problem, you can take it directly to the International Laboratory, I have something else to deal with."

Originally, he wanted to go see him off in person, but since Miao Wenxuan came, he didn't make this trip any more.

You can go to work with Bai Jinyan.

Miao Wenxuan did not agree, but said: "You can go to the laboratory with me."

"Maybe it involves calculus experiments or something, you have to come in person." He said that the nominal assistant is the nominal assistant, and before handing it in, he can also introduce Qiao Huaiyao to the chemistry professor in the international laboratory.

"It's okay." Qiao Huaiyao held the phone, and Bai Jinyan was still busy, so he might not see anyone in the past.

He reached out and took the bag containing the solution and handed it to Miao Wenxuan, "Let's go."

"En." Miao Wenxuan packed the things, "Let's go."


There are still many people in the international laboratory.

Miao Wenxuan lives here permanently, and the work is assigned to a car, and the license plate is recorded in the work unit.

When you enter the door, you can enter by scanning the license plate.

It is much more convenient than students gathering and changing cars.

Driving into the yard and parking the car, Miao Wenxuan said with emotion: "No wonder they call you Xueshen, I want to follow suit."

From a senior's point of view, "Xueshen" is a bit like a student who has not graduated, so it is easy to tease.

But at this moment, Miao Wenxuan felt as if he had tasted something different.

A person who works hard and is extremely talented can indeed be called a "student god".

Talented chemistry students have an unlimited future.

Qiao Huaiyao said lightly, "Be more cautious."

Just like before.

Miao Wenxuan was silent for a moment, and was still a little more stable. Now I am very stable without jumping up and screaming.

Anyway, I am also a formal chemical experimenter in the international laboratory. As a student, you can do this experiment faster than me.

I have no clue here, and the results on your side have all come out.

Is this plausible!

It's a good thing you're working with me, otherwise... he wouldn't even have a chance to take a look at the reward, let alone take it away.

Miao Wenxuan: "I will try my best."

Qiu Shufeng and the others came here early in the morning to continue today's tour schedule.

Seeing Qiao Huaiyao, he waved his hand to greet him, "Xueshen, why are you here?"

Qiao Huaiyao said, "Come and submit the experimental data."

Qiu Shufeng stopped waving his hand, "Huh?"

what are you saying? I seemed to have tinnitus just now and couldn't hear clearly.

Qiao Huai shook the USB flash drive in his hand.

The document sent to Miao Wenxuan was troublesome, so I simply copied it to a USB flash drive and took it with me.

Also included here are some photos of the experimental process.

It will be more complete than a separate file, and it is always clearer to read with pictures and texts.

Wang Zhan took a breath, "Xue Shen, have you finished this experiment?"

Qiao Huaiyao didn't visit with the team, and they all knew about going back to do the experiment. They were curious to see someone here, but they didn't guess that the experiment was over.

When the teacher asked them if they wanted to participate in this experiment, they all read the experiment requirements. The experiments marked by the international laboratory were very difficult, and they were confused. In addition, they were all in English. Even more uncomfortable.

Then... Under the premise of these superpositions, Qiao Huaiyao just made the experiment like this

Qiu Shufeng: "..."

Xue Shen, don't act so calm, I feel that I can do it too.

The classmates next to them also looked at each other in blank dismay.

Mr. Peng asked in a daze, "Is it the experiment of decomposing and extracting solid matter from Xd-bcz3 solution?"

Qiao Huaiyao nodded, "Yes."

Miao Wenxuan also said: "Mr. Peng, you don't have to be too surprised. I think, with Qiao Huaiyao's strength, these are trivial matters. You have to learn to accept the students' super high learning ability."

Qiao Huaiyao glanced at Miao Wenxuan, his face was calm, and his gestures were calm and calm, as if he really said another trivial matter that he didn't care about.

Among other things, the pretending is quite similar.

He was a different person from Miao Wenxuan who was on the phone frenziedly before.

Mr. Peng was stunned when he heard this, "Then, do you need to keep the experiment you will hand in later?"

This time it was Miao Wenxuan who paused for a moment, he knew what Teacher Peng meant.

If it's nothing more than keeping it secret, you can take other students to see it together.

But unfortunately, this experimental data has not yet been made public.

Miao Wenxuan said euphemistically: "It's just a piece of data right now. It won't be released through the media until the actual operation is approved and all the data is confirmed to be correct."

Until then, it will remain a secret.

Mr. Peng is also a teacher of the chemistry department. He knew the order, so he just tried to win for his students, and didn't say anything if it didn't work.

"Okay, let's continue to visit, you go to work."

Miao Wenxuan said, "Come on, let's go directly inside."

He suppressed the idea of showing off with other colleagues, but decided to hand in the documents with Qiao Huaiyao first.

Although the person in charge of the international laboratory does not participate in the experiment, his achievements are beyond the reach of many people.

It is said that the first founder of the International Laboratory has a blood relationship with him for several generations.

It's all rumors from outside, and I don't know if it's true or not.

Qiao Huaiyao rarely interacted with other people in the laboratory in his previous life.

Only when submitting reports and data, did I chat more with the person in charge.

