Within the Web Streaming Business

Chapter 90: public


The bedroom is on the second floor, at this height you can look down from the windows and have a panoramic view of everything in the garden.

Qiao Huaiyao's eyes were full of joy, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, his lips moved slightly between his lowered eyes, but when he opened his mouth, he just smiled lightly, not knowing what to say.

It seems that in many things, they have a very good understanding.

"This year's Spring Festival is different for us." Bai Jinyan opened the ring box in his hand, and the diamond was exquisitely carved and placed in the center of the ring, surrounded by smart rubies. "I want to give this unusual day a deeper meaning. significance."

The light-colored velvet is engraved with silver rose textures, and the diamond ring is more dazzling against it.

Bai Jinyan rubbed the edge of the ring box with his fingertips, his face was calm and calm, but his fingertips curled up involuntarily where Qiao Huaiyao couldn't notice.

He pretended to be calm and said: "I didn't discuss with the head of the family in advance, I will punish myself for three days of pocket money."

Qiao Huaiyao was taken aback for a moment, then couldn't help laughing, and said deliberately: "Is it only three days?"

Bai Jin said without changing his face: "The head of the family said that if he will be fined for a few days, he will be punished for a few days."

After a pause, he said, "Then...for the sake of my sincerity."

Standing among the rose bushes, Bai Jinyan smiled with his thin lips. He knelt on one knee and looked up with burning eyes, "Honey, are you willing to wear this ring?"

Qiao Huaiyao blinked lightly, and his eyes touched Bai Jinyan's eyes, and the circulating thoughts seemed to wrap you in a whirlpool.

The heartbeat accelerated invisibly, and there was a trace of warmth on his face. At that moment, many images flashed in Qiao Huaiyao's mind, and the memories that didn't stop for a moment were like watching flowers on horseback, fleeting in a flash.

As the breeze blows, the fragrance of the rich roses sway, and the falling petals add to the scenery.

Qiao Huaiyao raised the corners of her mouth slightly and nodded slowly.

Suddenly, Bai Jinyan got up and opened the door of the stairwell.

Noticing his movements, Qiao Huaiyao also turned and walked towards the bedroom door.

He put his hand on the doorknob, and before he could use any force, the door opened by itself.

Qiao Huaiyao paused, and the next moment the door opened, the hands on his waist were tightened, and he moved forward unsteadily, crashing into Bai Jinyan's arms impartially.

The fiery kiss came up involuntarily,

The warmth on his lips made his thoughts wander for a moment.

As if aware of his distraction, there was a slight tingling on his lips.

"Hmm..." Qiao Huaiyao narrowed his eyes, but he couldn't say a word when he opened his mouth. He could only hum softly, and tightened his grip on the collar of his clothes.

Bai Jinyan didn't say anything, just patted him on the back as if coaxing him.

Holding Qiao Huaiyao's hand and taking it off his shoulder, the ring in his hand was already warmed by the palm of his hand.

The ring of just the right size was easily worn on Qiao Huaiyao's ring finger.

The slender plain ring is dotted with gemstones and diamonds, and it doesn't look clumsy at all when worn on the hand. The delicate and delicate workmanship sets off the slender fingers with well-defined bones.

After the domineering and delicate kiss, Bai Jinyan let go of his moist lips.

Hugging the man in his arms to calm down his breathing, he lowered his head to kiss the corners of his reddened eyes from time to time, raised his hand and dropped a kiss on his hand.

Looking at the person with a thin red face, Bai Jinyan liked it so much that he didn't know what to do, and the hands on his waist tightened as if he wanted to rub him into his flesh and blood.

Qiao Huaiyao buried her head on Bai Jinyan's shoulder, took a small breath, and couldn't help pursing her lower lip.

He closed his eyes, suppressing the moisture in the fundus of his eyes that blocked his vision because of being kissed so hard to breathe.

Qiao Huaiyao said, "I thought you wouldn't be back until night."

When I heard the news just now, Bai Jinyan just got on the expressway not long ago.

The itinerary given by Lu Lu also corresponds to Bai Jinyan's current itinerary.

