Without showing any emotion: President, please get out

Chapter 108: A strange man


Pei Yifei quickly shifted his gaze, as if he was looking for Qi Zaozao. Qi Zaozao just came out of the kitchen and glared at him. Then, Pei Yifei smiled. He looked very good when he smiled, at least he was much more approachable than a cold person.

Those sparkling eyes were more like two black pearls. Seeing him smile like that, Qi Zao Zao was unhappy and seemed to say with his lips: "What are you laughing at?"

Qi Lexue saw the little interaction between the two, and she smiled slightly, feeling a little envious. Although Qi Zaozao had not admitted it yet, her subtle coquettish look had already made it clear, and Pei Yifei's smile had also made it clear that the two of them were just in a period of adjustment.

Maybe after a while, the two of them will return to the days before, no, they will be happier than before, with two children...

Qi Lexue felt a little bitter in her heart. In fact, she also hoped that there would be such a man to love her. She had waited for five years and still did not give up. Although she said that she hated him, she was still waiting.

But, where is there a second Pei Yifei

There is no second Pei Yifei. There are too few men like him who have the same background, looks, money and affection.

Thinking of this, Qi Lexue couldn't help but sigh. Before she knew it, she was almost thirty years old.

But look at the troubles she has now. There are just a bunch of them, and it's nothing but troubles.

After dinner, Pei Yifei went to the study to work. Qi Zaozao also talked with Qi Lexue for a while. It was almost time for her to go and give Xiaoxuanxuan and Xiaolele a bath. The two little guys were very happy today, so they were particularly noisy and spilled water all over Qi Zaozao.

I finally dealt with these two little guys, and time passed slowly.

It was already around nine or ten o'clock in the evening. After the two little ones fell asleep, Qi Zao had already tidied up the guest room for Qi Lexue to sleep in.

After she was done, she went to call Qi Lexue to take a shower, but she had already fallen asleep on the sofa with a hint of sadness between her brows. She felt uneasy even when she was sleeping.

Qi sighed early, "Sister?"

Qi Lexue woke up quietly and looked at Qi Zaozao with sleepy eyes.

"I have tidied the guest room. Go to bed, sister. I'll put the clothes on the bed. Come to Xuanxuan's room to find me anytime."

"Well, you should go to bed too. I understand."

After Qi Lexue went to the guest room, Qi Zao also went to bed. He was very sleepy and fell asleep in just a few minutes. However, he was woken up not long after.

Qi woke up early and found herself being picked up. She almost screamed, but Pei Yifei hushed and looked at the two children on the bed.

Qi Zaozao glared at him fiercely, and her eyes seemed to be saying, what on earth do you want to do

He smiled wickedly, with an ambiguous expression, as if to say, what do you think you are going to do tonight

Without waiting for Qi Zaozao to resist, Pei Yifei carried her out and went straight to the master bedroom. Before Qi Zaozao could react, Pei Yifei threw her onto the soft big bed.

She exclaimed softly.

"Pei Yifei, are you possessed by a nymphomaniac?"

Pei Yifei touched his chin and said, "I just wanted to chat with you. I couldn't sleep. You are overthinking it. Your thoughts are not pure."

“…” Qi Zaozao.

She really wanted to throw the pillow at his head. Her actions were faster than her thoughts. She had already thrown the pillow, but Pei Yifei caught it immediately. Then he pounced on her, pushed Qi Zaozao down, and didn't give her a chance to speak. He directly sealed her lips.


Pei Yifei touched her all over, clamped her moving legs with his legs, and put one hand in her in a very dishonest way.

In a short while, Qi Zao Zao's breathing became rapid. Her body was the most sensitive, and she twisted and turned, making Pei Yifei's blood boil even more.

"No!" She had just finished speaking when he came in.

Both of them groaned. Pei Yifei was very anxious this time and could no longer hold back.

Qi Lexue hadn't fallen asleep yet. She wanted to get a glass of water, but she paused.

The master bedroom was not closed tightly, and light was pouring out from inside, along with that blushing and heart-pounding sound.

Qi Lexue is an experienced person, but when she heard Qi Zaozao's seductive voice, she couldn't help but blush slightly.

I have to say that Qi Zaozao's voice is very nice, soft and crisp. When it stays in the ears, it's like honey flowing into the heart.

Qi Lexue did not return to the room immediately, but stood there motionless for a long time, until she heard the sound of the end, she was ready to retreat, but -

Pei Yifei's fighting ability was very strong, and it didn't take long before he heard Qi Zaozao begging for mercy.

And Qi Lexue...

She returned to her room with a blushing face. Looking at the deserted room and thinking about what had just happened, her hand touched the front of her.

As she was imagining, her other hand reached into her pajamas and a soft moan flowed out.

Qi Zaozao couldn't make any big noise. Now there were not only Xiaoxuanxuan and Xiaolele in the apartment, but also Qi Lexue. The two children didn't understand, but Qi Lexue did, so she simply let Pei Yifei toss her around, because the more she resisted, the more excited Pei Yifei became. She had no strength left in her body, and in the end she didn't know how she fainted.