In the office at the end of the corridor.

Alberta. Furness has been waiting here since receiving the message from Miao Wenxuan.

"Don't be too nervous to go in later. Alberta just looks more serious, but he is actually a very good person." Miao Wenxuan knocked on the door and said softly: "It will be as usual at that time. him."

Qiao Huaiyao looked indifferent, "Okay."

Miao Wenxuan raised his eyebrows, trying to see a little nervous and frightened expression on Qiao Huaiyao's face, but all failed.

Miao Wenxuan smiled and said, "You have a good attitude."

A student, who had the opportunity to explain his experiment in front of a chemist, could be so calm.

"It's okay." He just didn't care too much about other things other than the ones he was interested in.

If you don't care, it will naturally not cause emotional fluctuations.

While talking, a voice came from the office, it was a short English.

"Come." Miao Wenxuan opened the door, walked in and said, "Alberta told us to go in."

Alberta got up and smiled and stretched out her hand to Qiao Huaiyao, "Hello."

Living in Alberta, New York since I was a child, the only opportunity to get in touch with Chinese is to chat with the experimenters who come to the chemistry laboratory, and there will inevitably be some stumbles in speaking.

Qiao Huaiyao reached out to shake hands with him and said hello in English.

Alberta raised her eyebrows, and also responded in English.

Miao Wenxuan explained: "Alberta said your English is very good."

Qiao Huaiyao: "...?"

After Miao Wenxuan finished speaking, seeing Qiao Huaiyao's eyes, he couldn't help but cleared his throat to relieve the embarrassment.

When I got used to the temporary translation, I subconsciously said it.

Miao Wenxuan stood aside, listening to the two people communicate about the experiment in fluent English.

He brought it in, but couldn't get in the conversation.

Miao Wenxuan read the experimental data, but he only read it, and he couldn't memorize it like Qiao Huaiyao.

There is no PPT, no experimental files are opened, no pictures are displayed, and the entire experimental process is purely dictated.

From time to time, some data will be filled in.

Miao Wenxuan couldn't help squinting his eyes, is this the strength a freshman should have

Or... are all the freshmen now so awesome

Qiao Huaiyao simplified and summarized the experimental process, and the rest can be understood by looking at the experimental data and diagrams.

Alberta nodded from time to time, apparently satisfied with what Qiao Huaiyao said.

Finally, Alberta took the USB flash drive and asked a question.

Qiao Huaiyao was taken aback.

What Alberta asked was: Miao Wenxuan told me about your proposal to speed up the release of experimental reports. Are you in such a hurry that you want to use this to join next year's international laboratory selection

Qiao Huaiyao said, "No."

Alberta also thought that if this was the reason, then he could help.

Capable talents are what international laboratories need, and selection is just an opportunity, and they also have internal recommendations.

Hearing what Qiao Huaiyao said, Alberta couldn't help asking what was it for.

… for what

Qiao Huaiyao thought inadvertently as he lowered his eyes.

What else could it be for... of course it's for my boyfriend.

Dealing with Meng Zheng's affairs is much more cumbersome than joining an international laboratory.

Qiao Huaiyao declined Alberta's help, leaving the rest to Miao Wenxuan.

Miao Wenxuan made a gesture after receiving Qiao Huaiyao's signal.

In fact, he felt that even without his help to submit the experiment, Alberta would help Qiao Huaiyao advance the report.

Although I still don't know what the experiment is, judging from the people who can handle this experiment in more than ten hours now, the complete report made by my own ideas is naturally not bad.

Plus... Alberta values talent.

As long as Qiao Huaiyao shows any intention of joining the international laboratory, Alberta may meet all his requirements and follow him and wait for him to join.

Not to mention that it's just a matter of early reporting, and this year's Chemistry Award can contribute a place.

Qiao Huaiyao said goodbye to Alberta and walked out of the office.

After the door closed, Miao Wenxuan was stunned by Alberta's first sentence.

[I want to accept Joe as my apprentice, what do you think?]

Miao Wenxuan: "..."

Stop it, the professors in my country know about it, they might have to masturbate all night and hit me on the head with a walking stick.


Walking out of the international laboratory, the sky outside was cloudier than before.

The weather forecast still shows sunny, but I don't know if it will rain.

Qiao Huaiyao checked the time, Bai Jinyan should be participating in the brand endorsement activity now.

International high-end luxury watch brands, the cheapest ones are no less than six figures.

When doing brand activities, they naturally pay attention to the scene, and their spokespersons are not always available, so the rare event is even more powerful.

When Qiao Huaiyao arrived, Bai Jinyan was signing peripheral cards.

It is a promotional card of the brand. There is a personal signature for the on-site event. There may be a stamped card for purchases from other channels. The number is not large, and only the remarks will be given.

Lu Lu is taking photos below, so that he can communicate with the brand for publicity in the later stage.

While I was busy, I felt someone pat me on the shoulder.

"Tsk, don't touch me." Lu Lu didn't even move his eyes, and said impatiently: "Go behind the cordon, don't make close contact—"


The indifferent and cold voice was particularly distinct from the loud cheers of the audience.