But I didn't expect...

Bai Jinyan chuckled, and rubbed his fingertips on his cheek affectionately, "I worked overtime yesterday, and came back early after finishing the work."

I just wanted to propose, so I didn't tell Qiao Huaiyao.

"Always give the ring out before midnight." Bai Jinyan held his hand, stroking the diamond on the ring with his fingertips, "You look good wearing it."

I don't usually see Qiao Huaiyao wearing any jewelry.

Except for the necklace that was given to him earlier, Qiao Huaiyao didn't wear anything when he was in the laboratory.

Later, after Bai Jinyan gave the necklace and brooch, Qiao Huaiyao wore the necklace all the time.

But the hands are always empty.

Qiao Huaiyao's hands are very suitable for wearing rings.

Qiao Huaiyao let Bai Jinyan hold his hand and played with it, "You came in from the downstairs side room, did you go to the living room to have a look?"

"No." At that time, I only thought about walking the nearest stairs, so I didn't even care about going to the living room.

You can enter directly from the side door into the stairwell.

It took only a few minutes to walk, not to mention that Bai Jinyan ran up directly.

I'm afraid it can only be counted in seconds.

Qiao Huaiyao coughed lightly, held his hand behind his back and said, "Then come with me."

Bai Jinyan said hello when he heard the words, and was half a step behind Qiao Huai, and was led out of the bedroom by him holding hands.

When she lowered her eyes, her gaze still couldn't stop falling on the hand she was holding tightly. The ring was more like a symbol, so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off it.

As Qiao Huaiyao stopped, Bai Jinyan's thoughts were also withdrawn from the ring.

"Look." While speaking, Qiao Huaiyao turned on the light strip in the living room.

It wasn't dark yet, but the housekeeper just said that the decoration outside the yard would collect dust, so he drew the curtains inside the house.

The faint light of the lamp belt hits the petals strewn with diamonds.

Dotted with stars, it seems like a bright galaxy flowing in a sea of roses.

Bai Jinyan was stunned for a moment, "You..."

"I also planned to propose to you today." Qiao Huaiyao held the ring box in his pocket and slowly took it out, "But I didn't expect you to be one step ahead of me."

He prepared according to the time Bai Jinyan said to come back.

To be precise, no matter when Bai Jinyan came back, as long as he came in from the living room, he would take out the ring he had already prepared.

But unexpectedly, Bai Jinyan had the same thoughts as him, and even changed the itinerary and came back earlier.

Instead of passing through the living room, the ring was sent in the garden full of roses.

Qiao Huaiyao held the ring in his hand, "But I feel that it doesn't matter who comes first."

He smiled and gave away the ring, "This is considered complete."

The complexity of the ring is too high, coupled with the random texture spreading inside the diamond, there will be no second kind in this world.

So Qiao Huaiyao only made one, the one given to Bai Jinyan.

And Bai Jinyan... It seems that he only prepared the ring on his finger.

The size of the diamond and the gems adorned with it are also rare in the world.

They all only concentrated on preparing rings for each other, without considering themselves.

Now, by coincidence, they have become a pair.

Bai Jinyan lowered his head and watched Qiao Huaiyao put the ring on his ring finger with a serious expression.

The feeling of putting on the ring made him move his fingertips, which were touching Qiao Huaiyao's palm.

This ring was made by Qiao Huaiyao himself, no matter in terms of size or size, it is just right and fits perfectly.

Qiao Huaiyao: "Okay."

The naturally appearing texture in diamonds breaks out stars, and diamonds contain the entire galaxy in an inclusive manner.

The ring is a silver rose, bent from the middle to form a ring, and the rose can still be seen under the diamond.

Qiao Huaiyao bent his eyes, wrapped his arms around his neck, and kissed him, "I made it myself, it looks good."

"It's pretty." Bai Jinyan's eyes were full of smiles, he put his arms around Qiao Huaiyao's waist, and lowered his head to deepen the kiss.

The bright and dazzling meteor is fleeting.

Meteors encased in diamonds exist forever.

Blooming roses and delicate meteor showers complement each other.