Pei Yifei felt comfortable. He held the little woman in his arms, looked at her closed eyes, kissed them, then picked up the unconscious Qi Zao Zao and went to the bathroom in the room to wash her.

The next morning.

Today is Saturday. Qi Zao almost forgot it and woke up early in the morning. However, he was too tired last night. Thinking that today is Saturday, he went back to sleep.

I slept until nine o'clock in the morning.

"You woke up early, go wash up and have breakfast."

Qi Zao Zao rubbed her eyes. Xiao Xuanxuan and Xiao Lele were sitting at the dining table eating breakfast. When they saw Qi Zao Zao, they suddenly said, "Mommy is a lazy bug!"

Xiao Lele also laughed.

Qi Zao Zao smiled, walked over, and ruffled Xiao Xuanxuan's hair, "You are allowed to sleep in, but Mommy is not allowed to sleep in?"

"Big lazy bum!" Qi Lexue was also laughing, but suddenly said, "Pei Yifei just had breakfast. He was the one who told us not to wake you up. He went out after breakfast and said he had something to tell you."

Qi Zao Zao pouted and muttered, "Tell me what, it's none of my business!"

Qi Lexue smiled and said, "Okay, go wash up, it's almost cold."

Qi Lexue doesn't go to work on weekends, so Qi Zaozao thinks that she should not go back to live there for the time being, or wait until the man gives up before going back, otherwise it will be unsafe.'

Qi Lexue had no objection, but she also had to go get some clean clothes.

Qi planned to go out early, take Xiao Lele and Xiao Xuanxuan shopping, and then accompany Qi Lexue back home.

There were a lot of people on the streets on Saturday. Xiaoxuanxuan and Xiaolele were very noisy. Qi Zaozao was also very happy to see Xiaolele's face smiling more. Time passed quickly. After lunch at two o'clock, Qi Zaozao took Xiaoxuanxuan and Xiaolele to accompany Qi Lexue back home.

If what happened next hadn't affected Qi Zaozao's mood, she would have been very happy today.

"Sister, the location of the house you rented is quite good."

Qi Lexue smiled and just walked out of the elevator, at this moment, a figure suddenly pounced on her. Qi Zaozao subconsciously protected the two children first, and before she could react, she saw Qi Lexue being pressed against the wall.

When Qi Zao Zao came to his senses, he quickly covered the eyes of a child with one hand and said, "Close your eyes first!"


Xiaoxuanxuan and Xiaolele are very obedient.

"What are you doing!?" Qi Zao Zao suddenly shouted.

The strange man suddenly hugged Qi Lexue and kissed her hard.

Qi Lexue was struggling, but the man was very strong. Qi Zaozao didn't know where she got the courage from, but she took the shiny leather bag she brought with her and smashed it on the man's head.

"Get out of here! Believe it or not, I'm calling the police!"

"It's you who should get out of here!" The man stretched out his hand and suddenly pushed Qi Zaozao away. Qi Zaozao was almost pushed to the ground. Xiaoxuanxuan and Xiaolele heard the noise, opened their eyes immediately and supported Qi Zaozao.

Qi Lexue also took the opportunity to struggle away at this time, and kicked the man's thigh, "Zhang Heng, what on earth do you want to do!"

Zhang Heng

This man is my sister's...

It was this man. He looked pretty good, clean, and tall, but I didn't expect...

"Xue'er, please give me another chance. I know I was wrong. I will cherish you!"

"Go away!" Qi Lexue looked away.

"Xue'er, can you give me another chance? I have no contact with that woman anymore, and I can't live without you!"

Qi Zaozao's eyes widened when she heard this. He couldn't live without her, so why was he having affairs outside

Qi Lexue pursed her lips, then looked directly into Zhang Heng's eyes, "You always say that, but today you have no contact with this woman, and tomorrow it's another woman. You said you can't live without me, but we've only been together for such a short time..."

"Xue'er, I love you!"

Qi Lexue pushed him away, "I don't want to see you anymore!"

Qi Zao Zao grabbed her two children and looked at the man warily, "You'd better leave, or I'll call the police!"

"Call the police? Who are you!?"

"I'm her sister!"

Zhang Heng was disdainful. "Even if you are Xue'er's sister, you have no right to interfere in my affairs!"

Qi Zaozao's eyes suddenly widened.

Xiao Xuanxuan said, "My mommy is not qualified, so what qualifications do you have? You are not even my aunt's husband!!!"

Xiao Lele took out his cell phone from his pocket, looked up at Qi Zaozao, and said, "I'll call 110."

Qi Zaozao was stunned for a moment. Well, her two children both have their own strengths.

The man was obviously unhappy, but Qi Lexue held his hand tightly, "I don't want to hear anything now, go back first, I will contact you when I want to see you, and then we can talk it out."

Although the man was unwilling, he still listened to Qi Lexue's words, but he glared at Qi Zaozao when he left.

"What a weird man!" (To be continued)