Without showing any emotion: President, please get out

Chapter 134: Don't appear in front of me anymore


After Pei Qiwei left the ward where she was, Qi Zao Zao covered her face with her hands, tears falling from between her fingers.

Qi Zaozao, aren’t you very satisfied with this result

He forgets you, and then all the past will be erased, and it will be as if you had never been in his life. Isn't this what you want

But why do I feel so much pain in my heart

He has forgotten you, but you still remember him deeply and hate him!

When Lin Mobai rushed to the hospital, Pei Qiwei stopped him. Lin Mobai was stunned, "What's the matter?" He knew that she was Pei Yifei's sister.

"I have something to tell you."

Pei Qiwei was very calm.

Lin Mobai was very surprised. What did Pei Qiwei want to say to him? Was it to ask him not to get involved in Qi Zaozao and Pei Yifei's marriage

However, on the contrary, Pei Qiwei did not let Lin Mobai leave Qi Zaozao, but said: "I have been thinking about it for a long time these days, and I plan to let Yifei and Zaozao divorce. Yifei has lost his memory now, this may be an opportunity. I have talked to Zaozao before, and she agreed..."

"you mean?"

"I will erase all traces of Qi Zaozao's presence in Yifei's life. We will divorce and give the child to Zaozao. I will take care of the rest."

Lin Mobai was stunned, but he reacted and said immediately: "But don't you think this is unfair to Pei Yifei? If..."

"What is fairness? You shouldn't say that. Don't you like Qi Zaozao?"

"… "

"I like early mornings, but..."

"That's all. Take good care of her and the child in the future. This result is the best outcome for both Yifei and Zao Zao. Do you still want to watch them torture each other?"

Pei Qiwei also felt very tired and rubbed her eyebrows.

She was tired as a bystander, let alone two people.

"Yifei will definitely not let go, and Zao Zao will never forgive Yifei. If the two of them continue like this, not only will they be sad, but the child will also be sad. A short pain is worse than a long one. You... take good care of Zao Zao..."

Lin Mobai didn't know what to say. Pei Qiwei was too calm and too rational. Such a result was something Lin Mobai had never thought of. While Pei Yifei was losing his memory, he erased the traces left by Qi Zao Zao. The relationship between the two was dissolved. If one day...

"What if Pei Yifei regains his memory one day?"

"When she recovered her memory, she had already married another man." Pei Qiwei looked into Lin Mobai's eyes and said slowly.

Lin Mobai was shocked. He really didn't understand...

"Do you hate Zao Zao a little bit?"

Lin Mobai thought about it and asked.

Pei Qiwei suddenly smiled, "Why should I hate her? I just found the best way to solve the problem. As a woman, I understand Zao Zao's thoughts. She has a strong temper. If she were a little weaker, maybe I wouldn't use this method to solve the problem."

"I see… "

If Qi Zaozao had a softer personality, Pei Qiwei would have tried every means to reconcile the two of them, but Qi Zaozao was too strong-willed. The fact that the man she loved slept with her sister was a hurdle that she could never cross in her life.

So there is no need.

Staying together will only hurt each other, so it’s better to let go.

"Zao Zao is a good girl. If you are destined to be with her, then cherish her..."

"I know… "

Lin Mobai nodded slightly to Pei Qiwei, and then went to Qi Zaozao's ward.

Pei Qiwei stood there, rubbing her eyebrows constantly, looking very tired. She didn't know whether this decision was right or wrong, but this decision was the best result.

Maybe, I won’t hate myself when I think about it later, but…

Pei Qiwei didn't notice the figure that flashed by behind her.

Pei Qiwei walked towards Pei Yifei's room. As soon as she opened the door, she saw a figure. Pei Qiwei was stunned. Qi Lexue also turned to look at Pei Qiwei at this time. Qi Lexue's expression seemed a little embarrassed and a little weak. She was originally an elegant Jiangnan woman. She was very beautiful and had a temperament like orchid. She looked at Pei Qiwei with her bright eyes.

Pei Qiwei was stunned, and it took her a moment to react, and she scolded, "What are you doing here?"

She was not a man, so that expression was useless to her. Besides, Pei Qiwei had a strong personality to begin with, and now she had a stern face and spoke in a low voice.

"Sister Qiwei, I just..."

"What did you call me?"

Qi Lexue bit her lip, "I just want to see him."

"Now that you've been seen, you can leave. Also, don't appear in front of Yifei again!"

Qi Lexue's face was pale.

Pei Qiwei hates this kind of woman the most. It takes two to tango. If she didn't have bad intentions, would she go to bed with Pei Yifei

Acting pitiful in front of her now? Do you really think she's stupid

"I know it's all my fault, but I didn't want to..."