The two hugging each other were close to each other, and they could feel each other's steady and powerful heartbeat.

I don't know how long it took, Qiao Huaiyao's cheeks that had finally faded had a thin powder, and there was a faint tendency to intensify.

Seeing that it was getting late.

Qiao Huaiyao tried to say something, "Brother."

After a short and hasty word, he was kissed again.

"Hmm..." Qiao Huaiyao avoided it a little bit, and buried her head on his shoulder to hide, but a warm kiss fell on the side cheek, not even letting go of the crimson pinna.

Qiao Huaiyao said softly, "The New Year's Eve dinner isn't ready yet."

He took a small breath and explained slowly: "It's almost two o'clock now, if you don't prepare, it will be too late."

Qiao Huaiyao turned her head quietly, revealing half of her eyes, "I don't want to have New Year's Eve dinner, we can only order takeaway, or make do with the cake I prepared in advance."

Bai Jinyan's face was full of smiles, and he said softly: "How can the cake you make be just passable."

Having said that, Bai Jinyan still has to prepare the New Year's Eve dinner himself.

He raised his hand and rubbed Qiao Huaiyao's hair, "Go back and lie down, I'll call you when I'm done cooking."

Qiao Huaiyao didn't respond, but said, "I'll help you, it's faster if two people do it together."

The food preparation box in the kitchen has constant temperature preservation.

According to the temperature suitable for storage after each food is cut, it is placed in separate grids.

Qiao Huaiyao took out the last two compartments, opened the cover and handed it to Bai Jinyan, "Let's stew meat and vegetables first."

Vegetables are easy to cook, and most of them don’t need to be cooked, they can be eaten raw.

In order to preserve the nutrition of the vegetables themselves, basically fry them with oil, add seasonings and stir-fry a few times before they come out of the pan.

Cooking too early is easy to cool, and other dishes that take a long time are put into the pot first.

When it's finally on the table, just stir-fry the green vegetables.

"Stew the beef first, that will take more time." Bai Jinyan put on his apron, and when he tied the rope with his backhand, he paused with his fingertips.

The ropes on the left and right sides were not tied, Bai Jinyan turned sideways and said, "Baby."

"Huh?" Qiao Huaiyao was removing the cover, when he heard the words, he raised his head subconsciously, and saw the rope hanging from behind, he stretched out his hand to tie it, "Okay."

The two are busy together.

Except for a few meat dishes that also took hours in the pressure cooker, everything else was pretty quick.

While waiting for the meat and vegetables, Qiao Huaiyao said, "Let's go sit outside and rest for a while, and cook other dishes after the meat is ready."

If Qiao Huaiyao prepared it himself, he might not let the butler buy the meat.

Pick your favorite vegetables, and maybe add a few slices of meat when cooking.

These meat dishes are all selected by Bai Jinyan, they are all the ones that suit Qiao Huaiyao's taste, and they are not greasy.

For the New Year's Eve dinner, Qiao Huaiyao can also eat more.

Bai Jinyan wiped the water stains on his fingertips, opened the refrigerator and took some fruits, first fed him a strawberry, "Go and pick up the petals on the sofa, I'll cut a fruit plate."

Qiao Huaiyao took a bite of the strawberry and said in a vague voice, "Okay."


Almost all the pots and utensils in the kitchen are used.

In addition to the gas stove, the pressure cooker, and the built-in induction cooker, there are also pots on it.

Even so, by the time the last dish was served, it was already dark outside.

The stewed meat and vegetables are soft and boneless, and the aroma of the food is gradually intertwined with the fragrance of roses.

Qiao Huaiyao took a sip of the lemonade and put down the bowl and chopsticks.

Bai Jinyan said: "Don't drink any beverages, drink after eating."

Qiao Huaiyao nodded, and responded honestly, but did not put down the lemonade in his hand.

A few couriers were sent out at noon.

At this time, the logistics information was displayed on the mobile phone, and Qiao Huaiyao first sent the tracking numbers to the winning fans one by one.

Bai Jinyan poured two glasses of red wine, "Honey, let's eat first."

