Without showing any emotion: President, please get out

Chapter 1: Telephone service


The northern part of City A is a development zone, where the country's only star-rated hotel with a building height of one star is being built. It is designed by a famous foreign designer and is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year after next.

In mid-May, the sun is already scorching.

Qi jumped off the bicycle early and took out a briefcase from her bag. At the same time, a woman in her thirties came hurriedly.

"Zao Zao, look at my bad memory—" The woman took the document Qi Zao Zao handed over and let out a long sigh, then said: "I was really scared just now. If you hadn't helped me, I would definitely be fired today."

"That serious?"

"You don't know, our president just flew back from the United States today. Our company has already started preparing, and we can't make any mistakes today. Hey, I'll talk to you when I get back. There's a call, I'll go over first..."

Qi waved his hand early.

After a while, the phone in my bag suddenly rang. It was an unfamiliar number transferred from work.

Qi Zao Zao immediately looked around and ran to a distance. There was a previously abandoned parking lot that had not been under construction yet.

Sister Liu is an employee of EMC International, belonging to the Finance Department. Today, almost everyone related to their company has arrived at the development zone in the north city, but it seems that no one will come out for the time being.

Qi went to the abandoned parking lot early, took two deep breaths, and answered the phone.

"Sweetheart?" A man's voice came from the other end of the line.

"Hi sir, I'm sweetheart." As she answered the phone, Qi Zaozao raised a soft and charming smile on her face.

She has a sweet voice and when she is sexy, she is exactly the type that men like most.

Can make men unable to stop.

There was a strange man on the other end of the phone. To put it simply, Qi Zaozao's current job was to provide erotic phone service!

"My hand is on your chest... Well, then... then... slowly slide down to your lower abdomen. My hand is very cold... and then down. Haha, I know you want it very much, but I'm not in a hurry..."

"Ah, you feel it, my hands are very cold, mmm mmm, don't say that, I'm shy, mmm mmm, you can go slower, mmm mmm-"

The huge parking lot had long been abandoned, with a bunch of messy things from the construction site piled up inside.

The slender fingers were as white as jade, and the nails were carefully trimmed. Between the index finger and the middle finger was a cigarette that was almost finished.

He put out his cigarette and stood up. The voice beside him was not loud, but it was clear to my ears, "Don't do this, I'm so shy, really, is that ok?"

"Well, goodbye sir—"

Qi had just hung up the phone and was about to let out a long sigh when she felt a chill on her back. It was a bad premonition. She turned around slowly and immediately saw a figure standing in the dark.

I can't see clearly because of the dim light.


Qi Zao Zao screamed subconsciously, as if she had seen a ghost in broad daylight.

The phone in her hand fell to the ground and she was dumbfounded.

The man raised his brow.

"come out!"

The slender legs took a step forward, but did not come out of the darkness. Qi Zao Zao's heartbeat quickened, and he shouted again, "What are you doing sneaking around?!"

"What do you want to do???" The other party didn't say anything, Qi Zao Zao said sternly. (To be continued)

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