"Get out, you are not welcome here. If you don't leave, I will call security!"

"… "

I can't communicate with Pei Qiwei at all. Pei Qiwei is even more difficult to communicate with than Shen Xiaofei.

Qi Lexue just glanced at Pei Yifei and went out, but she did not leave the hospital. Instead, she went to the ward where Qi Zaozao was.

Lin Mobai just walked out and was stunned when he saw Qi Lexue. He didn't know Qi Lexue and asked, "Who are you..."

Qi Lexue knew Lin Mobai, but ignored him and walked past him and into the ward.

The moment Qi Lexue walked into the ward, Qi Zaozao raised her eyes, and their eyes met. When their eyes met, Qi Zaozao's expression suddenly changed.

But he didn't say anything.

Qi Lexue walked to the bed and sat down.

Lin Mobai was about to speak, but when he saw the expressions of the two people, he suddenly guessed a possibility. However, he did not walk far away, but stood outside the door. If Qi Lexue said anything to provoke Qi Zaozao, he must kick her out immediately!

"Zao Zao, I heard you were injured and I was worried..."

Qi Zao Zao didn't say anything.

He lowered his eyes and didn't look at her.

"Are you still mad at me?"

"What do you think?"

Qi Zao Zao replied indifferently.

Qi Lexue's eyes welled up with tears, "Zao Zao, this is all my fault. I know I'm sorry for you, but I really didn't mean it..."

"If you didn't mean it, can I forgive you? I forgave you and saved you, but who will save me? Didn't I say it last time? I don't want to see you again..."

"Zao Zao, we are sisters. I can't live without a younger sister like you..." Qi Lexue grabbed Qi Zao Zao's hand.

Qi Zao Zao's eyes also turned red, and she shook off her hand, "It's too late to talk about this now!"

But Qi Lexue did not give up. She held Qi Zaozao's hand tightly, and her nails dug into the flesh on the back of her hand. However, Qi Zaozao was a little excited at this time and did not notice it.

"You really can't forgive me?"

"Go away, and don't show up in front of me anymore..."

Qi Lexue then let go of her hands and covered her lips. She stood up, choking and crying. She looked very fragile, and this fragility reminded Qi Zao Zao of Pei Ruohan, and she felt very uncomfortable.

She turned her head away.

Seeing this, Qi Lexue had no choice but to run out crying.

Lin Mobai then walked in, sat where Qi Lexue had just sat, and said slowly: "Is that her?"

"Yeah, my sister."

Lin Mobai moved his lips and wanted to say something, but didn't say it. However, when he looked down, he saw marks on Qi Zaozao's hands, red marks, as if they were pinched by fingernails.

"What's wrong?"

Qi Zao Zao looked at his hands, just stunned.

After her condition improved, she planned to be discharged from the hospital, but Pei Yifei had to stay in the hospital for observation for a period of time. After Qi Zaozao said those words to Pei Qiwei, her ward was changed to a farther place.

"Are we really going to do this?" Shen Xiaofei was obviously shocked after hearing the news.

Qi Zao Zao nodded, with a forced smile on his face, "This is the best outcome for both of us."

"What if Pei Yifei remembers it?" Shen Xiaofei raised his voice.

"If he remembers..." Qi Zaozao paused, "We've already divorced."

"But… "

Shen Xiaofei was still shocked. Was it solved like this? ?

Qi Zao Zao forced a smile and said, "Isn't this great?"

"What a joke! You were in so much pain, but he completely forgot about it!"

"It doesn't matter!"

Shen Xiaofei rolled his eyes, then sighed heavily, "Okay, okay, I get it, I understand what you mean, but it's still unfair to you!"

"What's unfair? I have two children..."

"What about the two children? They must be missing their daddy..."

"This..." Qi Zaozao paused.

During the two days when she changed the ward, Pei Qiwei came several times. She planned to go to work at Pei Yifei's company in City A, and then let Pei Yifei go to the United States. Probably, Pei Yifei will stay there for quite a while. Generally speaking, she takes one step at a time.

She knew that this was unfair to the children, especially Lele, who had been with Pei Yifei since he was a child, but what else could she do

She also knew she was selfish.

"Then find an opportunity to have a good talk with the two children, eh..."

Qi nodded early.

Shen Xiaofei moved closer and held Qi Zaozao's hand. "No matter what, it's your decision. You have to live a good life in the future and make yourself happier, okay?"


"Don't let your imagination run wild. By the way, Qi Lexue hasn't been here before?"

"I came once..."

"Let's not meet again. You've done what you should do. She treated you like this, and there will be no good reward in the future..."

Qi Zao Zao nodded slightly, "I understand..." (To be continued)