Lu Lu was on the tip of his tongue, and said bluntly, "It's really nothing to touch it."

If this sentence can't be touched, if his brother Bai heard it, he wouldn't be able to lift the knife.

Lu Lu chuckled, and didn't even bother to take pictures, "Master, why are you here?"

"I didn't tell me in advance, so that I can ask the driver to pick you up."

"Come here when you're done." Qiao Huaiyao put away the phone, wanting to change to a more professional device, "Give me the camera."

"Okay." Lu Lu was worried that he couldn't take a good picture.

Qiao Huaiyao's photographing range changed slightly on the land road just now.

Bai Jinyan noticed the people below, his complexion softened, and he waved his hands in that direction.

Qiao Huaiyao hung the camera anti-fall rope on his wrist, put one hand against the camera and made an 'ok' gesture, and then took many photos.

There are very few people waiting in line to sign.

It's not a question of fans' purchasing power, it's simply because of purchase restrictions.

Only those few signatures.

If it wasn't for the brand's begging, this link might be omitted directly.

Fans with promotional cards in their hands lined up in order to sign.

Looking at the number of people, Qiao Huaiyao felt that there were no more than ten, and he didn't know that he came too late. He had already signed a group before, so there are few people now.

Judging from the itinerary, the activities here are coming to an end.

Lu Lu followed Qiao Huaiyao the whole time, blocking some media and fans who tried to reach out.

Lu Lu whispered, "Young master, I have something nice for you."

"Huh?" Qiao Huaiyao flipped through the photos he took before, picked a few to upload to the cloud account, transferred them to his mobile phone, and said casually: "What?"

Lu Lu handed him the promotional card, "Look!"

There are only a few promotional cards, and Bai Jinyan will not keep them. Some other brands send some directly to the company, and Lu Lu doesn't have many.

Qiao Huaiyao took the promotional card. On the back was the brand's logo. The confidence of a high-end luxury brand did not promote the watch he wanted to sell.

It's more like promoting a brand than promoting a watch.

As soon as the card arrived, the host over there had already announced the end of the event.

Lu Lu gave a 'tsk' sound, and was still a step too late. He had always carried it with him if he knew it earlier, and it was still a waste of time to let others run for him.

The autograph could not be signed, Lu Lu looked at the crowd on the left and right and said, "Master, let's wait in the lounge first, it's quite crowded when we bump into the audience."

Qiao Huaiyao returned the camera to him, "OK."

Lu Lu led the way, "Go this way."

The lounge is not far from the backstage.

During the event, I will change clothes to match the latest watches.

To save time on the road, the location of the lounge was arranged during the planning stage of the event.

The single room was empty.

Lu Lu sent the person in and said, "I'll go and arrange a drink. Young master, please wait for a while and Brother Bai will be back."

Qiao Huaiyao said lightly, "Don't bother."

Lu Lu said: "Why is this troublesome, daily work."

When going out, Lu Lu was still busy placing orders from his mobile phone, and it was too late to buy customized flavors in the store.

Before Qiao Huaiyao had time to say anything, Lu Lu had already opened the door and left.

He lowered his head and played with the promotional card in his hand, thinking about the watch that Bai Jinyan was wearing just now, and felt that it fit Bai Jinyan's temperament very well, so he contacted the brand to buy it later.

As a brand spokesperson, the brand should have sent a lot of watches, but Bai Jinyan has rarely seen him wearing them.

Qiao Huaiyao was thinking casually, his hands were suddenly empty, and he suddenly raised his eyes and looked back, "Brother?"

The door of the lounge was too silent, there was no movement even when opening and closing the door.

"Yeah." Bai Jinyan took off the pen and wrote on the back of the card without the logo, "Why don't you come up and ask me to sign if you have the card?"

Qiao Huaiyao said: "This is not the amount in the event, and the event was over when I got the card."

It will inevitably appear a little abrupt when you go up.

During the conversation, Bai Jinyan had already written a lot.

Qiao Huaiyao sat on the chair, couldn't see what he had written, but could only see the hand that kept writing.

Qiao Huaiyao asked suspiciously, "Brother, what are you writing?"

Bai Jinyan wrote the last stroke, drew a sketch with the tail line drawn, then turned the card around and lowered his hand to show Qiao Huaiyao.

Generally, this card is just signed on the front, find a space to write down the name.

But Bai Jinyan wrote three lines on the back where there was a lot of blank space, and finally signed it.

Those few words...

Qiao Huaiyao's eyes slowly opened wide, and then the blush spread without warning, and warmth appeared on his cheeks.

He moved his lips, only to hear Bai Jinyan say: "By the way, there is one more thing missing."


Qiao Huaiyao blankly followed Bai Jinyan's hand, only to see that he raised his hand and handed the promotional card to his lips.

"Brother!" Realizing what he wanted to do, Qiao Huaiyao quickly stretched out his hand.

However, at the next moment, Bai Jinyan held back his hand.

The promotional card was casually sandwiched between two fingers, Bai Jinyan lowered his head and kissed the back of his hand, his eyes slightly raised with a smile.

As if that was his original idea.