A New Year's Eve dinner close to zero.

Qiao Huaiyao turned on the TV, and the progress of the Spring Festival Gala was already halfway through.

He put down the remote control and said, "Here we come."

"Want to drink?" Qiao Huaiyao sat down and asked, "According to my drinking capacity, this drink...?"

The red wine was not filled, at best it was half full of a goblet.


Qiao Huaiyao had a relatively clear understanding of his drinking capacity.

It is possible that you can't even finish half a glass and you will be drunk.

Bai Jinyan put on the cut cake, lowered his head to leave a kiss on Qiao Huaiyao's lips as he passed by, took the red wine next to him and put it in his hand, "You can drink less at home."

What the New Year's Eve dinner needs is an atmosphere.

It may also be a process of clinking glasses.

Qiao Huaiyao hadn't drank for a while, so he picked up the glass and sniffed the aroma of the red wine.

The fruity taste is slightly stronger. The red wine at home is aged in oak barrels, and this vintage should not be short.

Just after taking a sip of the red wine, Qiao Huaiyao felt warm in his hands, and he was taken aback, "Brother?"

Bai Jinyan held his hand, interlocked his fingers, and took a picture from top to bottom.

On the ground are untucked rose petals and diamond galaxies.

In the photo, the presence of the diamond is captured very clearly.

The large rose petals seem to be able to smell the fragrance of roses across the screen.

"Okay." Bai Jinyan saved the photo, "Let's eat."

Bai Jinyan gave him a piece of beef, "Try my beef, how does it compare with your company's cafeteria?"

"Delicious." Qiao Huaiyao took a small bite of beef and said with a smile, "My brother's cooking is the best."

Whether it's the canteen's cooking or Bai Jinyan's cooking, it's definitely his brother's cooking that tastes the best.

Bai Jinyan cooked such a complicated dish impeccably.

The Spring Festival Gala has entered the countdown.

Several hosts gathered on the stage and counted down.

Qiao Huaiyao didn't pick up any more food, but silently counted down with them in his heart.

In the last 'one' moment.

Qiao Huaiyao said briskly, "Brother! Happy New Year!"

Bai Jinyan said: "Happy New Year."

The voices of the two of them overlapped.

The four eyes seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then both of them raised the corners of their mouths.


It's past midnight.

I don't know how many cups I drank.

This fruity red wine has neither heavy tannins nor intoxicating. It has the feeling of pure juice, but the taste is slightly sour.

After drinking, the strength of the wine gradually came up.

Qiao Huaiyao propped his chin with one hand, his eyes blurred under the influence of alcohol.

He frowned, looked at the double image in front of him, "Brother..."

"Hush..." Bai Jinyan put his index finger on his lips and said softly, "Change your name."

"Huh...?" Alcohol made people's thinking dull, and Qiao Huaiyao looked at him blankly.

It seems to be thinking, if you don't call him brother, what should you call him

what is it Brother

Or... Boge

Qiao Huaiyao drank the rest of the red wine slowly, not knowing what he was thinking.

He pursed his lips and tilted his head, "Brother." He asked softly, "What for?"

Bai Jinyan kissed the red wine on his lips, and whispered something in his ear.

Qiao Huaiyao slowly opened his eyes wide, his lips parted slightly, his expression slightly astonished.

"Old... hmm?"

The voice stopped abruptly, and Bai Jinyan kissed him forcefully.

Taking the mobile phone from the side, Bai Jinyan directly muted the phone and left it aside after a few operations, picked up the drunk Qiao Huaiyao and walked into the bedroom.

With a bang, the bedroom door was locked.

A few rose petals left at the door of the bedroom were blown up by the wind when the door was closed.

After a few weeks of swinging in the air, it fell lightly.

on Weibo.

Zero refresh push.

Bai Jinyan, who hadn't appeared on Weibo for a long time, posted a Weibo with pictures.

In the picture, the fingers of the two hands are intertwined, and the shooting angle is tricky. The diamond ring on the ring finger shines brightly under the dazzling light.

Bai Jinyan V: [@谢怀远. Happy new year baby.]

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